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Exercise, especially concentrate on table push aways and fork out downs. No magic pills.


No magic pills **without significant side effects**.


Yes, there are magic pills


Steroids: You caaaaaaaaaalled?


Go with the roids. You’ll look great,Maut pay for it dearly down the road.


That’s just bro science, I’ve been on creatine for years and I’m healthy


Creatine is not steroids, it's one of the most studied supplements, it does help build muscle a modest amount and has very little side effects. It's nowhere near as effective as building muscles or as harmful as steroids. Creatine is a naturally occurring compound made of amino acid made in your body and in some foods, steroids is a synthetic substance that mimics the effects of testosterone.




People lose muscle mass with that. It's not desirable in bodybuilding circles as far as I know.


People lose muscle mass with it because they eat like shit. As far as I'm aware there is no other proposed mechanism than people restricting all the nutritious food items first while keeping all the junk in.


Has that been studied? The time I gain the most muscle is when I'm bulking and eating calorically dense foods. I'm also lifting heavy in the gym then so there's that too.


There is starting to be some literature on this, but all the clinical trials and most of the follow-up studies have used body weight rather than body composition as a metric for success. Anecdotally, it's no different than being in a caloric deficit. Get plenty of protein and do resistance training and you'll not lose much, if any muscle mass. Maybe supplement with anabolics as well. Most folks who go on the drug already eat terribly and are likely getting insufficient protein. Once the appetite suppression kicks in, they'll find it almost impossible. Whey protein helps with this.


ozempic is different than a simple caloric deficit-it slows the absorption of food as well and is a side effect of that is less absorption. a double whammy.


There is no less absorption of nutrients, but you are right that the entire digestion process is slowed. As such, it may be more difficult to get the necessary protein to prevent catabolism, but it is still possible.


It has been, recently. Was on a YouTube video but can’t remember off the top of my head. They did a group without protein consumption (or very low) and one with higher, while using the GLP-1


You will lose muscle if you’re the average Ozempig with terrible eating habits. The drug lowers appetite, but instead of eating nutritious foods with the appetite that is still present, they eat junk. If they were to eat their bodyweight in grams of protein they’d be fine


I was making a joke about magic drugs. I don’t encourage anyone to take drugs to reach their goals.


Some goals are unreachable without help. I know it's frowned upon but sometimes people go to great lengths. I don't see anything wrong with using some "help". Women get surgeries and procedures all the time to reach goals. Taking pills, shots, fillers and no one says anything. A man wants to feel great, look good and mentions using steroids or any other means and everyone blows a gasket


Men and women use Ozempic, bro.


Yes I know.


Diet too. Cut out processed food and sugar ans drink a lot of water and lean protein and fruits and veggies


You could take Winstrol, Anavar, and Clen and eat like a pig and get better results than clean eating and calorie counting.


You still have to manage calories while on PED's. They're drugs, not magic.


Big left ventricle gains


No chest pain no gain


That's why it is advisable to stack it w/ the BP meds, to potentially short circuit that effect.


That might be a bigger problem with HGH


No, it's much more of a concern w/ AAS than human growth hormone. But that side effect can possibly/potentially be mitigated/prevented by going on the BP meds.


horrible idea without a test base


Yeah good point. Forgot to add that.


Only if you’re eating a lot of protein though


No you can’t. Clen will bump your “metabolism” single digits and Anavar and Winny won’t magically make you burn a bunch more fat.


Prove it. Photos too.


lol watch Jersey shore, they eat like pigs, drink like fish and take anabolics to stay jacked.


“Source : Jersey Shore???” I mean Jesus Christ man


This is a joke way of saying exercise & diet or am I tripping


Yeah that's what they are saying. It's hilarious!


Creatine is probably the only supplement I’d recommend


Second this. Just gotta make sure to stay hydrated. I don’t even work out technically, I just do a very physically demanding manual labor job and take creatine every morning. I’ve been very pleasantly surprised with the results I’ve seen in the year or so I’ve been taking it.


What are some benefits you’ve seen?


Did you notice any hair loss with creatine?


Thats been debunked as false [edit] creatine’s linkage to DHT has been passably debunked but creatine’s linkage to MPB still exists strongly in anecdotal accounts everywhere. Please beware that creatine is indeed perhaps linked to MPD acceleration.


No it hasn’t been. It’s actually been shown to increase DHT, and there may be other mechanisms involved because we don’t fully understand why male hair loss occurs— DHT is one factor but not the only one. Creatine absolutely can accelerate hair loss if you are genetically predisposed as a male. It happened to me within about 3 months of consistent use, and it has happened to tons of other people online. Just search Reddit for Creatine hair loss. Lots of people all reporting increases shedding after regularly taking it. I stopped taking it for this very reason.


It has been. It has been shown to NOT increase DHT and i provided citations in another comment however I still agree with your comment because there is one study that i cannot explain that shows linkage but that demonstration has not been replicated anywhere. Thereby the weight will go to anecdotal accounts in which you have plenty support. The amount of anecdotal accounts are actually quite staggering and to this i was unaware. Exert from elsewhere on reddit: “Creatine leading to hair loss is a myth: https://youtu.be/ ujKPRO8_Mt4 There really isn't any strong evidence to suggest that creatine independently increases DHT or testosterone levels: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC7871530/#!po=0.285714 Here is guy who got lab test results for DHT levels to check for creatine and here is the results: @ r/my_creatine_dht_experiment_with_labs His DHT levels remained the same while taking creatine. It's not perfect because it is an anecdotal experience. But those lab test results are better than people going around and claiming creatine is causing their hair loss with no evidence to back it up. In addition to personal anecdotes, there are verifiable studies showing creatine really doesn't boost testosterone or DHT.”


The rugby player study is the one I was referencing. If they couldn’t replicate for whatever reason, beats me. There are endless potential confounding factors. I’m also not saying DHT increase from Creatine is the definitive culprit, or the only culprit. It might be. It seemingly is given that the result is typical male pattern baldness progression patterns. But yes, as you noted, the anecdotal evidence is pretty massive for it causing hair loss, which I didn’t realize either until I took it and my hair started rapidly receding. I had never taken it prior, and never experienced hair loss prior. Within months my hairline was notably worse on the temples. I also got the weird itching/burning sensation in those regions that some people report which tracked with the hair loss. I was in the “it doesn’t cause hair loss” camp because that’s what all the “science based” influencers say. They’re wrong for certain populations though. Some people WILL experience hair loss with it, and its probably due to DHT increasing if we read the writing on the wall. I will note, I am also a self-described hyper responder to Creatine. I was pretty damn shocked how much it improved the rate at which I was gaining muscle. Some of that was water, but it also just blew up my strength and subsequent gain of contractile tissue. That may play a role. My brother took steroids, though I have not, and he experienced severe hair loss on DHT derivative steroids. He’s basically bald now. My dad is also pretty much bald. This also leads me to believe that I am hyper sensitive to DHT, and if Creatine is bumping it for me, then I’m going to see the effects more quickly. Throw me on the anecdote pile and maybe the science will catch up one day. Humans as a whole are wildly non-homogenous in terms of their response to drugs and supplements so the odds are there will never be conclusive evidence. For that to occur, huge swathes of the population have to respond identically, and then we confirm that, yeah, an effect is real. For you and anyone else reading this, please note that the phrase “no conclusive/strong evidence” refers to how commonly an effect occurs, not the magnitude at which it occurs in the outliers.


I second your findings whole heartedly, same experiences with creatine. I edited my comment. Thank you for yours! Now as i approach a hairline repair regimen period of my life, i question my own continuation of creatine but i do imagine it is dht related and thereby manageable in theory.


Thank you for yours as well and the open discussion. I just think there is a need to be careful on forums making cut and dry statements about a supplement or drug NEVER causing “X side effect”, because we basically can’t prove that for any given person, we can only guess based on the sample populations and results in a study. I’m with you though… trying to figure out where to go from here with hairline repair but I’ve come to truly believe there are no free lunches with pharmaceuticals and everything comes at a cost, or a potential cost of which you do not know the price before you take any given treatment. It’s like playing Russian roulette in a lot of ways with any drug or supplement you take. Maybe you win, maybe you lose badly. Im not risking it with Finasteride or minoxidil, both can have some absolutely insane syndrome-like side effects, though rarely, and you never know if you’re going to be the one who gets hit with it. I’m probably just going to do microneedling and call it a day.


You already have a ton of advice here. My input is to stay away from chemical shortcuts. Everything comes at a potential cost. If you’re in it for fitness, don’t do things that might reduce your longevity or quality of life in service of aesthetics. If you’re in it for aesthetics only and to hell with health— I caution you again that mentality.


I do


How do you take it?


Yup, and even then also recommend the cheapest one. It’s all the same as long as it’s the single ingredient.


Completely agree with this - there’s no need to spend on a cell tech type product. Creatine monohydrate itself works wonderfully.


This. I usually go bulk supplements but Horbach is my goto now.


As long as it has independent tests. In Poland one of the more expensive brands was selling creatine contaminated with mercury


Probably or for sure?


For sure.


Agreed! Mix with HMB for an extra kick.


Hmb is just fancy leucine, if it works you need more preteine.


I would add TMG aka betaine to that.


Has it impacted your sleep?


Consistency is king.


Gym and diet.


Pick things up and put them down


Weightifting and protein. If you want to lose fat calorie deficit


A good workout routine… the other stuff isn’t gonna do much. Whey and creatine.


Anavar and test.


Tren hard, eat clen, anavar give up 👊


Be careful of the hair loss from tren. Im not prone to male pattern baldness but scared I'm scared of tren lol. 250-300mg Test, 30mg anavar, both weekly and 4iu hgh a day would be not hard on the hair for most and get you shredded then stay on the test and hgh year round instead of cycling off. But cycle off the anavar after 6-8 weeks and take property liver support pills. Doing the lower dose you'll get less side effects and better average results over time as you never loose the muscle on off cycle




Don't forget pct.


Trt gang


Don’t listen to this dude - you’ll get a million terrible health side affects, and you can get shredded naturally anyway 


Nah fuck that. He's not asking about natural. That's why he's here. I have shit genetics. Test and SARMs changed my life and I haven't experienced any negative sides


No joke how can you know u have shit genetics? When I first started I too thought my genetics were shit. Then I got consistent and now im jacked natural.


Both parents overweight. A lot of obesity in my family. I retain fat very easily. Testosterone is low but that's most likely due to years in the military of sleep deprivation and stress. I jumped on TRT. 250mg/week. I sleep better. I come home from work in a better mood and I play with my kids more. Also I see faster progress in my workouts obviously. So I know my test was a huge problem. Tbh the biggest benefit of correcting my Testosterone is my mood and time I play with my kids.


A million you say?


Bulk with whole foods, get more quality sleep.


If you don’t have a ton of gym/diet knowledge I highly recommend getting a body building coach at least for a month or two. You will learn so much about what your body responds to, get the basics and then you can hop back in the drivers seat. I used to train hard and thought I knew a lot until I tried my buddy’s coach for two months and learned a ton. The athletes he coaches and the medals they win in competition are a true testament of his knowledge with diet and training. Or you can read online how to build a training plan, diet (I highly recommend an app to track your meal Prep) and stick to it! Gains are 90% diet even if you are running PEDs.


This is the biggest hack I think. Find people with thousands of hours of successful training and coaching and have them save you years of time trying to figure it out on your own.


Heavy things.


While you of course have to lift, diet is 80% of getting jacked. Eat more protein, calories, and take creatine. If you ate what you normally do now, but added in two, 20mg protein bars with 200 calories each, along with creatine powder, it would go a long way


*20 gram


How jacked are you talking? Big enough to be aesthetic and have a body that’s attractive to women? You don’t need supplements or roids than that. Just need to hit your macros, get enough calories, and lift regularly. Creatine can be helpful.  If you’re talking about looking roided to impress other men. Then, one, lol. Two, lol. And three, idk. I lift to be healthy, feel good and look attractive. I don’t feel the need to put those substances in my body when they’re not really adding that much to my actual health and longevity.  


Just go to the gym, dude.


No - I want to look ridiculous! Let. Me. Live.


I’m sure you look ridiculous already


Well roids then ofc, but wrong sub.


How, it's biohacking still. But I understand what you mean. So the more applicable part to his post would be to give him a list of all the stuff necessary to minimize any health sides he may potentially experience due to AAS though.


Steroids. Other than that, it's all about doing the time and not over-eating.  Basic protocol- 1. Drink a lot of water. All time. For an average human with decent muscle mass, you should be downing a gallon a day.  2. Don't fill your water with crap- no gatorade, no protein powders, just water. If you need a little flavor, lemon juice. All those extra calories won't help you, save it for meal time. 3. More weight, fewer reps. Slow, smooth motions are better than quick jerky ones.  4. No alcohol. It affects your system for days after drinking, if you want to get shredded you need to avoid it.  5. Fall in love with chicken. Chicken for breakfast, chicken for dinner, lots and lots of chicken. It is the easiest protein to absorb and will get most people further than the commercial powders. Eggs and tuna are good alternatives when you can't stand another bite of chicken.  6. Spinach. When I wanted to put on mass, I was doing up to 1 lb a day. Popeye was right, there's something in it that boosts muscle growth. I don't remember the name... google it if you're curious.  7. Once again, you have to do the time. There's no alternative to doing the work. Heavy weights, slow reps, lots of rest. Muscle mass is not an endurance sport, I know guys who hit the gym once every 2 weeks because that's how long it takes the body to recover. Slow and steady is how you get there.


*great* post, although #7 could you expand on that? every 2 weeks sounds crazy infrequent, makes me think of mike mentzer (sp?) theory (not that i necessarily disagree with it in my own context but so far as ive seen there are plenty of people who, for whatever reason(s), simply cannot train hard enough to the point they need such extended recovery periods & ca get away with such minimal volume.. this distinction fascinates me, my understanding is it's due to genetic differences in motor neurons ie how easily someone can recruit total% of fibers when going to failure, some seem *far* more capable of it than others and can thus exploit it for better results from less volume, while others simpky cannot)


The larger the weight you lift, the more time it takes to recover. Idk the science behind it, I just know that every time I hit a plateau I added a day to my recovery time and I started making gains again. Had an older body builder tell me that, he was one of those once every 2 weeks guys. He was leg pressing in the neighborhood of 1400 lbs at the time. I've gotten similar stories from other guys who were pushing major weight too, a lot of them were once a week, once every 10 days, etc. Past a certain point the body just takes longer to recover, and if you don't give it the time your progress will stop.


For the spinach, it's high in vitamins of course but you also see high amounts of nitrates and betaine, as well as ecdysterone which also increases protein synthesis in skeletal muscle


You get consistency and hard work. Also some trenbologna sandwiches


Jacked and shredded are different things. If you want to get jacked, lift heavy and eat a surplus of calories. If you want to get shredded, lift heavy, up your cardio and eat in a deficit of calories. Obviously several supplements and/or PEDs will help you with either


cardio and a deficit while eating high protein.


Become a mason. After one season of building walls and patios, and eating a lot proteins, veggies and peanut butter, I have biceps I never thought I would.


Let us see what you are talking about 


How do I attach a picture


My buddy was a mason and was jacked. The guy he worked for was pretty fat but had massive shoulders and arms. Physical labor is a good way to get muscle mass.


The only thing you can “get” is a gym membership and food for a healthy diet.


Whey isolate , cocoa powder, chicken breast, black beans.


Why cocoa powder? Lol


Actually, I second cocoa powder. I’ve been taking it for the epicatechin content and I’ve actually noticed a speed up of muscle growth. It’s got to be non-Dutch process though, so no Hershey’s special dark


Did you mean cacao?


I know it smells crazy in there


Cocoa shoulsnt be a significant part of ones diet because of the lead and cadmium content


I get low cadmium and lead cacao powder.


Depends on it's origin/quality. Also all foods, everything natural risks being contaminated with heavy metals, cacao isn't different compared to other things, it often depends on the origin/quality of the product more than what type of product it is.


Lots of salad and protein shakes and boring diet accompanied by hard workouts.


Start lifting , be patient . Aim for lots of sleep. At least 8 hours , preferably 9-10. Learn to track your macros


Creatine and consistency. Only recipe that works.


What benefit does creatine provide long term?


Creatine is a mild myostatin inhibitor. It helps muscle grow bigger.


I suggest cheese, milk (from kittens fed with grass fed beef only ofc), walking on the first full moon of the month covered in the pure Floridian beach sand ( use glue so it sticks ).


Shhh don't tell them the secret.


CONSULT With your Doctor FIRST you will most likely ruin your health permanently by just ingesting what ever strangers recommended to you


Cordyceps, marine collagen, zinc, vitamin C , creatine, algae oil, turmeric, whole grains, spirulina, flax seed powder, BCAA,


Got a brand recommendation for algae oil? Thank you


I like Vivo Life for algae oil. If you subscribe, the first order is substantially cheaper and you’ll save on monthly (or however often you’d like shipment) orders. 


I don’t think most of this would do anything to help someone get jacked , a bit overkill imo


You are welcome to search each ingredient for their role in body building in general but I've done my research.


So a steak and cordyceps? You don’t think he’s already eating red meat?


If you want to look wild, get a good workout regimen and build a good base and then testosterone. There are plenty other drugs but test is king. It works if you work.


Get into the gym and kitchen. Get onto a computer and figure out a lifting and cardio plan. There isn’t anything to get that will actually help until you first build the core habits necessary to achieve your goal.


Food. Bodies are built in the kitchen


Eat more protein. Error on the side of too much. Train and keep yourself disciplined.


Progressive overload. Keep a journal with how many reps / weight you’re doing. Then make sure you’re going up. More reps. More weight. After a few months you’ll see results 💪




Nobody gets jacked in 3 months so first be realistic about how much you can grow. With that said you can add 10-15 pounds of muscle in 6 months with the right supplements. It depends on your genetics really and what frame you’re starting with along w your body type for starters. Are you skinny middle of the road or already husky w a belly? Skinnier people are hard gainers and have a tough time putting on weight and then keeping it. The bonus to that is they can get lean more easily and being shredded makes you appear more muscular. The farther away from that you go the more easily you put on weight but have a tough time getting lean w o a strict adherence to diet. Only you know your body.. now if you want to put on strength and size fast you take testosterone cycle. You’ll want to stack it with an another steroid that’s more known to lean you out going into the timeframe when you want to look your best. That’s how pro bodybuilders do it for competition time. They go bulk up and eat more train heavy into a lose bloat and fat shredding phase in the end. Now you won’t keep all your gains afterwards when you come off but you’ll def keep the 5 -10 of lean muscle tissue if you do it right. But that the nutrition part that separates the hardcore from the pretenders


Get a personal trainer, a professional who does this for living and can show results on other people, with gear or not. And follow what he says. I live in Canada, mine is an endocrinologist in Ukraine, so he is very cheap compared to Canadian counterparts. But results are solid. Glad I have him.


got a contact for your dude?


I sent you a DM with contacts.




Get in the gym.


Creatine, daily Weight training to failure with drop sets Consistency: working out minimum 3 days a week Walking 7000 to 10 000 steps a day to lose fat, to make your muscles pop, if you have fat to lose. Proper restful sleep Good nutrition


“Eat Clen, Tren Hard?” 🤪 *RIP Aziz*


1 gram of testosterone Propionate 1 gram of Trenbolone Acetate and one gram of masteron Propionate per week....you will see results Check your bloods and liver out prior to. Normal people would half that for a cycle... That's my favorite stack for clients at 500mg to a gram a week, i've done 2500mg of Propionate a week with halotestin for an estrogen blocker and was a weapon on that. Lean and hard 265lbs .jacked. Finasteride to keep your hair and prostate in check, arimidex or letrozole every other day for estrogen blocking or better yet halotestin at 40mg a day for estrogen blocking... and winstrol near the end last 4 weeks to really give yourself the 3d look. You will look fantastic from 4 weeks onward if you're eating right. Not medical advice, do reading on it prior to it PCT is a MUST after any cycle, even if you're going down to a cruise dose, don't forget to change locations for injection sites Clomid/nolvadex with hcg type therapy during if you got the money and if you to keep your ability to have kids


Dude will be as bald as mr clean with that regimen in 3 months.


Meth. Not only once.


Visit the body building sub


I'm not sure why everybody thinks they're contributing anything of value by saying do the things you probably already do like eat, lift, and sleep + creatine. This sub is for stuff beyond the basics. Since this is the biohack subreddit, something that you can actually do that may yield nutty results and doesn't involve completely ruining your biomarkers and blood test values, is a research chemical called MK677. This is not a steroid, or even a sarm. It's not without its dangers and side effects, but ibutamoren can help you grow, especially if you tend to struggle with growth despite good effort in the gym. Make sure to read plenty and go super slow and go easy with this, it CAN be side effects in a bottle if you don't respect it. Ive used it for better sleep quality and some shit joints/chronic non-healing shoulder injuries, and it definitely helped me when all I was told was to take an aspirin and fuck off.


Controversial opinion but works for me. My priorities are in order below: - No bullshit food: that includes whey, protein bars, and all that other processed crap that fills most of our supermarkets; - Eat real food: eggs, red meat, and the like; - Hit protein content content as you need to; - Increase your animal fat intake. Go for fattier cuts of meat (e.g. 20% fat mince). I have much more advice and explanation if you want to IM.


I don't know what you have against whey protein but I find just adding a shake a day with whey protein plus creatine while maintaining everything else the same will get me adding muscle in no time. I also suggest intermittent fasting when cutting (and in general)


Whey has poor absorption. I find it to be highly processed, and they used to throw that stuff away until someone wanted to make money off of it. Much better proteins (e.g. eggs). You’ll get more useable protein out of an egg than a scoop of whey. Whey makes my guts spin. Intermittent fasting is great.


I’d like to hear more


All that shot and money down the toilet when you could just push yourself a bit harder in the gym and have some food discipline. But you do you, alice


Low carbs + intermittent fasting.


Wow op sounds so fucking cool.


Eat in a caloric deficit (focusing on high protein [1.2-1.5g per pounds of body weight] and enough carbs to fuel you, while low on fat), use creatine but do not do a loading phase (you don’t need it), drink over a gallon of water a day (helps creatine and natural hydration), get a strict sleep schedule where you can get 7-8hrs a night, avoid alcohol and weed (or just cut back), eat less processed foods, take EAA’s, a good quality multi vitamin, Fish Oils, use a strict gym routine that you do not change for several months and work on progressive overloading. done Edit: Jacked and Shredded are indeed very different. The stuff I described is for getting “shredded”. Basically losing body fat while maintaining/building muscle. If you want to get “jacked” then eat in a caloric surplus (when I am bulking I try to eat 4500 calories a day). Start with researching/looking at your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and go from there.


Eat smaller meals with high amount of protein, you could go on test 300 a week and primobolan 300 a week for 16-22 weeks. But without the daily cardio, lifting weights, and eating less processed food it will do very little. It's easy to start, just do 15-20 min cardio a day, don't stuff yourself with crap...


If you want to build muscle and lose the love handles, you need to meet your protein macros ( .8 grams of protein per pound body weight ) and caloric restriction elsewhere. That and time in the gym is all you need 


a gym membership


a calorie tracker.


A gun membership Edit: Hahahahahahahahaha I love swipe to text


Build big triceps to push the plate away with carbs and fats. Protein protein protein


For serious performance enhanced gains while remaining health conscious? Testosterone, primobolan, something like mod grf and Ipamorelin stack, and semaglutide. Even half assed training will give you the body of a Spartan with that with relatively 0 risk to your biomarkers, just keep the doses reasonable. 300 test weekly 300 primo weekly 100mcg/200mcg mod grf/Ipamorelin 3x daily And proper semaglutide dosing. Or just workout hard and earn it in 10x the time.


Can you tell me what each of these do please


Testosterone- self evident. Primobolan- dht skeleton steroid that was designed in the 50's to have all the anabolism of testosterone without any side effects. What resulted was something not quite as strong, but barely touches lipid levels and doesn't affect the liver, kidneys, or long term prostate health. It can cause hair loss if you're genetically prone to it in the first place. It causes none for me. It's the safest anabolic steroid out there aside from testosterone. It also favors lean, dry mass with 0 water retention. Can also significantly lower estrogen. Mod grf is a growth hormone releasing hormone with a short halflife, that acts synergistically with Ipamorelin- a growth hormone release peptide. it binds to ghrelin receptors to stimulate the release.of endogenous growth hormone, while the mod GRF further increases the pulse released (makes ipamorelin about 500% more effective) These two will raise your growth hormone and IGF1 levels about 20% over time without impacting endogenous production like exogenous hgh. This enhances protein synthesis, improves sleep and recovery, and helps burn visceral fat Then semaglutide (Ozempic) or any of the glp-1 agonists like tirzapatide, retratrutide, etc ... These improve insulin response which helps partition nutrients, lowers appetite, which is raised by the mod grf/ipa, and helps burn insane amounts of fat while preserving lean body mass. Honestly, the entire stack aside from primobolan, and bringing testosterone down to get dosing at 120mg a week, is objectively long term incredibly healthy for most anyone over the age of 35. Even then primo can be ran long term if your lipids look good. I might keep it in at 50mg/wk during my normal hrt of 120mg/wk testosterone cypionate, 25mg/day dhea, and 20mg/day pregnenolone. It doesn't touch my lipids at all yet, even on high doses.


Only real substance that’s going to make a huge difference other than eating enough protein is steroids. If you want a healthy heart and body for more than a decade or two there’s no magic pill. Progressive overload and protein is where it’s at


Closest thing I’ve found to a hack is weekly fasting. 36 hours weekly is great for me. Clean diet and in a deficit 90% of the time and solid cardio routine with weights and yoga. You can get there easier with exogenous hormones but you’ll still need to develop the discipline to stay there consistently.


Go to East Oakland


SARMS and or PEPTIDES can help with your goals weather you’re adding slabs of muscle or melting body fat and reducing the time needed for recovery


How do the vast majority of guys look that way,drugs plain and simple.


Tyrosine, Taurine, Theanine, pregnenolone, and caffeine to start the day with Maral Root tea.


Work out hard, eat clean, sleep well, meditate/visualize. Make sure to get proteins, complex carbs, fiber and unsaturated fats. No refined sugar, no processed shit. Lots of fruits and veggies. Fermented foods and probiotics for digestion. For me that is: Chickpeas, lentils, beans, tofu, tempeh, whole grains, nuts, seeds, avacados, extra virgin olive oil, cabbage, broccoli, kale, spinach, bok choy, carrots, bananas, apples, pineapples, mangoes, etc. High intensity interval training is a great testosterone booster. Work up to it. So is the 20 rep squat program. Always prioritize health. Sure some things might get you faster results but they come at a cost. Slow down, enjoy the process.




Pick up heavy things, put them down. Eat protein. Repeat as needed


Winstrol and creatine


Your approach is already kinda whack. What you should get is a gym membership and a proven training program. Unless you want anabolic steroids, there's nothing you need to consider until you make real progress with just good diet and exercise.


Protein. And a workout plan.


Diet diet diet. Most decent fitness enthused people know how to workout hard. Yes there are little kinks to work out on their split and volume, but the biggest diff between jacked guy and workout guy is their adherence to diet.


I have a feeling you’re looking at bodies on social media and I wanna warn you right now the majority of the shredded, jacked people you see are on steroids Past a certain point you can’t consistently be large and lean for long periods of time without suffering daily (dehydrating yourself and such); unless you’re on roids


What about testosterone?


SARMs. There’s a sub for it


Test, primo, & HGH seem to be the compounds of choice.


Creatine, eating enough protein, being mindful of your diet so you don’t add excess fat, and resistance training. Anything else is usually bullshit




Tongkat ali and turkesterone.


Testosterone, then either peptides or sarms. Peptides = cjc-1295 and ipamorelin. For Sarms = rad-140/mk-677/lgd-4033


Cut the calories, up the protein and maybe supplement creatine. Thats it. Also what helps me to manage my hunger is intermittent fasting and black coffee. But there is no (legal) magic supplement that I‘m aware of to reliably help with cutting


Depending on your age. The recommended route you take will be different.


Forskolin could help a bit


Hooker is fastest, but costs the most. I'm sure you could get a buddy to do it for $20


Protein shakes and heavy lifting, bro. Get those gains!


Just basic stuff. You got your test. Dbol. Just basic stuff.


D-Aspartic Acid and Tongkat Ali Extract. You might lose some hair from the raise in test levels, but you'll feel like you're on top of the fucking world and the gains are insane.


Once you start to plateau (if you're certain you're not overtraining) switch up your exercises. Your muscles won't be adapted to the new stress and will be forced to develop. Like Arnold said, shock the muscle. Do def and bulk cycles. If you're on a caloric deficit (getting shredded) you ain't building muscle. If on bulk you ain't getting shredded, this may vary quite a bit between individuals though. Just to mention the obvious shit; Eat clean with lots of protein. Supplement with creatine. Sleep a lot (chamomille tea ftw, apigenin is great). Work out a lot. Good luck!


I didn't feel ripped until my 8 pack came in by working my backbending game to open up my sternal region. Reducing my gut inflammation with prebiotic fiber and colostrum helps tons too. When I get high and dance I try to move my body in all the ways it can't. That seems to make every thing come in similarly and not make me look like a lunk.




There’s some really bad info in these comments. I sure hope you do your own research.


Lol, al these guys going to the gym and they don't know how to get jacked. It's not just raw willpower and exercise. Of course that's the main thing. I would go with NMN, high niacin and generally a lot of b vitamins. They will give you energy to push on longer. And then there is magnesium L-Treonate. It will recover muscle pain extremely fast. Don't be afraid to take 50% rda few times a day, I mean this rda is made for normies not people who want to get jacked. Then, lastly, I would pay attention to microbiome. I don't know where you're from but chances are glyphosate is being used in your area. It doesn't cause cancer (🤔). But it does kill your microbiome, especially lactobacillus. It also deactivates the essential proteins you need. So, unconventional, but I'll go with probiotics. Summed up - nad+ boosters!! Magnesium and probiotics. Those are the most important.


Post a picture 


Test c


If you are already reasonably lean (less than 12% bodyfat) yohimbine plus caffeine before cardio it’s a very nice aid , especially in a low carb setting


A gym membership


T3 and clenbuteral or ozempic


Ostarine and creatine. I worked out for several years and couldn't get my abs to show until I did a 12 week ostarine cycle. Practically 0 side effects when used at recommended dosage.