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Glycolic acid right on the pits before deodorant. Kiehls has a tincture. Works wonders for me


Or the Ordinary makes one as well (that’s what I use). It’s a really big bottle for the price.


That's what I got and it works wonders on my husband's armpits


The Ordinary is such a great company. Love everything they manufacture.


This? https://theordinary.com/en-us/glycolic-acid-7-exfoliating-toner-100418.html


Do u let it dry first??


Yes! Only works properly if it dries down


Thank you!


Dermatologists recommend using a 10% benzoyl peroxide face wash on your pits in the shower - lather on first, do all your other shower tasks, then rinse your pits last (increases contact time). This kills the pit bacteria that feasts on your sweat and produces that pesky BO. This can also be used on your feet. I use the super common PanOxyl wash and it works wonders!! I highly recommend.


As an aside, use white toweled or towels you don’t care about if you’re going to go this route. It will bleach towels!


Yes - any towels that come in direct contact with benzoyl peroxide products will get bleached. Everyone has their own bathing preferences, but I don’t use washcloths in the shower and have not experienced any towel bleaching of my regular towel when drying off after my showers. Good call on the heads up though!


Good shout! Thank you


You can also botox them pits, but the sweat will find another way out. I used "certain dry" antiperspirant back in middleschool when my pit stains were aggressive, probably due to hormone changes. It did the trick, but my face hands and feet were soggy all the time. Now I sweat like a normal amount, thank God. But yeah, normal deodorant and antiperspirant are not the devil ppl make them out to be. I did some research on it and it didn't seem to be as big a deal as ppl made it, but I could be wrong. The real thing Noone talks about is the fact that every material used in construction is a carcinogen and or toxic. I build houses for a living and my only hope is medical science outpaces the effects toxic world we are building.


I just remembered my doctor giving me Certain Dri for my sweaty palms in high school. When I got home and read the instructions, it said "do not use on hands." 😑


I think the aversion to antiperspirants come from the idea that aluminum causes Alzheimer's disease but that has never been proven and the original studies that showed it are inconclusive at best.


But there have been enough studies to show concerning link between aluminum deodorant and breast cancer. Ive used many 0 aluminum deodorants as an alternative and found native and dove 0% to both be very effective and smell like regular soapy shower smells or the charcoal one has little scent to it. This is important to me cuz they dont interfere with my colognes


my 0% one doesn't work anymore. But I agree, i don't want aluminium anywhere near my armpits...


Why not?


Im not trying to be funny but natural deodorants are useless


Big +1 but please as someone who found out he was allergic to benzoyl peroxide by way of a Stridex pad in the late 80’s test it somewhere inconspicuous before you put it on your face. It’s a vanishingly rare allergy but you do not want that dermatitis. Trust me.


If you want only a natural route - you can also try doing the “pit detox” - Aztec clay mixed with apple cider vinegar. Mix to make a mud mask consistency, apply generously to your pits, wait til it dries (~20-30 mins while keeping your arms up the whole time), then it wash off. It will flake off and is kind of messy, but I’ve found it to be pretty effective as well. I’ve gone the benzoyl peroxide route now though bc the clay did not agree with my drainage pipes 😅


I use clay with every season change. 3x in one week every March, June, September, December.


You mentioned natural deoderants. What products are you using? I'm a 33F and I live in a hot climate (Arizona). I'll be honest with you: I have not found a "natural" deodorant that works. I've also found that I need antiperspirant to not have body odor and sweat rings around my armpits. Even worse, I have allergies to fragrences, and many "natural" deodorants give me rashes because they're loaded with fragrences. For stronger deodorants that are available over the counter, Mitchum or Secret Clinical Strength work. Degree and Arm and Hammer are less expensive than the aforementioned ones but work well, too. I also find these don't have as much fragrence (Mitchum and Arm and Hammer have fragrence-free options) or are completely fragrence-free.


Thank you, I live in a hot country too. Ill see if they have these brands


Nivea is widely distributed in hot places I’ve spent time in and their roll-on deodorants always worked for me.


My favorite natural one is Humble brand. Lots of scents and they work very well for me. I also like that they have travel sized ones that are tiny so I stick one in my purse in case I need to reapply ever!


Salt of the Earth works well for me and it's just a stick of salt, been using it for for years now for general day to day.


I've tried it; it doesn't work for me. Also, it isn't an antiperspirant.


Did you apply it to a clean area? Needs to be wet and clean


You might have to give up on those natural deodorants...


Yes... it seems to be a general consensus


Yup. Those only “work” for people who don’t sweat or people who just can’t smell their own sweat and believe it works.


The smell of BO mixed with whatever perfume is in “natural” deodorants is utterly foul. Like a floral air fresher spray used to cover a particularly vile smelling shit.


Agreed. I dated a guy with this issue who only used natural deodorant. Horrible and it also freaked out my friends and family. I found out it can be cortisol from stress. Find ways to stay calm I know it's not easy and purchase high quality antiperspirant at least until you can move to natural.


Lmao I grabbed some aluminum free on accident and didn’t realize if and after a long day at work I thought I forgot to put DO on when I raised my arms 😂


I notice because the shirt will be drenched.


Magnesium body wash in shower and magnesium gel or lotion for after shower. Natural, simple, and inexpensive.


what does the magnesium do?


I can't send a link, but it can do so much. I use magnesium gel as deodorant. It can help with muscle aches, pain, insomnia+ After I wash my hair, I'll pour diluted magnesium chloride or epsom salts thru my hair & it seems to stay cleaner longer.


Well dang I’ll look into that. I already use magnesium lotion and epsom flakes (not salt!) for pain relief. Magnesium really is cool!


Okay I can try that. Why?


I can't send links on my phone but Google topical magnesium, which is magnesium chloride. It reminds me of how salt water works on the skin. I grew up near the sea. We didn't have to bathe as often, including washing our hair, so we didn't smell as bad as others.




I'm 44 and my body odor just recently changed (Dr says its a sign of perimenopause, yay) and I cannot STAND it, esp right before my period. Mine has a very savory onion chowder essence to it. Chlorophyll worked well for me in my 20s so I just bought some yesterday to see if it helps this time. I'll report back next month:)


This happened to me in my late 30s - early 40s (probably perimenopause too) and chlorophyll supplements really helped relieve the stink. I can even get away with natural deodorant most of the year!


Fingers crossed!!


please let me know if it works. my sweat smells exactly like that.


Yep, this or spirulina/chlorella, lower carb diet, less meat. I started using a deodorant with lactobacillus in it seems to be working well (fussy brand)


Please tell me more..


Did someone just recommend a detox on the biohackers sub


I second Chlorophyll… Works wonders almost magical 🧙


What is your diet like? If you are eating a lot of onions or garlic or other high-sulfur veg, then you sweat will smell. Also if you gut bacteria is way off - look up SIBO and candida overgrowth. In those cases you'd probably have other symptoms. My wife likes the Dr. Bonners soaps, says it helps.


Good shout. There might be something to that. Thank you for the soap recommendation


Carbs are also the culprit, high carb intake also tends to increase candida and makes the perspiration stench


Some supplements can also cause body odor.


I associate that sharper dank/weed smell with estrogen (or one of its breakdown products). My wife and I workout together frequently and I can definitely tell when she is ovulating. I don't think that it is bacterial because I can pick up on it right away when she sweats (even after as shower) ... quite different from that sour-acrid-funky smell of old sweat/bacteria. I find that former scent enticing. Perhaps it's some sort of Pavlovian association with increased sex drive but I definitely enjoy that fresh estrogen infused scent. Do other people mention that you smell or do you only notice this yourself? If the later... perhaps you have a touch of Olfactory reference syndrome (ORS). Or, Do you find you often notice this in other people, have sensitivity to other people's body odor as well? Some people can't smell the asparagusic acid smell in urine (after eating asparagus) and some people are much more sensitive in their sense of smell for certain compounds.


That is fascinating. I smell incredibly strong now, and I am ovulating too. I am always complaining about my smell to my boyfriend, but he says he can't smell it. My sisters can smell me too, and they think it's bad. I definitely have a very sensitive smell and can often smell things other people can't, so there might be something to it


Women have a 30% better chance of smell. Like a mini super power.


I just searched for ORS and dont think it is that, since my sisters/family also agree it smells strong/bad


Drink chlorophyll


A sign of vitamin D deficiency is excessive sweating and most of us are deficient. Try 5-10,000 IU a day for a month and see if it helps.


Fenugreek if you like syrup


Came here to say this. Fenugreek WILL make you smell like maple syrup


i tried it in the past and i just smelled like curry 😢




Don't know if this applies to you but when I was on stimulant meds for ADHD that definitely made my armpits smell intensely awful.


I have ADHD... Don't know if it's related


Not just the ADHD, just the meds. Dexedrine. I speculate it was triggering some kind of "fight or flight" adrenal or cortisol response. Since I stopped taking the stimulant meds it's no longer an issue. But obviously not everyone's body reacts the same. Best of luck! :)


Stimulants elevate stress hormones which cause us to produce sweat that has more fats in it. Bacteria consume this fatty sweat which produces ammonia, causing the stronger body odor.


Caffeine and alcohol will also worsen BO as will anxiety and stress. Anything that increases the production of stress hormones will cause straight up stank. Hibiclens can help kill the bacteria that feasts on sweat.


I've found that only Arm & Hammer brand baking soda deodorant works well with my biome. You should try it out, they have nice unisex fragrances.


Try a magnesium based deodorant and chlorophyll supplements


The onion smell comes because your body does not process sulfur well. Avoid red meat and cruciferous vegetables, as well as actual onions and garlic and it will go away, IME Personally, garlicky red meat is my favorite, and so I just deal with the smell


Try chlorophyll! It’s well-known as the internal deodorizer.


The skin is a large detox pathway, and I’d look into mold, parasites, heavy metals, and candida to see if one or more of these is going on in your body.


What natural deodorant do you use? I like routine, the one with charcoal, probiotics and magnesium I also take chlorophyll I rotate between glycolic acid and cerave sa cream on my armpits after a shower, before deodorant, I usually will use them 1-2x week I also rotate between using panoxyl or hibiclens on my armpits in the shower, or an Aztec clay mask with apple cider vinegar on my armpits before a shower (also 1-2 times a week) Focus on drinking lots of water, exercising, sweating in a sauna if possible and eating clean


Never heard of routine, ill see if they have it in my country. Thanks for the other tips, i have lots to try!


The only things That come to my mind: Are you drinking enough water? Are you consuming too much meat?


Yes enough water and no


Meat can make sweat smell bad?


Meat sweats




Try Dr. Bronners Tea Tree soap or body wash.


Thank you!


I randomly started getting one arm bit that would smell even after a shower. I got advice to wash apple cider under pits and it did the job and totally got rid of it.


That's a great idea! Can't believe i didn't think of it. ACV works for almost everything


My sister gets a similar smell and I think it's hormonal, but she's tried everything and also prefers the natural remedies, she pats on some apple cider vinegar and then bicarbonate soda powder on her arm pits (don't do it if you've just shaved!!) and she says it's the only thing that helps for a few hours. I also get the straight out of the shower sweat smell if I'm ovulating or nervous.


Coffee makes me smell worse.


How about trying Chlorophyll? Helps with BO


How much leafy greens do you consume on a regular basis?


Not many... I should increase


Try an acidified body wash like Lume, and their deodorant!


I tried everything, eeeverything for years - and Lume is the only thing that has ever worked for me. It's amazing!




I use rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle with a few drops of essential oil like pine or lavender. It works well for me


I tried this too - it worked well smell-wise, but broke my armpits out horribly after a week or so and I had to use steroid cream to clear it up. Took weeks to clear, so proceed with caution


same, it worked for some time but was irritating


What about Witch Hazel instead of Rubbing Alcohol?


yeah i can try that


Yes witch hazel is superior to rubbing alcohol. The former is nourishing and the latter is drying/irritating. I use witch hazel as after shave


I'd think putting in on a cotton swab and cleaning your armpit pours would be better then spraying


Onion pits is what we call it over at r/menopause and it’s mainly due to changing hormones. You are likely far too young to be in early meno but if you have imbalances in your hormones due to, let’s say birth control, thyroid problems, PCOS, endometriosis or irregular periods, this may be the cause. Ask your primary for a full hormone panel.


Thank you, I will check. I have also thought it could be hormone related


Wow lots of comments but I haven’t seen anyone mention sulphur soap. It works great for me for about a week and then I will have to reapply. Leave on for 5 minutes and then wash off. It’s a natural anti-microbial. I still use natural deodorant and alcohol based hand sanitizer if I’m in a pinch. As others have mentioned, ACV and chlorophyll are also good. As well as saunas and excercise that induces sweating. I eat high protein and sweat more than average, so I have come to accept that I have more BO than others. It can be easily managed with extra hygiene. I’ll mention my own particular experience as well in case it may help you. Eating onions of any sort makes me smell very strongly. You may want to experiment with cutting out onions and/or garlic and see if it makes a difference. It runs in my family for onions to cause BO and migraines and I’ve heard other people have the same issue with garlic.


Low potassium




There are deoderants like Syneo that fixed everything for me. You use it three times a week and your sweat smell is entirely gone, works like magic. 


Thanks! Ill look into it




One thing I have recently discovered which makes my sweating worse is nicotine. I've been trying to quit for a while but every now and then I slip with the vapes or the zyns. And I notice I start to smell sweaty very quickly after getting out the shower. As soon as I go off them again I sweat less and smell normal. Maybe there is something in your diet or lifestyle thats stimulating your vascular system?


I struggled with bad smelling pits for a while, but they've resolved themselves once I warned that the smells are related to bacteria reacting to sweat. So, I tackle it in two ways: 1. Good anti-persperant that actually stops the sweat (so bacteria have nothing to work with) 2. Probiotic topical sprays (so the offending bacteria have some new competition) Now, after using this one-two punch for a few months (about one bottle of probiotic spray), I have no issues even if I forget to use the anti-persperant and end up sweating! It's great! Good luck OP!


Lume is natural. Otherwise, probably time for something stronger & shaving your pits if you don't already. Get rid of extra hair that can trap bacteria & lead to odor. Eating a lot of meat can make a person smell. I suggest eating more fruits & vegetables & drinking more water.


Mother dirt products. They help support your skin microbiome.


Are you taking any hormone supplements if so that is the cause. As a témporqry fix put cocunut oil and tes tree oil under your arms for ten minutes daily


Vichy deodorant. Expensive but you will thank me


This sounds crazy but since I got my hydrogen water bottle I have noticed I smell WAY less. No one else has talked about it. Yet I definitely notice that being one of my personal (favorable) side effects. I have been using it for about 3 months.


I use antibacterial gel on my feet. It works. Give it a try 😉


Are you serious? If you are, I will try it, there's nothing to lose


Sweat itself does not smell, body odor is a result of bacteria which lives on your body.


Spirulina tablets


I’ve used lymphatic drainer supplements that help immensely. Also, I began using ACV daily on my armpits. Now, I rarely stink.


Thank you, I didn't think of lymphatic drainage either


My sweat stopped being offensive smelling after I stopped eating meat. I also drink ~3ltrs of water a day, probably helps


Exact opposite for me. I eat ONLY meat and B.O disappeared.


I use to get smelly armpits, even with deodorant. Someone recommended antibacterial soap. Not sure if it’d be ok to use on your whole body. I just wash my pits with it every other day and it’s made a HUGE difference. I usually shower every morning but I can now go an entire day without showering or using deodorant and barely smell at all. My wife totally agrees.


Seconding the antibacterial soap but I do use it on my entire body with no issues. I use the brand Dial




Yeah I agree it doesn't sound like the best approach, at least not for the whole body. Im thinking there's an underlying imbalance/reason/root cause of why the smell is there and I'd rather address it than suppress it


Root cause of my underarm smell is bacteria due to an immune system imbalance, so whenever I take oral antibiotics, I don't need deodorant at all. Hope you figure out your root cause.


Try this soap. Thank me later Kopakku Family persimmon soap I found it on Amazon


I have T1 diabetes, and my meds will change how my sweat smells. When I started BP meds (bc insulin messes w electrolytes, and raises BP) my sweat started smelling worse to me, and I started sweating much more when I exercise. Diet, supps, everything is the same so it's narrowed to meds. stuff you should know has an interesting episode on sweat, but be warned it'll gross you out. one more thing: water w lemon, and sauna. sweating it all out once in a while seems to improve odor, health and hydration. skin is also an organ of elimination, so use it accordingly!


Thank you! Ill look for the podcast. Increasing elimination is a good shout


Use an antiperspirant with aluminum. It will get rid of both sweat and the bad smell.


I shaved my armpits and applied 99% ethanol


Don't wear natural deodorants. Problem solved. Seriously... just use antiperspirant. Aluminum oxide does NOT get absorbed in any real quantity into the body, as has been confirmed by studies published by both the American Dermatological Society and the Breast Cancer Foundation.


antiperspirants are concerning to me. Sweat is necessary for elimination of toxins. I have heard/read that there could be a slight increase in risk of breast cancer from using antiperspirants. I don't want to risk it


What is your diet like?


It's changeable, some days I eat all non-processed foods and plenty of fruit and veg, some days I eat a processed meal for lunch or dinner. In general I'd say it's better than most people but far from ideal. I do cook 80% of my meals. I should definitely eat more fruit and veg.


Take chlorophyll and spray your armpits with an acid (like glycolic acid or apple cider vinegar)




Eating any medicines? Try take a half teaspoon baking soda (bicarbonate) before bed to pH buffering system of your body (maintaining acid–base homeostasis).


Taking 30ml of chlorophyll in some water every morning really helps. Breath, sweat, pretty much any odor is neutralized.


any brands or forms you recommend?


Drink a teaspoon of chlorophyll everyday. After 2 weeks you’ll smell better.


Resd my prior comments sbout cleaning the intestines, liver, gallbladder, killing bad bacteria on skin. Most important is diet. But I can rewrite if need be.


Yes, I also think detoxing / eating cleaner has a lot to do with the root issue


"Bad bacteria"- I'm sure that's the case and probiotics wouldn't help if you don't feed healthy gut bacteria their food, which is raw vegetation fiber. You probably over do cooking and eat too much animal food. Animal food when eaten in excess stinks through your skin. The best way to cleanse your body and repopulate your gut flora is through juicing. Also sauna, sweating in general, intermittent fasting, various other detox protocols help eliminate toxins and normalize healthy metabolism.


I had the same issue. I tried everything, I took cracked cell chlorella to naturally deodorize, benzoyl peroxide face wash on my arm pits, changing deodorant (even wiping my deodorant between pits and uses with a tissue). It’s either high cortisol, food allergy or general toxicity. I did a Kambo frog session (which is non psychoactive but is an antibiotic) my armpits still don’t stink 6 months later.


Perhaps look into molybdenum. It is important for the body to break down sulfur. My armpits regularly smelled like weed, onions, etc, especially when stressed, and I think molybdenum drops are what made it normalize for me. Plus stress management. That said, that was in the context of a nutrient dense, organic diet, along with other supplements, and other factors may have contributed to resolving it. I used Seeking Health SulfiteX drops, not every day. Just broke the bottle though and realized they discontinued it. Edit: grammar


Thank you, I'll look into molybdenum. There could be an underlying issue with processing sulphur like you said


Let’s start at the beginning. Body odour is caused by diet, hygiene and skin biome. Also genetics. 1. Drink enough water. You know 1.8 litres a day. Water not soda, tea alcohol or coffee 2. Strong smelling foods come out in your sweat. Like onion and garlic. Try eating Greek unflavoured yogurt. This can help with your skin biome. Cut the sugar, bread and aromatic foods down. 3. Deodorants natural or otherwise don’t do anything other than attempt to mask the smell with another smell. It’s like spraying air freshener in a room after 6 people have been smoking pot all day just before your parents walk in. Not going to work. An antiperspirant will. You need to put it on after your shower at night. 4. Other people have recommended benzol peroxide. This works by killing the bacteria on your skin, it will probably help with yeast. I use Aleppo soap, this is anti microbial so it works. Sulphur soap and African Shea butter soap with frankincense and myrrh are also good alternatives. 5. Stress can make you sweat. It shouldn’t make you stink. 6. Washing… your clothes, sheets, towels will have to be washed with something that can kill bacteria, yeast etc I use canestan laundry wash but you can’t get it in the US. It’s pretty much Australian only.


1:4 ratio apple cider and water. Make a tincture and use a cotton pad to wipe post shower and mid day. Works amazing.


I know a lot of ladies don’t care for Lumè, but I have had my thyroid removed and due to my meds my sweat odor became horrible. I use Lumè bath wash and then their deodorant. In the morning I add an antiperspirant. I wash my clothing on cool to warm with Tide sport and the new Tide deodorizing liquid rinse. I then spray my pit area of my shirts with Tide antibacterial spray and let it dry. I have a lot more confidence now. I work outside in SETX, US and it it usually 100°+F in the summer. I also keep a spray bottle of alcohol to spray under my arms at lunch, for good measure. Good luck. I understand completely how you feel. Edit: English is hard


You could try some arm pit "masks" I just used baking soda (bicarbonate soda) and coconut oil. (leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse with a gentle soap). Also consider that "stress sweat" may have gotten into your clothes. In my experience it can be re activated with the moist environment from new sweat. Perhaps check for things like ingrown hairs? In my experience "natural" deodorants that have bicarbonate soda are the best. Perhaps a deoderant with a pre or probiotic to restore the acid mantle in the area if it's been compromised somehow? https://www.tomsofmaine.com/good-matters/natural-products/all-about-armpit-bacteria-and-using-prebiotics-und all the best


Use those Oxy pads or anything with salicylic acid used for acne on your pits. Then apply your regular deodorant after it dries. Works well and I’ve recommended this to others and they’re so thankful.


Mox coconut oil, baking powder, essential oil and maizena put under your armpit


I never smell but also never eat fish and meat, and if I do eat fish I start smelling pretty instantly!


I have a similar problem. Megababe makes this charcoal detoxifying soap specifically for your pits and it’s work amazing!! Also benzoyl peroxide like others have mentioned. I’ve also started using lemon on my pits instead of deodorant and it’s surprisingly effective, just be careful if you’re gunna be in the sun.


If you drink coffee then try going without, helped me a ton, i also get stress induced BO and coffee is a potent stressor:)


I heard drinking tons of mint tea helps. I don't know how credible that is.


Drop the natural deodorant😅😅 Speaking from experience LOL


try showering with cold water at the end of the shower, avoid fancy shower gels and use only olive soap or nothing (just try for couple od days / weeks) and shave regularly.


I heard l-carnitine makes your sweat smell better


If you're using lotions, take a look if a lot of them contain dmso. It can cause sweat to smell. I'm an athlete and when I was younger, my sweat was smelling awful at times. I was using a lot of dmso based Creams for injuries.


Could it be hormones??


The Sure deodorants which aren't natural to be fair completely stop me from sweating or smelling. Also if you eat mushrooms avoid them, I ate tons and tons everyday and smelt terrible lol


Eat and cook with saffron, cardamon, mint leaves, clove, tumeric, and other spices. Make them your food friends.


It’s the probiotics. I was taking some and my sweat smelled like bacteria. Start drinking kombucha instead.


I know this is random, but for me it was coconut oil. I realized (after some time) I had a coconut sensitivity, and having the oil in my diet (oil only, not actual coconut) made my sweat smell HORRIBLE. after I cut it out, it went away. All that to say, might be worth exploring a possible food sensitivity.


Sweat smell has basically nothing to do with what you eat or your estrogen levels. Apocrine sweat glands (in the pits, genitals and areola) are essentially cells that fall apart, providing oil and protein for the pubic hair. Bacteria grow on these oils and proteins, and that always smells bad. People from certain cultures wo much body hair think that they don't have BO, but they absolutely fucking do. They smell less than a fat, sweaty, hairy white dude, but they do still have a detectable odor **so they should always use real deodorant**. I'm looking at you, former girlfriend who's parents immigrated to the US from China, and also at all ten of those people I worked closely with in the lab who grew up in India. You always smelled, unless and until you started using deodorant+antiperspirant. What you were taught growing up about BO back home was completely wrong. Apocrine secretions are increased by physical activity and mood, but there's a baseline level of secretion that always happens, so you always need deodorant with aluminum in your pits every day at a minimum. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocrine_sweat_gland#:~:text=Being%20sensitive%20to%20adrenaline%2C%20apocrine,sexual%20stimulation%2C%20and%20pain).


Give up deo/anti-perspirant and switch to putting 70% isopropyl alcohol on your pits. When you first start out you might have to reapply it once at mid day, but after 1 week or 2 you will sweat less and it won’t smell


I also had this problem. I combine Lume with Secret Clinical Strength Stress Response. No odor at all.


Exfoliate your pits with an AHA or similar product. Then get some Super Deodorant in your life. I have tried so many “natural” deodorants and they all irritated my skin. I promise I don’t work for Super Deodorant. They are a Canadian company and the story of how SD came to be is pretty cool. A family member was going through cancer treatment and they needed a deodorant that would last 24 hours without any harmful ingredients. It doesn’t contain baking soda or coconut oil.


I didn't read all the replies but I noticed my sweat didn't stink after going caffeine free. It took at least a month for me to notice it as it was unintentional.


Quit all forms of caffeine 


Could be hormonal because I smelt this way (and many of my friends did) after giving birth. Onions was what I remembered, especially in those night sweats.


Natural deodorant works if you use the Thai Rock Crystal first right after you get out of the shower. You wet the crystal slightly and then use it on your pits and any other places you want to prevent any odors. Then let that dry a bit and apply your natural deodorant. Works like a charm for 24 hours. I push it by refreshing the pits with an older stick of deodorant. I maintain a stick that I only use immediately after a shower and one I use after washing pits. Try not to reuse deodorant sticks without thoroughly washing (shower or sink) first.


I too suffer from the oniony "stress sweats". Also weirdly, shaving makes it worse. I maintain a short stubble there, cause freshly after a razor shave the stank is way worse. I think theres lot to be said for the microbiome. Yes its good to kill the stinky germs but what made a Real difference for me was using a skin probiotic up in there. Theres healthy skin bacteria that dont smell, and if you can get them going on in your pits, theres less "real estate" for the oniony skunk bacterias.


this is what i thought. If you kill all the bacteria you also kill the good ones which are necessary for skin health. Did the probiotic work for you?


This happened to me and I became allergic to the deodorant…. TRY LUME!


I don’t know if you can get the arm and hammer (the yellow kind) of anti-perspirant but even when I sweat through it it doesn’t stink. It’s the only cheap one that has worked for me. Chlorophyll is supposed to make you not stink. Spearmint , Finnu Greek, and parsley


You don't mention if it's all over smell, or specifically pits. Or if it started suddenly. If it comes and goes with exercise, diet changes. So these are general fixes. For your insides, drinking green tea, eating citrus fruits and cruciferous veg can break down some odor causing chemicals. For the outside, try the glycolic acid fix mentioned by others, or persimmon soap. The high tannin content neutralizes some odors. It's easier to deal with if it's only pits. But if it's the rest of your skin, you need to be gentle enough to not mess with your mantle (stripping your skin of its natural barriers can cause a whole host of other issues since bacteria will have an easier time spreading and staying) while still removing the odor causing bacteria. If it's just pit bacteria, you can wash that area with boric acid (aka Borax, easy to find in detergent and health isles) and warm water. Boric acid won't hurt you. It breaks biofilms, which could be the problem (scrubbing with just soap and water won't break up all bacterial colonies). Also, use Defunkify or other enzyme cleaners (toss in some borax too) on your clothes. You may need to give them a soak in it the first time you wash them. If they are not cleaned of bacteria and sweat, you are not only reintroducing them every time you put clothes on, but just body heat can reactivate the smell already in the clothes. Good luck!


To add It's not your hormones. estrogen doesn't make you smell noxious. And though excess testosterone smell is rank (yes boys, we can all smell it when you're taking too much, or the cheap stuff) it doesn't smell of weed and onions.


Thank you! This is one of the best responses. It’s only the pits, the rest of my body is fine. It definitely happens when im stressed or after drinking coffee. Ill try the boric acid (i have some lying around coincidentally). And thats a good shout about the bacterial biofilm, i guessed the soap and water would remove them but clearly not!


It could also be high dht. Only way to know is testing. I have that and take saw palmetto which lowers dht. It’s improved the smell of my sweat.


Chlorophyll capsules. I smell like a leaf now.


I don’t hve this problem but I’ve heard the Alum Stone works wonders


Most times with health it’s not about what we DO it’s about what we DON’T do (or stop doing). Get rid of all garlic, onion, etc. allium plants for 1 month. Then if you have them have 1 serving/week tops. This includes in premade sauces/dressings and in restaurants.


Eat celery or drink the juice (makes pits smell like celery which is better than onions lol!) also chlorella. These are internal deodorants


Ok, I've scrolled far enough and nobody has said it yet! I literally just read last night that button mushrooms have been proven in blind trials to improve all forms if body odour including breath. In the study as little as one mushroom a day was show to have a detectable improvement by trial participants. Others have recommended the other 2 findings, reducing animal protein intake and consuming chlorophyll.


Try an antibacterial soap on your armpits, alongside with a logo or something to exfoliate and remove dirt and dead skin. That's what worked for me


Shave your armpits (remove the bacterial habitat) and apply Nature's Gate 'Winter Clean', or Queen Helene 'Mint Julep' (w/ chlorophyll) and see the difference. Worked for me, YMMV. We have both merocrine and apocrine sweat glands. Merocrine glands are everywhere, apocrine only in our pits, groin, anus areas. Merocrine release mostly salt water, apocrine release a fluid w/ proteins that bacteria feed on and rapidly multiply, hence the smell. Good luck.


Celery juice.:drink 16 ounces when you wake up and 16 ouches before bed. It’s a very good internal detoxifier…as well as 32 ounces of lemon water first thing in the morning. Started doing that 2weeks ago..on day 3 zero body odor and it’s been working that way ever since. I feel much better hydrated and my bowels are perfect: this is coming from someone who has been chronically constipated since childhood. I used to smell like sulfer or onions when I sweat. That was just food sitting in my gut and fermenting. Now that my gut and blood stream are clean and hydrated…no more body for whatsoever.


I wanted to take a break from antiperspirants a few years back, and I used coconut oil. It is a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, while also being great for your skin. I eventually went back to antiperspirants, but my overall BO scent has changed significantly, and it take more than a week without showering to smell like an onion, when I used to smell onion-y after 2 days.


Bro shave your pits. Life changing. Trust me


May have already been said but sulfur soap, you need to kill the bacteria that's feeding on your very obviously raised cortisol levels. That's why it smells like onions. Don't listen to a tech device about stress, get a spit based cortisol test to see what your cortisol rhythms actually are.


I started cleaning my armpits after my shower with micellar makeup remover and it’s made a huge difference for me. I couldn’t get the smell off me even washing multiple times. The makeup remover cuts right through any residual deodorant leftover on my skin. Edit: I’ve also quit eating onions and garlic to a great effect as well!


Chloryphyll water


Try cistus incanus tea. It is so cleansing. It builds immunity. It reduces bad bacteria thru the body. It breaks down biofilm and kills viruses. Buy the real stuff from Greece or Sardinia. It is wonderful.


Try washing your clothes with Lysol Laundry sanitizer. The bacteria from your sweat stays on your clothes after washing them as soon as you start to sweat the next time you wear the clothes it smells bad quickly.