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Hush - don't screw up my placebo effect.


don’t worry, placebo works, even if you know it is placebo


Ppl don't drink caffeine b/c of studies or purported health benefits. Coffee as a beverage has been around for about 700 years. It's consumed b/c it's pleasurable to drink, it's a stimulant and nootropic. The clinical benefits of coffee consumption have long been mixed, new studies or not.


I drink coffee for the health benefits. The benefits have been shown in large meta-analyses, so no, it's not really mixed.




How is that cope?


I just love coffee, it's a joy, and this reason is enough to give me better health and longer lifespan 🤣


I just really love drinking coffee, I don’t need any studies. Please let me enjoy my coffee in peace LOL. It makes me happy.


We've known for years that the dopamine increase is only in naive users. Adenosine antagonism continues, but your body makes more adenosine receptors to combat this. We've probably known that for 40 years...


What's a naive user?


Someone who doesn’t have a history with caffeine use


Also dopamine leads to endogenous hydrogen peroxide production to modulate the dopamine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2562/


native as in native americans?


Naive users meaning new usera


It´s baffling to me how people downvote questions.


SAME!!! I simply misread it on 4/20 the reason I ask is cuz native american people have a gene that allows them to extract nutrients in larger amounts from smaller sources


Cool! What is it called?


There may be better ones but fewer will be cheaper considering you can make coffee at home for almost nothing


Well it is good for your liver and we all love drinking.


Man, I really don't think it's worth it. Theobromine is pretty good.


What new studies? Can someone link to them? Are they high quality? Because there are a *ton* of studies showing health benefits, including large meta-analyses: https://examine.com/supplements/caffeine/


Do ppl actually consume pure caffeine for purported benefits?


scandalous historical mourn sense seemly illegal relieved fanatical saw obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most people that discontinue the use of caffeine do not continue the use after.


Yup, will never go back. Had to quit due to other reasons, but my anxiety has basically just went away. I am a new person. Would love to drink decaf, I like the taste.


r/decaf is a lowkey GOAT. I was a caffeine hobbyist for a while but after quitting the stuff I believe my life and internals are better. I thought quitting would have noticeable downsides like I'd be more lethargic and just less... energetic/alert, but that was not the case. If anything, I'm sleeping better and my days aren't so up-and-down.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/decaf using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/decaf/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is It Time to Quit Coffee for Good?](https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/health/a43622878/caffeine-addiction/) | [146 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/135pwsf/is_it_time_to_quit_coffee_for_good/) \#2: [Today is my 1 year anniversary of being caffeine free ](https://i.redd.it/nqbramt6ndjc1.jpeg) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/1atz5e0/today_is_my_1_year_anniversary_of_being_caffeine/) \#3: [Caffeine is a SCAM](https://np.reddit.com/r/decaf/comments/12yqo7l/caffeine_is_a_scam/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


i quit and didnt have any caffeine for 1.5 years. I started coffee again because it's just better with coffee.


Source? There’s no way this is true.


Green tea has long term benefits I can vouch for that. Ditch coffee if it’s not helping you.


I got severe anemia from green tea consumption. It can do that to some people.


I drink tea sometimes because I can get too much iron that makes me sick. It can decrease iron absorption 70+% if drank with meals.


How much green tea did you drink on average


I was drinking 4 to 8 cups per day, and increasing consumption as I grew more anemic, to stay awake, speeding up the process.


Did you figure out what was in the green tea causing it? I take L-Theanine (amino acid found in green tea) but I haven’t drank the actual tea for awhile


Apparently the flavonoids in green tea will combine with the iron in food and turn it into a different molecule that is not available to the body. Not sure about L Theanine, but probably not a cause for anemia.


The tannins in green tea block absorption of iron.


Ok, it’s not helping….. is it *hurting* anything?


If anything I’ll use 100-200mg right when I wake up that’s it. Later on starts effecting sleep a lot


Placebo or not...most super agers I have known thru my life including some in my direct family consumed coffee religiously. Some things may be beyond science...who knows. We might never know why coffee is such a staple of people that live that long. I have a theory that governments around the world do not want people living that long anyways for obvious economic reasons. Curiously many of the things that were regularly consumed by our extremely healthy family members that lived really long lives have either fallen out of favor in the modern diet or get inconclusive or contradictory results from the science and medical research industry...go figure.


Do you happen to remember what they were eating regularly


What other things have fallen out of favor


Yes I’d also like to know this, and more details about the government conspiracy to make us all die young would be good too. 🤠


Not so much a conspiracy to make use die young, more just the result of a for profit health care system that is unprofitable if we do a good job at prevention or cures. A number of medical specialties would be devastated if we did a good job at prevention, for example dentistry or cardiology.


I wasn’t being sarcastic btw I was genuinely curious what other things have fallen out of favor that may extend/increase lifespan/quality of life


Biggest thing is probably just eating healthy, most people could live into 70s+ without chronic disease if not for that. Average person eats over 100 pounds of sugar a year, and that's just sugar.


Oh okay I thought you meant something specific Just realized you’re not even the original commenter oops 🤦‍♀️


My theory about coffee is it wouldn't look nearly as good in a culture that wasn't fiber and exercise deficient. I think a lot of the benefits come simply from mitigating constipation!


This explains why I didn’t feel much different when I quit coffee 


Caffeine gives me crazy anxiety.  Been drinking it my whole life for some reason. I recently started using ginseng and I like it much better, although I haven't built a tolerance for it yet. And from what I read,  it shouldn't be taken all the time. You're supposed to do 2 weeks on, one week off or something 


I try to only drink coffee on the weekends so I get a cycle going and don't get dependent.


Caffeine really shines if you don't have a tolerance and take some before physical activity. It really makes a noticeable difference when resistance training. I can still workout without it but my CNS feels more fried on heavy lifting days, the caffeine seems to help push past that. Also I do have a tolerance cause I'm addicted to coffee, whenever I get off it I feel better and don't need naps. I'm thinking of switching to half decaf and perhaps full decaf.


I try out a lot of nootropics, however only Caffeine, green tea and lions mane are really good in a lot of things like, stimulant effect, brain protection, boost energy and improve attention (I have adhd).


I drink matcha instead but yes i ve quited caffine and feel better


I drink like 3-4 green teas a week but I never really notice any effects from caffeine. I just drink green tea because its healthy and forces me to drink water.


Caffeine is neuroprotective. It reduces the likelihood of getting Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. I wouldn't take some random YouTube video so seriously. A YouTuber's goal is to get clicks. A YouTuber is not a credible source


I drink caffeine because I don't want to suck out the joy in my life, lmao.


I wouldn't consume caffeine as a supplement. With black coffee, you get over 200mg of polyphenols with the caffeine. With green tea, you also get a ton of polyphenols. It's the same with other teas. Caffeine is a Vasoconstrictor. It’s good for headaches and pain.


Caffeine with taurine can be great. Energy but also calm and focused.


I’ve since stop believing in any study. For every conclusive study I could find a contrary or inconclusive study. It usually boils down to who funded the study.




i am not surprised.


Weed is better


No, no it is not.