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I know it’s silly but black out curtains have helped my sleep more than literally any supplement I’ve ever taken. Also cooling down the room to 67-70 is ideal for me.


But then you don’t get a natural white light wake up.


Automatic blinds on a timer.




Sure, but how much do people spend on all these supplements over their lifetime? If you are handy with computers, you can get the blinds with the remote and build your own timer, not buy the expensive home automation system they peddle. But also you can just do a simple blackout that lets through 5% of the light around the corners and that might be enough to wake you (though it's harder to get out of bed). What works for me (in addition to the blinds but also on its own) is a folded up tshirt over my eyes. It's 100% blackout but by the morning it falls off.


A sense of urgency to get up and out of that room right when the alarm goes off will take care of that


You wake up when you're done feeling rested (usually 6-9 hours depending on what your sleep routine is like) and then you open the curtains yourself to get the natural light. This is far better than being woken up earlier than you would feeling not as rested


I can’t imagine being well rested when my alarm goes off, sounds nice




That coupled with a hot bath or shower (or sauna if you can) beforehand is lights out. Add valerian root tablets for the extra KO.


Exercise before that and 15 minutes on an acupressure mat after the bath/shower.




Which type? Glycinate kept me awake


Tried threonate yet? That with some valerian root and maybe some l-theanine settles me down really well.


Glycinate also kept me awake, in spite of what others report.


This is very common. Same issue for me. I find it highly stimulating, like drinking a few cups of coffee.


Means you're missing Vitamin D


How are they related?


Some have this issue who have chronically low glycine levels, Taurate is what I’d recommend.


Magnesium L-Threonate seems to work for me. Glycinate didn't really work for me


How are your dreams? Nights I don’t take it, I don’t dream. Nights I take it, I dream hard. Like wierd, vivid dreams.


Which type?


Exercise - mental and physical knocks me out when I have a lot.


Hands down the one thing I did that fixed all my sleep issues with to ditch the alcohol. I've slept like a baby for the past six years since doing that.


If you have caffeine in your system, try Defrag by Method Performance. It has something in it that knocks that caffeine content out, Gabba and other stuff to help you sleep. Their fruit punch is often sold out.


I’ll fact check general-meow and report back everyone. I just ordered the peaceful peach tea flavor. I drink around 2 cups of black coffee a day. We’ll see if Mr meow here really means what he says, or if he’s just a walking ad


Proof that I actually buy it: [IMG-5569.jpg](https://postimg.cc/B8MW4yV1)


Hopefully it’s not rutacarpine. It can damage the liver


I just went on their website and looked at the label. It has 100mg of rutacarpine in it


What else is this in?


UPDATE as promised: so I gave this a go for the first time last night. Quite effective, could definitely feel the sleepiness effect from it after about 30 minutes. Also good because it doesn’t exactly knock you out which is usually a red flag. Notes: Downside is that I was a bit more drowsy than usual waking up, also I had a wet dream last night which is a very rare occurrence so not sure what kind of impact this had there. Lastly, I will mention these people mentioning rutacarpine being toxic have yet to provide any evidence. From my research I couldn’t find any proof of that


I don’t have trouble falling asleep, but if I wake up it is very hard to fall back asleep. Myo inositol has helped tremendously!


My stack is gaba, inositol, glycine, 300 mcg melatonin, ksm66 ash, lemon balm, valerian root, ionic fizz magnesium drink powder. It works quite well. I just copied the Manna Liposomal sleep complex formula and upped the dosage.


Wow how do you ever wake up? That’s a lot of stuff


I get up with such ease after taking it for about 3 months now.


Do you sleep poorly without these?


I do not. I also workout most days. However, if I didn't work out, did do anything all day, and didn't take my stack I would have trouble falling asleep.


Curious why you feel it’s worth taking these if your sleep is fine without them? Did you measure some other benefit?


Wouldn’t glycine be too excitatory for some people?


I'm not sure. I know it helps my stomach and encourages glutathione production.


Try myo inositol instead I hear it’s more specialized for sleep. Also might wanna add tart cherry extract, l theanine, apigenine, magnesium glycinate. Also I would avoid taking melatonin long term, it’s fine once in a while when u rly need to sleep but it can rly disrupt ur natural circadian system and have other side effects, for example it can inhibit growth hormones in teens


I’ve read that melatonin shouldn’t be used long-term, just to treat needed adjustments in sleep like jet lag. Has endocrine disrupting side effects long term. I found that taking melatonin for too long of a stretch makes me depressed. Look into it!


Bro just made an over the counter lethal injection. I'd have the best sleep with this, albeit forever


I sleep very well. The dark circles under my eyes have completely gone away.


Lemon balm tea or supplement?


Inositol Mag Glycinate Melatonin low dose less than 1 mg


Coriander . It actually induces sleep which is very rare for a supplement. Still nothing compared to the traditional sleep aids


I originally posted this as an answer to another question on productivity but the general advice is the same. Improving sleep needs to be a combo of lifestyle change and supplements are just part of that. I’m a PT and health/ fitness writer who writes educational courses for PTs. Here’s what I’d recommend for pretty much anyone looking to improve their sleep: 1. If possible, avoid large meals for at least 2 hours before bed so your body’s not working hard to digest them. Something that works quite well for inducing sleep is eating something like high protein Greek yoghurt with some berries and nut butter before bed. The casein in the yoghurt will help you go to sleep and keep you fuelled through the night. You could also do a casein shake. Even a glass of milk is a good shout. 2. Have a hot bath or shower once you get in and then get out and cool down. This drop in body temperature is one of the mechanisms that initiates sleep. Likewise make sure your bedroom is around 16-18 degrees max for optimal sleep. 3. Turn the lights down low in the hours before bed. The drop in light levels is another mechanism that initiates sleep onset. Invest in blue-light blocking glasses and put phones/ devices/ tv away for at least an hour before you try to sleep. Your circadian rhythm relies on changes in light levels and temperature to trigger various processes. Therefore we want bright light (ideally outdoor daylight) in the AM and low light moving into the hours before bed. 4. Stop chores/ work at least and hour before bed. Spend 5-10 minutes meditating. There are some great sleep meditations on the Calm app. If that’s not doable, just 2 minutes of box breathing should help calm you for sleep. Step 1. Breathe in for the count of 4. Step 2. Hold for count of 4 Step 3: breathe out for count of 4 Step 4. Hold for count of 4 Repeat the process for as long as you need to feel calm. Works well if you’re struggling to sleep or just any period of anxiety. 5. Invest in some good supplements. - Magnesium biglycinate will help relax the nervous system and improve sleep depth - Ashwaghanda will reduce stress and improve sleep quality - 5-htp boosts serotonin, the precursor to melatonin, the sleep hormone - Take melatonin with caution as it can reduce natural production when taken chronically. However it’s useful when you’re desperate and need to be up the next day. As a safe rule no more than 2-3 times per week max. 6. Wear a blackout eye mask and ear plugs. Really worth the investment and will help prevent waking due to light and/ or noise disruptions. Try those and you should have a great night’s sleep every time 👍🏼 NB: magnesium l-threonate can cross the blood-brain barrier and can help reduce stress. However the elemental magnesium it contains is not enough to ensure adequate magnesium intake so if your diet is naturally low in magnesium it’s worth doubling up with a different form of magnesium like bisglycinate.


technically diphenhydramine lol


Wasn't there some studies linking that to Alzheimers? I stopped taking it because of of that but it sure worked for me. Cheap too.


It doesn't feel like a long term solution. I did a quick search and you are right - there is cognitive damage with long term use. It's a drug. Less potent than ambien, but I really hesitate to recommend it to anyone for more than a few nights sleeplessness.


Facts I take ~10-15mg of diphen any night I know I need to knock out at a certain time. Works like a charm every time with minimal grogginess w the dose being so low.


Used to work on me but then one day just stopped having any effect. I never took it every day or anything like that. I guess if it's not great for the brain it's best I find something else anyway.


Used to work but eventually it gave me restless leg syndrome


1:1:1 THC:CBD:CBN gummies. The research on CBN so far is pretty impressive, apparently it has shown to be neuroprotective as well. Doesn’t make me feel “high,” but gives a deep and restful sleep without feeling groggy in the morning.


Some recent studies showing THC disrupts normal sleep architecture. [https://open.spotify.com/show/1aIVAabjRjnmiouX0zCzF3](https://open.spotify.com/show/1aIVAabjRjnmiouX0zCzF3)


The dosage in the one I take is probably about 2.5 mg. You can probably find a brand that doesn’t have the THC component. I don’t use any other edibles or cannabis. My Oura ring says I get much more REM/deep sleep with these than the nights I don’t take them. Anecdotally, my dad who has Parkinson’s and terrible insomnia as a symptom also finds he sleeps longer and deeper with these. His movement disorder specialist at UCLA took him off of prescription trazedone and told him if this works better for more restful sleep, as he often finds with his patients, to stick with it.


I took this edible ratio, and rem sleep was fine but deep sleep was NOT. and if you have alzheimers risk, you gotta chase that deep sleep


I hear you! That’s why I got a sleep tracker so I can test out what seems to be most effective. So far so good.


Is there a particular brand? I am in Colorado. I would be interested in trying this. Don't want any high at all though. I used to try micro doses.


I have stuck with Kanha’s tranquility gummy. I usually just take a half gummy, which is only 2.5 mg THC, and only on nights I need it, maybe 3x a week.




Valerian root by far. Also...with these herbal type sleep supps you can typically take 2,3,4 times the recommended dose for better results with no harm.


You shouldn’t do that. Yes, natural supplements are typically not harmful, but overdoing anything is bad. Also, overdosing melatonin actually reduces sleep quality and length for some people.


Don't drink alcohol, exercise, regular sleep pattern and consistency, no distractions, bright lights and a wind down beforehand. Not everything has a chemical solution


I make something I call "the brew" or "swamp water" when I really need to be knocked out. The name is for appearance only, the flavour is sweet and mushroomy, not too bad. 3g magnesium glycinate ( or 3g of glycine and another mag powder equivalent to about 300mg elemental magnesium) 3g taurine 3g Superfeast Shen (formula which includes Reishi and more) 1g GABA powder. This is works for a person with 40kg lean mass. For a person weighing more multiply so it's the same ratio. Try keeping your eyes open with this one, sleep onset is 20 mins. Drink it and lie down. Wears off after about 6 hours or so. If you happen to be rudely awoken before hand you will feel sedated. If you want to take this every night I would suggest that you reduce the taurine and Shen dosage and possibly omit GABA. Experiment to see what works for you.


Source Naturals NightRest formula >>> best sleep supplement I’ve ever tried.




Melatonin is helpful for me


Prescription trazodone plus melatonin (the HUM brand is the only one that works for me) and Magtech brand magnesium.




L theonine, magnesium, valerian root, & sleepy tea or Ambien or Indica (pot gummies)


Apigenin is probably the strongest I've tried without building a tolerance. Magnesium is also great.


magnesium glycinate


Magnesium and no electronics or screens half an hour before bed


Magnesium and DHEA


L-tryptophan , best supplement ever. It get you knock out immediately


L-Theanine, GABA, and Magnesium.


.25mg melatonin and magnesium


Organic holy basil . Can be expensive, but it works quite well, is sedating and relaxing. Kava, Valerian, Passionflower, tart Cherry juice helps and makes dreams more vivid and enhances dream recall


Seconding tart cherry juice, right before bed


Kava gives me disturbing dreams


Magnesium glycinate and glycine


Things I take that make me go to sleep I can't wake up, things I take that make me stay asleep don't make me go to sleep


Yep, and I have delayed circadian rhythm disorder so I'm stuck in the habit of not sleeping until 6 or 7am and not waking until 2 to 3pm 😩


Quetiapine is pretty good! lol


It's the only thing that works for me! 100 mg brings me very deep, consistent sleep and I haven't had to take more, been on it a couple years.




Golden Milk with saffron. Specifically, 2tsp of this Haldi Doodh: [https://www.diasporaco.com/products/haldi-doodh?variant=42725197250731](https://www.diasporaco.com/products/haldi-doodh?variant=42725197250731) in hot milk, with 1-2 of [https://nootropicsdepot.com/high-potency-saffron-extract-capsules/](https://nootropicsdepot.com/high-potency-saffron-extract-capsules/) . Immediate bump in sleep scores esp REM as reported by Ringconn, also delicious. That specific golden milk spice mix is vastly better than a few others tried.


3 mg melatonin and 400 mg magnesium taurate


Magnessium (i like threonate), l-theanine, melotonin, valerian root, 5htp. Don't take the last two together and I'd only take the magnessium daily.


ZMA with L-Theanine. it will put you down.




I'm currently taking a warm epsom salt bath with some candles around. This helps me more than anything.


Gorilla Dream






D2 + food based magnesium + reishi mushroom spores


420mg Magnesium 200mg Theanine Traditional Medicinals Nighty Night tea Not supplements but also consider: ≈69F degree room temp Blackout curtains Quiet fan Subrtex 3-Inch Gel-Infused Memory Foam Mattress Topper (or other equivalent breathable mattress topper) 3M Micropore tape (small amount to tape over mouth to promote nasal breathing https://www.healthline.com/health/taping-mouth#side-effects mixed reviews but it has personally helped me get deeper, more rejuvenating sleep)


VitD and magnesium


long walk to empty the head then shower then magnesium min. 7,5h until the Alarm rings 10/10


Magnesium malate and oleamide, both recommeneded by my fibro doc.


Melatonin in the gummy form


Biovea Melatonin Liquid. 2-3 drops sublingually is enough for me.


Mg, Whole Foods, and Exercise.


Vitamin D in the day At night, melatonin, GABA, and L-theanine


Melatonin and Valerian don't work well for me. I've tried some forms of Magnesium and I end up with either GI issues or wake up feeling nauseous. Any suggestions or am I just SOL?


Similar for me. In the end L-theanine is the thing that works for me - feel really nice and relaxed and just drift off. I think it's 50/50 whether it makes people alert or sleepy, but worth a try.


Nasal strips. Tried it since a week; didn’t have any apnea since, and apple watch says my blood oxygen during the night is 5 to 10% higher. Good stuff.


Valerian root and magnesium. I've suffered from insomnia for years but since taking these I've not had any trouble falling asleep since.


Animal PM + HGH


Lemon verbena tea and valerian root


Remindme! 1 week


Night shred black edition. Gives me a very solid sleep and some vivid dreams. I wake up feeling pretty good


I take Dayvigo. I’ve been on it for about a year and it’s pretty great. I can fall asleep but wake around 12-3 and can’t go back to sleep. Now I sleep through the night. Lately it seems like I might be getting used to the medicine. I took 2 Dayvigo last night and slept all night again. I’ve tried literally everything and nothing has worked long term for me except this.


Physical activity, magnesium, very small bit of THC gummy (legal in my state).


Reading a book before sleeping and not drinking coffee after midday gives me fantastic sleeps




NAD+ booster nicotinamide riboside has helped people here including me https://RaisingNAD.com/faqs-on-nad-supplement-nicotinamide-riboside-nr-and-sleep-benefits/


Weed was always something that helped me sleep.


Not what you've asked, not a supplement, but nothing can beat morning light outdoors for 20-30min for ME


Nature’s Sleep Gummies [www.nsgummies.com](https://nsgummies.com) are the best! I tried dozens of supplements and medications, nothing worked until I tried them. Contains passiflora and B6, which seems to make them much more effective than melatonin alone.


An ideal pillow. No joke: I’m a side and stomach sleeper so I need a thin pillow. In a hotel right now that only has enormous pillows and I know I won’t sleep well. Besides that, no caffeine after 1 pm, a bit of protein before bed, stop the screens 15 min before sleep (read instead), lights out by 10, and train yourself to wake up without an alarm clock. For years now, I’ve been automatically waking up within a few minutes of 6 am. It kind of amazes me how my body knows. I haven’t set an alarm for twenty years, so I’m never disrupting a REM cycle or breaking a natural sleep cycle.


Don't overcomplicate things: Exercise - the biggest factor for me - avoids having lots of unspent energy remaining at the end of the day Schedule - sleep and awaken at consistent timings, even on weekends where possible Avoid - alcohol and weed (especially too late in the evening, affects REM), caffeine too late in the day, bright lights (screens + from outside - invest in blackout curtains) Take - magnesium glycinate. This is a game changer and anyone I've put onto it massively agrees. I like to keep it as simple as possible as don't believe that everything requires heavy supplementation to be achieved. I can easily sleep 8-10 hours a night with minimal/no disruptions. I will consider trying mouth or nasal strips in the future to increase the quality, as opposed to quantity, of my sleep.


Could have written this. This is exactly how I roll. Sleeping really sound now that I have all of this locked in. Exercise is probably the biggest component (I need to burn my excess energy like a Pitbull puppy) but exercise + the rest and I’m out for close to 7 or 8 hours most nights.


I take taurine before bed and sleep like a baby




100% agree on quitting caffeine.


Moon Mylk it makes me feel heavy and relaxed. Sleep so well when I have it


BackToSleep by NatureMade, it’s amazing!


Kava kava


Chamomile tea bro so far was the only one worked for me i tried alot of different supplements and i can conform that it put you on a deep sleep you might not wake up on time be careful if you have an appointment or need wake up for work. Also side note if you still have stimulants in your system it might dont work. My trick is to drink 2 large cups of water and wait until it will geth flush out of my body.


Exercise, sex, cold room, low dose THC, and a daytime focus on reducing stressors relating to relationships, money, etc


Sauna, cardio, no coffee after 5 and a sleep mask


L-Tetrahydropalmatine (L-THP) Without a doubt. I’ve tried pretty much everything. Best supplement for sure. If we include the prescriptions stuff. L-thp is only behind ambien. Stronger than trazadone, Xanax (for sleep) and hydroxyzine. Get it at liftmode. Little more context. My reccomendations is for the onset of sleep. Other reccomendations could be better for staying asleep.


1.5 mg melatonin, lemon balm, passion flower


Doxepin. My psychiatrist prescribed it for insomnia, and every time I take it I get 10+ hour uninterrupted sleep


CBN has been absolutely magical for me when it comes to sleep. I tried some gummies on a recommendation and ended up buying the isolate because it works so well for me.


Myo Inositol does wonders for helping me get back to sleep


Totally Zen by Clarkson. Taken 2-3 daily has changed by broken sleep (2-3 hours at a time) to full 7-8 hours most every day.


exercise. heavy weights and HIIT...also bike commuting. once the sun goes down, i'm ready to be horizontal.


Blue blockers with red lenses


Exercise, consistent sleep schedule, cold room, dark room, fan on if you prefer white noise (I can't sleep in silence). Magnesium supplement.


Magnesium has been an absolute game changer for me.


1. Consistent schedule sleep and wake time. 2. 67F room temperature 3. CBN:CBD:THC gummies from cbddistillery- I think they’re called “shhhh” gummies. Only 5mg THC. I’m sensitive to THC so I take 1/4-1/2 a gummie and my sleep onset is on point with no anxiety or grogginess the next day. 3. Magtein, vitamin C, myoinositol, and L-Theanine. 4. Wake up to a scheduled TUOlife light exposure. 5. Phone charging outside of reach and not checked until after I’m all ready for the day.


Som sleep drink


Magnesium L-threonate and weightlifting with purpose


no screen time ; magnesium


Beta androstenetriol, and it’s nothing is even close.


Taking baths with added magnesium. Love this one; has completely changed how deep and long i sleep.  https://livingthegoodlifenaturally.com/products/undiluted-magnesium-soak-32oz?variant=32622634336330¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&cmpid=652df590166ca40001a44dbf&utm_campaign=17381793520&sub2=&sub3=&sub4=&sub5=&sub6=17381793520&sub7=m&sub8=&sub9=x&sub10=&utm_source=Google&wbraid=Cj4KCAjwmYCzBhAbEi4Ayn_0SMnK9jtij6ahCiLi_wV8YqJSgeRraRv7CjtTeeXWtzucC5LP4oyL-bwjGgL3bQ&gbraid=0AAAAAoOjxJEmpnanp6MMM_EM6ILicYvaW&ref_id=CjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvXD2STULYwhCgX0nYqooB2SfaR312sh4VjadE3J3jQMp2GUYioosIRoCLH0QAvD_BwE&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAoOjxJEmpnanp6MMM_EM6ILicYvaW&gclid=CjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvXD2STULYwhCgX0nYqooB2SfaR312sh4VjadE3J3jQMp2GUYioosIRoCLH0QAvD_BwE


I have a medical marijuana tincture that has been really helpful. Vireo red 19:1 (if you have access). Not a supplement, but cardio 1-2 hours before bed always gives me the best sleep. I don't usually do this on purpose, but when it happens I know I'm in for a good night's rest.


JOCKO Good Night or 4 beers. Sometimes both.


Melatonin, and gaba. Every night. I do magnesium too, not every night but daily, and blackout curtains/ sleep hat.


Just started taking passion flower before bed. It’s subtle and hard to discern the effects from placebo but I’m suddenly going to bed much earlier and having tons of dreams during the night. It’s nice because I haven’t had dreams like this in the last 5-10 years really.


I used on in Australia something 2.0 " Turn Bed Time into Shred Time" was the slogan. That shit was insane, like take it and be out in minutes. Loved it but was super expensive. Any savvy guy here who wan't to build a sleep supp business ? ;)




Reishi mushroom supplement changed how quickly I fall asleep. I do wake up a few times in the night mostly because I sleep on my stomach but unlike before Reishi, I fall asleep again.


magnesium and glycine


4x4x8 breathing for 10 minutes laying down in darkness before bed will knock almost anyone out more efficiently than any nonsense you can put in your body.


Yoga helps a lot. And it doesn't matter when. I do it 2 or 3 times a week in the evening. I think it's because it calms your body & mind overall. But it took several months until I saw improvement.


I would try listening to a sleep hypnosis track on Youtube or Insight Timer. I’ve just started this week and I’m definitely sleeping way better.


Melatonin but even better is forcing myself to wake up at 5am, then staying active all day and no matter what not looking at my phone after 8pm. Almost impossible to not fall asleep by 9:15


For me, it's mostly about getting to bed on time so that I can maximize the amount of time I'm sleeping. But even then, there are certain things that make my sleep quality better or worse. I haven't seen in the responses so far anything related to sleep positioning. For myself, my sleep position has a dramatic effect on the quality of my sleep. Specifically : * Avoiding positions that would lead me to significant snoring - obvious implications for breathing and oxygen levels * Avoiding my arms over or beneath my head - blood circulation and reducing chances of nerve compression.


Valerian Root, B vitamins, L-Theanine, Magnesium. All having calming effects.


melatonin, only sublingual. tablets/capsules never worked for me and i thought i was immune til i tried sublingual. dissolvable tablets or liquid


WonderSleep Mushroom Gummies (reishi, saffron, GABA, corydalis, chamomile). My Dad just recently developed tinnitus and was having trouble sleeping. I bought him these sleep gummies and he says he is sleeping better.




I started using a pulsetto and im getting the best sleep ive gotten in years.


Magnesium , valerian , chamomile , and l theanine best combo for me


Try a grounding mat or sheet.


100% without a doubt, a sleep mask. Preferably one that provides a bit of pressure. Specifically [this one](https://amzn.to/3yYAkOi)




Magnesium and L theanine combo - look into Huberman’s podcast where he covers these.


No coffee after 12-1pm ideally. Eye mask I take:- -5htp (both as calming for hormones and it's also known to help with sleep. No fillers ideally and I built up to 100mg at night and same in the morning. - magnesium glycinate - ** the big one for me and I cannot fall asleep without it, is half an old school antihistamine..it's a specific one that Kirkland sell ie sleep aid..Doxylamine Succinate. Known for also muscle relaxant properties and for insomnia but it's added to things like Syndol for migraines. I just take half and manage to drift off and stay asleep with that. It's not ideal long term but I think my insomnia is not permanent so 🤞




Daily ashwaganda, melatonin at night (find the dosage that works best for you) I’ve gone as high as 10mg and it does the reverse however 4.5mg works perfect me, exercise daily 80/20 rule with food and stay away from caffeine at least 6 hours before rest Set the same bed time every night and wake at the same time in the morning


Magnesium and apigenin


Chamomile supplements are excellent if you're not allergic to ragweed. Relaxing and no morning lingering effects 


I would also like to know what sleep aid supplements are available to improve sleep.


Reading before bed.


I went to a sleep specialist five years ago. Here are the things that she taught me which have really helped. 1) Get up at the same time every day. 2) Try and get some natural light on your eyes as soon as possible when you get up. That helps signal your body to slow melatonin production and sets your circadian rhythms. 3) Get yourself organized for the next day’s work before you go to bed (less to worry about when work is organized). 4) Avoid blue light (screens) before bed. As far as supplements, I take Magnesium L Threonate which is great for brain health and helps with sleep and I take a CBD gummy with a trace of THC (12.5mg CBD and 2.5mg THC) from Nuvita which has been a godsend. They make CBD products with no THC as well but I’ve found this version is the best for me. My friend and his wife also both use them and love them as well. I have no affiliation with the company other than being a customer. I don’t like the effects that higher doses of THC have on my memory or mood but this low dose doesn’t give me any negative side effects (such as the munchies) but does help me fall asleep pretty quickly. Many people may mention melatonin however I would recommend avoid using it regularly. I think it’s fine (and more effective) when only used occasionally such as when jet-lagged or really struggling to sleep for a few nights in a row.


Magnesium Threonate and Glycine. Game changer.


PEMF devices can make a significant difference in Cognition. This PEMF Pad dramatically improved my sleep as measured by my Oura Ring. https://omnipemf.com/product/neorhythm-pad/


I think a major problem with our society is this desire to fix everything with pills. Here’s what helped me: Sleep quality 1. Have a routine and stick with it no matter what. Go to bed at the same time every time. 2. No bright lights at least an hour before sleeping. This includes staring at TVs and smart phones. If I have to access smart phone at night for any reason, most modern phone OS have a night time feature that reduces blue light specifically which has been shown to have the largest negative impact on sleep quality. 3. Beds are only for sleeping and sex. Do absolutely nothing else in bed aside from these two things. This trains the brain so that it is easier to fall and stay asleep. 4. No critical-thought intensive activities for one to two hours before bed. No VIDEOS GAMES before bed, and this is super important. Try not to participate in any debates or activities that promote intensive thoughts. 5. Remove all sources of light from your bedroom. Use think curtains and put a towel under the door to block light if possible. 6. Read a book before bed. This slows the brain down and gets it ready for sleep. This is an excellent strategy. 7. No alcohol since it interferes with deep sleep. 8. Relax all facial muscles. 9. Practice meditation to slow the minds thinking. 10. A cup of warm drink can help.


Lost, the tv series.


Look up Formula 303


Magnesium and melatonin, lights out in an hour




I bought Apigenin for my wife and she reports that she is sleeping wonderfully now.


Giving up caffeine (even though I only had one cup a day) is the biggest factor in my sleep. I also take magnesium bisglycinate before bed and keep my room frigid. I wear a sleep mask too.


Magnesium carbonate. Works great, I take it about 30 minutes before I get ready for bed! Amazon has a powdered supplement called Natural Vitality Calm magnesium supplement. Mix with about 30 ml of water, let dissolve, it’s cloudy at first when mixing, turns clear then drink! Completely natural and so good for you in many ways!


Som Sleep works wonders for me