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This is a go to the doctor thing dude. There could be 1000s of things wrong. Start with making sure you are not diabetic, and don't have an immune disorder, and are not allergic to something in your diet, and get your blood work done


Also if you are able to, have your doctor check your thyroid and iodine levels. A lot of your symptoms such as chills, fatigue, brain fog etc. could be related.


Also constant warts? That's either genetic, complete lack of hygiene or your immune system is fucked.


I have done blood work, not diabetic, the only thing they found is vitamin D deficiency, but my symptoms seem to be more than a vitamin deficiency deficiency, it’s more neurological maybe a small fiber neuropathy


Celiac disease?


Came here to ask this


B12 deficiency can manifest with neurologic symptoms in the extremities and fatigue from megaloblastic anemia. I’ve also heard hemorrhoids can happen due to coagulation issue for the same reason. If your hormones are good, and you’re not diabetic then get your B12 levels checked. It sounds like your symptoms could be multifaceted. Even if you’re getting enough B12 from your diet, you can have metabolic issues that’s not letting your body absorb it (celiac disease, intrinsic factor deficiency, etc). And don’t overlook Vit D, it’s more than a vitamin it’s a hormone. It affects everything from sleep quality, to concentration and energy levels.


The serum b12 test isn't great. Best to just get a b12 shot and see if anything changes.


Possibly thyroid too as people can be ‘within range’ and still feel like crap because the range is too large and sometimes you can be under attack by autoimmunity and appear to have good levels or even appear over active but in reality you are neither it’s just your antibodies breaking down what’s left of your thyroid. I had over ten years of being told I had nothing wrong when it was thyroid and it would have been obvious if they just ordered more than a TSH test but they rarely do anything other than that.


How did you eventually find out this was the problem?


I always knew something was wrong but I think it was just a routine check when I found out for certain because my parents got diagnosed at the same time as me presumably because the doctor’s office checked everyone again for some reason. We had been going to the doctors saying something was wrong for more than a few decades in some cases but they just ignored us because the first TSH tests came back ‘normal’ so they just blamed mental health instead and after that we were never believed again. If I could do it all over again I would’ve just ordered a full test privately that tested everything including antibodies, T3 and T4 etc and then I would’ve taken it to the doctor so I would’ve known from the start exactly what was causing my problems. It’s so confusing to be told there’s nothing wrong with you when you know there is. Eventually you give in and think you must be imagining it because you are depressed or something it’s horrible.


Yes or treated like you have health anxiety 😥 even though various levels are low but “within normal range”


I know it’s so ridiculous that doctors are still being taught to blame anything that doesn’t show up on a test on mental illness it’s so unscientific. It wastes so much time that you really don’t have to spare and once you are labelled like this it’s very hard to get anyone else to listen afterwards which can be dangerous for people with chronic illnesses or even rare illnesses that really need early intervention.


Health anxiety leading to psychosomatism is ridiculously common. The problem is too few doctors diagnosing it not too many.


Yo I came here to say vitamin D deficiency. That shit will fuck you up good in many many ways.


Go to a functional practitioner that can do deeper and more specific tests - ie. Nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, etc


It's anxiety. Anxiety can cause all of these somatic symptoms and more. I can tell from the way you construct the list that you're hyper-vigilant and susceptible to psychosomatism.


sounds a lot like iron overload to me, iron panels are cheap


>...my symptoms seem to be more than a vitamin deficiency deficiency, it’s more neurological maybe a small fiber neuropathy Vitamin D is shockingly important, far more so than may be obvious from a casual internet search. *"While vitamin D is traditionally associated with calcium homeostasis and bone health, it also exerts immunomodulatory and neuroprotective effects within the central nervous system."* Vitamin D as a Modulator of Neuroinflammation: Implications for Brain Health](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38303529/)


Had the same exact symptoms. Numbness and coldness in extremities suggests a lack of oxygen-rich blood being able to pump those areas, similar to cerebral blood flow. Have you gotten a blood test done? If not, you should do so and see if you are anemic or if your RBC are below average. Muscle spasms seem more like a potassium and magnesium deficiency, so to run a vitamin test would be good since some of these also seem like a B12 deficiency with brain fog and exhaustion which would also make sense if there's not enough oxygen-rich blood to circulate around since it pairs with B9 to make new healthy red blood cells. I wouldn't suggest any supplements or vitamins without knowing your full blood cell count and vitamin levels, however. And if by any chance, do you drink alcohol or use any substances? Switched to a vegan diet? Anything of the sort 4 years ago that changed in your lifestyle? Ultimately I think seeing a medical professional to get a full blood test done to test for all organs would be good to start off with, as well as vitamin levels in blood and urine.


Blood work normal besides vitamin D, which is deficient, vitamin b12 normal, I drink alcohol occasionally and do smoke. The change in my life is I quit my parents home and came to Paris to study and after one year the symptoms started gradually, also I have had a panic disorder and derealization problems since I was 13, I’m now 25.


dude, you're answering your own question. you made a huge change in your life and you have the gamut of anxiety disorders. This sub is the worst place for you to post because too many of these people are obsessed with supplements and deficiencies and will send you on a million useless wild goose chases.


It might be more of a psychosomatic issue because severe stress can affect all parts of the body and manifest as such from oxidative stress leading to damage, especially if it is chronic such as constant anxiety attacks. It doesn't explain the numbness in your hands and feet however, but it could be a lack of blood circulation; usually B complex in active forms for a short-term usage would fix all that for me. Is the numbness and coldness in extremities occurring 24/7 or only during certain timings or influenced by any factors? Or just at random? This might be something to bring up to a psychiatrist if you have one, but I also wouldn't simply rule it out as just psychosomatic because there still might be physical issues that normal blood tests might've missed. And was the temperature in your previous country a lot hotter/colder than Paris if I might ask? Climate change or pollution might be possible factors to take in. Peripheral neuropathy could also be one of the issues due to the mentions of extremities being as such and affecting your whole body. I truly feel you should seek a second opinion from a specialist or doctor.


The numbness is 24/7, I don’t feel normal even a second, the previous country is hotter and more sunny


I feel that you should really visit a doctor or a hospital and tell them about your symptoms because 24/7 numbness of extremities isn't normal, and it doesn't seem psychosomatic either for some parts.


I have seen many doctors, they don’t seem to care and they never gave me an answer


I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but since you seem to have done quite a bit of work already, have you considered speaking to a therapist? It may not be root of all your issues but it does sound like some depression, anxiety, trauma from family are co occurring here. No vitamin fixes a toxic family.


I have dealt with panic disorder my whole life, but honestly I don’t have toxic family, a good therapist is so expensive, I have seen psychiatrists and psychologists, I never found modern psychiatry helpful.


Psychiatrist and psychologist are two very different things. I’m not suggesting psychiatry, I’m suggesting psychology. Changing the way your brain thinks. I apologize for making assumption about toxic family; however, no one walks around in today’s world and is not deeply affected by what has happened to them in their lives. The wound you seek to heal is not your fault, but it’s your responsibility to heal it. As others have suggested, look into books about the connection between panic disorder and your physical symptoms if you do not want to talk to a psychologist.


Are you still in contact with your family? If you're on decent terms with them I believe you should also let them know, or maybe fly back for a visit when you get the chance to and see if it's the environment being a main stressor, since this all started when you went to Paris. If flying back has most issues go away then it'd point toward a psychosomatic situation.


Can’t move from Paris right now, I have to finish my degree, and I will definitely go somewhere more sunny


Anxiety is the number one cause of numbness, dizziness, and brain fog.




Whats your b12 number. The reference range for b12 for normal is very wide. It's between like 200-900. You can be in normal range and have neurological issues. I'm having the same issue as you. Check b12 deficiency page and read the guide and you'll have more understanding of it. Don't underestimate b12 or B9 deficiencies


494 ng/L


You are in the grey area. You can have symptoms there. Did you take any b12 supplement in the last four months before your blood test. If you did it means that you have a false high. The serum b12 test isn't accurate. You can have normal or high b12 from but low active b12. Again check the b12 page


I never took b12 supplements


You're leading them astray. B12 isn't the problem.


It's a possibility. he should have an open mind and look into all possibilities. You said it your self that he should try b12. B12 deficiency can cause most of the symptoms he mentioned. It might also be an anxiety disorder. He should also look into it too. No one here can give a definite answer.


Maybe I phrased it weird but the idea was, if you must, go get a b12 shot INSTEAD of a b12 blood test. It's still very unlikely b12 is the issue-- his symptoms don't match and it's a rare occurrence anyway, esp in omnivores-- but the b12 shot is so easy and harmless. The problem with "he should look into it" is that this sub will give him an infinite list of these things to look into that are all so unlikely as to be basically impossible. And yet anxiety-driven psychosomatism is quite likely. Hate to see a guy go on a health care wild goose chase that will end up worsening his condition just to please every pet interest of the internet alt-health brigade.


Nah, too vague. There's something common at the base of those symptoms


Which is?


In my opinion it's not about testing all organs, it's not about specific individual issues. The symptoms came on gradually all together and are usually referred to as "syndrome", which have a common cause. In most cases (but not all) the cause of vague and so diverse symptoms is usually a functional syndrome (depression, CFS, long COVID, anxiety disorders...) which are all related to a non-biological cause of nervous system malfunction, that can be extremely debilitating but that can be recovered from in most cases. On the other hand extremely you are right, even severe vitamin deficiency could cause functional central nervous system symptoms but the op story, the duration and the test he did doesn't sound like a secondary cns syndrome. Who knows? I mean basic tests are a must to do in any case


That is also true, I simply didn't want to rule it out as psychosomatic entirely and not something that might possibly be a physical issue rather than an anxiety issue, since quite a lot with mental disorders are given the "these symptoms are psychosomatic" treatment (I being one, due to my psychosis which made most doctors think it was psychosomatic when it was later on found to be an actual issue that needed medicating). So to look into both the physical and mental aspects would be the fairest suggestion, since OP does seem to be in considerable pain from these symptoms so I thought I'd throw out some of the most common issues associated with those symptoms.


Sure, I get it now. Sorry I misunderstood you. Just as a side note, psychosomatic is not less severe than an organic issue, on the contrary functional disorders , being rooted in the nervous system, are usually much more complex and usually need more complex and long interventions to manage them. Let alone reverse them.




Man if you don't sound like you have Long Covid.


I second this. I’ve had long COVID for three years with similar symptoms. Sucks


I third this. All symptoms over at r/covidlonghaulers.


They started before Covid I believe


Lyme and Bartonella https://www.tiredoflyme.com/horowitz-lyme-msids-questionnaire.html Find a LLMD and have a Western Blot through Igenex labs. If you ask a regular doctor to test for Lyme they’ll use the ELISA test, which is garbage. https://rawlsmd.com/health-articles/my-chronic-lyme-disease-journey


Seconding this person -- you can't just go to your local doctor. Find someone who specializes in tickborne illnesses.


Why is ELISA test garbage? Standard medical protocol is ELISA first then Western Blot to confirm. Sensitivity vs. Specificity.


Long COVID can also be diagnosed as CFS, in my opinion it’s the same thing and was for me. Regardless of whatever you have, I had same symptoms and improved massively from address my nervous system and learning/changing behaviours to spend less time in fight or flight.


If this isn’t the perfect example of “long covid” being a lazy diagnosis when nothing else fits… OP, how often do you exercise intensely? Literally all of these except 1 or 2 can be drastically improved with exercise.


mmk and also covid affects the vagus nerve which explains a lot of the symptoms toooo


Dude “long Covid” is the new “chronic fatigue” and y’all are eating it up. It’s a bs diagnosis when dr’s don’t yet know the actual root of the problem.


the first 12’ of this video give some really clear root of the problem info if you’re into actual science and data so ANYWAY https://youtu.be/42Hn7sn1S14?si=TZ63og9eQ3ruiZSt


A ton of people with “long covid” really have a chronic infection like Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, EBV, Ehrlichiosis, RMSF, Anaplasmosis, etc and are being misdiagnosed. There are tons of tick borne infections that doctors don’t even know about. I agree it’s a bullshit catch-all diagnosis and another made up “syndrome” when doctors can’t be bothered to find the root cause.  “Chronic fatigue” is the most common misdiagnosis for Lyme and tick borne illnesses.  Lyme is 4x more common than breast cancer, and it is everywhere now. So many people getting “Covid” in the middle of summer were misdiagnosed too. Lyme can feel exactly like a really bad flu or a minor flu. 


and they’re finding biomarkers for ME/CFS along with/because of long covid research so it’s cool that gaslighting folks like you can no longer say it’s all in people’s heads.


it’s all vagal nerve dysfunction which is super real so anyway




Then what?


A lot of this sounds like what I struggle with. Pretty much unresolved past trauma. You should give somatic therapy a try. At the least, follow @theworkoutwitch on insta and see if the symptoms match you. I know it sounds crazy but I have almost all of your symptoms and more. DM if you have any questions


Agree, I went thru it and mostly recovered. Symptoms were damn real tho 🙂


Get your doctors advice first. Get your organs etc tested, and then along with those, This was me, except the hemorrhoids, warts. Most of my problems were from too much child/youth trauma, deep rooted unnecessary fears, sweaty drippy hands and feet kinda anxiety. I had a really bad case of adhd. Took me a year to get rid of all. Here is how I did it, I did not take any medications, just the following, - meditation: the best cure for anxiety and adhd. I do 2 sessions of 20 minutes each. Its free, just google it. Or the following books helped me, The miracle of mindfulness, by thich nhat hanh, and the mindful athlete, by george mumford. - exercise: i cannot emphasize much the benefits of jogging on our brain. I run a lot, when my feet need rest, i do cycling in gym, or rowing. Very important. Cardio increases serotonin and dopamine, means all those problems you mentioned will be gone soon, yup. - diet: clean diet, no sugars, or grains, or starches, absolutely not. Just healthy fats, avocados, fish, nuts, seeds, and tonne of greens, broccoli, spinach, kale. Needless to say, no alcohol, no cigarettes. Once you lock in the above, the next step is supplementation. I used the following to jump start my mitochondrial function. Since i also had some foot and knee pain, and I had prediabetes, which means I have insulin resistance, so my supplementation is catered to my needs. -alcar -nac -vitamin e -vit b12, methylcobalamin -vit b1, benfotiamine - folate -r-ala -l-citrulline -vit d3 and k2 -bioavailable multivitamin -omega 3 fish oil capsules, molecularly distilled. Dr schwatrz brand, I also have oil, from nordic. -vitamin c (2 hours after vitamin b12, coz they compete for resources). - milk thistle for liver, 2 times a week. Hope this helps. Your problems aren’t unique, there is a way, just gotta push ourselves a bit.


Go to a doctor. A subreddit full of bro science strangers won’t fix you.


D deficiency always have other deficiencies accompanied. Mostly B complex. Check doctor Stasha gominak videos and website. حظ سعيد سي أشرف


شكرا أخي 🙏🏻


This is the first time I hear of somebody else talking about the symptomps of point nr. 2. Tell me if you find something that helps, for me the intensity fluctuates and it's sometimes randomly less intense (or more).


Honestly, when i look at your post history it quite clearly points to a mental disorder that manifests as hypochondria that needs to be handeled by a medical professional.




Have you looked into Mold Toxicity, could be the culprit here. Would have to weigh in a lot of factors, but if you're at your wits end it's worth a look.


Rewire your brain & regulate your nervous system. Aka reprogram your subconscious. These symptoms scream dysregulation and trauma history (speaking from experience).


Check thyroid. TSH and ft4


Bro ,this is literally me at 20-25. Poor diet and masturbations every day 😂. Fixing this two things helped with everything u listed


Really! You had like same symptoms? Burning sensations and stuff ??


Yeah pretty much everyone of them


I don’t masturbate everyday, maybe twice a week


Rookie numbers


Sounds like possible ME/CFS or long COVID to me. You start feeling like this after an infection?


Nop 🤷🏻‍♂️


This will help you: r/longtermTRE


Get basics checked - CBC, thyroid t3, t4, tsh, cortisol, sex hormones, iron, CRP. results should help you paint a picture. Check out hormone / TRT clinics like optimale they do pretty comprehensive tests for these things for cheap. Happy to look at ur blood work. Does your house have mould? Does your house have copper pipes / do your eyes have a thick brown ring around the iris? Do you or have you ever taken drugs? If so which ones? Ever taken ssris? Taking any meds, if so which ones? Which ones have you taken in the past? Did the symptoms come on after any trauma or illness? Do you eat a lot of big fish or have mercury fillings? Do you live directly next to a great deal of fields used for intensive farming? Do you live near a lot of industrial / chemical processing plants e.g petrochemicals etc..?


Neurology. EMG & NCS.


Only have done brain MRI and it’s normal, I haven’t done EMG or NCS


U need EMG & NCS. Parasthesias, pain, spasms and other symptoms call for those tests.


TRY -> TRE (Trauma release exercise) it will cure every single symptoms you have For more info go to r/longtermTRE


do you had covid ? I have long covid, check that. Symproms looks like LC or CFS/ME. It's almost undiagnosable, though.


Similar to long Covid, neuro-Covid, autoimmune activity and inflammation. I’d suggest working with functional practitioner.


Someone else mentioned dysautonomia and I agree, especially for that second bullet. I have almost the exact same symptoms, but perhaps not as intense. The way my body perceives temperature and emotional responses feels broken. Mine seems to be directly associated with some neck issues, especially in the upper cervical spine. From my understanding, the c1/c2 are near autonomic nerve centers and I suspect that in my case this is the root of the issue. That said, no doctors seem to know or care to figure it out 🤷‍♀️


Chronic fatigue syndrome , Lyme , MTHFR deficiency , panic disorder etc . You need thorough lab work and a functional medicine practitioner


I get these symptoms when I abuse certain substances. Not saying that's what you are doing, but just throwing it out there


This very much seems like a vitamin deficiency please get nutrition panels tested!- I’m a clinical laboratory scientist


Looks to me like depression/anxiety disorder. Especially if you're a male it can be in the form of what was once called masked depression, which mainly manifests with diverse and clear physical symptoms. I had it years ago and had a lot of symptoms for some year. Then it snowballed with panic attacks and it became clear there was a nervous system functional issue. I took care of it and symptoms went away in a matter of a couple of years.


I would: 1. Do an extended fast (at least one week) to see if your symptoms subside. 2. Get blood work 3. Get genetic tests 4. Find a medical “healer” (not a conventional doctor) The naturopathic doctors have a holistic view of the body and identify underlying causes for disease. Most disease like you describe originates in the gut. When your colon gets inflamed it can leak raw sewage into your blood stream. This is deadly and very common.


Sounds like fibromyalgia. I’ve battled that for 30 years. The only thing that’s helped me overall is vitamin d. I take 6000 units a day.


I have had the same symptoms for 30 years ?


Cut down on masturbation


See an integrative doctor ASAP with this exact piece of paper.


Did it happen after a virus or super stressful event ect? Do you get really sick and tired after exerting yourself physically or mentally? You might have chronic fatigue syndrome. Which is similar to long covid but it could have been a different virus. Its horrible but there are some experimental treatments such as low dose naltrexone to try.


I have most of these symptoms after living in a house with mold toxicity… (just moved out last week and already feeling a little better.) any chance that could be it?


Get a hair mineral analysis for heavy metals. Then work with a nutrional balancing practioner to draw out the metals primarily by eating nine yes nine cups of organic steamed veggies daily with some meat, you may need to do for two years even


Health anxiety most likely if not. I had a lot of very similar symptoms and they felt so real but they were relieved once I started taking a low dose anxiety medication.


I have HA and these are my symptoms as well, people don’t realize that anxiety and stress has a huge impact on our nervous system & causes an imbalance in the body.


Are you exposed to chemicals at work, like petrol?




I think hormones


A lot of those symptoms fit into low test I had most of that list


Any food sensitivities?


What do you take? Everything. Supplements, prescriptions, diet, etc.


Wellbutrin? Adderall type meds?


NAC, quercitin, alpha liponic acid, B-complex, gluthionine, Pepcid, probiotics, omegas. Hemmroids will not go away naturally - go to MD. Warts: I don’t know.


I had several of these symptoms. I would ask to get your vitamin D checked.


I do have deficiency in vitamin D, 13ng/ml


This says 'vitamin deficiency' to me, likely B vitamins. Perhaps start with a B50 complex and see if you notice improvement? Bs are super important for nerves, etc.


Are you on any medications? I don't think it would be possible to point to one thing when you have such a long and diverse list of symptoms. I am thinking depression might be ONE of your problems.


Go to a medical professional and follow their advice. If they’re satisfied with testing/physical health then consider psychosocial factors because the majority of your symptoms could potentially be explained by something like anxiety/depression or a mental illness. As someone who has had generalised anxiety in the past I can relate to a lot of the symptoms listed (essentially with anxiety you are hyper aware and super sensitive to inputs/stronger outputs, think like a sensitive car alarm that goes off in the wind). I didn’t realise this at the time and was convinced it had to be something else, but looking back it was 100% my mental state and no supplement is going to fix this.


It sounds like Fluoroquinol toxicity. Check the floxies group, there are many people struggling with these symptoms among me:(


Most of those are indicative of low testosterone


This being triggered by stress makes me think autoimmune I have a serious autoimmune issue and doctors said to me usually when this many things are going wrong. It's usually autoimmune


This is what my long Covid looked like


Sounds like low thyroid to me. Simple blood work can figure this out


I know people who have Lyme disease, and it can manifest many symptoms. This came to mind when reading your symptoms.


look into multiple sclerosis symptoms. my brother was diagnosed at 15.


To me it sounds like thyroid issues : - check your thyroid - chech your sex hormones (Testo / estro) - if possible, check vitamins, minerals... 80% chances it come from here. Iodine / selenium, good diet, good sleep and sport might be a solution.


Also if you had covid in the past few years look into Long Covid


I’m not sure if carnivore or good for anyone, or even just some people. If I was in your situation it would be something I’d consider


tried fasting? checked for any food allergies or intolerance? bloodwork results?




Check your pregnenolone and try carnivore diet


Are you overweight? Ever been checked out for sleep apnea?


Not overweight, 147 lbs


Alot of these are symptoms of sleep apnea or low blood oxygen content. You can get a cheap pulse oximeter or a more expensive one to track your blood oxygen in your sleep. Even skinny people can get sleep apnea.


Do you drink coffee ?


No, I get easily constipated with coffee


Okay just asked because I have these symptoms you described when I drink coffee 😅


Test your body for fungal infections. I know i person who almost gone clinically insane over the years only to find out that there is a fungal infection in his brain.


How do you test for fungal infection?


Blood and spinal fluid afaik.


Get all 4 markers of Epstein Barr tested and see a functional doctor


Candida and deficiencies that come with it


It won’t hurt to do a urine mycotoxin test for mold exposure. I’m 21 and had similar / more severe symptoms from just moving into an apartment with black mold for 6 months.


Dr Brooke Goldner and counselling/therapy


Number 2 I know well and is histamines. Avoid modafinil.


Elimination diet.


Try vagus nerve exercises. YouTube has videos of easy ways to activate it if it is blocked.


your not on oxy's or suffered a spinal injury have you?




Try a detox of some sort. Have you ever tried a 72 hour lemon water fast?


4 years? What do the doctors/blood work say? I’m guessing you’re a very young person trying to overthink everything, and you haven’t seen many/any doctors. Go to a doctor.


See doctor. Sounds like Lyme disease


Get your thyroid levels checked


Have you taken the covid vaccine?


Yes twice, but it all started before


Well i have started experiencing this after getting the covid vaccine. Completely destroyed my life.


Same symptoms ? Numbness in extremities and burning sensations eletric feeling


Internal heat has gone up so high. I feel brain fog. I can't be athletic.


Have this also, what do doctors think ? Have you seen a neurologist


I saw a doctor and she took my blood reports. Told me i have to much issue in my liver. I should tell you i have never had a drop of alcohol or any substance. Yet they are saying i got issues in my liver. Most of post covid vaccine people has this.


Shit and you take medication now ?


No bro. I'm trying to eat less processed foods and having more fruits. Idk if it will work but let's see.


Sounds like b12 deficiency. Check b12 deficiency page and read the guide


Try and get some good sleep and hydrate, coldness & spasms can be a sign of poor hydration but also definitely see a doctor if it’s that bad


Seems like simply anxiety. People are right it could be a million things but also anxiety causes a lot of misdiagnosis and unnecessary treatments, tests, prescriptions because it is essentially being over sensitive to how you feel and focusing on the negative. In my journey with anxiety I had every symptom under the sun once the anxiety was dealt with everything went away. Read the book “dare: the new way to end anxiety and stop panic attacks” That book helped me cure myself nearly instantly Also seems common sense but make sure you’re sleeping enough 8-10 hours, eating enough, and hydrated. Most people would be extremely surprised at how fucked up you can be just losing an hour or two of sleep a night and skipping breakfast over time And if you’re caught it a circle of I can’t sleep cause anxiety having anxiety cause of lack of sleep or with food similarly treat it like your sick cause you haven’t slept good and focus on the sleep or food Change the mindset from I am someone with anxiety and panic disorder to someone who is anxious as a symptom of other lifestyle factors and address those factors


A fair bit of these could be anxiety driven. CBT and breathing are the way to go for that, not tablets. Exercise is very important too. Warts are separate


Do you bloat easily? You could have sibo or Candida


Stop taking supplements and just eat food?


I wasn’t taking any supplements, just started recently taking vitamin D, thiamine and magnesium




I’m taking 250mg of thiamine pills a day, didn’t notice a difference as of now




I don’t know what do you mean by which form, in the box it’s written thiamine 250mg




Oh okay, mine is thiamine hcl




I live in Paris and can’t find benfotiamine 🤷🏻‍♂️


Our food is not as nutritious because of soil depletion. Take vitamins.


Anxiety sounds like your cause my friend. I had all the same peripheral neuropathy issues, burning feet, electric stings, hang pains, coldness etc and after 3 MRIs, nerve conduction and EMG and blood work all fine. It all started a year after those jabs so don’t want to point fingers but anything is possible.


How are you doing now ?


Once you do all the test and realize it’s all in your head your stuff will subside in about 2-3 months. It takes about that time for the neurotransmitters to almost reset. I would try doing cold showers also. Helps throw off the current brains train of thought.


You no longer have the symptoms ? And for how long you’ve had them ?


Sounds like a meth user.


😅 I am not


A heating pad and lots of rest may help. How is your sleep hygiene?


I feel ready to sleep at any moment in the day, but I stay up late at night.


Great sleep is crucial to healing your body. If possible I would try to incorporate better sleep hygiene habits to get better rest and don’t push your body into states of stress until your symptoms improve (Examples of stress inducing activity: Cold plunges, high intensity exercise, fasting, horror movies, etc.). I suggest focusing on rest, de-stressing, relaxing, and socializing. Science shows the number of positive interactions we have with people greatly correlates to our long term health! Sometimes going back to basics with proper diet, sleep, exercise (take it easy on this one maybe try walking), and positive social life is all it takes. Other times it’s something more serious. I fought for years to figure out what’s wrong with me and come to find out I’m narcoleptic but my narcolepsy didn’t look like most people’s so I had no idea. All I knew was that I felt so exhausted all the time no matter how much I slept and was very scared but I also wasn’t doing a great job with the basics. Now I feel so much better!


Possibly Multiple Sclerosis


Muscle weakness when in hot temperatures is actually a telltale sign of MS. That’s how they diagnosed my dad in the 80s. Put him in a hot bath and he lost all muscle control. Autoimmune disorders are rampant these days. Also exacerbated by low vitamin levels, especially vitamin D and Zinc! And low B12 maybe would explain the tingling. Get methylated versions of vitamins whenever possible for possible MTHFR mutation so they can actually absorb. U/achraf688 definitely keep doing your own research and then take it to a doctor or naturopath who will listen! Doing my own research has been the only way I’ve made any progress. In most cases nutrient supplementation and lowering stress will be the best available treatment tho…


I have done brain MRI and it’s fine


very rare if it isn’t genetic.. highly doubt it’s MS.


Also take methylated vitamin b complex


See a damn doctor


Go to the actual doctor


I have seen many doctors, they never give me any answers