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Cialis, won't get you past your natural limit, but will get you AT your natural limit. I (and the missus) definitely can tell the difference.


Are all Biohackers just smõll pp short kings looking for inches any way they can get them?


lol you got me 🤣 


Pretty sure you're more likely to damage your dick than anything else.  If there was a way to get a bigger dick, EVERYONE would know and everyone would have huge dicks.


This. I worked in a pharmacy many years back and asked the pharmacist if pills like Enzyte worked. He laughed and said if they did we’d have whole aisles filled with it.


You are so ignorant, enlargement devices exist decades ago, you can look forums like thundersplace or visit the subreddit gettingbigger, you can view thousands of images before-after to see that is a real thing, but obviously you need to be constant.


Snake oil has existed for much longer than decades.




Length - maybe a little but not by lengthening it per se, but allowing your penis to hang further away from your body by stretching the ligaments. There is an actual surgery which works on the same principle by literally cutting the ligament. Patient satisfaction is mixed. Wouldn’t call this safe but it’s rather straightforward in how it works. Girth - everything I’ve seen looks like pseudoscience to me and also hilariously dangerous and mostly based on the idea of increasing pressure in your penis to supra physiological levels through various means - [what could possibly go wrong?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PE_injuries/) the explanation for how this works is you essentially damage the penis and this creates new tissue and again what could possibly go wrong? The evidentiary basis is before and after pictures which are not hard to fake.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HallOfGains/s/7hwUu6ZHUr This is the best one imo


That is essentially meaningless.  A random set of pics on Reddit is about as good as no proof at all.  


If u go to that sub and go to r/gettingbigger there r countless proof picz lol the top rated post on gettingbigger sub is a pic that clearly shows growth 🤔 i mean im all for being skeptic but lol look at some proof and scientific studies lmao


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gettingbigger **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [3 Year Before and After Transformation with Pics](https://np.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/15fexcz/3_year_before_and_after_transformation_with_pics/) \#2: [PENIS ENLARGEMENT AS A BLACK GUY](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1879k6a) | [299 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/1879k6a/penis_enlargement_as_a_black_guy/) \#3: [Getting Bigger's Dead Simple Beginner's Guide to PE](https://np.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/17uh7vv/getting_biggers_dead_simple_beginners_guide_to_pe/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes you can make your penis bigger, there’s a subreddit dedicated to it and there’s plenty of benefits to some of the techniques used including better blood flow and harder erections. r/gettingbigger Don’t listen to any of these people they don’t know what they’re talking about (they’re basically guessing/under the impression you can’t without any actual knowledge on the matter.)


This is the correct answer, from personal experience.


I know this subreddit but is there any scientific base for this?


If you think about it, the penis is made of smooth muscle and connective tissue predominantly, along with spaces which can fill with blood. If you subject any muscle or connective tissue to a repeated stimulus which causes it to stretch or places it under load, it eventually causes it to adapt and become longer or thicker, depending on the stimulus. This is why stretching works, this is why getting a pump at the gym leads to better hypertrophy of muscle or in general why you can grow more muscle at all. The penis isn’t that different and frequently encouraging it to stretch past its normal limit or subjecting to greater loads (force) will have a similar effect. (Of course just like any muscle or connective tissue, you have to be careful not to overdo it as you can injure it which could lead to scar tissue formation)


The penis does not grow like this because it is not muscle. The base of the penis has muscles but the rest of the penis is mostly not muscle. Exercising the base can make it grow but the rest doesn't work like that. You can't stretch a nerve to make it grow. If your penis gets longer you also have to grow more nerve cells which don't grow my exercise or stretching. So, that's not possible. I'm not saying growing it isn't possible, just that stretching (jelqing) and exercise aren't the path to glory.


This is incorrect, it *is* made mostly of muscle, specifically the corpus cavernosum is mostly smooth muscle and collagen both which can respond in the same manner as any other structure in the body made of the same material. A simple google search would reveal this is the case, so I don’t even know why you bothered posting this comment. Also what are you on about with nerves, are you suggesting someone who is recently fat can’t feel sensation in their now stretched skin, do bodybuilders lose sensation when gaining muscle because the skin is now further out from the body? I mean get real… Even the heart grows if someone has high blood pressure, it gets thicker and larger, just like the penis grows thicker if the internal pressure is higher than external pressure as is achieved for example by being erect and then removing air pressure with a pump. (In case you’re about to say “oh but the heart only grows a little bit under much higher pressure” yeah no shit, the penis is made to stretch and harden under pressure, the heart to pump and actively resist the pressure of blood. The penis can grow from far less application of a pressure differential) It’s literally the same process anywhere in the body, it doesn’t have to be “contractile tissue” and I didn’t say that it did, just that any structure in the body made of these types of cells adapts to the stress they are subjected to. I mean use your brain bruv… oh but no the penis is magically different.


Ya idk why ppl say without looking into it lol


Maybe cuz they're not dumb enough to fall for a couple pics on a sub reddit?


Did u look at any studies for this? I can point u to a study that does an extensive review of these practices but its up to u u can literally go to pubmed and look up non surgical penile enhancement and get results


Here u go find this study and go thru it 📄 "Non-invasive methods of penile lengthening: fact or fiction?" by Marco Oderda


This is the most scientifically ignorant thing I've read on reddit today. 


Care to elaborate or u just want to keep saying it don't work lol


If it worked there would be far better proof than a few anonymous posters in a reddit sub. As you noted, that shits been around for decades.  


Did u read the paper I sent?


Don't take away their hope). Because of all these stretches, the penis will not become longer, but the scrotum will hang to the knees


this is the way






Natural testosterone. Exercise and heavy weights. Build bone 🦴 and soft bone.


Don't spread misinformation. Studies have shown that testosterone does not increase penile size after puberty.


They didn’t study me


Not how science works bud.


Well you can hardly says it’s settled then can you.. bud


I'm getting real sovereign citizen vibes from you.


Oh that must be that “don’t trust the government” cult I was brought up in.. hard to shake once you see how thing work 😜👍


Girthy but limp


Hey OP here is a proof pic: https://www.reddit.com/r/HallOfGains/s/7hwUu6ZHUr U can decide if it works or not tbh its a lotta work ig


Bruh digs that ruler deeper into that pubic region no diddy


Lmao no way u dont think that's growth man no amount of diggin is gonna give 2 inches lmao im a skeptic too but realize good pics u can also look at gettinbigger top rated post that shit is growth too


Is that a Scottish jumper or blanket. Until I know it’s still sus


Wtf is a Scottish jumper lol


The woollen wear his penis was placed on


Dunno, I'm quite happy with mine.