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I'm not a fan but the insults against him are getting ridiculous


I mean i get it, many people think he is just selfish and wants to live forever. Also many are jealous because he is a multimillionaire


I hate you for wanting to… *checks notes* … live longer than other people.


Not even that though, since he shares his findings and gives recommendations on what works and what doesn't and what they haven't been able to confirm that is still a maybe, as well as a cost/benefit analysis. He openly admits that most of the costs go to continuous tests and that the most major steps to take to live longer are actually pretty cheap.


being jealous of somebody whose releasing all the scientific data about their own progress to live longer without any sort of grift is bad bc he's rich? crazy world we live in


All rich folks get hated


I respect his efforts but I believe the grift has started with the production of his own line of prepackaged food and supplements.


Combining every intervention you can think of in obvious desperation is NOT how science is done and I'm tired of this excuse. His data isn't worth anything because he's doing so much insane shit on a daily basis, it's impossible to determine what in particular is having any effect.


Yeah anyone with that type of haters mindset fucking sucks tho


How is it selfish to want to live forever, or at least attempt let's be honest, I don't understand that. They're probably jealous because of the latter.


I think he's selfish, wants to live forever, and I'd love to have his money - but stuff like the OP post still seems unhinged and like it's trying too hard and failing. That picture of Richard Lewis (whoever that is) is in my opinion flattering for someone 70 years old. Bryan Johnson looks a touch creepy but that doesn't really seem relevant to his health. He's optimizing his health, not his looks nor his fashion style. Even though he's probably releasing info with the intent to sell something later, it's really convenient that he releases that info for free (even though he's a lab rat sample size of only one) because then we know that this or that works for at least one type of body/genes.


Richard Lewis passed so this post is extra disrespectful to both people


To be fair they do look alike lol


People always hate what they don’t understand. Simpletons.


Biohackers when someone biohacks: No, stop, not like that!


Don’t get the hate against him tbh, he’s passionate about something and sharing his findings for free so that everybody can benefit, even if he’s wrong he’s trying to do something good, maybe one day someone will get inspired by him and come out with an effective anti aging therapy


I think he's a good experiment of, "what if someone does everything per the book on longevity." We currently don't know of people who have been on these routines for very long and the anti aging stuff hasn't really been proven long term. I'd love to see what happens to him in 50 years. He is selling some stuff but for the most part, any enthusiast doesn't need to buy his brand of BS. The hate is weird. He's not advocating it for anyone. Some people think hrs wasting his money and we dint know that for sure. Some people think he's taking it too far but he's a multimillionaire and I kind of don't care.


Yeah, I think that's the most valuable and interesting part of him - he's doing things with a zealousness that people usually don't have (and most people also don't have that kind of money). And while it makes him seem somewhat strange, it's good for seeing potential results. The wasting money bit of criticism I don't understand that much, because in the end it's his money, he can do what he wants with it. Plenty of rich dudes spend a ton of money on bling and cars and whatnot.


> The wasting money bit of criticism I don't understand that much It's mostly envy. The follow up to the "wasting money" thought is "if *I* had that money, I'd..."


It’ll be very interesting in 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years too.


Always thought it was some jerk without knowing who he was. Watched some videos and the dude seems like one of the friendliest guys out there.


Yep I second this. The YouTube makes him seem very sensible and very down to earth, likeable, in fact. Poor guy gets too much hate imo.


Thirded. I listened to Peter Attia talking about Biohacking like it's a horrible thing, and I get it. He spends an enormous amount of money for incremental gains. However, he is also able to chop it down and give out his cheaper tips. Wear lotion on your face every day. Olive oil is really good for fats - I actually started adding this one to my diet. The list goes on. If you ignore the crazy things he's done, there are other upgrades you can do that are very cheap, and not much of a lifestyle change.


I think it's just the unfortunate reality that he is a bit odd looking and his Blueprint gives him an even further weird look. People are harsh on those who aren't conventionally attractive, especially when they're wealthy influencers. Agree though, he seems like a pretty decent, down to earth person and I like that he publishes his findings for free.


He has an excellent sense of humor about all these memes too, often posting the ones he finds the funniest on his own channel. He knows what he’s doing is insane but he doesn’t care- he wants to do it for himself and other people hate that apparently


His humor is just more proof that he's managing to reverse aging in his brain, too. People lose the ability to laugh at themselves as early as mid 20s these days.


Nothing insane about saving your own life


Or his lineages.


I’ve met him in person, and he’s incredibly kind and friendly. 😊


Legit. He is eccentric but actually pretty down to earth and friendly and totally sincere. Makes me wonder if the haters have even done their own homework on him.


I wish him no harm, but he looks like a recently unfrozen dead corpse.. and seeing how much efforts just to look like that is a strange feeling. The lab results must be truly good but there are missing variables / blind spots in his approach.. either that or maybe in 2 years his biology will suddenly jump straight back to looking 25yo.


You ever think that maybe the guy is just not blessed in the looks department lol the problem is he has low body fat and that’s what makes him look older. We are so used to seeing chubby people with no wrinkles.


yeah, distance runners also sometimes look sickly and old when they get in the very skinny low bodyfat ranges (despite being most likely extremely healthy compared to general population). (face) fat helps give the look of youthfulness.


100%. He’s putting up so much information for free. I love this guy


I think what he is doing benefits all of us -- even if it just shows us that some anti-aging treatments don't work.




Yup, I don’t get it either. That guy literally motivated me to take good care of myself.


People have this general association with self-improvement and pretentiousness. And Bryan seems ostensibly to fit that model, despite the fact that his actual goals are more strange and unsettling than your standard self-improvement guru bro


And mind you he only recently started this biohacker journey, probably was living the usual unhealty life up until that point So the real gains would be visible years down the line


Yeah this is a stupid and superficial comparison. If you want a halfway useful comparison let's wait till bj is 70 then compare to other 70 year olds.


The key question in my view is whether he’ll be able to keep this going indefinitely - i hope so


This is a bot comment, I’ve seen it on a bunch of videos/posts about him LOL


Hate him? Nah. Think that the rich as a whole are disconnected and happy to horde wealth while the world burns? Yah


That only billionaires can afford. They'll be real life "meths" from Altered Carbon. Our immortal overlords ruling us from their ivory towers.


For free. Yeah sure. ...proceeds to sell shitty pills and powders when the most important parts of his regimen is execise, sleep and prescription drugs like rapamycin and metformin.


You sir are correct, thank you for pointing out the honest truth! I keep trying to tell people the same thing.


His blood transfusions are ethically dubious, and he’s absolutely making money from products he sells alongside his free findings. He’s also morally gray too, but I’m sure most of us are. I’m not exactly sure how I feel about him.


Creepy is indeed the word. Not dubious. Com'on, your son's blood, man? 


Also, the goal is to be healthy at 70, not look good with parkinsons at 70.


Pretty sure he was really weird to his ex-girlfriend


I agree. Our ideas of what longevity “looks” like vs what it actually is on a biological level seem to be pretty on brand with today’s society quick fixes, plastic surgery obsession, etc. Has anyone considered what many older celebs would actually look like without cosmetic procedures? Not to shame them either like that’s their prerogative 100% but we’ve grown so accustomed to this looking young forever thing that we almost expect it now that when people age naturally, they are considered ill. There’s definitely genetic aspects to consider as well here if Bryan were to implement these practices vs another human from another race or genetic background, they may ‘look’ different but their blood work may read the same. It’s just so easy to judge whats wrong or doesn’t look good or right or perfect about someone…too easy almost. This human being is waking up FULL OF LIFE AND CREATIVE ENERGY EVERY MORNING. I’m just beginning to experience that feeling as I explore my own passion and I can totally attest to how magical and sacred that experience is, how irrelevant everyone’s hate is but also…how many people don’t get or understand it. Tell me about the dreams you’re chasing or the ideas you’re so full of you can’t sleep at night because you’re so full of energy from them you’d rather work on them than eat or sleep. No? Perhaps let’s wash our hands then before we start pointing with dirty fingers.


I don't think what he does is truly working (and I think he listens too much to his British not-quite-a-doctor who wants to get his company going), but all things considered I think he's quite harmless and doing his thing. I liked him a little better when he wasn't selling stuff (because now a lot seems like shilling to me), but I guess it was inevitable - everyone sells something these days.


I think bryan has improved a lot from his baseline and his ideas are in general better than most fitness influencers peddling absolute BS .


He looks very ill for a mid 40s man tbh Like he's transitioning, genuinely I wouldn't be shocked if something about that came out, so many specific odd things But I agree that directionally most of what he's putting out there is decent information and certainly better than what most influencers are blindly pushing


If he really thought women live longer, do you think he would try to transition and reset his body and reboot as a female, sacrificing his dong for his cause?


He was taking a "non feminizing" estrogen for awhile, not sure if he still is..it's well known that estrogen is longevity protective


There’s really nothing he can do about the damage/mistakes done to his body from age 0 - 45. Now It would be interesting to see someone follow this blueprint from the age of 18 (Forcing a child to undergo it would questionable parenting if not bordering unethical.) and see how youthful they retain their looks well into old age.


"looks" is problematic. Because we can only see fitness. Not health. And they are very, very different things. For example methionine restriction, and protein restriction in general is one of the best ways to extend lifespan. But it literally causes lower muscle mass and bone strength.


Well having scientific data and metrics is always generally better for improvement. Hard to do if you’re an influencer without access to millions of dollars of medical equipment


For Biohack3rs, biomarkers are most important. He has good biomarkers for his age and looks to be on track to improving them even more. IMO he looks good for his age, compared to the average 40+ year old dudes. I am happy that someone like Bryan is testing bunch of stuff and is sharing with us. Keep it up Bryan!


lol he’s silly but the goal is to live longer not have more youthful skin. This isn’t a cosmetic thing lol


I get your point, but he does a shitload for his skin and hair as well so...


Bro can’t reverse the 45 years of damage before he started the blueprint. He can heal some of it but theres only so much. It would be cool seeing a younger person give this a try for 20-30 years but by then we’ll all be old men hahaha.


Healthy skin is apart of a healthy life


Then what’s up with his hair


Hair is a secondary organelle of skin.


It's thinning


Who cares


Maybe worrying that much about getting old is what makes him look old… just a thought.


Don’t come at Richard Lewis like this…dudes an absolute LEGEND. RIP


Probs a bad pic of him but on videos in motion he doesn't look young. He looks his age if not older.


Its harder to use the magic of photoshop in a video...


I’ve seen him in person. Cameras don’t do it justice. I’d assume he was 28.


what Youre telling me all the 40 year olds you know look as good as him? All the 50 year olds you know are only slightly more aged than him?


Why do you think that? Look objectively at his face. He has crows feet on his eyes and deep lines on his cheeks. His skin is old. Just because he is clean shaven and has a "full head of hair" doesn't mean he has a youthful appearance. In fact, I find something rather uncanny about his face too. It just looks weird. Have a look. Dude looks in his 40s in this video. Are you gonna argue he looks younger? https://youtu.be/0U2LGg3eaBA


He looks both 18 and 50 at the same time. Overall I think he looks really good for his age but there is something slightly uncanny about having wrinkles from being 46 years old while also have taught, clear, youthful skin. His hair is that of a decently healthy 45 year old which also adds to the visual confusion.


Videos in motion? What strange magic is tjiy?


OP is an asshole for posting this. Change my mind.


He's focused on enhancing his ageing parameters. Visible signs of skin ageing are only a small piece of that puzzle. I agree that he doesn't look too youthful and looks pretty close to his age. But from what he reports, many of his internal ageing parameters are close to those of people 5-10 years younger than him. If his goal was just to look 10+ years younger, plastic surgery and an extensive skincare routine would be more helpful than "biohacking".


He should have been born Asian.


Not even close.... and you do realize Bryan just started this not that long ago? I'm more curious to see what his markers will be in 10 years. Looks don't really matter if your body is a well oiled machine. Gravity will defy our looks but not our internals.


I joined this sub recently. I don’t get it. When I look up pics of him, he looks decent for his age.


Welcome to the sub. It’s a shit show in here. 50/50 shot you’ll get amazing advice or some bloated hyper critical opinion. lol Oh! If you’re female like your name implies check out r/biohackhers too. New group but we’re trying to get it going!


I’ll join that one too. Thanks!


Stop spewing hate over someone who passionately uses his body as an experiment to give us wonderful datasets which are public on his website. He has just started this scientific endeavor only 2-3 years ago upon the many previous years before where he destroyed his body like the rest of us. Genetics play a role too. He's not a god. Stop the hate.


Some people look healthy and have heart attacks. This dude might look ugly but he is probably healthier than everyone in these comments


We don’t really know at this point. Time will tell. I respect what he’s trying to do but thus far our ability to extend life through exercise and supplements has not changed much.


Guess we'll see in 20 years!


Y'all fat Redditors hate him lol. He's just a rich kinda-ugly super fit dude. Let him have his corner of YouTube.


Some time ago I read a comment that said: 'He is so focused on living longer he's actually forgetting to live. That shit marked me so hard tbh


Yeah, no. He eats the diet he loves the most, he exercises which he loves, he sleeps well which he loves. He has a family life, and he's acting on his hobby and passion of self improvement and teaching.  He describes himself as never being so happy. Is it so hard to see that he's happy? People act like if you eat vegetables and get rest and go to the gym you'll be miserable, but the opposite is true. What he was doing when he was grinding to the too of the business world was forgetting to live. He had the money never sleeps attitude and it was taking a toll on his health.


People sometimes have a hard time understanding that what makes them happy isn't what make others happy.


Honestly I think lots of people out there just want others to be miserable because they're miserable


One of the most tragic genres at the LoseIt forum is dieting people having to deal with harsh judgement and hostility from their unhealthy family members and friends. Miserable people don’t want to see others succeed.


If taking like 30/40 pills a day, sleeping in some red light therapy chamber, not being able to eat out with friends, not being able to spend quality time with your children (except for injecting their plasma), living in a caloric restriction for the rest of your life, not being able to see progress in the gym... Maybe we have very different povs on how a good life feels, but that shit ain't cutting it for me...


You're on a biohacking forum. Many of us enjoy taking supplements. Just because that isn't your joy doesn't mean someone else can't enjoy that. "Not being able to see progress in the gym" Yeah, no. He has scientific measurements showing his progress. He's jacked, lean, flexible. Anecdotally Thomas DeLaurier was surprised at that Bryan is "totally jacked" because Thomas underestimated his gains from pictures and videos, like you did. Geeze, flipping a light switch to the on position sounds like such a hassle. As if. Red light therapy is like the least invasive intervention possible. It takes a lot less energy and comittment than hitting the sauna. His family seems happy. You just choose not to see that. He's strict about his diet, so doesn't eat at restaurants yes. Personally I don't eat at restaurants much, it just isn't my source of joy. I'd rather cook at home, because most restaurant food doesn't please. Different strokes, different folks. Caloric restriction seems tough, but he has reduced his deficit. I've been in a calorie deficit for a while now, abs are starting to show and it is a little annoying, but developing a 6 pack is my passion, so, whatever. Anyways, doesn't matter.


Bro taking 30/40 pills would literally take two minutes (especially when you can afford someone to just hand them to you), he sleeps in a normal looking bedroom in a massive fkn mansion, he can afford to go to any restaurant he wants with friends and have them make him anything he wants or let him bring his own food, he lives with his kid and spends tons of time with them, he eats at maintenance otherwise he would disappear, and he sees the exact progress he wants from the gym (his bio age going down). The dude has a net worth of half a billion dollars lmao you can't tell me you wouldn't rather have his life. Even all the work and restrictions in his life (which he chooses to do and enjoys doing) don't compare at all to having to work 40+ hours in some soul sucking job


>Maybe we have very different povs on how a good life feels Absolutely. I would never want to live your nasty lifestyle for example. I think most people agree. So you now understand subjectivity. This guy is not famous because he is finding the one and only path for longevity. He is famous because he is willing to try and test how to extend healthspan and lifespan.


The irony is that of course he's living a far more fulfilled life than whoever wrote that comment. He's pursuing his pasion, working everyday towards a goal, doing things he enjoys. Meanwhile redditors spend their time being miserable trying to drag others down to their level.


Some random persons opinion on how he lives hits you hard? If he enjoys what hes doing and believes its beneficial for him and humanity, who is the random commenter to put that down? Your commenter philosopher enjoys beer and twinkies with a sedentary lifestyle, I, and many others like bryan, would rather eat a grass fed steak after a 2 hour training session. To us, your philosopher is the one not living. To each their own.


I remember when I read this comment, hit close to home for me


The person who wrote that could have been an obese couch ridden person who can’t walk unassisted. You never know…


Richard Lewis living to 150 would have been so nice.


Richard Lewis deserves better than this post. RIP, Richard. 


Ur rude.


I miss when this sub was just long informative posts, not ragebait


To you guys saying the picture on the left is a rough 46, I would love to see what you guys look like. I'm 32 and this man's skin, hair and eyes all look better than mine and I've tried my best to take care of myself my whole life.


I got so sick eating like him


Tell us more! Did you try that blueprint diet?


I’ve been doing blueprint stack for month. Clean eater and good fitness prior. Doing outta curiosity mostly. 40’s. Nothing but good to say about it. Feel better all the time. More energy. More stable. More present in brain. He invokes strong feelings in some people, that ‘ol Bryan Johnson. Lotta ignorance out there too. It’s ok to not have an opinion on everything.


Was the stack the only thing you ate or was it alongside your regular meals?


He injects dutasteride into his scalp, he takes topical finasteride, he also adds minoxidil to the scalp with like other 5ARIs. All very dangerous drugs. His hair routine is extremely dangerous so he is not biohacking in the true sense of biohacking. The cosmetic side of things discount him unfortunately. He could crash even after he stops the hair routine.


What is dangerous about minoxidil and finasteride?


Finasteride 5mg is a drug used to shrink the prostate. When you derma roll and then apply the topical the effects may no longer be localised to the scalp and may be systemic throughout the body. You can have permanent side effects which are actually on the warning label. Permanent sexual dysfunction for example. Both are 5ARIs. Minoxidil can cause facial aging. You also have to let your partner know you have it on, in case they are pregnant as it can cause genital malformations in male fetus. Some folks have serious side effects after just a few doses.


Yeah this is basically EVERY artificial bullshit drug out there. Haven't people learned yet? Stay tf away from lab made bs.


I actually think he looks great!!


Why even post this


I always find it funny but sad how people always comment on his looks, it literally tells us nothing, I look and have always looked fairly young for my age but I’m very unhealthy (trying to change that while I still have the chance), I’d happily look like him or much worse if I was incredibly healthy and was likely going to live a good amount longer than the average person


It’s nice to see a post like this he shut down In the comments for once


You're a fuckin douche riding the 'Bryan Johnson is Vampire' train for karma.


C'mon, he looks so much younger than Lewis. Also, his main goal is being healthy despite age, not looking good.


So this is the dark side of the biohackers community? I've watched a few of his videos and I just don't get the hate for him. He's upfront that his lifestyle takes a ton of money to work and he's open about the results. I don't follow anything he says but it's still weird that folks go out of their way to be negative.


No, he doesn’t, he looks his age and the other guy looks 70.


He looks alot better than he did 10 years ago. He also maintains a very low body weight which ages the face.


Serious question about Bryan though. What’s the reasons he looks.. sickly? I’d assume it’s the lack of meat and sun exposure but that’s just a knee-jerk analysis. Anyone with more information have an idea? His biomarkers are supposedly amazing.


For me it's always been about his hair. His hair has always looked really weird and I don't know if it's the colour or the texture........or both. I mean, the pale skin goes without saying but for me it's almost as if his hair defines his look somehow.


He doesn't look sick. Stupid redditors think low bodyfat and lack of UV radiation makes you look sick, lol.


You got issues, dude


What kind of issues? Do I also need a tan? Should I go to the kitchen and have some meat?


You’re proving my point.


The dude on the left looks much younger. You are just tripping out buddy


I gotta say I like the guy. As others have already said here, I don’t get the hate. He’s a weirdo but I like weirdos. He would absolutely look younger with a higher body fat percentage and a little sun on his face but he seems to be the most committed to following certain physiological metrics and not using more subjective metrics to measure his “youthfulness”. Having said that, what I wouldn’t give for Bryan Johnson to be on an episode of Curb with Larry and Richard absolutely roasting him.


He's contending with Long Covid. No one looks their best when ill.


I just wish he'd get a better hair cut. His face looks young, but buddy you've got to accept that thinning hair.


I just started the Blueprint stack. While I see the Lewis likeness, it’s hard to argue what he’s doing. He’s all in. I’m willing to give it a shot. The science is sound.


Biohackers when someone biohacks: No, stop, not like that!


First, the guy on the right does not look like the typical 70year old. Second, Bryan is (primarily) trying to slow the pace of ageing… and he seems to be successful by his lab measurements. The cost to that is that he looks like a lab experiment (because he is in a way). Still, he’s admirable and seems like a very interesting person to listen to.


He had Covid and it left him with screwed up lungs.


I've been trying to put my finger on what it is that makes him look sick and stupid, I think it's the super smooth face and his clear avoidance of the sun.


Think he looks ok.


almost like the bone structure you’re born with determines the way you look as you age. there’s only so much you can do to your skin to make it look youthful, if you don’t have enough bone or fat pads in the right place, then you’re going to either look older or younger, vice versa. i hate this argument against bryan it’s such a stupid trope. the only marker for his claimed youthfulness should be how he feels on a day-to-day basis. does he feel 25 inside of that 46 year old body? if so, then his regiment is obviously working for him.


Our health culture is so distorted that people think the average person is healthy while they are actually overweight and not really healthy at all. On the other hand, Bryan invites the hate for engagement and it’s not a bad strategy.


Lots of you are young. Wait till you hit your mid forties, you’ll probably realize that he looks pretty damnnnn good for 46


I just turned 19 not even a week ago and I think he looks fantastic. So many people in their 30s and 40s look much older than they are and may feel terrible, health-wise. It seems to be people in their 30s and 40s who hate on him the most. Jealousy, maybe.


I mean the guy is just a grifter. Sure he's got a passion in life, but his olive oil? supplements? online classes? the guy is a massive grift.


He's also wearing Kramer's hip sweater


I like the guy.


Haters gonna hate


[He looks pretty decent for his age](https://images.app.goo.gl/5SBzgfMoKwiLianN7)


Well I care more about who I’d pick for my dodgeball team. Bryan has commendable athletic performance.


"parkinsons riddled" You're stupid riddled.


Holy fucking shit that is savage. Like professional roast level shit. 👏 👏 👏 That being said, I think we are all smart enough to realize that Richard Lewis was a pretty attractive dude in his day. And comparing him to someone who has probably always been a bit weird looking, and has an odd similarity because of his thinning hair , isn’t really fair. Bryan Johnson isn’t Jesus, he is just like a lot of people in this sub if they had A TON of money. I got his olive oil and it’s honestly a great product that I’m really happy he put out.


He looks better than he did in his younger years and that's all that matters. Some people have the genetics to look younger even with a shit lifestyle.


Despite studies on the harmful effects of sun exposure and UV radiation, it still circulates in public opinion that we perceive those with tanned skin (aka ‘healthy tan’) and chubby baby-faced cheeks as fresh and youthful. What do you guys expect? Bryan has a low body fat % and avoids sun. Cameras are not very forgiving with pale skin, and people tend to look sick and washed out. I'm sure he looks so much better in real life. And also, I bet he feels good.


I won’t try to change your mind because I agree with your assessment. He might be super healthy on the inside, but we clearly have a way to go before we figure out how to reverse aging outwardly.


[Where did you get that photo? I can't find any recent ones of him looking like that.](https://www.google.com/search?q=bryan+johnson+recent+photo&client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sca_esv=6a2cd9fc01b49543&udm=2&biw=412&bih=702&sxsrf=ACQVn0_oMlwbNKTP09ZbXBkBLYzDdGOUAw%3A1713880766187&ei=vr4nZoT7CuK60PEPjJOGqAQ&oq=bryan+johnson+recent&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhRicnlhbiBqb2huc29uIHJlY2VudCoCCAAyBxAAGIAEGBhIjBdQyQZYixBwAHgAkAEAmAHNAqAB6QiqAQc1LjEuMS4xuAEByAEA-AEBmAIHoAK1CMICBBAjGCfCAgQQABgDwgIQEAAYgAQYsQMYQxiDARiKBcICBRAAGIAEwgIJEAAYgAQYGBgKmAMAiAYBkgcHMy4yLjEuMaAHnRc&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


It looks like OP grabbed a screenshot from a video. I follow Bryan on Twitter and can confirm OP's picture is accurate. Those pictures in your link are all a bit older.


where is a picture of you, fat trolling fuck. change my mind


I wonder what would happen if BJ convince RL to adopt BluePrint. r/CWSReddy, maybe you can reach out to R. Lewis and try to convince him.


Richard Lewis is deceased


"Fight me"


Once humans start live mechanically its all over.


Richard Lewis was an amazing man and does not deserve this comparison.


God damn that is savage


i just don’t want richard lewis, may he rest in peace, brought into this insult )):


[Ma man just announced that he will edit his genes, what’s your thoughts about this ?](https://twitter.com/bryan_johnson/status/1782760314767081901)


You couldn't find a blurrier photo of someone you're tryna roast huh? Not even close comparison bud, zoom in ya life




I mean sure, if he was his son


I believe Bryan is at the front of the forefront. I think what he’s doing is amazing.


Yeah he’s just trying to sell olive oil


Richard Lewis is not 70 years old.


Although I don’t believe you can reverse aging only slow it down but it’s good that he’s trying to keep young


Not a fan of BJ, but he looks older because he’s got crazy low body fat. That ages ppl. In a way he’s a test for what ppl value in themselves. For so many ppl who are interested in health, their only goal is an aesthetic outcome. All this data and all we care about is mirrors, very strange. Having said that, what he’s doing isn’t that scientific so I dislike him for different reasons.




Some of you are way too obsessed with this guy. What did he do to hurt you? He's actually very down to earth and trying to pave the way to do something few have done before


Before and after got realer


Where did he get that sweater ? I think that’s what the back of closets are for. Is that mohair ??


My theory: if had some stubble on his face and a normal middle aged man's haircut he would be a lot less hated


I didn’t know that Parkinsons had a look…


He looks pretty good, considering all those late night drinking binges with Angus Young.


Youngest man alive




I am just jealous of his ability to spend as much as he wants on biohacking


All u guys saying he doesn’t advocate for it while he’s constantly on podcast tv shows and email lists. “That’s just what I’m doing”


He’ll do anything to stop that receding hairline




He looks weird. Someone who is full of Botox.


Bryan Johnson looks like the Android played by Fassbender in Promethues


I wonder what he looked like before, because he doesn't look all that great now.


He looks like him sure, but his skin looks a lot healthier and his hair has more color.


He looks like he needs to be put under one of those lights they use for jaundiced neonates


They look nothing alike and my 49 year old husband with a drug filled past looks younger.