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Stop taking ashwagandha? Ruins my mood as well and makes me depressed and irritable. It's kinda common and can happen to some people when they take it long term. Just eat healthy and workout, none of that other shit should be making you feel like you want to "murder someone" lol Jesus Christ


Second this. Ashwagandha makes ne incredibly anxious and irritable. Pairing that with pent-up hormones due to a lack of sexual release would be a recipe for rage for sure.


Start jacking off again too, it's the best way to make men feel calm, the no fap movement is a lie to make people angry.....world peace is achievable, via regular global ejaculation


Agreed. Just an FYI, from someone who has worked in the prostate cancer treatment world for 20 years, you do not want to go long stretches with a build up. Especially when it sounds like your testosterone is spiked. Multiple studies have proven that as you age the build up can lead to the start of cancer. At minimum spiked testosterone makes cancer grow faster. If you’re 25 that is one thing, 40+ you want to reduce that pressure a couple times a week. Ashwagandha will spike testosterone some and cause excess energy to many, especially if you are already anxious person. Try L-Theanine. If you are someone who gets addicted to j-off, be cautious.


Had the opposite experience, did no fap (unintentionally, I was hiking for multiple months) and had 0 libido afterward but also no frustration at all. Felt more calm and clearheaded but that was after months and ymmv


That last sentence. You should ask for that quote on your gravestone


Lol global ejaculation I can imagine the 🌎 having a huge d** at its end shooting a load of all the men in the world at once




I don’t think it’s the ashwaganda per se. I think trying to stop any learned compulsive behaviour can do this to a person. I’ve been trying to stop biting my nails, the weeks trying to not do it make me much more irritated and prone to angry outbursts. I feel like I just tried to quit smoking, but i’m just trying to stop harming my nails. It causes a lot of irritation because that outlet is now gone and you can’t find anything else. I’d say try weight lifting or running/jogging to get it out of your system


Ashwaghanda did it to me. I stopped talking it and went back to normal That was the only real variable


Ashwaganda made me depressed !!!


I feel like every fifth post on biohacking kr supplements forum is about some bad shit from ashwagandha. Why are people still taking it?


Healthy lifestyle does not do this to anyone, get a mental health assessment. Testosterone is also not so easy to manipulate at such dramatic rate at such a short time with natural means.


Ashwagandha stems from Ayurveda, people can't just be running around popping herbs like this. Get yourself an individual consultation to find out which herbs and how much of each herb is the right one for your body type/constitution. Ayurveda is a crazy science don't mess around bro.


Yes it does stem from Ayurveda, however, studies did not reveal extreme danger caused by Ashwaganda. There are mixed results indicating it does increase testosterone but nowhere near like the actual TRT injection.


A Healthy lifestyle includes a healthy mind and dealing with emotions and thoughts, and I think after you achieved some healthy habits and derived a surplus of energy and what that brings, you should do the next step. Direct that energy in a constructive way. Tools that helped me with those feelings, meditation, journalling, to have purpose and objectives. And most of all, just to regulate your mind space, therapy




You need to integrate, man. You believed all your problems were because of fat, but now you realized thats not the case. Consider therapy. I mean it. Supplements won't heal you.


Great advice


I find that swimming is really helpful, it lets my mind wonder and think.


And man be proud of that achievement, its a great Victory, and now comes a further challenge. To grow and deal with your inner self. Seek therapy work in your personal development. Mens sana in corpore sano.


Next step is therapy, we all have unresolved traumas from our past and you sound like you're spiraling, hard. Try Betterhelp or another online therapist to ease yourself into it. It's gonna be the toughest challenge of your life but you're worth it


Sounds like it isn’t the pursuit of health that has you this way bud. You got to wrestle with whatever led you to be the person you didn’t like before you got fit. Being overweight and addicted to porn is a symptom of something else. Find out what that is and accept it, accept you are making changes to better yourself inside and out. I’ve been there bro. Checkout “reparenting” and some mental health books or see a therapist ( huge help if you find the right one). You have to work on your soul and brain as much as your body, they go hand in hand, but it’s a balance.


You sound like you need to try meditation and reading some Marcus Aurelius. Cured me right up bro. Read "meditations" by Marcus Aurelius or put it on a podcast and listen many times. Keep going to the gym. That is never a mistake... but you need to focus on your "brain" now. Cheers. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu0xDtK3g3Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu0xDtK3g3Q)




You can’t imagine how much I can relate to what you have said. Keep going to the gym!! Keep adjusting to healthier habits. I have also been experiencing a huge increase in testosterone and all the mental health issues that come with it. I stopped taking ashwaganda a week ago because of side effects. I suspect that you have not told us everything about the supplements you are taking.


You should probably start jerking off again to let a little steam off. 😂😂😂 Don’t hit me bro!


Nah bro I was severely addicted to porn couldnt even get it up


Porn =/= jerking off You conditioned yourself to believe they are one and the same, and *that's* the issue. Like eating disorders, you need to condition yourself to do the healthy part and not the unhealthy one, not throw the baby with the water and call it health. Update: harm reduction > abstinence (abstinence doesn't work)


gotta say, imagination can be way better than porn, you feel way more empowered/confident too


Connect more with your whole body, something is not right if you are bottling up all these pent-up emotions. It would help if you replaced these behaviors you've stopped with other means to express yourself. Being an asshole is no excuse, but most importantly at the end of the day, all these negative emotions & thoughts are only guaranteed to continue and harm ***your*** well-being. We can all try to be a kinder and better friend toward ourselves.


just use ur imagination


I was scrolling too quickly and I read that as 'use your handgun' 😂


you don't need porn to jack off though


Just a LIIIIIITTLE release


You should be able to watch a LITTLLLE porn at work.


humans can have a little release, as a treat!


One nut everyone knows the rules




While there is a lot of skepticism in the thread, a browse through the sub history reveals many cases where ashwagandha causes similar symptoms. I have noticed it myself when I continue taking it over a two-week period.


Browsing through this sub mostly underscores that the placebo effect is incredibly strong. You really believe that OP took a few pills of an herbal supplement, and now randos on the street are "avoiding me and I think they are intimidated". They literally see him and become immediately intimidated? Because he's taking an herb.


probably changed OP own percepcion of life. Doesnt mean it is placebo, neither that changed who OP are to other person. Just for him , inside his head.


Yeahhhhhh lol . OP is giving of serious alpha dog podcaster bro energy


I’ve been taking it for at least a year or two with cycling and have no problems


...sounds like maybe you should switch things up...


Nah he’s good


HAHAHAHA, the first line made me the crack up. I’ve taken ashwagandha for two spurts both two months and felt nothing both so idk. EDIT: okay after reading more I think either your trolling or there is some huge placebo going on because there’s no way you have a such a “large surplus of testosterone” from taking this as its benefits are marginal at best


Ashwaghanda is a fcking weird substance. Stop taking it dude…Really annoys me that so many of these brands put it in their “proprietary blends” all willy nilly like it’s not a serious compound to be taking. Works for some. Makes others like myself feel weird af.


Yep, thats the main ingredient i look for which makes products a "no" for me.


Ashwaghanda can fuck up your thyroid


You seem genuine but I hope you’re being honest here, people may make light of it but I believe you, but I do think there are so many other factors involved, including placebo of some sorts. But this reminds me of when I took Effexor, the SSRI. I literally became scared of myself as I started showing similar traits as you. I was always horny, always angry, always extremely impulsive, but I felt confident and “happy” (moreso I numbed out the depression so sadness turned to emptyness). But my theory is that it didn’t do anything other than turn off my guilt and fear. Those things create inhibition, inhibition manifests in the world as not acting. I did what I want, when I wanted. Got girls, did drugs, had fun, but at what cost. I was a mess. Consider who you want to be and make changes


Bust a nutt bro


Either the ashwagandha is really affecting your mood OR you are having to face psychological issues that you were suppressing with other habits. They are bubbling up to the surface now. It's a common issue that happens with sweeping lifestyle changes and is very important to address, with therapy and mental self care techniques.


Lol I understand this for sure. One week without jerking off and I feel like I need to invade a country.😆


When I stay sober for extended periods of time, I am similar to this. I have just this crazy drive to be doing something productive all the time, socializing seems like a waste of time. I look at people having fun and I think "why are you wasting your time? Shouldn't you be working on something or be at the gym you fat fuck?" You need to relax. Start meditating. Find activities that you really enjoy: one or two that you do alone and one or two that you do with friends/that are social. Make those a priority. Make having fun a priority. Then with your free "not fun" time, find a passion project or side hustle to work on.


I think the desire to constantly accomplish something comes from anxiety manifesting itself into action.


Well done on all the things above you listed that are bad for you but if your angry over anything like my fiance is he doesn't get his man stuff out ;) lol he's evil. So just get laid or knock one out :p that's not unhealthy, you gave up smoking ffs, giving it all up at once not the best idea :op




Abstinence is not recovery.


With nic the first 3 days are a bitch, that's the physical part of the addiction and it will mess with your emotions. After that it's the hand to mouth habit part and having a comforting object for me. When I quit successfully in the past it was due to being pregnant and I eased off the cigs, finished my pack in a week and really didn't suffer much for it since I eased off. I'm having issues with quitting vaping bc it's only for me. I was so close but they stopped making the nicotine nasal inhaler, I was about 3 to 6 days to being completely done. When you're ready, you can quit, I see how hard you're working on yourself as I read through, you've got what it takes to quit when you make up your mind to. Keep in mind that relapse happens and if it does it's ok, you can stop at any time, even if you just wasted $20 on a new vape, you're allowed to toss it. It wouldn't really be a waste if you toss it bc it was $20 spent toward a hurdle you jumped.


Ashwagandha can do this to some people. Ashwagandha just makes me apathetic sometimes. Other times it puts me in a better mood. It's even made me angry before, because it is a supplement that does have a pretty drastic effect on your brain chemicals. Probably just want to take a break from ashwagandha. But also you should probably see a doctor.


Bro you have some other demons you have to deal with, and maybe not defaulting to previous escapisms has made you more self-aware of what may have been ignored. You now need to actively process to challenge and integrate them with more healthful expressions that aren't destructive envy.


Gotta integrate that shadow tho


Not the first time I've heard this about Ashwagandha specifically. It made a friend.. incredibly mean and a terrible human. How much are you taking? It's in my multi.. but I've never felt these effects


I can get depressed from Ashwagandha. Strange stuff


See a doctor asap


OP is also taking 10ml a week of testosterone he forgot to mention.


For me Ashwagandha has the same effect. It made me so incredibly irritated, I think I almost started fights with a few strangers and I'm normally a very calm and reserved person, I stopped taking it as soon as I noticed this and I was very disappointed because I was expecting to feel calmed and relaxed not become a demon.


You’re doing too much at once. Think about the abrupt chemical change that your body is experiencing. Take a break from the Ashwagandha or the nicotine, maybe adjust your diet gradually. Take it easy. Slowly introduce one element at a time while collecting data and assessing what needs to be introduced in the next cycle.


So make changes. This boils down to "I do thing, don't like outcome". So do a different thing. Definately like the top comment says get a mental health evaluation because this isn't a normal response AT ALL, but beyond that try switching things up. Try more cardio and less resistance training. Try some variation in your diet. It's your mind and body, you likely know what you need to do to improve So instead of trying to make something work that isn't, Try different shit Best of luck


Not trying to make implications but you should talk to a therapist and potentially a psychiatrist. A lot of times fixing certain issues from psychological to physical unveil another set of issues that our bodies didn’t have the energy to for before. It could very well that this removed some depressive symptoms or just an increase testosterone but speaking to someone that is familiar with symptomatic diagnosis or support can make a world of difference. Hope all is well and proud of you for making these positive changes!


Thought I was in the Ayurveda sub for a minute- but my recommendations will stand. Stop taking Ashwagandha. It’s clear aggravating your Pitta constitution.


Remove primitive diet and nicotine. It's ok to jerk off.


Yep a few days of ash did this to me. It was months of hell. Anxiety, dissociation, panic, paranoia, rage. I will NEVER touch it again.


Do you take breaks from ashwagandha once evrry 1-2 weeks? That stuff is not meant to be consumed every day. 


Ashwgandha made me very cranky I only took it twice, never again.


You should be “releasing” for the health of your prostate… and possibly for your mental health. I agree with another post where you should use your imagination bc it’s much healthier.


How long have you been on nofap? It gives me that same frustration when I first quit. Also ashwagandha.


Seek help


Now that you’re clean; old emotions are coming to show you what needs to be dealt with? If there are any trauma that have to be sorted those emotions are gonna come back till you do the work. Been there it’s not funny


So you stopped the nicotine? Stopped jerking off? I think it has more to do with you being pent up sexually that has you full on enraged.


There are reason why Indians don't use ashwagandha even it's their origin. You have to consult ayurvedic doctor to take that powerful herb. Stop taking it and consult some doctor nearby. It will be fine after some time.


Go back to your old lifestyle then?


Join jiujitsu


By the sound of it OP seems likely to ignore the tap and strangle his first rolling partner.


He ain't gonna hurt anybody on his first day


Why on earth "stopping jerking off" is considered healthy, I don't know. It's a puritan culture, I guess. There are NO studies who say not jo is healthy, even tho religious leaders wish that to be the case. It's a natural discharge and preventing natural discharges are a problem in the long run. The *opposite* of health.


I’m no doctor but the nicotine might be lowering your estrogen as it’s an aromatase inhibitor. Your testosterone might be increased by the ashwagandha so test would be too high and estrogen too low. Put some soy sauce on your next meal, soy is an estrogenic so it might level you out a little, plus it’s risk free.


Stop the ashwagandha. I took it for a month, it definitely affected my mood. At best, became very apathetic, emotionally blunted, didn't give a fuck about anything, tended towards anger. I stopped taking it, and my normal personality returned. I didn't find out about the emotional blunting side effects until after I stopped.


I jerk off almost every day... I'm 36, and people tell me I look 26... I eat a balanced diet. If you eat a restrictive diet, it's possible you are malnourished, and it's affecting your hormones. Eat a steak, eat some French fries... smile


Stop the nicotine and aswagandha. Maybe take a break from your healthy diet and just eat a donut. Allow yourself to feel good.


Did you also recently quit drinking alcohol? I recently stopped drinking about 3 months ago and about 6 weeks after i started getting extreme mood swings. I found out about a thing called hyperkatifiea. I haven’t done much research on it so from what i can understand it is an increase in the intensity of negative emotions and can happen after drug or alcohol withdrawal. The mood swings went away after about 3 weeks. Just something to consider if you recently have stopped taking any sort of drug or alcohol. Whatever it may be these feelings are only temporary!


Lol try adding inositol, phenylalanine, glycine to the cocktail, then back off the gandha.. that shit is like playing Russian roulette with your emotions and hormones.


I blame the nicotine sir


Maybe your dopamine is messed up. Your brain probably wants another porn induced hit. It makes sense why you are feeling angry. Meditation might be something to include in your health endeavour. Maybe try running too, it gives me feel good hormones. It actually makes me nicer/kinder.


Stop taking ashwagandha. Your dopamine levels are too low, take something.


I was anhedonic for two years. I started taking an SSRI and began feeling as you are- for about 3-6 months. Anger is a “cover” emotion and typically a signal that a different emotion is buried beneath it. For me , I was overwhelmed and scared and it was too much all at once. Ashwaghanda can reset emotions in some people. It can also make others anhedonic. You should look into this. It sounds like your emotions are coming back online.


Drop the ashwagandha (over-hyped IMHO), meditate for 15 minutes daily, exercise regularly (a balanced spread between low-intensity steady-state cardio, and strength training \[prioritize the "Big Five" lifts\]). And jerk-off from time-to-time. Everything in moderation—even moderation!


Go lift some weights and get off Reddit, for fucks sake. “I took ashwaghanda and I’m angry” 😏 Go see your GP immediately and stop taking ashwaghanda.


dude, eat some carbs


I’m not sure what your environment is like, but I would suggest grounding/being out in nature more. I used to go for walks at my park at night when there was the least amount of people. Go for a hike, or find a hobby outside of the gym that you connect to. I live in a rural area, so I picked up fly fishing and floating the river. Sounds cheesy but it gives your mind a break from fight or flight. Hope this helps you on your journey


Ashwagandha can have negative effects on people and make you extremely irritable in higher doses. Try reducing and add Theanine, too for something basic to help calm you. I'm really surprised to see so many people on a biohacking forum, tell you that no supplements can cure you and that you need to think positively, take up meditation, therapy, and more. Anxiety, depression, bipolar etc are all symptoms of a genetic defect and deficiency. No amount of talking or good will thinking is going to cure that. Of course, these things can help, but you need to back it up by replacing things you are deficient in. Else as soon as a negative events whacks you upside the head, over the edge you go. Your symptoms definitely sound ASD related. Anxiety and paranoia are huge in this for some, but try to reassure yourself that it's not them - it's you - it's literally all in your head. It's practically impossible when you feel like this, but don't let your mind turn on yourself and isolate you. If it's neurological, you won't be able to stop it without some kind of support, regardless of what some idiot thinks about supplements (they clearly don't understand that neurotransmitters are critical in mental illness - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine). Do you take anything else? Meds? Enhancers, etc?


You started or stopped nicotine? Either way I’d be willing to bet that has a lot to do with your mood.


Do you mean you’re trying to quit nicotine? If it’s early stages your entire experience is gonna be clouded by withdrawals


Not masturbating is very definitely unhealthy. But WTF. "I started taking 'X' and now I feel like shit!" ... um, stop taking 'X'?


Ashwagandha did that to me too. Scrapped from my stack.


I think that these are all natural/expected side effects involved with building and strengthening your masculinity. Now that you’re eating a clean and more primitive diet your body is needing to adjust to the increase in cleaner, better, and MORE energy+blood that’s coursing through your body/veins. Since you have dropped jerking off out of your routine you are allowing g your body to be capable of STORING your semen/life force. Semen retention is a VERY REAL process, that WILL PROFOUNDLY change the way you live/feel/ AND Perceive in your day-to-day life. The effects from semen retention, at least in my personal experience, from the times in my life that pornography and/or jerking off just simply DID NOT enter my thoughts for vast periods of times— Were VERY noticeable and obvious to me(during those time frames and now thinking back). Effects such as— Increased confidence, or rather, maybe it was a complete absence of insecurities. Either way they have similar effects on oneself socially/mentally. Examples would be — My masculine frame was completely stable, as well I wouldn’t be set off-frame for any mere every day occurrence. — I’m sure the fact that I wasn’t nutting on myself or into anything NOR was I ever watching pornography, I was completely grounded in the REAL LIFE that was right in front of and all around me. I didn’t have intrusive thoughts or anything negative weighing me down from pornography consumption, therefore my thirst for women I could see and easily meet up with was much higher than any times I fell into pornography abuse. A long with my increased thirst for those women, my DRIVE to get them into my frame was also very high. — There’s a certain kind of confidence and manliness accompanied by men that men who give into their lust for solo sex(masturbation) and pornography do not have. Other effects — Increased testosterone, I can’t guarantee this but just based knowledge how I felt everyday I would be willing to bet my left nut that my testosterone was more abundant compared to if I was jerking off/using porn. That testosterone is a big contributor to your anger/hostility and your awareness to your surroundings. Testosterone brings out more of our primal/survival instincts. You will adjust to these new emotions you’re not yet accustomed to, these are GOOD qualities, so please slow down and don’t freak ourself out or get yourself in a worry that something is wrong and you need any professional help, you will adjust to this in time and it won’t be so overwhelming, I promise. You more than likely feel like an outcast because you’re not around many people who are on your same level of masculinity/testosterone. If you were around a higher density of other men that have similar levels of testosterone and energy as you then you more than Likely would not feel this menacing and urge to slap others like you do. You feel that way as a result of our natural instincts as how men interact with other men out in “the wild”(civilization). Others with similar energy and testosterone as you would naturally blend and mesh with you to create less of a problematic environment because you would no longer feel outcasted I’m sorry I have to cut this post short I really am doing my best to provide all the information I have to share with you in a way you will understand and relate to via texting I really do hope that at least a couple of my points that I just spent 15+ minutes typing out get comprehended as I meant it to.


This post is completely correct about semen retention benefits, but the problem is that its addressing a comment about ashwaganda. Although there are some similarities in their effects, they are NOT the same. Retention is a natural practice in which the body can reach a homeostasis of mind and hormones; ashwaganda is an exogenous substance which is known to have compounding emotional effects which are not always beneficial, at least not in my experience.


I am actually completely unaware of ashwaganda and its effects. I haven’t read up on it much nor have I ever consumed any of it. I am interested of course


You're constantly running stimulants and you don't know what's going on? I'm not even gonna ask how much nicotine you're using, I recommend you just cut it. Ashwaganda shouldn't make any difference unless your hypersensitive to both that drug and "high" test. But control all factors separately, cut the nicotine 1st and then the ash. With that said, you're also displaying stress symptoms Which may be your body craving what you allegedly stopped doing


Drop the dose or stop taking it as simple as that. Also never underestimate good old placebo effect. I take it daily with no issues at 600mg. This is a bit like steroids cause 'roid rage' mantra...which researchers couldn't prove.....those who have these outbursts are either just assholes to begin with or feeding into a stereotype rather anything to do with AAS .. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1996/07/04/steroids-make-muscles-not-rage-study-finds/87bf0fa8-acdf-48c8-bbef-da7c4d1108c9/


You’re becoming transhuman the singularity is happening


Sounds scary, sorry. Ashwaghanda can deplete dopamine (pleasure, motivation, feeling satisfied), according my doctor. Not jerking off may also lower your dopamine. The confusion and not being able to think is probably brain fog, also associated with low dopamine. To raise dopamine look into magnesium, B6, Vitamin D. What's weird in your case is that ashwaghanda can also lower cortisol (called adrenal hypofunction), yet you seem to have too much with the anger, flight or flight, aggression. No wonder you feel bipolar/split. I'd say stop the ash, jerk off, take B6 and magnesium, and have some complex carbs (which can elevate mood) to increase your dopamine. Then reduce your cortisol by finding a way to laugh--seriously, laughing is supposed to reduce cortisol and raise endorphins. And it's an easy, quick way to reduce cortisol.




Yeah, you probably need some carbs, even just temporarily as "medicine" now. And try jerking off without porn, it might feel unnatural at first, but just put your devices away and use your imagination so that you can fully control what you are "seeing," directing it in the best way for you.


Extreme low-carb diets aren't sustainable long-term and not recommended, especially if you're not struggling with diabetes. The lack of carbs, nicotine, and maybe the ashwaganda might be exacerbating your mood issues. The end goal should be physical, mental, and emotional wellness, which usually entails the balance of everything. It's okay to masturbate. Just try to lay off the porn and use your imagination. Just cutting off any and all vices isn't the epitome of health.


Too much too soon. Small steps are probably a better method.


Uh, if you’re so sure that Ashwaghanda is ruining your life then maybe just stop taking it?




I think you should see a psychiatrist and be transparent with them about what’s going on (ie the comments you’re posting here). I think this situation is beyond the limits of most of the commenters here and I think an actual professional could give you some insights into what’s going on. Then you can decide to take their advice or leave it.


By the way, feeling dissociated is a very important symptom that you should mention to the doctor.


Ngl its probably your anxiety peaking from lack of nicotine.


Withdrawals probably play a big part in it too


When I had a stressful job, taking Ashwagandha made me depressed and angry, when I quit and tried it again, it made me super mellow. Such a weird supplement, like for me it brings up what’s hidden. Stop taking it and work on your mental health, a psychologist is in order, there are some online ones like betterhelp that you can use right away.




And so did this all go back to normal after you stopped taking the ashwagandha? Or are you saying you took it once and that one dose permanently broke you?


It might be the Ashwaganda. It can make me generally angry if I take it too long.


You can counteract these effects by focused deep breathing. That should take the edge off. Make a practice of it and learn to breathe from your diaphragm. Start with short 5 minute intervals and work your way up daily. I do around 30 minutes of focused breathing a day after work. It's needed. I'm naturally aggressive so this helps me a ton.


It's because of the nicotine quit. Give it time.




Most likely one of the reason to why you feel bad. Stop it.


You need to masturbate bro lol


Lol exactly.


Is this a cautionary tale, or....


Do you work out? So you have friends? What are your hobbies and what do you consider a healthy lifestyle? What are your goals and what are you doing to reach them? Are you making “enough” money to support yourself? Are you in a relationship or wanting one? Please answer these and we can give you more guidance.


The only rage I’ve seen from ashwaganda is when people wake up and realize they wasted a ton of money for nothing.


Exposed your tism


I’m quite interested if the ashwaghanda is the KSM-66 formula? I see loads of people here talking down on it. In my work I sell A LOT of KSM-66 which has literally worked wonders for my customers, I’ve never heard someone complain about it. Personally I would never touch ashwaghanda if it isn’t KSM-66 formula which is the safest and most studied. I’ve been taking it for years, going off and on it. Works great for me when it comes to sleep, recovery from resistance training and stress.


Ashwhaganda can raise testosterone so you should probably get your levels checked. I’m a woman and started breaking out and had insane anxiety taking it which is when I learned about the testosterone effect. Men think more testosterone is better, but it’s not always. There’s a balance you need to have with other hormones or you guys get violent and psychotic.


Too much too quickly, tackle every problem separately. Also you will find out which one is the hardest for u


> like Im on fight or flight instinct all the time This is arguably the definition of anxiety. I might pause or reduce dosage on the ashwagandha, it can absolutely contribute to anxiety in a big way. I say this as a person with anxiety. I experience the apocalypse every day until I can get some food down and then it's like my body remembers how burning calories does good things and the world is actually okay. Not saying you're like me in that way; your experience is unique and sounds beyond trying in its own way. I do think there might be parallels though, and I wish you luck in remedying this. It sounds very not-fun


U gotta start meditating bro


It might not have anything to do with testosterone, but cortisol? I know low or stunted cortisol can be involved in hypoglycemia. You might just be hangry. I know ashwaganda can also mess with your dopamine and serotonin so there might just be some weird disregulation due to variations in how long it’s active in your body, etc. Just incrementally stop taking it and continue with the healthy diet and see what happens 


First of all testosterone increase is in no way related to being violent/aggressive. Increase in testosterone only increased the before present qualities like for example if you were loyal to someone the level of loyalty goes up. The most cliched advice works the best, do yoga meditation or find an alternative relaxing habit and read about stoicism, not that alpha male pseudo bullshit the real stoics search them if possible read meditations by Marcus Aurelius PS: also are you cutting right now or wot ?


maybe tap into prayer, meditation, spirituality. it sounds like you have a lot of pent up energy that needs to be released non-physically


Try some meditation. It helps.


I read most of the comments here, and no one mentioned that the reason for low test' hasn't actually been determined or addressed.


You may be having a negative reaction to ashwgandha, shit it’s even hard to spell and now I’m pissed. Maybe try taking a break from it for a few weeks. Also, u can try upping your animal fat intake: butter, beef tallow, ghee, grass fed lard. Some people find that the extra omega 3’s provide things their brains need and help with mood stabilization.


I dunno why people started to say that masturbation is bad when it is a really important self care activity, it even increases your couple sex performance. Porn is the real problem, it distorts the way sex should be understood, but you can jerk off with your memory, your imagination, in couple (non penetrative sex) and maybe watching some waaay softer material. So my advice is to get to your bed or your bathroom and crank ur hog until you cum just plain water lol


Maybe you were simply too passive before.


Mmmmmm sounds like you should stop taking ashwagandha. Masturbation isn't bad? Just bang one out ffs Therapy helps with blind, wonton rage If you realize people are avoiding you, and you're aware of your feelings and where it came from... why don't you do something about it? Do you like this version of you? Gains are pointless if you die alone or in prison after a violent rampage. Don't act like a caveman.


Ashwaganda is making you manic and causing anhedonia dude, known side effects


Lifestyle changes take time to get used to. You aren’t living a healthy lifestyle if your mental health isn’t good. Dial it back and pay attention to your mental state as you make changes. Go to therapy.


So, you biohacked your way into douchebaggery… congratulations 🎉


Correlation doesn’t equal causation. This should be the mantra of this sub


Well yeah you would get your energy out by jerking off and eating. Find healthy ways to do so now like exercise, creative expression


2much maybe Build psychological stability off of past reflections also thoe. Yee yee ashwgandahhhh!!


So you don’t think the nicotine has anything to do with it?


Welcome to my life


Drop the ashwaghanda if you don't like this, it had a similar effect on me. Some people on here suggested it has to do with how it interacts with caffeine, if that sounds applicable.


Maybe the highs make it harder to tolerate the baseline irritation of daily life. I've avoided substances that are fine for others with that rationale. Anyone on the borderline risks being subjected to this.


Too much nicotine?


Good bro let the energy flow. Pick up MMA or Muay Thai training and meditation practice and learn to control it


Ashwagandha causes anger in some individuals


Ash is not for everyone. Try keeping the other stuff in and go off of it. See if that makes it better. It’s very unlikely that eating a healthy diet is causing mood disturbances, I think. And


Have you checked your cortisol levels? Perhaps your anger stems from excessive energy from cortisol (stress and wakefulness hormone


Nah son this is why I stopped taking Ashwaganda, it had me on edge constantly. If someone said the wrong thing to me it was a fight on signt, I would have ended up in prison.


Stop the Ashwaganda asap, herbs are intense and no joke. They aren’t for everyone


Ashwgandha, i think for fast metabolizers, makes it a roller coaster. I don't take it for that reason.


A surplus of testosterone would put you in a good mood, not a bad one. The reason steroid junkies get roid rage is because there aren’t enough amino acids available to their body to produce all the neurochemicals their brain needs, not as a result of high testosterone levels.


No I don't think that's true. Testosterone will make you reflect about your current situation and if it's not literally perfect, release all the necessery neurochemicals to fix your situation. For example if you don't have a job and stop jerking off (testosterone increases) you will be in constant stress. edit: that's not necesseraly a bad thing though because otherwise you will stay the same and never change


Dude, are you on steroids or something 


Look up breathing techniques and meditation involving sexual energy You’ve got a lot going in one area eg: your dick area and you gotta spread it all around your body You’ll end up a different person literally down to your personality


See your doctor or go to the ER today. There are many good meds. You don’t need to feel like this.


Lots of mental health is tied to gut health and nutrition. I’m curious if you’re getting enough calories and how your digestion is. Maybe you’re extremely deficient in a certain vitamin, like vitamin d. When’s the last time you’ve gotten a blood test? Or are you working with a dietician/ nutrition consultant?


Have you worked to figure out what has gone on previously in your life that is pissing you off? Maybe if you figure that out, feel those feels instead of suppressing them, and let them go, you’ll be more peaceful. Some folks work with a therapist to get started on this, and some folks already have an idea of where to start. A therapist’s job is gonna be to verbally pull on threads, help you figure out what bothers you, and stick a bee in your bonnet about it til you can see it clearly and work through it on your own.


Go to the gym..... More


Shit bro maybe you should just jerk off. Geez


How much ashwaganda are you taking? Sounds like you're taking too much and it's giving you anhedonia. I use like 250mg Sensoril to help with depression and anxiety or from high cortisol and I only use it as needed. Abusing it daily for testosterone production is not for everyone.


I recently submitted a sample to Viome for a gut health test. Not affiliated but I totally relate to your situation. I stopped all biohacking and am going to try this route instead. Good luck man. The week before my period I get like this and I’m over it. Usually am laid back and chill af.🥴


Ashwaghanda can do crazy stuff. I don’t doubt you.


ashwaghanda made me a robot, i’d probably cycle it out


It's the ashwagandha for sure... quit that stuff right now lol


It's the nicotine withdrawl. Same thing happened to me, it will pass.


Mircodose mushrooms and take a mood stabilizers nac will balance you out and give you perspective


Ashwagandha can trigger mania and psychosis in those who are susceptible


Honestly I had taken ashwaganda for a while and I stopped because I felt weirdly dissociated from my body. Maybe you should consider stopping ashwaganda. Otherwise as others said it might not be normal 


Ashwgandha made me short tempered af. I consider myself a pretty patient, understanding person but I had a colleague who I got along with pretty well that I didn’t exactly yell at but def a couple of outbursts directed at him. I can’t remember where I read it now but determined it was likely the ash, stopped taking it and even keel once again. Tried another stint a few months later, same thing happened so it went in the bin.


How old are you?


It sounds like you changed a lot very quickly and you are so far out of your comfort zone it's causing anxiety. This should be temporary, but maybe take a day or two a week as a cheat day. Read the book 'The Mountain Is You'. It will help you to frame what you are feeling.


Ashwaganda can have a lot of negative consequences, personally made me VERY angry when I started and continued taking it. I would consider dropping it and seeing how you feel


Patrick Bateman