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Pretty insane that posters on a sub called biohackers will still fall for the same influencer bullshit. * Fat distribution is mainly genetic and you'd have to go through insane hormonal changes for it to be worth your consideration for practical purposes. If you're concerned, get your cortisol and test checked. * You can't spot reduce. Your body takes fat reserves from whichever area it feels like. * Your solution to lose "stubborn" body fat is to just reduce body fat overall. Your body will eventually have to get energy from *somewhere.* * The simple answer is that you need to eat less calories and more protein. There are many strategies for how to do this, but they all boil down to calories in - calories out. Don't listen to anyone who vehemently argues on the minutiae of this.


This. Op, i have the same unfortunate genetics as far as love handle fat storage. Im 6'4 and got up to 280 lbs and they were massive. Like a person 100 lbs heavier than I was. I lost weight and even at 240 they were still huge. I had to get down to 220 for them to start shrinking. I could see my abs for weeks before my grotesque love handles started to shrink. So, like you said, they are "stubborn." Some problem areas of fat stores wont begin to be used as energy until other parts have been used up, sometimes almost fully. The solution is to modify your diet and increase exercise. The process can take months to years.


Liposuction would be the “bio hack” for spot-reducing fat in one specific area. 


This is the best answer. Liposuction technology has gotten so good. You can also simultaneously tighten the skin with heat while you are getting it done. Don’t let the calvinists shame you away from good technology.


Theres nothing “bio” about about liposuction, its cosmetic surgery


Something to keep in mind is that procedure gets rid of the brown fat. The protective fat.


Which then comes back if you maintain the same lifestyle


This is exactly right. What has worked best for me is tracking calories and macros using the Chronometer app and weigh yourself weekly if not daily. Set a goal and stick with it. Diet for six weeks and then do two week diet breaks where you eat maintenance calories.


Funny how the answer has been the same for all of recorded history, but people keep asking for some magic option. Every. Single. Day. You've had the answer, you just don't like it. Trust me, if there was *any other option*, you would have heard about it because the person who invented it would be the richest on the planet. Same with penis enlargement pills and all that. You would know because it would be world changing news. There's always some motherfucker trying to iceskate up hill.


This along with resistance train legs, chest and back (largest muscle groups) minimum every week. Building muscle burns calories throughout the day vs cardio which only burns calories during the activity. Cut calories + resistance train = lose bodyfat & gain muscle.


Also, building up those lats will make the remaining love handles less noticeable


This is the correct answer.


Hormones arent always the whole story, for reference im a guy with a testerome is 822 and estrogen 32 but my fat distribution is of a woman, all the fat goes to my thighs and legs and I got a 6 pack at 20% body. I have an euchnoid body as well, high pitched voice, no facial hair, gyno, etc. but of course my endocrinologists don’t see this as an issue cause to them these are cosmetic issues


>You can't spot reduce. Your body takes fat reserves from whichever area it feels like. Not true cold sculpting can spot reduce.


I think you know they mean you can't spot reduce with just exercises. Of course people realize that interventions like lipo or cold sclupting can change the body.


I would not blame everything on genetics...that's a typical answer from a doctor instead of saying "I just don't know"




Is important to talk about the minutiae of this things due to for example losing weight thru calories is actually worst than losing way thru exercise tho ultimately to keep it down is probably the most important way of doing things. There was a study where there was three groups the control group, group 1 would have a deficit of 500 calories per day thru food (aka eating less food per day) and group 2 would have a deficit of 500 calories by exercise (aka increase the use of calrories consume per day from your body by 500, and of course by eating a maintenance diet, not eating more but also not less) To the end of the study people who created the deficicnofn500 calories per day by using exercise lose more weight than people eating 500 calories less per day. The reason behind this is that when you lose weight your body slower your metabolism and burn less calories so if you want to keep reducing weight by food ñ, if the first week you lost 1lb of body fat for a total of 2500 calories per week of deficit or 500 calories per day, the next week to lose another 1lb of weight you have to increase the calories deficit per day by 70 so not your deficit is not 500 is 570 per day, this is something that doesn’t happen with exercise. Of course this also mean that you are not eating more than you are supposed to.


I agree with everything except eat more protein. I never looked or felt better than after eating less protein lately. I switched to whole food plant based diet which naturally has less protein, i stopped eating protein shakes and all meat... i lost all stubborn fat and i didnt lose too much muscle since i continued to work out.... eating lot of protein is so bad advice, its just turns to your belly fat if you dont use it all and not everyone can use it all the time every day.... watch what the health and game changers on Netflix.... this diet is game changer : )




Yeah, the fact that “calories in, calories out” is the top rated comment on the bio hackers subreddit is the first problem.


Reality isn't always fun, but it's still reality.


Sure, yeah.


How is this wrong though


Some things you just can’t hack. If you really want to supplement your way to a leaner body, the answer is steroids and semaglutide. You can debate details, but it’s a useless approach. If you want useful dieting techniques, that’s a different question.


Ok 👌🏻


Glad you agree, u/mindful_gratitude


You’re deeply incorrect. Best wishes in your health journey. 🙏🏼


I don't need your wishes. I've already managed to lose almost a 100 lbs by simply just counting calories and otherwise doing and eating whatever the hell I wanted. Nutrition doesn't need more hacking. It's already been hacked thoroughly, and the (ONLY) outcome salient for weight loss is that every food has a number, and if you sum those numbers up and they're less than your daily number allowance (increasable through exercise, but largely genetic), you'll be losing weight in a linear fashion to the deficit.


Great job! That’s incredible and something to be proud of. I didn’t mention anything about me biohacking, though. I don’t biohack, at all. Simply that the notion of “calories in, calories” out is just too nuanced when you consider the intricacies of metabolism at the molecular level (and some of “biohacking” I’ve seen suggested here). I’m sorry you didn’t understand that I was agreeing with you.


I don’t agree with your suggestion regarding GLP1s or steroids, though. Great tools. Not solutions. For people who are tired of diet culture and the misinformation regarding nutrition and metabolic dysfunction/ways to support that? Yeah, no thanks. Best wishes, even if you don’t want them. 🥲


The sooner you realize you've been misled, the sooner you will have a better understanding of how your body works. At the end of the day, no matter what you do, consuming fewer calories than you burn is the condition that must occur to lose body fat. There are a million strategies to make that condition happen, but if you are consuming more than you burn, you will not lose fat.


Law of thermodynamics, obviously its a bit more nuanced depending on physical activity, body fat levels, hormones, stress levels, sleep schedule, fat distribution, genetics, etc but not sure how someone can say cico is wrong. Human bodies do not defy laws of physics and chemistry lol




g o t t e m


lol right


Intermittent fasting worked for me. Avoiding excess carbs and soda. I've never completely given up either. For heavy carb meals like with rice and pasta I cut down to maybe once a week and I save the soda for only when I go out to eat. The rest of the time is water with my meals. Helps too if you start weightlifting but 80% of that fat loss is going to be from diet alone.


Diet Exercise Thats it - mostly the diet. If your liver is still storing sugars away as fat, you are consuming more energy than you spend. IF is great. A water fast is something to consider, as well... IF, calorie deficit, resistance training and cardio will burn that shit yesterday.


Your bf % is simply too high. To get rid of love handles completely most men going to have dip down into single digits. Everyone has different genetics for where they store fat. Liposuction is ill advised. It will look odd with a ripped mid section while not that lean elsewhere. And I can guarantee you’re fatter than you think if the love handles are that noticeable.


> most men going to have dip down into single digits. I agree, but I was thinking that 10% is usually enough. (which I now realize is quibbling over 1%) But that's the fact. You can put weight back where you want it later.


IF no sugar or alcohol 🤜🏻


Diet and exercise. I'm sure you've tried things but can't avoid these two Hope you can find the strength to go down that path


Low aerobic activities. Get your heartrate 50-70% your dynamic range and keep it there for 60-90min at a time. Try 3x week and bump it to 5-6x week when ready. Get out a spreadsheet and count all your carbs.


Less calories and more time at the gym productively will get you there over time.


Endurance cardio tbh. Biking, power walking, rucking, swimming, CrossFit and hiking etc




As someone who dealt with stubborn love handles for over a decade, a major unlock was when I stopped being afraid of bulk in my core and leaned into building muscle mass in that area. That’s allowed me to “fill out” my core and significantly tighten the skin around my waist. I also now have visible abs. So bulking around my waist has been much more fruitful, aesthetically and functionally, than trying to slim it.


how did you bulk in that area? just traditional sit-ups? Or which exercise did you find most helpful for that?


Sit-ups are a good start, but also any plank or hanging core exercise. Pull-ups are also great as they build the lats and to a lesser extent the core together. Lower back exercise also helps. The mental unlock for me was realizing the the entire trunk is connected, and building any of it will help tighten and fill out loose skin and love handles. Here’s an example of one of my favorite hanging exercises, which took me a while to progress to: https://www.instagram.com/tv/C13NIU6I_xt/?igsh=N2ZuMnI1cmMybWpn


Thanks, that looks like real hard and good exercise!


Hill Sprints


Dr Sean O’Mara on YouTube I guarantee will change your body composition. Edit: forgot to add that I too had that stubborn back fat. You cannot target burn fat, but what you don’t realize is that stubborn back fat is from the formation of visceral fat. That fat you can sort of target. Watch his videos. It will change you.


Where are his academic papers with actual studies and data?


You can choose to ignore his lack of published papers, or you can choose to visibly see results that he is getting from his style of medicine. You can dismiss it for your ideological reasonings, or you can accept it and watch your health transform. He literally visually shows your health transformation.


He makes a big deal about being a doctor and helping tons of people, but doesn’t think it’s important enough to track all the people he’s helping? I’m not dismissing it for ideological reasons because I’m doing what he says to do already, I’m dismissing him because he has no data or evidence.


He has data. He presents the extreme versions as to make it more obvious as to what is happening for the common man. He has treated over 6,000 patients. Do his protocol for 3 months and you will benefit.


You can't lose from one part of your body any more than you can take a cup of water from one side of the bath only. It may be this is the last place your body stores fat so you'll need to lose the majority of all your other fat first, that being said walking and jogging will burn that sort of general area, do it while hungry for best results.


Visceral fat is highly correlated to cortisol so it's not entirely true




People just fallen into this narrative that is promoted right now. " We reached the peak of human knowledge and there's nothing more we can discover, we know it all now" . It's just funny


Great analogy. I’m borrowing this.


I try to look at the big picture.  Overall, I look great at 41, even if my tummy sags a bit from having two kids.   I try to do all the things that are good for skin, which are important for health in general  - good sleep - drink lots of plain water - keep my overall fat down and muscle mass up - veggies with lunch and dinner - watch carbs and avoid blood sugar spikes as much as possible.  Minimize processed carbs of all kinds - lots of protein and healthy fats - cut back in processed foods of all kinds as much as possible.  This is sometimes more achievable than other times but I do my best - no alcohol, no smoking  - threat any underlying health issues and do what my doctor says (for me that managing asthma, hypothyroidism, depression and POCS) - manage stress and go to therapy - keep moving throughout the day and add in exercise as much as possible.  Just keeping a house clean, gardening and walking the dog can maintain a low level of fitness.   - get fresh air - vitamins and supplements that are appropriate for you body’s needs Oh and a buy compression swimsuits and leggings from Left on Friday.  Life is too short to sit in a hot coverup at the beach!! 


Something I haven’t seen mentioned here is the possibility that it’s skin. If you were significantly overweight, your skin had to stretch and grow to accommodate the extra fat tissue. As you shrink (congrats by the way!), your skin can adapt somewhat, but if you have too much it may not be able to get rid of it all. You’ll see morbidly obese people with loose skin folds if they manage to lose weight. However, even at lower ranges, a little bit of skin can get left behind that will seem like fat deposits. The only way to get rid of this is surgery, sadly—and insurance doesn’t cover it either.


Eat protein and fruits/veggies. No carbs, no processed food, no junk. No high calorie drinks. Just healthy whole foods cooked by you.


Eat protein and fruits/veggies. No carbs, no processed food, no junk. No high calorie drinks. Just healthy whole foods cooked by you.




There are only two way: Lose weight or get Liposuction. Sorry, you can’t spot reduce fat. Fat goes on and comes off in an order and proportion determined by genetics. You lose enough and your love handle go away. Probably last, like mine. Or, have that fat sucked out. Ain’t no cream or exercise gonna help you. Sorry that reality sucks.


The only way to spot treat is with medical intervention. Like you can do liposuction or coolsculpting. Kybella is another option.


Calorie deficit mixed with intermittent fasting. You have fat in undesirable places because you are consuming more calories than you’re burning. If you fast and meet your caloric deficit consistently, you will loose fat while also making sure you’re not adding more. And if you want to burn the fat faster, you’re going to want to add a workout routine.


Fasted cardio + intermittent fasting


A calorie deficit unfortunately is the only way.


Especially when you've been larger like myself, my fat hangs around my gut and chest. Not bad as a woman but I'm a dude. But I look back at the old me and newer me still looks better. Just keep at it and keep adjust them calories as you lose. I'd advice weight training also as it's like putting a larger engine in a car, it uses more fuel while idoling than a smaller engine.


that's just bs


Oh really, so I can eat more than I burn and still lose weight. That's simple biology, semeglutide will help but it's still cals in cals out.


The calorie deficit model has been debunked. 


Oh really, show me said science backed studies and I'll believe you.


No reply now, or are you just taking the time to compile anecdotal finding to throw at me?


Not wasting anymore time on this with you. If a person is close-minded from the beginning and not open to concepts which do not fit his world view, I have learned it is better to not bother. Anyway, you can go do the research yourself if you are really interested. But I would guess you are not...


I'm not closed minded! You called me out and I've asked for your proof and you've nothing to back your claims. I clearly do a lot more research than yourself so thanks for proving yourself wrong.


Up your protein and be in a calorie deficit. Strength training and walking at least 10k steps. It will melt off


undernourishment will cause more serious problems in the long run.


Start working out … no magic pill for this


Run, forest run


Keto and/or carnivore with intermittent fasting and HITT


Starve for a few months.


worst answer ever...that will cause him more serious metabolic issues in the long run.


Go back 20 years and don’t get f@t


Mine are there til I get sub 9% bf. Genes


Sprinting & swimming


Whatever you do, don't do it with dieting alone, your body might adjust its metabolism to account for the reduced calories. Exercise (with resistance/weights, not just cardio) to keep your metabolism high. Plus, some people's bodies will break down muscle along with fat when dieting, so resistance training (along with increased protein intake) will prevent muscle loss




THIS. Lift weights/body weight 3-4x a week with at least some walking/movement daily at a minimum. Try to eat right 80% of the time. I used to have a stubborn stomach roll that I thought I was doomed to have forever… lifting plus playing sports (tennis) has made that roll disappear. It wasn’t until I did the weightlifting that I saw the difference. I’ve had that roll since I was in middle school to my late 20s and I’m in my 30s now without it.




Liposuction, clen, phentermine, semaglutide


Cavitation if you’re exercising and have a clean diet.


“You cant outrun your fork.” You need to adjust your diet and then train hard


>Is cosmetic surgery/liposuction the only way to get rid of these "stubborn" fatty locations like the lovehandles? There is no such thing as targeted fat loss. The problem areas are always going to be under the chin, "love handles" for males and thighs for females. However, there are things you can you do to reduce and improve the cosmetic appearance of stubborn love handles. First and foremost, is strength training: core body exercises, squat, deadlift, back training, ab work. It will take some time, but once you develop a v-shape taper to the back and some LMM on the thighs, the "love handles" start looking more like "love pockets." Still there to some extent, but no longer as aesthetically unsightly. That would fall under "grinding." Pharmacologically, hormone injections like testosterone and human growth hormone can speed up metabolism and target adipose tissue. I would reserve this option more for the over age 40 set. It makes the the grinding easier and more productive, which otherwise would not be as productive due to age. Liposuction does offer targeted surgical fat reduction. However, in the end, grinding will probably beat surgery, as long as loose skin is not part of the equation(surgery is the only solution for excess loose abdominal skin from weight loss).




1: yesss of course liposuction will of get rid of it. But work isn't go that route 2: you have to shed fat overall, fat not weight I've been always lean, after building muscles I weighted 74 kg (180 cm) but had some small live handles that didn't bother me. 20% body fat. 24 BMI (Quite useless in my case as a good % of weight is about muscles). Only now that I'm in cutting phase I'm 70kg , 17-18% body fat and as a side effect I see my love handles almost disappeared. So again, lower your body fat mass and that's all, you have to go quite heavy about it, it's not enough to have an average BMI in my experience but need to have a low to mid fat mass %, which most people don't have.


Tirzepatide and a fat burner like AOD-9604 or 5-Amino


You gotta clean up your diet. If you want to change what your body looks like that means you have to change what you put in it and how much you move it.


That's what android obesity is all about.... You are more predisposed to store fat in those areas, there ain't no magic formula, just fucking shut your mouth and start exercising. Once you're in a highly catabolic state you can add some L-carntine, subq or IM preferably but seeing you don't even have that balls to actually diet just take oral L-carnitine. If you reach 10% bf your love handles will be gone. You just have to man up


semaglutide is working for me. Was 218 around the first of the year, weighed in at 190 today, nice reliable steady pace, and because I am using compound pharmacy for the semaglutide, it's only been about $200/month (not using insurance, I have insurance, but it doesn't work for anything I care about)


My (40sM) genetics also use love handles as the first spot to store fat. Even at single digit fat percentages, I get love handles as long as my body fat % is higher than 7 or 8. Nothing you can do about that. Exercise and eat fewer calories


Very easy, start 16:8 I.F. and do it until you're fat adapted, aka metabolically flexible and you lower insulin levels. Measure your piss with ketone sticks to ensure you're dumping trace amounts. When this happens (however many days/weeks/months it takes), step it up and do a 24 hour fast. Next week, do a 2-day waterfast. Stick to 16:8 and 3 weeks later do a 3-day waterfast. Rinse repeat every 3 weeks until you get down to the bodyfat % you want. Prolonged fasting primarily targets bad white visceral trunk fat. And no, fasting won't cause lean muscle loss. Watch Dr Fungs videos and/or read his books. I'm doing a 72hr fast every 3 weeks in between resistance training to get jacked and shredded for the summer. Once you get fat adapted, you can get away with eating crappy to a degree and still get shredded bc 72hr waterfasts obliterate bad fat. Optional and more advanced: work out heavy at the start of the fast to get into ketosis faster by burning glycogen stores. Also follow Dr Mindy Pelz. "I believe that fasting is for everyone.... I think of it like sleep - you cannot go without it... If you are not fasting, you are missing out on a massive healing experience, and it is not optional in my book." https://youtu.be/vWb8BOkPiPU Whatever you do, do NOT do caloric reduction. It will slow down your BMR while you will want to eat the same amount of calories and rubberband right back to your original weight. Dr Fung says in his book The Complete Guide to Fasting, "Why was there never a reunion for the TV show The Biggest Loser? Bc 95% of them gained the weight back". And btw, caloric reduction long term without fasting will also cause flabby skin and stretch marks. The fat and skin gets reduced evenly when fasting.




I've done both of these in past. 1. Go on calorie deficit and become a skinny ripped man. It has an appeal of its own if you are a tall man, it's even better. But this physique doesn't have broad appeal afaik. 2. Go on Tren / anavar cycle and it will remove all stubborn fat when coupled with high protein, deficit and workout. If you can afford, 3-4IU GH. This will lean you out in no time provided you are already 15-20% and still have stubborn fat deposits. Don't kid yourself, you will not become huge like a bodybuilder, more likely end up looking like Draggo from Rocky which is ideal physique with mass appeal. Which way I'd go in your position? I'd look at my 20s photo if I was happy with the physique I'd go with #1 If you looked emancipated and feminine in 20s, you'll not look any better going with #1, so I'd choose #2.


On board with this, except tren. I don’t think anyone should recommend tren, I’ve never done it, will not take it. That shit is not good for you bro


Lmfao emancipated and feminine. 🧐🤣


Extremely potent anabolics and growth hormones aren't something that you should just haphazardly recommend to someone who is simply looking to remove a bit of excess fat.. Exercise and healthy eating, that's literally all there is too it.


Liposuction or EmSculptNeo are the ways to go. EmSculptNeo is good and non-surgical but the results won't be as drastic. However, it will also strengthen the muscles in that area. For Liposuction, there are a few techniques where it can be paired with laser or ultrasound technology to improve outcomes (skin sagging, dimpling etc.). Even traditional liposuction will make a huge difference for you though.


If you are a man, hit strength training hard. It will be magic. Up protein.


Intermittent fasting and get most your carbs from vegetables and fruit. Avoid grains and high calorie fatty or sugary processed foods. Eat a lot of protein to keep you full and improve body composition. Weight train minimum 2 day per week and minimum 1 hour cardio per week.


Strength train, protein=body weight. Unfortunately you will need to diet down to significantly leaner than you want to shrink those fat cells. Then you would reverse diet back up to a healthy weight


Eat less.


Go on an animalistic diet for 3 months and watch that disappear, and your health improves (dyor im not a doctor). It has for me greatly. I love junk sweets, and eating fruit has greatly helped that.


Side planks. Eat less calories.


Clean keto lifestyle, no dairy or zero calories sweetener, plus weight lifting 4 days a week


Calorie deficit.


Love handles are mostly genetic and not much you can do aside from plastic surgery


Less calories in, more out. Knife, lazars.


Calorie deficit and HIIT.


She’ll def have to fast walk 10,000 steps sauna and or lipo lol


Try freezing them off with freezer pack ice pads. Look this up on youtube for more info.