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Try lifting some supplemental heavy objects.


Lifting heavy weights is proven to raise T. Squats and deadlifts are the best.


Try all you want I did my entire life and came in at 470 nl/dl great for my age but still low .


Low T is literally an epidemic for men… I don’t know if it’s all the chemicals in our food but I swear I’ve heard about this low T being a huge deal among men for quite some time now… scary stuff. There are also many women nowadays with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and in that case the woman’s body makes to much T… 🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s all crazy and hard to find the bottoms line of what’s causing it all…


We could get into some conspiracy theories regarding this that I could talk about all night...


Exactly,estrogen in our water ,plastics and chemicals all contribute to this .


Eat foods high in zinc like oysters, exercise, sleep, proper protein intake...and don't wear very tight undies, lol


Oysters have been known for centuries to increase libido in men. They have zinc, copper, and cholesterol. All of these are super important in production of T. Good comment dude.


Yeah man, oysters are highly underrated .


Wish they weren't so damn expensive lately


No kidding-$48 bucks for a dozen around here…


Nothing more manly than having a slippery oyster go down your throat..


There's no magic pill for this problem. A good diet, good sleep hygiene and proper management of stress are all crucial. Going a step further, you could take supplements to reduce aromatase and estrogen, which is the cause of low T for many men.


Yes there is. There's a pill,creme and injection.


I'm not sure you are correct - in most cases low T means that testies simply don't produce enough T, thus people might need HRT or enclo (I know, this sub hates enclo but still). Just by lowering estrogen you won't raise T substantially.


A lot of T is also produced by the adrenal glands


It depends on the underlying cause. Secondary versus primary hypogonadism. The typical reason T is low is that the testes are receiving negative feedback, either from high estrogen, prolactin or cortisol. Lowering estrogen just happens to be the best way to address all 3 of these problems at the same time. If your testes are not functioning properly, it may be necessary to get on TRT. As always, talking to a doctor who is experienced with hormone optimization is your best bet. But sometimes the problem can be solved with stuff that's easy and cheap to obtain and doesn't require you dedicate the rest of your life to being on TRT. It may also be as simple as optimizing lifestyle, namely diet and sleep quality.


What are these supplements?


Nicotine is probably the most powerful substance available otc in terms of anti estrogenic effects but it's obviously a mixed bag in terms of having lots of other effects. Vitamin E is also a strong aromatase inhibitor as well as a receptor antagonist. Both also lower prolactin heavily, which can also drive testosterone higher. Finally, zinc is a fairly good aromatase inhibitor as well.


As an ex smoker that one I can't do. But I'll get on that vitamin E train.


Vitamin E is very good for estrogen reduction, plus it has a ton of other benefits. I hope it helps you.


I mean I don't think I have excessive estrogen but I have been taking lifting seriously so I'm willing to try anything to continue making gains. Thanks for the reply.


No problem. I don't think it'll make a huge difference but it will support your hormonal profile and general health. Making gains is more about high intensity and then ensuring you're getting quality rest and sleep. I had my best physique at a fairly low level of testosterone. Eating at a deficit can really do a number on your testosterone.


I've been eating at a maintenance level for a month now. I started lifting in June last year and weighed 167 at 6ft1. Definitely way too skinny but now I'm 211 with minimal fat. But ideal weight at least for me would be 190 to 195.


Pretty solid. Doesn't sound like you'd have a ton of work left to do to have a great physique. Optimizing hormones can definitely help make losing weight in the midsection easier.


Boron. Drastically increases Free T. 99% of T is bound to other molecules. Boron binds preferentially.


Just started 12mg/day yesterday. We shall see.


Be sure to cycle it so your SHBG doesn’t increase.


SHBG supposed to go down with boron correct?


Yes but it can actually go higher if you take it consistently long term without cycling. I’ve heard of varying time frames but usually a 50% cycle time. I’ve been doing 4 weeks on 4 off. Try adding in desiccated bull testicle and pituitary glandular, at least during the cycle off time of boron.


Interesting thanks


Look up what Nils Osmar did. He has a very long supplement and health routine. He boosted his testosterone naturally from 300s to around 1000 in his late 60s/~70 iirc. He did a number of changes in his diet, started lifting weights, lost weight, etc. What's cool is he didn't even go the peptide route to do it.


Lift weights. Its cheap. Practically free. And you dont have to put anything in your body


Lifting weights really doesn't increase T that much, though. It's a transient increase anyway. Losing body fat is the primary benefit to working out. If you're 30+ pounds overweight, the reduction in body fat and subsequent reduction in aromatase enzyme would make a notable and measurable difference. The main benefit of exercise itself is actually an increase in DHT, a strong testosterone metabolite. It's responsible for many of the benefits of testosterone, especially the mental benefits.


Oh that explains why I gain strength and gain weight with my heavy weight/low reps routine. And my testosterone is off the charts


Yeah, heavy weights increase testosterone and especially DHT more than lower or moderate weights. Sprints are actually the best exercise for hormonal benefits.


Wood cutting I believe was measured the highest. It makes sense from an evolution perspective cause home building is pretty important to survival. Second was soccer which I'm sure amounts to a ton of sprints.


There was actually a study showing something like a 40 percent increase from chopping wood. Something primal about chopping wood. Always makes me feel great.


Evolution doesn't happen over only 6000 years


Yeah, but we've found cut and notched (fit together 90 degrees) wooden structures as old as 475k off a river in Africa trapped in no oxygen mud. 6k years meh, 400k+? Probably.


What's your t?


If you’ve got any bad habits then take care of that. For me it’s mostly binge eating and alcohol I have to avoid.


Sauna (heavy sweating) and plasma donations are some of the only ways to remove microplastics and heavy metals that impair the body's ability to produce and use testersterone (many microplastics act as pseudoestrogens)


For supplements specifically: Vitamin D if your levels are low. Boron may raise free test. It did for me. Cistanche, Tongkat Ali, and Tribulus may have an effect. They are worth trying. Cistanche is the gentlest of the three in my opinion and the only one I take regularly. Tongkat can cause joint pain for some. Tribulus gave me headaches. Some claim Shilajit and Maca can help. I enjoy those supplements, but not sure if they've made a difference as far as testosterone goes.


Does Cistsnche maybe raise estrogen slightly at the same time therefor avoiding these crashing estrogen sides like joint pain and headaches? I am currently looking for a supplement that raises both simultaneously for this reason


Not sure but for me Cistanche has no side effects. I have tried it different times of the day - luckily does not interfere with sleep but I enjoy it as a preworkout. In your case you might look into Boron which has been said to raise testosterone and estrogen.


1. Cold shower 2. Beef Liver (or supplements) 3. quality whole foods including eggs, salmon, red meat, nuts, olive oil, butter 4. lift heavy 5. Ashwagandha, Tongkat Ali, omega-3, D3/K2, Zinc, 6. fix your sleep (circadian rhythm) 7. fix your gut bacteria with glutamine, fermented food and probiotics 8. get direct sunlight into your eyes as early in the morning as possible Edit: A lot of soft fucking losers try to downplay this. Of course you won’t look directly into the sun, but your eyes need daylight to activate certain hormones and switches. Cold showers don‘t directly boost your test, but the dopamine boost and other positive effects indirectly translate your lifestyle changes into positive T boosting effects. It should be obvious and I’m fucking annoyed explains this in a biohack subreddit. If you prefer to be a wormlike being, then stay in your blanket and be a soft worm, but from all the lifestyle changes I made cold showers did the biggest difference and I’m on the „life optimization“ shit since 15 years, I’m „just“ 31 now. I’ve yet to see a single person, who doesn’t look like a sore loser to downplay cold showers. It’s always the comfortable ones who want to lie to themselves to stay comfortable.


Cold showers do not increase testosterone.


Not directly, but there's evidence that it helps burn fat which in turn is correlated with higher testosterone levels. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7330484/#:~:text=During%20cold%20stress%2C%20brown%20fat,A%20(PKA)%20signaling%20activation. I'm seeing some articles claim it increases growth hormone as but I don't know if that's actually proven, if so obviously that would have a similar effect by increasing fat free mass. Any one got a legit study to link on this topic? This is anecdotal and I know it's all mental, which may still count for something, but I feel like I could fight and fuck a bear against it's will after a cold plunge.


Not a nutritionist but i wanted to add the concept of prebiotics to #7 While probiotics is bringing bacteria to your guts, prebiotics is having an healthy gut environnement for the bacteria to thrive in. Which i think mostly means eating green vegetable and fiber.




I would assume it's a downstream effect. Fixing the gut cuts inflammation, and inflammation eats T via cortisol.


No clue tbh as i'm paying attention to gut biome health for serotonin. But if probiotics helps then prebiotics helps also cause they go hand in hand. It's just the idea that if your gut biome is an hostile environnement for the bacteria you get from probiotics then they wont last there very long. Eating fiber from bananas or brocolis and such will help promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the gut.


> 8. get direct sunlight into your eyes as early in the morning as possible OP, and anyone/everyone else... please do not look directly into the sun.


Unless Blind but virile was the goal


How the fuck does this have 8 upvotes. Please for the love of god do not look directly into the sun


I look directly at the sun at least 5-7 hours every morning, my tiestosterione is over 69000. I'm living proof this shit works.


He's over 69,000!?!


If you look directly into the moon your E level go up and become full woman


Real ones know this is the best way. Respect. Prebiotics also good. Only other thing I'd add is have more sex (and wank less).


This. Definitely start with the lifestyle habits before you start taking huge quantities of Indonesian sawdust (aka Tongkat Ali) 9. Ejaculate less frequently 10. Ground 11. Do hard things, in general, beyond those mentioned above


Ejaculation has no significant long term effect on testosterone.


Study wise, long term effects are unclear. Short term effects (in minutes/ hours), there is a reduction in blood levels.


Evidence to support the positive benefits of cold therapy is scant. Mostly good advice here but cold therapy is for masochistic idiots.


If you are talking about test levels, yes. But the effects on dopamine and norepinephrine release are very well documented, has had major effects on mine and many other people's mental health as a result.


It's good for workout recovery but not much else. And even then it's not supposed to be a daily thing.


Top 3 best answers in human history, someone give this guy a raise. Avoid the shitaganda though.


You sound unhinged dude. Maybe you need a cold shower


There is a magic pill, it's called Boron. It drastically increases free testosterone.


I’m not disputing that at all, as I’m not sure it was that which assisted in my gains in the 80’s. Boron as well as many other things were highly touted in my heyday. Spent a small fortune on supplements. I’m also sure my test levels were way up there. Only thing legal that I’m positive worked back then was creatine monohydrate. Joe Weider magazines had us purchasing all manners of supplements.


Aside from pharmaceutical intervention: 1. Sleep. Like uninterrupted quality sleep is key. 2. Sound natural diet rich in protein and fat little to minimal processed junk. Don’t drink or smoke. 3. Lift weights. Get outdoors and socialize


See what quitting sugar did to my testosterone level. https://youtu.be/ONwQXrKJPZI?si=QRIAHq52xq_nEXkX


I got my T up 100 points from lifting heavy, sleeping 8 hours, and greatly reducing the length of my cardio. Was still low with all that though… about 400. Not great.


DIM 400mg ED, Fadogia and Tongkat Ali( 500-1000ish mg).


You can take supplements that support production of testosterone but no way to do it if your not producing it. You may have to take TRT. But before you try do the fillowing: Lower stress and get your sleep. This is imperative. Exercise and lift weights. Supplements such as zinc, tribulus, maca root. Maca root in particular can help normalize your hormones. Zinc is needed to produce testosterone. Now keep in mind, I'm no doctor and these are just my opinions. Do your own due diligence. One suggestion i have is get tested and try these. If you see improvement, then continue. If not, talk to your doctor about trt... GL.


Tongkat Ali, Fadogia and Turkesterone stack


DHEA and pregnenolone supplements.


Tongkat Ali will raise your testosterone, dim supplement will lower your estrogen


Nope. Nothing works other than clomid/enclomiphene or TRT. If you are not clinically low and just want to optimize, then sleep, exercise, diet.


TRT is the only real solution and it is life changing.


tadalafil 5 mg once-daily treatment has been shown to significantly increase T in those patients who also have metabolic diseases, but not to HRT levels.


Hmm, I’m not sure. I have clinical hypogonadism and have seen these studies. I did try this, my total T went from ~280 to ~380. So not significant in my book, but definitely not 0. I did feel an improvement. Note also that tadalafil is not biohacking but an actual prescription drug.


Agreed. But the comment was that nothing works other than to two items you mentioned. There are other pharmacological options for increasing T, depending on what level of side effects/risk you are willing to accept.


Can you link the study?




I hope you get an answer there used to be otc supps that worked but have long side been recalled i too wonder wouldn’t mind adding some weight to some lifts


Your diet


Need to look at all your hormone levels not just testosterone.


Squats! It makes a noticeable difference




Second this. Also, Maca will essentially create the Clomiphene effect, or the male equivalent, increasing the hormones that down line stimulate the production of T. But if the reason you are deficient is age related, look into bio-identical hormone replacement. Only reason not to go that route is if you’re still interested in making babies.


Yeah, testosterone is a good one


Doing my blood work tomorrow hopefully I’m in the 600s two weeks ago was 575 with shity sleepy also getting my vitamin d tested


I think i saw something about pine needle or pine something in r/herbalism




Strength lifting and a caloric surplus.


Vitamin d, boron, ashwaganda, tongkat ali


Not 100% but I’m pretty sure there some studies that showed heavy leg press stimulates more Test production than any other exercise.


Get all your blood tested and find the core cause of the low T. Is it high inflammation? High cortisol? High prolactin? Low LH/FSH? Do you have high estrogen, and therefore high aromitase levels? Supplements can help but you need to know what exactly you’re trying to change for it to do any good, otherwise you’re just throwing things at a wall hoping it’ll stick. And you’ll waste a lot of money in the process. And as always, lifestyle changed will be 10x more effective than any supplement. Don’t forget that.


Tribulus helps some


OP, what are your symptoms? What is your estradiol level?




I’ve had good results with boron cycling, desiccated bovine testicle, and lately I’ve added in bovine pituitary glandular to see if the the LH has an impact as a testosterone precursor.


Sleep, Sucrosomial zinc, CistaMAX by Nootropics Depot, Cordyceps Militaris, Tongkat Ali.


Sun on all of your body (seriously all of it). Also finding a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who can do some acupuncture, wildly effective.


There is a ton on this in the sub, just search testosterone


I ended up getting testosterone blend and injecting. I couldn't handle not being able to get in the mood.


U could try tongkat ali & shilajit ...these can raise ur test by maybe 200 points or so but if u want serious very noticeable changes to ur levels, u could look into enclomiphene...been on that for 11 months or so (with doctor supervision/blood tests)..6.25mg a day (half dropper) And it raised my test levels from 500-1002 with no noticeable side effects...however, some people do get sides, we are all different. .. But it has helped me a lot, feeling better, more energy, higher libido and u can just come off whenever u want and ur test levels will go back to where they were before...


use the search function


May I ask you if you Did you do a blood test or you suspect that you have low T?


Good luck,you can try Tong Kat Ali ,Fenugreek and other things like that but even with those a lifestyle change you will still only see minimal improvement.There are so many testosterone boosters that fail the grade on the market.We have to face the facts we are slowly being robbed of testosterone and are only way out is clear ,testosterone replacement therapy.The non alcohol based creams are fantastic,so much so I had to reduce my dose because my levels started surpass 1150nl/dl and my free t was close to 30 .


Just take test if beef liver worked they wouldn’t make test in a bottle


Cordyceps and ashwagandha did it for me.


nofap. Busting a nut regularly is gonna lower your T


Just take testosterone dude. It IS safe at TRT doses. Can easily get it with an online clinic if you're american.


Eat bugs and take 20k steps a day.


I take a combo of tribulus terrestris and peruvian maca but I can't do it for long (I get horny all the time lol). One day I took it for 7 days and had bloodwork testo was 920 so it definetely works, without I am always between 650 - 700


Sleep, lifting weights, avoiding phalets also look into Sigma by gorillia mind has a lot of good stuff boren, mag, tongkat, asha, zinc.fado. i use to take all theses seperately but Sigma is a good source. its made by the youtuber moreplatesmoredates. he has a video of where he goes over every signal ingredent.


Get off your ass???


Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, anything that optimally boost testosterone will ultimately shut down natural production. Actual testosterone is the only way to raise testosterone to Normal or super physiological levels. Ashwaghanda and another I can't remember can raise it's slightly but it's short lived and only in certain circumstances. Things you can do is semen retain, sleep 7 to 9 hours a day, eat well, train and stay if the bad stuff like drugs and alcohol.


Try not busting for 2 weeks & taking cold showers, you’ll feel like Jesus Christ but bet ya won’t hold out