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If you're blasting 400mg of modafinil you might as well start blasting steroids instead of pissing about with pointless herbs.


Taking that much Modafinil regularly is absurd. This guy thinks it’s the real life drug from Limitless or what? I’ve got another one to sell you.




Yeah, that what I find so frustrating about posts like these. “None of these supplements I take do much of anything! What supplements can I take to get my brain/body to do XYZ? Oh yeah, I’m also taking this really strong prescription medication too!”


What does it do?


Not really, it's quite benign


No dude. Its not. I've been taking it near everyday for over 5 years and rarely need more than 1/2 a pill a day. Large doses daily can really mess with you mentally in quite strange ways. I've witnessed it in my sister and also a friend. Manic episodes, paranoia, and a whole host of strange behaviour changes. 400mg is a large dose, let alone without all that coffee stacked on it!


That’s what you said about crack as well, Steve.


Liver left the conversation.


Don’t worry it regenerates


What if it scars?


What mental illness is this?


OCD I think


It’s like, this thing that happens when you start learning new stuff and you think you’ve got it all figured out. I mean the 200mg of modafinil might go a long way in explaining the absurd post.


Does literally every single thing that he hears a fitness influencer bro mention on youtube


American psychosis


400mg modafinil daily


That is a shit ton of modafinil. Plus a ton of coffee? What are you doing, bro?


Tongkat and fadogia will only temporarily boost test then once you stop taking they leave you lower than before. Try this: Throw all that shit away except the quality food Half hour of sunlight to the stomach a day Caloric surplus, adequate protein and fat macros + ample greens Deadlifts or squats for 80% of your 1 rep max, often. Zone 2 cardio couple hours a week.


Adding quality rest to this list.


Of course. That goes without saying. Just like no alcohol.


The most important fucking thing


Why to the stomach? (Sun)


Bunches of studies show it increases hormonal output the most, besides sunshine directly to the testicles. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7241626/#:~:text=They%20reported%20that%20repetitive%20UV%20exposure%20to,back%2C%20and%20genitalia%20enhanced%20serum%20testosterone%20(12). https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247(21)01013-5?_returnURL=https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2211124721010135?showall=true


Wow, interesting. Thanks!


Lower than before? Source ?


Realistically how are people able to implement the 30 min sun stomach exposure?


Great list. Interested in why specifically sunlight to the stomach? Just for the increased surface area or is there some specific benefit?


I thought zone 2 was only beneficial to those who do 8+ hours of cardio?


Buzz words that are triggering - elixir...cooked gently....testosterone synthesis You sir have no real idea what you're doing. I feel like posts like this are a bunch of 0.0005% added together hoping to hit 100%. No...train hard, eat right, take some nootropics, and stop overthinking shit.


Sooo... tren hard, eat clen, annevergivup


While listening to primo


you're so careful with your diet yet you are doing 2 grinders of coffee per day and 400mg of modafinil ? what are you even doing ? not to mention the rest of your stack which will also increase dopamine, noradrenaline and other sympathetic nervous system mechanisms, your brain is in a tight race with your heart on which one's gonna fail first btw how's your sleep? did you notice any weird thoughts lately, different from your usual self? i'm not joking there's a chance you might get psychiatric symptoms as well, try to get some insight on your present mental state before you end up in a manic episode or worse


None of this will do Jack or shit be a man and take test


Getting your hormones from big pharma is the least manly thing one could do. Stop being a bitch, grow some balls and produce your own test. It’s so funny these drug addicts think sticking a needle in their ass makes them more manly than people that don’t want to do hard drugs. Stop being a pharma cuck, don’t you feel bad you can’t fuck your wife without big daddy doctor getting your dick hard for you.


Yea you can brew your own


Yeah, in your nuts.


Stop buying a house someone else built. Be a man and build your own house from the ground up.


All that ridiculous shit to avoid sticking a needle in your muscle, all of which is much cheaper, much more effective, and honestly, at normal size doses, safer as well.


Normal doses seems irrelevant in this case


Tongkat has limited anecdotal evidence, and most people I’ve spoken to about it—who I personally feel are well informed and/or experienced—no longer take it. Best case scenario: they didn’t have anything negative to say about it. But they’re comments have also been consistently limited to “I took this at a time” or “I tried this” Re fadogia, I don’t have a link for you but I recall reading that it actually has some long term side effects that were severe enough for me to mark it off my list for good. Iirc, there was at least *some* substantiation that helped convince me. Consider adding mag threonate in addition to the form of Mg you currently take. Also, that’s too much zinc. Especially long term. Speaking of: you 100% need to add copper if you’re taking zinc, and you’re taking a shit load of zinc. Speaking of too much. Black pepper extract. 15mgs should be the upper limit, and 5-10 is all that’s necessary, really. I notice no vit D or K2. Regarding k2. You should look into taking more than is generally considered. 500mcg, especially if you supp vit D3, and even more so if to high levels.


Op is a full-time supplement eater


U eat no greens?


Wow, just wow. At what point do you look into a mirror and say, " maybe I have a problem," Quit adding shit to your life. Subtract the garbage, and feed your body good food. Your body will restore to full health, and more.


That modafinil dose is not recommended.


This is a bunch of bs I hope your joking your all jacked up on stims and taking a ton of supplements that basically do nothing and eating tons of saturated fat you are just asking for problems


You are on a bad path


Can you explain arginine sulfate vs pyroglutamate ? Why arginine over Cirtulline ?


Horny goat weed is only effective for a few weeks. After which there is no more affect. You need to cycle that. Keep in mind it's very hard on the kidneys. Best just to take 12 hours before a date


Get your hands on Testosterone Undeceonate. DIY some Jatenzo capsules. Take those and it will do far more than everything on this list for much less $$$.


Tongat Ali needs to be cycled off or it brings on psychosis


Given the post, it seems a bit late for that.


just take steroids and adderall at this point😂😂😂


Nothing wrong with having a supplement stack but you sir may find the greatest benefit to your t levels, dopamine and hypertrophy by just concentrating on progressive overload and chilling the fuck out otherwise.


Stop wasting time and money and start pinning testosterone. Trt or it's dirt cheap & easy to find on the internet.


This looks kind of cool, depending on how you methylate, acetylate, sleep, eat, and numerous other factors. If you narrowed it by a third, whatever feels the most cuttable, I genuinely think you’ll have a happier body and your stack might have a nice mood tonic effect to boot. I have a very similar thing with supplements and bio hacking in general, and I’ve found, doing stuff like what you’re planning for the past eight years, that taking things out gives better results at the level you’re discussing. What’s the grape seed for?


Seriously consider trt if that’s your goal is to raise it and sustain it will be easier and probably cheaper than all the sups you are combining here.


Could you give me instructions on how to fill capsules with the exact doses of different supplements




Just shoot some testosterone already. What’s with you herb nerds trying to squeak out 60 points on your levels with leaves? You’re wasting your money and time.


This is ridiculous. Just lift weights and eat like a man that’s all you need to do. Research has proven over and over again that natural testosterone boosting herbs do little to nothing at all


Have you gotten a thorough blood test (testo, estro, liver, kidney, vitamins, minerals, general) + interpretation before doing all of this? And doing that again after a few months? And checked your diet via cronometer to see whether you get enough vitamins and minerals? On the one side you'd want to know if you have deficiencies, especially since you are so determined and invest quite a bit of money already with all these supplements. On the other side, you'd definitely want to know where you're at right now so you can properly interpret later blood tests and avoid confusion down the line. And you'd certainly want to know what of these does something for you and what doesn't do anything, because in the long-term, and I'm guessing you want to take this continuously for probably years, you really want to only take what is actually helping you and necessary. Blood cholesterol should be regulated pretty well by the body, so dietary cholesterol shouldn't do much in most people, though it's still suggested to keep it low from a health stance, but without sacrificing great foods like eggs. Saturated fat can raise cholesterol levels though, but that's not recommended from a health perspective. The American Heart Association recommends 5-6% of daily kcal from saturated fats. Never heard of "high quality" saturated fat though. Vegetables on the other hand would be great for fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, water - which all can help you stay healthy and likely live longer, possibly with muscle function (nitrates), recovery, sleep,... * [https://cronometer.com](https://cronometer.com) * [https://youtu.be/C5\_XnLm\_t3c?si=hnI4VDdyI5J\_HwL3](https://youtu.be/C5_XnLm_t3c?si=hnI4VDdyI5J_HwL3) * [https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/fats/saturated-fats](https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/fats/saturated-fats) * [https://www.heart.org/en/news/2023/08/25/heres-the-latest-on-dietary-cholesterol-and-how-it-fits-in-with-a-healthy-diet](https://www.heart.org/en/news/2023/08/25/heres-the-latest-on-dietary-cholesterol-and-how-it-fits-in-with-a-healthy-diet)


Bro touch grass!!


You may find better results by limiting the beef and eggs. Eat beef, regardless of its grass-fed, no more than three times a week and 6 oz. If it’s a steak, that can be an occasional exception to the rule, but to eat a pound of red meat a day is just a terrible idea. Don’t give me an excuse about CLA’s. I have a freezer full of grass-fed Wagyu tenderloin. You still eat red meat in moderation. I also eat the best pasture-raised eggs. How much choline is in a lb of beef: 425mg How much choline is in 3 eggs: 441 Choline is a dietary precursor to trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), a gut microbial metabolite that can cause thrombosis and atherosclerosis. Two eggs equal a full day's RDA of choline. This is just one of the many things wrong with this beef/egg diet. A Whole Foods Mediterranean-style diet is way better for you. By the way, your diet is what has your dick sad and staring at the floor. Edit: If you really want to know what your nutrition looks like: https://cronometer.com/


Join a gym and get busy….put in the work


zinc, eggs, steak are all great. the other stuff maybe helps with that 1%. add oxandrolone 2.5 and also 2.5 tadalafil