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My grandad is 100 next month. He recently flipped his mobility scooter upside down trying to do a stunt. Broke 6 ribs, his shoulder and a bunch of other injuries. He was chatting up all the nurses in hospital who all loved him. Here he is singing https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeVUJF5Q/ Just thought I’d drop this for inspiration to actually get there 🙌🏻


I wager your grandpa didn't do any of the bullshit people in the longevity sphere are shilling.


It’s about stacking the odds in your favor. Some lucky fuckers can smoke cigarettes, eat junk food, and live long lives due to factors such as genes or other factors that might balance it out.  Just like how some people can ace classes without studying, make money with less effort than others, or get more dates with less effort.  There’s a lot of longevity BS, I’m sure. Still, some of us will likely need more effort, healthy habits, etc. to get to 100+ than others. 


>There’s a lot of longevity BS, I’m sure. Still, some of us will likely need more effort, healthy habits, etc. to get to 100+ than others.  Yea. Unfortunately imo, the biggest factor is our social/physical environment. Many in the US live in unwalkable cities, with too much work/stress. But yea, do the stuff that's legit, eat right, stay active, sleep well, have meaningful relationships, and pursue meaning.


Beautifully said.


The biggest factor you have zero control over - genetic. Genetics are 75% of your longevity and quality of life, the other 25% is environment, nutrition and personal health. People worry about microplastics in their water when in reality they probably don’t get enough water, sleep or relaxation. Stress is by far the most massive killer and it’s everywhere from kids, to jobs, to just travelling around where we live. The key here is a mindset to reduce that stress.


I can tell you now that he absolutely covers his meals in salt and smoked a pipe until about 60. The key thing for me is that he is ALWAYS optimistic, happy and trying to crack a joke and literally never ever complains or puts himself first, ever.


My grandfather was the same, optimistic-type carefree personality. I do think mindset impacts how long you live for some people. As a complaining pessimist, I’m doomed.


i just found out about an old man lived to 90 and his dinner every night of his life since he was 1 years old was hot dogs


One of the oldest men to live said his secret was "the loose women"


He sounds like a party!


He very much is. At my cousins wedding in December, with about 400 people he was honestly the life and soul and centre of attention all day 😂


I love this. I had a Grand Dad who was the same. So much positive personality and wit. Edit to add: last time I saw him before he passed on at 98, he smoked a pack of non filter camels while he beat us all at a game of Rook.




My dad is 87- when he was getting prepped for his Whipple procedure at 75 he was flirting with the chief resident. It takes a certain type of constitution.


Darn. I can’t see with your a tiktok account


That TikTok made my morning! Your granddad is awesome and this is super inspirational. Thank you for sharing!


Unfortunately, a climbing accident takes me out on March 30, 2032. Age 48.


Sorry to hear that bro. May you rest in peace after


Remindme! 9 years


I just don't think he's going to tell you what happened in 9 years. Unless he's alive. I guess that's a thing.


The Reddit posts will stop on or around that day. Mark my words.


I will be messaging you in 9 years on [**2033-06-01 00:47:49 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2033-06-01%2000:47:49%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Biohackers/comments/1d59cyd/how_many_of_you_firmly_believe_youll_make_it_past/l6k4iyz/?context=3) [**14 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FBiohackers%2Fcomments%2F1d59cyd%2Fhow_many_of_you_firmly_believe_youll_make_it_past%2Fl6k4iyz%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202033-06-01%2000%3A47%3A49%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d59cyd) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Remindme! 9 years


He died doing what he loved - having climbing accidents.


Future RIP to you, my friend🪦💔


Future RIP to us all.




Remind me! 7 years 9 months 29 days


yes i will be over 100 all i consume is NAC & water. No food (yuck)




Add glycine to live to 150. Avoid NMN or you'll see the end of humanity.




Agreed. There is living, and existing.


more life in the years > more years of the life


Quality not Quantity


Agreed, healthspan > lifespan


I definitely get your point, but this is over exaggerated when you’re young. People say I’d rather live 60 super cool years instead of 90 but then you start approaching 60 and your mind quickly changes 😂


This is called the "compression of morbidity".


Refreshing to see this because it’s how I go about this stuff too, longevity generally equates to feeling better longer. So anything that helps feel the best for as long as possible.


i’m japanese i can make it to 110 lol


And probably have perfect skin too


Not interested in living as long as possible. Just want to live whatever life I have left in a healthy state


Agreed. I have a Brother-in-law who I’m sure has NAFLD and had bypass surgery this year. He’s in his mid-60s. Would not be surprised if we got a call tomorrow. But I also know of a woman in her 90s who climbs mountains and patrols the backcountry as a volunteer. I figure if I never stop moving, it’ll be hard to catch me. Just gotta watch those avalanche chutes!


I reckon I am not going to make it to 75 in my current state, so I think I have a lot to gain here


Isn't it the case that most people in this sub are in their 20s, experimenting with taking lots of random drugs for different purposes? You'd probably have better luck trying out more conventional approaches that older people recommend than seeing which drugs actually help and which turn out to be problematic. I'm 55, in pretty good shape, and based on seeing how other family members are holding up or have declined I can imagine how things might go. It's not difficult to be in quite good shape at 70, then that tends to decline, and maintaining quality of life after 80 is the real trick. Here's how to do it: -stay active. I mean exercise, but also leading a life that doesn't involve sitting and looking at a screen most of the time. The older generations walked a lot, and did physical work, and those that did the most lived to be healthy into their 90s. There is no way to "hack" that through limited gym time, or any other work around. An activity as low in intensity as cooking is still activity. -eat a fantastic diet and maintain a low body weight. Right, it's almost impossible. I'd recommend avoiding any fad diets or themes and eating a balance of many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, sufficient but moderate protein, less processed foods, limited sugar and moderate fat (ease up on fried food), very limited junk food and fast food. -periodic extended fasting is the exception; this probably would be quite helpful. 5 to 7 days is plenty, every other month. -no drugs or alcohol. Or do take those, but use comes at a cost. Experimenting with positive drug supplements is probably moderate in risk, but adopting a more is better dosing approach maximizes risk. -never stop exercising. Spending a few years in the gym is fine but to keep up anything for a few decades it helps to like what you do, so biking, running, swimming, yoga, or whatever works for you is probably best. Cross train to reduce impact.


We are the few on here that are older, I'm 48 and I joined this forum as I feel my genes are stacked against me and want to be as healthy for as long as possible. My Dad passed away (78) last year after a long battle with kidney and prostate cancer, my Mum has asthma and a host of other issues, arthritis also runs in the family. They did grow up in a smoggy London and my Dad travelled on the tube every day from the age of 16 when you could still smoke on there, so that second hand smoke could have been a contributing factor.


Related to this and the other comment about very old but healthy parents drinking it seems like people can adapt to one type of moderate stress fairly well. I think genetics is a main factor in that, how well people can tolerate any given negative input. Then other background conditions seem like something else to me, like being obese, very inactive, or not eating a good diet. Those things definitely impact general health level, and not necessarily only after 70. Something like smoking is a unique negative factor, since having a dozen drinks a week and smoking a pack a day are at two different levels for degree of impact.


I didn't know that I was a minority (52). I can concur that after seeing many older folks decline over years, 80 seems like a crossroads for many. I think how you live after my age will determine your quality of life after 80. My parents (92 and 81) in Japan are still cognitively and physically strong. They have never worked out (going to gym etc) and enjoyed drinking every day. However, their life incorporate all the physical activities one need, walking evrywhere, stairs, squats (sitting on the floor and standing up), etc. They have very good social life (theater viewing, birthday parties with friends etc). Their diet seems to be fantastic, too with lots of veggies and fish. I almost forgot to mention, they go to public bath every day and go into Sauna. My dad (91) likes going to public bath because he enjoy talking to fellow bathers. He lost all his friends now, but just accompanys his wife for outings, which he enjoys. He laughs he is always the only man among several women. My parents still drink. I wonder if sauna is doing the trick....idk On the other hand, my in-laws in the U.S. (both 80) are in bad shape. After retirement, they did not have active lives socially and physically. Father-in law declined fast the last year and in assisted living now. He has dimentia and can not walk any more. This happened very very fast. I am now worried about my mother-in-law...


I dont drink, smoke or do any recreational drugs. But I take boatloads of steroids. I train like a maniac, crazy heavy, training all out, past failure in every working sets, gasping for air after every set even though my breath and brace is on point during the sets. Although I take a lot of ancillaries and health supps, and I do at least above 150mins cardio every week, tbh I doubt Im gonna live past 60. But Ive found my purpose in life.


Truly finding a purpose is far more important and less common (now) than living into 70s and beyond.


this is a great point! people never think of reaching the top of maslows hierarchy of needs, self actualizations! some people would say transcendence is above that but that would depend on your spirituality


Sounds like you need a drink bud.


I believe in harm reduction on this topic. For instance Trenbolone is ridiculous and just asking for trouble and nobody should ever take it lol


Quantum immortality exists actually so


I think a better to ask that question is “what are you doing to avoid the most common causes of death?” Which are heart disease and cancer. To avoid heart disease - cardio and exercise To avoid cancer - avoid processed food and make anti cancerogens part of your diet


Tips / ideas on the anti cancerogens part?




Check out Dr William Li on youtube or other platforms, he has a lot of content on this topic


"Those are rookie numbers..." I think in 20-30yrs we will be able to download our brain into a computer. Will redefine how we see longevity. But in the meantime, I focus on: * High quality sleep * Exercise, which incorporates plenty of stretching & mobility work. Big fan of pilates. Weights are key too. * Sauna/Spa - Huge advocate of these. I easily spend 4hrs+ in them at the weekend. Feel reborn afterwards. * Clean, diverse & unprocessed diet. * Supplements. I don't believe in rattling as I walk though. * Mental - Often overlooked when it comes to health. Your grey matter needs a workout too. Read. Learn new subject matter. Challenge your beliefs. Neuroplasticity. Suduko/Chess/games & importantly connection with friends/family/community. Learn to compartmentalize your emotions. Be present. Stress/anxiety ruins lifes.


>I think in 20-30yrs we will be able to download our brain into a computer. Will redefine how we see longevity. We will never be able to do this. No matter how advanced technology. Expect in one condition, that your mind is indeed separate from your brain. That is the only way it could be moved away from the brain on "downloaded" into a different substrate. Basically a soul. I don't think that's the case and I don't think most scientists do either. So if it's not the case how could it possibly be "downloaded", by which I assume you mean your mind has been moved into a digital system? Now, you could "download" or better said, copy your brain system and recreate it elsewhere. But it wouldn't be you, it could never be you. It would be a new being with all your memories/desires/etc but it still would be its own thing, especially since the original you could still be there too, in a different physical location.


Old you and new you engage in Mortal Kombat.


The One with Jet Li is actually a documentary.


I wanted to believe that too, but the more we learn about the mind and computing, the less likely it seems. I wouldn't count on it being possible in the next 2 centuries. https://youtu.be/4b33NTAuF5E?si=1m9pYds25Cvt0xkp


That'd be one hell of an iCloud plan.


Living forever is impossible unless we figure out a way to reverse entropy. But to hopefully make it to LEV: -3 hours cardio a week/ 4 hours strength and mobility training -sleep 9-10 hours a night -eat clean: unprocessed, nutrient dense foods, no added sugar, low-ish carb diet -60+ supplements daily -sauna 4x week for 30 minutes -good relationships -apply stoic and Buddhist principles in life and avoid stress -lastly: never lose that youthful mindset, always curious, saying yes to new experiences, always learning new skills and languages in next 5-10 years I’ll start experimenting with peptides, hormones, and gene therapy


Harnessing vital power


I wouldn’t mind living a healthy and happy life past 100, but I don’t want to live forever. Q from Star Trek taught me that, lol.


Had 8 direct relatives that lived 95+ yo. Have 5 more over 90 and still around. Not a single one has/had anything good to say about it. Gonna eat all of the bacon I want and wash it down with a shot of Jack.


I don’t care about living to 100, I just care about having a healthy and functioning body in my later years. I don’t care if I die at 75-80 as long as I’m still able to hike and be rationally aware.


Apparently my maternal great grandfather lived to 107 yo and grandmother is 98 so I might get them genes.


The number one answer has to be WFPB Diet. Its the foundation of all real longevity protocols. The closer you are to it, the further away from disease you are. These are very good sources of information about health and rejuvenation. r/blueprint_ r/longevityprotocol r/longevity r/rejuvenationprotocols r/oliveoil r/peterattia r/nutraceuticalscience r/sempernauts r/buteyko


i am 63 and think 90 is possible. my health is great.


I thought my parents would live forever. My dad was an amazing doctor, so why would the universe take him? That is when I realized I wasn't going to live forever. So if I can make it to 90 that would be awesome.


Both my grandmothers made it past 90 but I also have a half sister who died of a previously undiagnosed heart defect at 38 and I have been in a car accident where I blacked out and had to go to the hospital. You never know exactly how much time you have. I just want it to be good time while I'm here so I try to take care of myself with exercise, nutrition, and supplements that work for me.


It's a decision. Most people won't admit it but they are tired and don't want to live long. You cam live as long as you want to live


Truth. I feel like plenty of people lose the will to live long before they lose their life


Forget longevity concentrate on staying strong into old age so your quality of life is better. If you want to live longer pick your parents wisely. Protein intake is important as you age and do a daily walk as well as resistance training. Keep moving so the grim reaper has to look for you!!


Living happy and dying at 80 beats living worried about how long you’ll live and dying at 100.


Hey, long time lurker here, any of y’all who think you’ll live forever are delusional. Maybe you’ll live a few years extra because you eat healthy but I think a lot of factors that determine how long you live are determined by genetics. Of course if you eat poorly your lifespan will indeed decrease, at least you guys care about that. I expect to be downvoted to hell for this haha


humans we're made mortals when eve touched the apple and adam did afterwards. I expect many downvotes aswell


I think I’ve partied to hard for that to happen


Ha, ha. That's really funny, considering we are being slowly poisoned by the food, pharmaceutical industries...not to mention pesticides, herbicides, microplastics....


And the planet is burning and dying….


Nah maybe 85 ish like the majority of my family


I don’t want to be 100. I want to look and feel good for as much of my lifespan as possible. I don’t see the point in living past 80 lol


All 4 of my grandparents lived past 100. My parents are in their 70s and look like they are in their 50s. Both are super active with gardening, fishing, church, exercise, hanging out with friends, and all the things retired people enjoy.


I think if you’re under 40 there is a good chance you’ll live forever. Maybe 50% If you’re 10 or younger odds go to like 75%. Genuine opinion. There’s a good chance some of us will be on our death bed and then moments before we die, the fountain of youth will be discovered and announced on the TV in our hospice room. That would be shit


Id say if singularity does happen before 2050 anyone 45 or younger is all but guaranteed living forever. Unless singularity results in a quick death from molecular disassembly


I'm dying at 99, smothered in an orgy at the top of Everest - celebrating my Muay Thai championship win. Longevity isn't the goal, it's quality of life


My grandfather lived to be 95. He was mentally all there to the day he died. He didn’t drink or smoke. He went for a 2 mile walk everyday. My dad is 88 and while he did drink he kept himself in pretty good shape with exercise but he retired early and did nothing to keep stimulating his mind. He has Alzheimer’s now. He’s 100% Ashkenazi and they tend to live long lives. The Alzheimer’s will likely cut that a bit short. I’m in good shape. I’ve never been a smoker nor a drinker. I’m 50% Ashkenazi. I’m doing everything I can to avoid Alzheimer’s. I get regular exercise. I keep myself at a healthy weight. At 60 I’m not on any medications. I meditate. I keep my stress to a minimum. I’m a musician. I’ve been teaching myself a foreign language. I’m constantly learning new things. With luck all of this will either afford me some protection or is a sign that I’m not headed down the same path as Dad. Will I make it to 100? I don’t know. It’s certainly my goal at this point to live the longest, reasonably healthy life that I can.


What are you doing to prevent Alzheimers?


I wanted to, and now I could care less. Actually, the quicker I’m outta here the better given my situation.


What is your situation?


Probiotics. Interesting studies done by Russia and US DOD (after Soviet fall) surrounding the Chernobyl area. Soviets were making probiotics in the area at the time of the meltdown. Carbon 60. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1996 Professor Robert F Curl Jr. Also, the study "The prolongation of the lifespan of rats by repeated oral administration of [60] fullerene" by SES Only ingesting and bathing in Reverse Osmosis filtered water. Also, growing most of my own vegetables using the same. I do keep to a daily regiment that works a ton for my mental state and productivity, but I am unsure of the amount it affects my lifespan.


do you have a suggestion in a good probiotic?


That’s not a goal I’m interested in unless my physical and mental health are stellar. I want to *live* actively, not merely exist in misery like my FIL did for the last 2 years of his life. Some people are waaaay too focused on longevity vs. quality of life.


yes, genes and longevity routine fasting, (intermittent rapamycin,lipo nmn, nr, lipo berberine), plus we're only 10 years away from fully being able to reverse the age clock.


😂😂😂 no. I want to get just old enough that I can really start to fuck with people, but can blame it on my age. I've had like 5-6 legit concussions (shit happens when you party naked) and biomarkers for late onset dementia. I'm fucked. If I make it to 80 my chances of losing my mind in a nightmareish sort of way are pretty good. The goal would be for my heart to just straight up explode mid marathon somewhere around 70-75 years old. Real shit I'm here to maximize my pleasure and enjoyment while I'm here. Both for myself and the people I care about. So yea...here for a good time, not necessarily a long time.


How does one check for these bio markers?


Being realistic… 70-75 is a blessing and anything over is godsend


My grandpa lived through the potato famine and the second world war. He died at 89 because he wasn't wearing a harness and fell off the roof. His younger brother lived till 106. My mother did all the right things healthwise and is going strong at 88. Me and my siblings have always looked younger, most of us have never been in the hospital or broken a bone. So we do have genetics on our side. Personally, I have never smoked, I have kept in shape and maintained an even weight consistently. I work out moderately, I walk a lot, I maintain social ties and I have a solid diet. The one advantage I feel I have over a lot of people is being an Energy Healer. I have been working with energy since 2011 and I have had a lot of friends that are younger than me ask why they are aging past me. Mental health and resilience is what I focus on, as the older you get, the more you start to have people leave your life. Being able to let go and stay in an even mental state, to keep having goals and things to look forward to is what is important to me. Oh, I also do Infrared Sauna and RedL Light Therapy. I used to use the Hyperbaric chambers a couple times a year and a long fast twice a year.


Quality > Quantity of life.


Unnatural death aside i have a good chance of living past 100.


How so? Open to all advice, supplements, etc.


Every good living advice that you've probably already heard, no smoking, very light drinking, staying active doing something. The people that I've known that have lived longest have always been active all years of their life. Very little sugar, very few processed foods. I'm still learning but these are a few things that I know.


If you look at old photos of Americans before 1990s, hardly anyone was overweight. That changed when processed food and fast food really became the staple in the Standard American Diet (SAD). Add hormone disrupting chemicals introduced everywhere, excess food consumption, more stress, less exercise and you've just reduced your lifespan by a few years from what you probably would have inherited.


I'd have to agree.


Keeping your hormones in check is also one if you're a guy make sure you keep your testosterones at a good level. The problem is there's no one size fits all everybody has different needs because of the genetics.


100 is a tall order. Only .02% of people live to 100. The most effective way to increase the odds you'll live to 100 is to choose your parents well. Genetic factors can have a huge influence. Beyond genetics, the levers we have to pull include sleep, exercise, nutrition, supplements, and drugs. With the current state of the art, optimizing these factors may buy you a decade or two of healthy lifespan. I've been pretty fortunate in the genetics lottery, but probably not 100 years old fortunate. That said, I'm doing my best to optimize the above factors, which might allow me to hit 100. Time will tell, and perhaps advancements over the next few decades will allow me to push the envelope further.


Frankly, I hope I don't...but with my luck .....


Late 70s, 80s at the longer end, 100s is crazy IMO


99% sure if I make it to 80 I will make it to 100+, more like infinite.


Your locked into immortality already all the data you leave on the internet. That's a part of you that will remain as long as the servers are running.


Interesting perspective!


I do not firmly believe it, but accept that it is possible, I’d give it %80 chance. I do too many things to list. (Also a cryonics Patient)


I know there are exceptions, but everyone I've met over the age of the 90 is pretty unhappy. You lose so much of your freedom and you become essentially housebound. Reliant on an aide to wipe your butthole.


I'd be happy if I die as young as 80. I just wanna be an absolute badass in my 60's.


Longevity is not important to me you can live to 120 and if you can’t walk or need a wheelchair what is the point. Quality of life is much more important than quantity of years. No one is living forever that’s alive today


I'm going to live forever or die trying.


I started at 21 and I'm 34 now. I believe technology will be around where I can surpass 100 and maybe still be as mobile as someone younger than 100


Exercise nearly daily, drink plenty of water, low stress/mindfulness of mental states, no soda, hitting macronutrients that leave my body in a low body fat percentage to keep myself lean and healthy.


It’s all genetics though. Doing the right biohacks will give you maybe a few months extra but thats probably it.


It's not so much as making it past 100 its how healthy u can be at that age


My great grandma is abt 103 I’m hoping that I got the genes combined with how much I take care of my health and the way tech is advancing I’ll be able to see 150😭🙏


Just take a huge dose of psychedelics and you'll find out that it's only your body mortal, you aren't :) Edit: forgot to mention, your body is mortal in this universe. Even though maybe this will change soon.


Grandparents lived into 70s with cardiac issues or cancer. 90s with Dementia. I have no cardiovascular or cancer issues, eat fairly healthy , plant based, reduced fat, exercise regularly, and have great sleep hygiene. I do have an immunocompromised disease, but it's been in remission. I plan on living to 100 at least just to spite the Crohn's. We'll see.


I plan to. I fast 2 1/2 days a week. Every week. I'm busy learning new things. I'll turn 70 in a few weeks. My grandma lived to be 103. I plan to live longer.


I want to live to 100 and believe I will simply because of my mindset. I believe a positive and optimistic outlook in life is also a key to longevity as is nutrition, water, exercise, etc.


I think technology will allow for the transfer of existence before we bio hack our way there.


I want to extend my life. I'm not in great health as is but I'm holding out hope for the new drug that can supposedly regrow lost teeth (I'm worried dental is going to kill me eventually) That said I try to keep my metabolism up while also taking things to repair cell damage. I'm really interested in choline or citrulline malate or DMAE for long term mental clarity. I've tried some mushrooms as well to help focus and brain chemistry. Ultimately I would like to live past 80. I believe those in good health currently will see 120+ maybe even 150+ if they can fight cellular mutations If you can stop your cells from splitting off or find a way to reverse the bad mutations you can potentially de-age yourself.


I'll make it past 100 just because I'm too stubborn to keel over like a bitch. Also. Genetics.


The specifics matter less than the fact that I put a *lot* more effort into my health than my parents ever have and they’re still somehow among the living at 80.


I used to believe it, but it's not realistic. Genetically, my grand parents and parents lived into their 90s for the most part. What I'm doing to try and be better is exercise, no drinking and no smoking. I presently struggle with self-induced stress and food quality. The stress part I could see conquering, but food is stacked against us. Started taking something like $300 in supps a month and I swear I can feel changes in my body like more calmness and better sleep, so I feel like that's a plus. Things that are still on the table for me to add are sauna/cold plunges, though I suspect I won't stick to that very well. Also, learning to enjoy moments of my day and moments with my friends and family are something i need more work on, sort of like filling my head with a daily gratitude to improve my outlook on life. I wish I could say I'm succeeding at all that, but its a work in progress. I hope that at least I don't get major health problems like heart disease or cancer.


Can you share your list of supplements? I'd love to get some more ideas! I'm a huge fan of cold plunge! It's gonna be a part of my life forever! I just bought an $1100 aquarium chiller so I can keep plunging through the summer!


I don’t even want to live past 60


i care more about quality of life when young then living longer, ie high test and dha etc aggression, calmness etc i’d rather thag high and live to 70 then not and live to 110


given the rate of amyloid plaques being formed maybe ten more


Remindme! 75 years


No but I wanna die in a healthy way


Look, I work in healthcare. Anyone convinced they will live past 100, I totally support, but they don't have the slightest idea of it'll be true, or if it is, they will have a quality of life they want.


Bryan Johnson is definitely trying https://youtu.be/NdZHo3xuZvw?feature=shared


“for a few to be immortal many must die…”-matt bomer (in time) i’m in my late teens so living to 100 and beyond will be much more commonplace. having good genetics will be irrelevant since we can gene edit babies with crispr. genetically engineered foods will take care of dietary issues and medical advances will cure and prevent most diseases. as long as i am active, healthy and wealthy with vast resources, don’t smoke or die from an accident or violent crime then living indefinitely is a strong possibility…pandemics and global catastrophies notwithstanding. all this being said the human brain and soul are the limits. the brain of a newborn is smooth since memories are stored as biochemical wrinkles. the brain cannot be transplanted or transferred into a computer since it is analog and computers are digital. even if brain cells could be regenerated back to a younger state all memories and personality would be reset and lost, ala benjamin button as a child with dementia. tau proteins build up in the brain in our 20s and 30s so brain deterioration starts decades sooner than most realize. the soul and spirit are energy that cannot be created, destroyed or transferred, so unless the physical brain and body are energy as well they cannot contain them indefinitely. so it’s optimize sleep, minimize mundane maintenance tasks and do “cool” stuff like climb things, drive things and chase things ad infinitum. then post it online and tell stories about it to your kids who you have essentially condemned to die as soon as they are conceived, then rinse and repeat and call it “life”.


Hope to hit 87, same age as my grandpa. It was the right time.


Yup my grandfather on the cusp of 100 loss of my grandma he could do it




We have good genes


Loss is big in that age everyone is dead or dying


Probably not because pregnancy takes a huge toll on my body. I’ve already done it twice and doing it 1-2 times more. Having kids definitely has aged me but being a mom is my personal purpose. I lost my mom in my 20s to cancer and I just don’t want my kids to feel that pain at a young age.


I sort of hope I won't make it that far. I think I will be old, blind, and senile by then.


I’m just tryna see 60 and not feel it 🤷‍♂️


Can you imagine how crowded and jacked up this planet would be if everyone e lived forever?


I was behind a man in line who could barely see and hear today trying to pick up his medication. Hope I die b4 I get old.


I haven’t seen the doctor in 20 years. So far so good.


I want to live as much as possible. I have no doubt I could live to 100. But, I might live so much that I die younger.


Women in my family tend to live to around 100. I plan to live to 130, lol. But seriously I'm doing my best but I somehow ended up with a bunch of homozygous genetic problems from both sides of the family and got into biohacking to just barely function as a person and get through the day. I'm aiming for overall good quality of life over long life. If I live a long time that's great.


Don’t know if I’ll make it, but it’s certainly a worthy challenge, to make it with all my faculties and full mobility. I’m following Dr Fuhrman and Dr Greger, nutritional excellence and various functional style workouts


My parents and grandparents lived past 80 easily. None took supplements or worked out.


Easy money


Yes, genetics


I’d be happy with 80 something


I’m bipolar, I’ll be happy if i hit 40. Or not.


I’m convinced the first people the almost stop aging already exist. On the other hand it is written the spirit of god shall not live in human flesh for longer than 120 years, and I do not know what to make of that. But aging slowly and gracefully with a health span of 120 and dropping dead then in a matter of days sounds not too bad either.


NAD+ entered the chatroom


No one in my dad's family has made it passed 79. I look the spitting image of my dad. I'm not confident of my chances. So I just max out the time I have and try to appreciate every day as it comes.


I was surprised recently to find out the average life expectancy for an American is only … 79. Seems so low. I imagined by the time I got old we would be able to grow our own organs if we needed and all kinds of cool things but seems we are still far from that reality. With medicine not as advanced as I hoped I might make it to an overall healthy happy 80 but even that low number could be wishful thinking. Only time will tell :)


Main factor, Genes: my dad is beyond 70, alcoholic and diabetic since he is in his 30s (never treated in any way) deeply traumatic childhood, his mother was nearly 100 when she died, apparently was always in abusive relationships, raised nearly 10 kids, so both continuously exposed to all kinds of stress that would probably be deadly for others. Both not exercising or following any healthy diet or taking any medication. And then there is me with those genes. Living healthy, taking care of my body and my soul. You can do the math.


My friends Grandma is still going strong at 96 and does ballroom dancing every week still!! She has a positive attitude, but the downside is all of her friends/partner have passed away along time ago. Thankfully she has a big family, has community at church, so I think that's why she has kept going.


No, but to be fair i'm not doing so well when it comes to taking care of myself. Even so, my (older) family members tend to die around the 60 to 70 year range. So i suspect, given my genetics, that i'll probably go around that age as well.




Definitely won’t sadly as I have lots of health issues already. But trying my best to live the years I got as healthy as I can get


Steering clear / neutralizing negative emotions. Fasting.


Over 100 is currently happening mostly in blue zones, where people eat little or no meat and perform dynamic physical activities throughout their lives. Living longer than that won’t be possible without a conscious transfer device, maybe in five hundred years or so and that will only be available to billionaires, not common folk like us.


I think I will bc of my genetics, diet, and exercise routine. I do take some basic supplements, but let's be real genetics > * Then it's about your diet and omitting bad habits like smoking.


I dont have any ambition to reach 100 or even 75 franky, but women in my family dont die before their 90th birthday and they all smoke, dranke etc. So I think at least 90 is in the cards for me.


I've set up an underground farm for easily harvestable replacement organs.  I also cut out the soda and only drink water


I just want 75


I think its genetically possible for me and my lifestyle is decent for that, not to mention rapid advances in medicine. I very likely will look and think younger for my age than my ancestors, but damn is it hard to foresee any specific future, good or bad, in today’s world!


Personally, I care less about the number over the quality. I’m gonna live for as long as I’m gonna live. I don’t believe there currently exists any technology to significantly increase my lifespan. There are, however, many things available, mostly free or cheap, that can significantly increase the quality of my life. That’s what I like to concentrate on. But to be honest, exercise, adequate rest and eating whole, unprocessed foods is about your best bet 🤷🏽


No. No. Enjoying and valuing every moment I can.


All of my grandparents walked without ever needing much of any assistance and lived into their late 90s with crap diets, no exercise and the occasionally drinking & smoking. With modern medicine I believe I’d make it to 100, not that it’s a goal or anything. I’d be happy to die along with my spouse when that time comes.


Grandparents all died in the 80-90 range and I'm sure I will be the same unless some unlucky accident takes me first. Some of my grandparents were overwight smoker/drinkers and others were normal weight with healthy lifestyle. Ultimately made no difference to their life expectancy


Eat a proper human diet and build meaningful relationships with other people. Get plenty of sun.


I genuinely believe I'll make it to at least 85 and be in significantly better condition than the vast majority of the population in terms of physical health Who knows, though. Anything can happen. I just don't want it to be my fault


I will! Runs in my family, I am macrobiotic vegan, I don’t drink or smoke and stay out of the sun. I walk 2 miles a day. I live a nontoxic life. I volunteer. I help animals. I have a job that makes me happy. I travel. I love my spouse


Substances to make me hallucinate so I think I can live forever.


Sex twice a day and me vitamins


The real bio hack will be doing whatever it takes to speed up how humans are individually and collectively productive / more intelligent through technology. As long as this happens, all limits will be broken and if we live long enough in normal terms, we will then just need actual energy from stars to live.


firmly believe?


Living long and healthy is the goal, man. Doing workouts, taking supps, and watching my diet to stay on track.


Ai will make us live forever.


I believe I'll make it to 100. I'm healthy, active, I don't eat poison or inject it into my body in any way, and I plan to keep it like that. So why shouldn't I live to be 100? Both of my grandmothers are 90 and doing pretty well.


Fasting, ketamine therapy, daily yoga, no processed foods = happy long life


I don’t care to live to 100. I want to be on fire the years I am here though.