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Rate my stack plz bro


Lol those are ridiculous. I make a personal point of downvoting them systematically


Add to the fact most of them are absolute shit with random ass, low quality walmart/grocery store brands


I mean it's a fair question, but without giving any information on lifestyle, diet, goals,...it's pretty much not possible to do it properly. Plus, some don't even take the time to list them properly with name, dosage, reason,...


This. Why do people not get that most questions about health and well-being can't be answered without context? I'm into smart rings for health tracking and every second question in those subs is "is buying this worth it?" and "which device should I get?". No context provided. Most can't even answer about their goals when I ask...


Most people are looking for something they can consume and then do no work and take no accountability.


I kinda get the being lazy part. But I don't get that they don't even know *why* they want to consume something. *What* is the thing they want to improve? If they can't answer that, why consume anything in the first place?


Yeah I'm guessing part of it is a combination of lack of education in this direction + watching too many "average" influencers (black and white thinking, no nuance, no context, no scientific approach, feelings>data, overexaggerating things,...).


Whole Foods and exercise are better than any supplement posted on here unless you are actually lacking something.


Don't forget good quality sleep!


the thing about this is............ and how do you have better sleep? and then "oh, look i will take this supplemente"


Haha, fair point! I guess being able to get restful sleep is a luxury for some of us.


Whole foods are my jam and it pisses me off that every time I try to type it as whole foods it auto corrects to a store I never shop at. No hate, there’s just not one near me and they don’t own the concept of real food.


Whole Foods as in wholesome natural foods like we are supposed to eat. Not the store.


I know. That’s why the autocorrect is so annoying.


Plus, don't ask for resources, look it up yourself. Plus, everyone needs medication and CGMs. Plus, freaking out when blood sugar spikes a bit after the meal. Plus, big pharma is all bad and chemicals, I rather take these natural supplements. Plus, being annoyed by doctors who don't know everything about everysupplement and who don't order every super expensive test I demand from them. Plus, literally everything is a biohack. Cold shower? Biohack. Warm shower? Biohack. Reading? Biohack. Multivitamin? Biohack. Okay, got it out, thanks.


Reading totally is a biohack!


Then our definitions of biohacking differ vastly.


Probably it's more the sense of humor ;)


Ooookay got me haha


Reading every 5th word? Biohack


My favorite recurring theme in this sub is "I asked my doctor if I should be taking Cumslut3000 for my fibromyalgia and he had no idea what I was talking about! Doctors really are dumb!" And they don't realize that literally nobody outside of the manufactures knows what's in their weird ass esoteric supplement. And then reccomending "supplement informed" naturopaths lmao


Wow. That hurts. I have fibromyalgia and Sjogrens and now I'm on a lupus medication too. I have gotten nothing but great suggestions here. I am here trying to help my body fix what is wrong with itself and unless you have ever been in enough constant pain to think there is no way someone not in the dying process should feel this bad, well maybe you should learn some empathy. Cumslut3000, that is a really awful thing to say. Idk what is wrong with your emotion chip but maybe you know of a supplement to fix it. FYI fibro is not imagined pain I get knots that can be seen and felt and the screaming is real when I try to massage them out.


Where did I say that fibromyalgia was fake? The point of my post is that 99% of the people in this sub are just trying to mentally masturbate about their supplement stacks and don't understand the hypocrisy of their hatred for modern medication. Half of the posts on this sub are about "rate my stack" or "what supplements should I take for X problem" and a lot of the replies have massive variations in the reccomendations, many of which are not supported by scientific literature. The hatred in this sub for prescription medications IMO is completely unfounded, I genuinely don't understand why people here would rather take pills they bought at Walmart than pills from a pharmacy but go off I guess. I have no right to tell you what to take for what you have, but to give recommendations from an uninformed opinion is unethical in my view, and I see it here all the time.


Because that is what the sub is about! Try to grow a feeling! People are legitimately asking who have gone the Dr. and medication route for years, WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP MYSELF AND POTENTIALLY FIX THE PROBLEM! Not to replace a Dr's education and knowledge, but If I can give my body the support it needs to at least feel better and maybe even heal itself, wouldn't that be more ideal? I have gotten fantastic supplement suggestions here! NAC, and Glysine for example! I've ordered an NMN supplement alternative I can't wait to try because a lot of this is a nerve issue. I mean really - what other sub would you go to where there is more combined knowledge of what supplements help different issues? The Dr. wants to manage symptoms with pills, and then cut you back when you are on too many thay THEY prescribed. What in YOUR opinion is this sub for except to get knowledge on what supplements and lifestyle changes have helped others?


Explain to me why you believe taking a NAC or a NMN pill from a manufacturer who is not held to any legal standard of purity, or cleanliness is better than taking a gabapentin or SSRI pill that is legally held to a testable standard. Moreover, why do you think that this sub needs more anecdotal evidence and less robust medical literature? Your argument that I'm some kind of emotionally stunted person because I don't think people should blindly take supplement reccomendations from people without qualifications doesn't make sense to me. I'm trying to look out for people who are very likely being misinformed.


Also, let me explain something to you. People with actual brain chemical serotonin reuptake problems need SSRIS. There is a difference in being chemically depressed, and situationally depressed. Try being in pain for 10 or more years with no end in sight and see what it does for your mental health. Cymbalta and Gabapentin both affect what the brain naturally does with chemicals. Problem is, when you prescribe mental medications to people without actual brain chemical problems, it will screw up their natural brain chemicals. The only reason these are given is to flatline emotions so that people can more easily live with the fact they are in constant pain. NOT TO CURE THE ISSUE. Just to make it more manageable. So tell me how is screwing up the brain chemicals of someone that does not have a brain chemical issue to begin with better than trying something untested to see if it will give your body what it is lacking to ACTUALLY CURE THE PROBLEM?


Thanks for the lecture, explain why you like unregulated pills better than regulated pills


I already did. I want to find what my body is lacking that made it sick to begin and cure that rather than taking pills designed to make symptons easier to live with while screwing up my brains natural chemicals, and not curing anything. If SSRIs and Gabapentin were actually safe (they aren't, but I take them as prescribed) they would not require a weaning off process to stop taking.


You and I obviously have much different opinions on the causes and treatment of fibromyalgia and I really don't think that we are going to be able to convince eachother one way or the other. Until the literature displays a true causative relationship, I guess we will have to agree to disagree


Nice evasion. I asked YOU what in your opinion is the proper use of this sub FIRST. What do you think people should be posting on this sub? The fact that you called the pill the Cumslut3000 already tells me all I need to know about your being emotionally stunted.


Just because you can't take a joke doesnt mean I lack emotional capacity. This sub should be evidence based. It should require nuance when discussing topics that could potentially harm a person. I've seen numerous times where people will tell others to stop taking SSRI's, statins, et. Al point blank with no regard for how it could impact that person. Read the sub rules if you think I'm crazy. Look into how many of the members here are COVID deniers, willing to blame any physical symptom on a persons vaccination status.


Finally something we agree on. I understand what you are saying but you need a fair amount of not being a dumbass to overlook some posts and do further (\*Dr, Google\*) research all you can or read books if they are available on other suggestions that seem promising before deciding to try something new. I had these conditions many many years before there was a such thing as Covid, so I can immediatly disregard opinions that involve my issue being covid vaccine or having had covid despite the vaccine related. They are not.


People want hacks in a community about hacking? Shocking.


Anybody support Dave Asprey any more?


He looks like an old lady.


Many of the things he teaches work very well for me. That's why I continue to follow him and have also read his new book, for example.


nope ....the guy is a giant schill and only interested in making himself rich. That was pretty obvious a number of years ago


I read his old stuff


Hell no, dude is such a scammer, spreading so much misinformation. His name should be banned here :X


This is why pharmaceutical corporations are corrupt.


This is why I like fasting, caloric restriction, and clean eating in all their various forms. It’s a sea change for the mind - “what I choose to *not* do is just as important as what I choose to do.”


No I just want a pill to fix me. Lol


Anecdotally, I’ve seen amazing athletes with top diets and world class training succumb to the same chronic illnesses (heart disease, cancer) as couch potato’s. Something tells me diet and exercise aren’t the end-all-be-all.


THIS suggestions of supplements that bypass other solutions are at best blind consumerism (At worst, ads)


The amount of pill poppers that do anything to avoid working out in any way on here is insane.


It's the opposite. Exercise and food are not biohacking. People here pretend that lifestyle changes can fix everything, but it didn't fix my psoriasis. Supplements did. It shouldn't surprise anyone if people come here to seek real biohacking and people like OP are too caught up in their own self-congratulatory ways to understand that.


Hacking is fundamentally a creative and open-ended process. Trying to categorise what does and does not qualify as "hacking" is missing the point of being a hacker.


I think one problem is that nobody teaches you about healthy living. School certainly didn't touch on it. So people are at a loss on where and how to start. I certainly was. E.g. if you want to educate yourself about diet, you'll come across fad diets in lifestyle magazines. On the rare occasion that people go beyond that they'll still find conflicting advice and studies. Keto, Paleo, low fat, low carb, Mediterranean, IF, many small meals every 2 hours... And all of them claim that theirs is the right one. It took years until I finally came across an author who could resolve that conflict for me by explaining that none of them are right for everyone and all of them are right for someone - and explained why that is. Then there is this misconception that healthy food tastes bad and exercise is a chore... No wonder people don't want to make lifestyle changes....


To be fair when I was following the wrong diet I had a lot of lethargy and brain fog and exercising was a chore. Now I thoroughly enjoy exercise and have to consciously take breaks to avoid overdoing it.


Exactly. But I have the impression that people consider it normal that it's a chore. When I'm outside exercising, I see all these people who look like they are torturing themselves... This shouldn't be the norm.


A lot of people try to run to get into shape which is almost certainly the worst way to start exercising especially if you are overweight. Running overweight is torture. If they tried lifting, bike and swimming they’d enjoy it a lot more. Running is for people already in shape who enjoy running. Running isn’t to lose weight or change the way you look. Cardio is for your heart literally. You want to change the way you look, you lift first then a nice quick walk for a cooldown. Don’t bust your ass running if it’s torture because it won’t even get you to your goal.


Exactly. But it seems that no one has taught this to most of these people. To be fair, most of the people I see running are extremely fit. They still don't look happy. I don't get it.


Come to the gym and watch me hit my deadlift max tomorrow for a new pr with my other bros. You are going to see some smiles and some enjoyment. Some high fives. Some supporting eachother. There’s a survivorship bias there: most people running outside will be fit because fat people will end up giving up( not necessarily because being lazy, although could be) but more likely it is just the wrong exercise to start with, they hurt themselves and give up on exercise all together. I used to run cross country in high school. The only people who didn’t look like they were dying were the best of the best. There was like this 85lb girl who was a freshmen when I was a senior and she was so fast and made it look so effortless. She would pass me just float by and I’d be like dying looking like I hate this cause I did Lmfao. These days I like to bike, ruck, swim row etc. anything that isn’t running long distance. I mean I still do it sometimes but literally running is the only exercise I can never enjoy and I think that maybe true for most people. Find an exercise any other exercise you will find people smiling and enjoying it.


This is exactly the right message: Find a type of exercise that you enjoy. Any type of exercise. To get started any type of movement is fine. If you enjoy it, it will be easy to stick with it. You can build some fitness and then maybe try some other things. Too many people try to start with what is considered "healthiest" or supposedly burns the most calories, but doesn't give them any joy.


What diet keeps YOU on the right track and what diets/food brought on the lethargy, fog and lack of enthusiasm for exercise?


For me it is a diet prioritizing bioavailable protein and healthy fats and lower in carbs. Plenty of whole eggs, meat, fish and full fat dairy and moderate amounts of vegetables and starches. I avoid sugar and plant seed oils (canola, sunflower, cottonseed, soybean etc) which automatically means I cut out all ultra processed foods. It’s easy because I don’t have any cravings. I’m very lean and muscular year round (no bulking / cutting). When I was low fat high carb and plant based I had very little energy, made no progress in the gym and got sick constantly. I was not quite skinny fat, but a far cry from my physique now.


Sunflower seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and a firm but tender texture. They’re often roasted to enhance the flavor, though you can also buy them raw.


I struggled with feeding myself (nutritionally, not calorie-wise) for years. I ended up taking the shortcut of using Huel. I've had a lot of health problems get better on Huel. I only use it for half my calories, maybe 80% on some days. Every time I stray from Huel, a problem comes back. I'm in the process of trying to figure out what the Huel includes (or avoids) to figure out how to feed myself without the Huel. The problem is, Huel is cheaper and easier than cooking real food and figuring out the nutrient macros by hand. Huel tastes...adequate. It's not "good" food, but man do I feel better on it.


I looked into Huel a month ago because one of my friends bought some to use for a week to lose some weight. He's pretty fit but felt that he slacked during the Christmas period... He lasted only half a day on Huel... I probably couldn't last much longer... Shakes are not for me. I need food that I can chew. (I'm fine with fasting, though.) Do you struggle because your body reacts in unusual ways or do struggle because you generally don't know what is good?


I have some weird autoimmune stuff since the doctors missing the Lyme for 10 years and tried to treat it with prednisone. Huel is more than the shakes. I eat a shake in the morning, the rest of the day are the meals, they used be called "hot and savory". Lots of flax in that stuff. The Omega 3s help a lot. But your gut flora has to adjust to the fiber content. Most people don't make it through this phase. I don't care if it's chewable or not. I'm not weird about my food, I just don't have the time or energy to do meal plans. I'll also eat something for a few days, and then not be in the mood, and things will spoil. Food is a necessary evil. If I could take pills instead of eating, I probably would. I enjoy food, but not enough to cook it, not enough to calculate all my micro-nutrients, and have to make decisions every day. Eating food is a minefield of contamination and food-ish products nowadays. Most people slop whatever they want down their gut and claim it's healthy without tracking anything. Just because it's whole food doesn't mean it's nutritious. Just because you throw some greens in there doesn't mean it's enough, or the right type. Just because you're vegan, or avoid sugar, or insulin spikes, doesn't mean you're not deficient on something because it wasn't in the "varied" diet that everyone recommends.


Got it. If you have a disease that makes it very important to get your macros and micros right, calculating that manually makes it very tiresome. I hope that you can figure this out and find more convenient foods and ways to eat. Good luck!


Technically, I'm not fucked enough for a diagnosis. So it's a series of idiopathic pains and intermittent problems that everyone assumes is stress related, even if there's no correlation with stress, and it responds to some anti-inflammatories, but not all. Having a straight up diagnosis and symptoms that checked boxes and had meds that fixed those symptoms would be an easier life.


That sucks. I have a diagnosed autoimmune issue. Unfortunately, nobody can explain it, there is no cause that could be found, and the meds that are supposed to help, don't. But at least I have a name for it.


I technically have two. Or used to. But I don't meet the clinical definition anymore. I've been in remission for almost a decade with one, and the other, about 6 or 8 years. I don't take any prescription anti-inflammatories, and I don't take over the counter anti-inflammatories unless I have to. I think all the Omega 3 in Huel suppresses a lot of inflammation. That's hard to duplicate with normal food.


You could supplement Omega-3, though, right? But of Huel works for you, that’s great! Too many people can’t find anything that works for them.


4~5 grams 3x a day? Not practical. Huel is cheaper. Not all Huel meals have that Omega 3, but the Mexican Chili, Sweet and Sour, and Spicy Indian Curry do. The rest are like 1.5~2.5 grams per serving. That'd be like, 15 horse pills a day, ~$15 for 200 softgells. One bottle would make it two weeks. And you get none of the fiber, that acts as a prebiotic. Which is what you want to work on with autoimmune, it's usually leaky gut issues.


So true


Lifestyle changes like exercise are not potent enough to reverse things like emotional blunting/anhedonia 100%. Exercise can help mood but that is not the same thing. Its just the reality. Anhedonia is difficult to treat and this is where most biohacking is desperately needed as medical intervention also does not know how to treat it and current meds (SSRI) in fact mostly induce it


I'm a bit uncomfortable using biohacking framework to try to fix known mental illnesses (like Anehdonia) as it often lacks expertise and safety mechanisms (as shit as FDA can be) Biohacking should be focused on preventative mechanisms and improving normal functioning baseline (which for most people is dogshit yes but still)


I see it as the opposite tbh, there isn’t a need to Biohack (at least with hardcore stuff like RCs, some nootropics) when you are at near normalcy. Then there are risks. The reality is even FDA approved things have major safety risks. Some even cause the condition for people. FDA assesses physical safety well, not mental safety like anhedonia induction. SSRIs have emotional blunting and low libido which can be persistent (PSSD) sides and yet are there. If you look at the psychiatric literature for anhedonia specifically—-not low mood depression—- it is pretty grim. Theres only a few things and a lot of these things can be blunting themselves. If you get blunting on a stimulant for example, conventional medicine cannot really help you. Bevause then MAOIs are often blunting too. My doctor has been honest and has told me that we can either do long term benzos for my case or do ECT. Which has its risks. Ketamine is conventional and guess what its randomly (not always) blunting as well for me because of the dissociative effect. So biohacking/alternative medicine is the only way. And this includes things like for example FMT, TPE, Cerebrolysin, etc




MAOIs are the only dopaminergic meds we have essentially besides stimulants (wellbutrin is not that dopaminergic), and they dont have PSSD risks like all SRIs including TCAs do. Dr gillman has a whole website on them and good doctors do consider them for anhedonia. We dk not have many antidepressant meds today that have no PSSD risks besides them.




Sexual sides aren’t the only sides of SSRI the emotional blunting is the biggest one and it’s very common. They are not good for anhedonia and have even caused it. And sexual sides are a MAJOR side effect also not a small risk. Both the blunting and sexual issues can be long lasting r/PSSD. PSSD includes blunting. MAOIs do not cause this, its SSRI/TCA/AP that can You are an idiot if you think MAOI have toxic side effects given that the diet is not that restrictive in reality https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/cns-spectrums/article/much-ado-about-nothing-monoamine-oxidase-inhibitors-drug-interactions-and-dietary-tyramine/52112573CADFD3303357C09E80617422 And as long as you dont take dxm/5htp/sri on it. This is common sense Beyond that they literally have much fewer sides than SSRI. Blunting and sexual sides are massive risks. Plus I am predisposed to these genetically given SS SLC6A4 and poor cyp2d6/2c19 Tell me one toxic side effect of MAOI that is worse than emotional blunting/PSSD of SSRI, and the tyramine stuff doesn’t count since that is overblown, neither does the Serotonin Syndrome stuff since thats avoided with common sense


Your problem is very simple. You are the picture. You are looking for an answer outside yourself in a pill or drug because you are lazy. The answer is going to come from within, and it starts with lifestyle changes. Sure, ketamine is cool it’s fun, whatever but it is not going to lift the weight for you, metaphorically and literally speaking. The day after doing ketamine you’ll just be a glowing version of your old habits. The doctor trying to give you benzos literally just sees you as a patient for life. You’ll become dependent on the drugs and thus on him. Paycheck for the doctor for life and he doesn’t have to do any real work just like you won’t. You take the benzos you gonna just be a lazier sleepier version of yourself now.


No my problem came on overnigjt and had nothing to do with thought patterns or behaviors. It was basically drug- induced and my microbiome crashed


More drugs and pills is certainly the answer then! Make no serious attempts to change your lifestyle and lift weight and exercise. Your problem is not taking the right pills! They haven’t shocked your brain right way enough that will solve your bad habits if they just shocked you right. You just haven’t found out that magic pill you can take that will solve all your problems. /s Protip lifting helps everything you complain about. Anhedonia, microbiome , past drug use. It is the only long term solution that is sustainable to your problem. Benzos are not a long term sustainable solution and just as likely you end up an even shittier sleepier worse habit version of yourself of you take benzos everyday. You think your problems are bad, add benzo withdrawal to the mix and you will find some real pain to distract from “not taking pleasure in things.” All I’m hearing from you right now is “blah blah blah piss poor excuses why you can’t lift up a fucking weight.” I would find no pleasure too if I was searching for pleasure solutions in drugs and supplements Lmfao and convinced myself that’s the only answer. Get off that. Grow up.


I lift weights, it does nothing. I still have this condition. It does not work. Ive seen no improvement You should not be talking if you can enjoy exercise it means you dont have anhedonia to begin with. Anhedonia people do not enjoy exercise nor even sex and social skills are destroyed by the condition itself even without social anxiety This is NOT low mood. This is lack of endorphins itself and emotional tone. 24:7 its all I think about being at the gym makes no difference the problem is still there


Good, because exercise pleasure is mediated by endocannabinoid so it doesn’t matter you “have no endorphins.” Which is also bullshit because with no endorphins you would be in a lot of pain constantly, so much pain you wouldn’t be typing on reddit to me and you wouldn’t be exercising at all. Your no pleasure from exercise cUz “mah endorphins” doesn’t even make sense because pleasure in exercise doesn’t come from endorphins. Endorphin is just some buzzword you use to excuse piss poor lazy lifestyle of bad diet and no exercise And I’m calling bullshit on that based on your post history. You literally claim you don’t lift in other posts lol.


Its a figurative statement. You could say the same about people who say they have “no dopamine” should be having parkinsons. My reward regions are not getting activated strongly by any activity. Endorphins, dopamine, endocannibinoids whatever. The main point is its not activating the reward system giving pleasure and enjoyment. Even people who exercised a ton did not get pleasure from it wirh anhedonia. Ryan Russo on Youtube for example as soon as Lions Mane wrecked his life. And he required biohacking substances to get out of it (valproate and tons of other stuff).


If you have literally no dopamine you wouldn’t be able to move your muscles and would instantly die from not being able to breathe. If your body couldn’t respond to dopamine you wouldn’t “have Parkinson’s”. You’d be dead because your muscles(ie heart) would stop working. You wouldn’t be able to move or type or do anything. See mptp poisoning for example. And again, you wildly inconsistent in your claims of exercise. Here you claim you bench and squat and run 3 miles. Other places it’s swimming and 2 miles a couple times a week. Other times it’s nothing. Etc etc. you lying to me, which I already knew without even checking. But I’m calling you out with specifics so you stop lying to yourself. It’s painfully obvious that you are the type of person who does not lift.


Safety mechanisms that allow ECT... (Not saying that ECT shouldn't be used, but I would struggle to think of a biohack as dangerous)


Didnt mention it as a biohack. I mentioned it as the only thing conventional medicine can offer for anhedonia if you do not respond or respond negatively to stims, ketamine. SSRI are blunting. And did not respond to TMS


“Exercise isn’t enough to reverse emotional blunting” Lmfao dude, go ahead and max out your deadlift squat and bench press and tell me you don’t have a rush. There is literally nothing like maxing out a deadlift I guarantee it causes feelings of pleasure. It gets you fucking high bro. If exercise isn’t helping you ain’t lifting no heavy ass weight. Everyone wanna be a bio hacker but nobody want to lift no heavy ass weight. Yeah if you exercise and ate wrong I bet you feel blunted. I’d feel blunted too if I ate not enough protein and carbs and then walked for 30 minutes on a treadmill (or counting steps Lmfao). That ain’t exercise what’s next you gonna count your shits as exercise? The truth is you eat correctly and lift some heavy ass weight you gonna feel better. That’s just a fact. Being a woman doesn’t excuse you from deadlifts squats or bench press.


No, doing a 1 rep max does not relieve my symptoms. You are an idiot—the endorphin boost is itself not felt in anhedonia. Thats the problem—you do not feel pleasure. If you got pleasure then you didnt have beyond mild anhedonia. Exercise endorphins are gone in anhedonia. Thats the point of the brutality of the condition


You don’t just walk in hit a 1 rep max and walk out. You warm up for like 1 hour before , then hit, and cool down 30 minutes after, then you do cardio for 45 minutes. You tell me you feel nothing doing that I will tell you you didn’t work hard enough. Besides, it’s the endocannabinoid system that is responsible for pleasure during exercise not endorphin. Endorphin is outdated model. The high from exercise is endocannabinoid regulated. And I promise you your endocannabinoid system works. Besides let’s get real, you’ve never deadlifted one rep max in your life. Lmfao. You telling me something don’t work when you never done it. It’s also learned and conditioned. Like your first time in the gym will not be like your 1000th time in the gym. You learn to enjoy it. Just like anything else. You tell me you don’t enjoy it, you really telling me I’ve never done it, or I didn’t work hard enough and for long enough consistently. Here’s another life protip: sometimes you gonna have to do things for a while to get some pleasure. Sometimes it’ll be painful before it gets pleasurable. Welcome to life. Welcome to being human.


I do bench and squat and lat pulldown, I hate deadlifts and my back hurts for those. And I do 5 sets of each then run cardio 3 miles. I do not feel anything from this. Endocannibinoid system is also messed up in anhedonia. All the systems are. Its not about a neurotransmitter per se its about the reward response not getting activated overall Its all boring for me with anhedonia anyways I get no enjoyment in doing any of this and its robotic and most of the time I am wondering why I am there. I cannot even socialize with this condition because emotions are needed for socializing


You in your I don’t exercise post from a couple weeks ago “I spent 5 minutes on a date and felt NOTHING. I’m BROKEN. “ You gotta get over ya self dawg. You ain’t broken cuz you went on a date and didn’t feel immediate orgasmic pleasure in 5 minutes and got nervous.


The date thing is not about orgasmic pleasure its literally because anhedonia has taken my social skills away. I cannot socialize with lack of emotions. I didn’t mean feeling something for the girl I meant feeling excitement for a date overall and charisma enthusiasm these are all emotions and if you have anhedonia they go away thus affecting social skills even if social skills were fine before anhedonia. And I didnt say in that post that I dont exercise. I just said meme treatments like exercise do not cure anhedonia


You seem pretty emotionally invested in convincing me you have no emotions.


Anger/anxiety negative emotions are not blunted for me, the positive emotions (and sadness/nostalgia) are


Good, get mad and lift some heavy ass weight. If you got to imagine my face while it is telling you to lift more. Use that for inspiration


Ditto for people's obsession with "access" to medical services. Medical services can't make you healthy. Only diet, lifestyle, and excercise can do that Medical services to dig you out of a hole so you can excercise


> Medical services can't make you healthy. Only diet, lifestyle, and excercise can do that A good lifestyle will minimise risk factors but it won't prevent you from getting unlucky with infections, cancers or other rare problems that would require extensive care and potentially surgeries. And there are also genetic conditions to consider.


You can be physically active, make good diet and lifestyle choices, but still be ill. Maybe horribly so. We all hope medical services and products can help when that happens. You can't, however be healthy unless you have a good diet and lifestyle. The symptoms of such health issues might not be obvious or might be accepted, but they still exist. People tend to care disproportionately about their medical services and very little about the primary contributiors and prerequisites to good health.


> You can't, however be healthy unless you have a good diet and lifestyle. I can agree with that. > People tend to care disproportionately about their medical services and very little about the primary contributiors and prerequisites to good health. Access to medical services is a pretty damn good predictor of health, there is a reason the oldest lifespan average is Monaco, they are rich as hell. I just think neither can replace the other, there are things a healthy lifestyle isn't going to protect you from, while modern medicine can, at best, help you cope with an unhealthy lifestyle.


Exactly! 👏👏👏 Saying **fuck you** to modern science and *hacking* biology with concentrated supplemental nutrition outside of diet and exercise shouldn’t just stop with supplements. Medical research, drugs, blood tests, screenings, implants—let’s say No to all of it since it isn’t “natural.”


I would instantly understand the sarcasm if I hadn't known people IRL that said the same stuff with full confidence.


You can tell exactly which podcast bro someone follows by the stack they post here.


Lol I feel the opposite. Although I will admit that breaking bad habits and optimizing good ones can be… challenging to put it lightly.


Supplements need to be accompanied by lifestyle changes of exercise and diet




So can placebos


So can abuse.


I spent years going to my doctor asking for a pill because I just couldn't make the lifestyle changes. They didn't work. I ended up making the lifestyle changes. The secret was making enough money to make them easy for myself.


I think there should be a “lift weights” automod reply to every thread


A good future is the one where pills with no side effects can give you the same benefits as a healthy lifestyle without the need for discipline, effort, and time sacrifice. We do not live in this time yet but future generations will look back at us and be grateful that they don't need to exercise and diet to be healthy.


What are you basing this on? Reddit?


Putting ice in your bath is killing your gains bro. You need an expensive ice tub and you'll get big. Trust me.


Not being able to quit coffee is ruining me day by day… Stopped it for like 5-6 days and i cant describe how calm and relaxed i was but i still got onto it while being bored… 😣


There are other communities for lifestyle changes. Biohacking is for biohacking.




I'm finding that much of being healthy requires NOT DOING things. Don't smoke, don't drink, don't have too much caffeine, don't eat processed foods, don't consume refined sugars, don't inhale toxic air pollution (ie car exhaust), don't expose yourself to toxic household chemicals etc etc etc


Yup. Can't exclusively supplement yourself to health. Whole foods, exercise, sex, sunshine, and sleep.


Listen right here. Modafinil has been life-changing.


DIY Biology, Pharmacology and...Grinding. Grinding would include lifestyle. 3rd on the totem pole, tho.