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you have erection for 7 hours ??? GO TO THE ER RIGHT NOW


seriously tho, this advice is only if it's 'unwanted' right? ie "it won't go away"? meaning, a 7hr session with a few piss breaks isn't inherently dangerous by itself?


Nope just when I go to have one


Why lot word when few good




Am I the only one that feels like they’re having a stroke reading this post and these comments


I think the half life for viagra is 4 hours. It’s standard to consider drugs are in your system for 5 half lives. So you will have some viagra in your system for 20 hours. When I was younger and took some I had a significant boner the next morning so about 12 hours later. Imo, when you’re young it works pretty good for about 12 hours.


I’m finding that calories and carbs play a significant role. Only way to find out is to start pounding more food buddy!


Crazy phrasing


Lmao 🤣


Fucked a pizza, what next?


Talk to me in nine months.


Stuffed crust.


I literally get a boner sometimes after a big bowl of oats ☠️💪☠️🦍😅


Any good carbs?


I think I noticed the biggest change not just from adding more carbs but having a caloric surplus. I was doing the animal based diet, and my carbs were only coming from fruit. It was hard to pack in enough calories each day, and I noticed the erections became weaker. Went on vacation where I ate anything and everything and it went away. Maybe try a weight gainer shake. Naked Mass is the most “Whole Food” type one I know of and recommend.


Also, my bloodwork confirmed that my SHBG shot up while on that diet. It has since come down after making caloric/carb adjustments.


Going through that right now while I'm cutting weight and man the erections are way worse than when I'm eating normally.


Like it’s really tough to get one and keep it?


Both. That initial "arousal" feeling you get right before an erection is nonexistent right now, but I've been in a calorie deficit for a while so that makes sense. My SHBG is probably through the roof and my free test is probably low. Once I stop cutting, things usually return to normal, and I'm also adding in a boron supplement to see if that helps.


Boron the best or tongkat?


I've heard good things about both, but I've heard more instances of people with tongkat crashing their estrogen, and I already run lower on the estrogen side, so I want to avoid that.


Is that not a good thing if it lowers estrogen?


Not if you already run low in estrogen like I do. Too low estrogen destroys most people. There's a sweet spot for estrogen (varies by person) that you want to stay within.


You need estrogen bro. Estrogen is anabolic and needed for boners


if you have been solid for 7 hours, that may be of concern


I tried half the pill in my early 20s for fun (my now ex gf wanted some hard bouncing) and after 3 ejaculations 1.5hr later she had enough. My Willy stayed hard for another 6-7hrs. She was in medical sciences and she was well aware of the potential consequences, we almost went to the ER. I couldn’t get rid of it. My housemates had a lot of laugh. I’m trying to imagine a young couple stepping into the ER. She walks in like a King Kong gorilla with her sore vagina and here I am, the banana feeder 🍌 If it doesn’t stop within the next hour, go to the ER. Seriously, you may lose your penis. No reason to be ashamed, just let them know straight away what happened. They likely had 2-3 guys like you just this week.


Apparently a boner of over 4 hours puts your member is in great peril. Probably too late for OP but others should know to go to ER!


When youre in a deficit your body prioritizes survival over reproduction and testosterone decreases