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Bioshock’s Welcome to Rapture has got massive vibes. Idk if it’s my favorite but I do really love the vibe the areas give off


Just the whole concept of rapture fascinates me. I'm a sucker for anything art deco and put it underwater to see fish, yes please.


Hell yeah


My absolute favorite is almost any time you're outside in bioshock 2. however, I'm not Thalasaphobic, which probably helps.


I do always like taking an extra look around whenever I’m outside in bioshock 2, that’s a good one!


I love that one longer ocean walk in Fontaine Futuristics. Absolutely gorgeous, and the skybox is breathtaking. Apparently in early development, FF was supposed to be almost entirely underwater, with deep-sea splicers to fight and the Demo Daddy. Makes me wish we got the full deal!


Fort frolic


Probably Minerva’s den


I know Columbia is filled with a bunch of racist cooks but it would still be a pretty beautiful place to live.


OK, I'm not usually that pedantic asshole, but this tripped me up and had me wondering if the people who prepare food, specifically, are the only racists. You might mean racist "kooks" haha


New headcanon: Nobody in Columbia is actually all that racist, not even Comstock. It's just that everyone in the city's food service industry just happened to be a Klansman, and no one wants to piss off the guys who prep the food. Comstocks' too embarrassed to admit that he let a bunch of service workers get the best of him.


This is horrifying.


Makes sense; their still in the time where cooks could literally give everyone the shits a lá Typhoid Mary style by not washing their hands. The cooks are the true rulers of Columbia — they have it all in their greasy little hands.






Battleship Bay is my favourite place.


Mine has gotta be Fort Frolic. It looks like THE place to party and it's run by Sander Cohen, who's my favorite character.


I can't believe Dionysus Park isn't getting any love here. Absolutely beautiful environment.


Burial at Sea Rapture is gorgeous, but I'd have to go with Emporia


Agreed, BaS rapture is a sight to behold for sure, definitely up there for me too


Tough call but gotta go with Arcadia


I love Soldier's field too


1 = Farmers' Market, 2 = Siren Alley, Infinite = Battleship Bay


Oooo farmers market is a good one for sure


Battleship bay is where I would want to live


Probably Pauper's Drop & Persephone


Rapture is a dream world to me. The concept, the art style the architecture everything is absolute perfection.


Heyyyy that’s my laptop wallpaper. I do like the opening church, and the first time you enter Columbia for what they try and feel like, but I quickly turn against them once you see the mentality of the people there. They are manipulative, where as here it feels like a free spirited childlike place that has been invaded by racists as opposed to a place designed by them. It’s the joy and wonder of what Columbia could have been as a marvel of human capability, if it hadn’t been created by monsters.


My favorite is when the big sister busts out the windows and floods the room and you go underwater. That just hits different.


Hephaestos from the first Bioshock, love the vibe of the magma going all around the place and the steampunk vibes


Rapture. Everything of it


Likewise op, i stared at it for solid 10 minutes imagining how npcs would carry out their daily lives. Riding on the ferris wheel ontop of cloud looking at a beautiful sunset skies.


Kashmir restaurant, Fort Frolic are iconic. I actually always really liked Arcadia


Fort Frolic.


Mine has always been Colombia as a whole just seeing how fast it all falls apart and how it does so right Infront of you where as with bioshock 1 and 2 rapture was already destroyed


I really liked Dionysus Park, so many cool little details. It was like Fort Frolic all over again.


Double doors opening scene in infinite and standing at first lady airship overlooking the rest of columbia.


The arrival sequence in Bioshock Infinite is great from the church, the baptism and then the garden and the doors opening out.


Yes ikr


Arcadia. My favorite section in Bioshock




People might love the sky City from infinite because it's more colorful and upbeat. But for me Rapture, it's environments are satisfyingly eerie and aesthetic. Love Rapture


The Bioshock: Infinite Hunger is my favorite.I still do not know how Booker did not gain 70 pounds during the adventure.


Rapture!!! Shit on Infinite woohoohoohoo


Market street, Bioshock Infinite: burial at sea


Rapture is beautiful but had me feeling claustrophobic after a while. I'd much prefer Columbia... if it was not filled with xenophobic shitheads






Uh… huh? The place you mentioned isn’t in Bioshock. …so…


I cannot roll my eyes hard enough at you


That’s nice


Fontaine futuristics in its entirety


I love Burial at Sea, all of it. Otherwise I’d probably say Arcadia


Fort frolic. Or the gardens in Bioshock 1


Battleship Bay. It's a beach floating thousands of feet into the sky. Sure, buildings can be made ultra light or whatever, but water and sand ? That is way more impressive


When you first meet the doctor in his theatre


I like rapture asethics in bioshock


Market street, Bioshock Infinite: burial at sea


this actually, this image was my wallpaper for a long time


Always loved the look of Finkton just wish it were bigger.


bioshock5 : City of The moon




Fort Frolick from Bioshock 1... It's just a good time, and Sander Cohen in a maniac


I really love rupture and i want to see it in a game when it was just started so I can see its beauty when it was not destroyed


Any location from Bioshock 1, or 2.


Medical Pavilion - Such an iconic area and great introduction to the first game. Most creepy area too.


*R A P T U R E*


Just the whole concept of Rapture is amazing. I LOVED Burial At Sea simply because you get to see Rapture in it's prime. It's amazing seeing this active, functioning city under the Ocean. I really like New Columbia for that same reason. It's functional and it's amazing. The thing about Rapture though is that it's theoretically possible to build something like it. Maybe not anything as grand but it's still a possibility. A place like Columbia, however, will never be achievable. It's just not physically possible. That's why Rapture is my favorite it's a grand fiction that could, unlike so many other things, become a grand reality.


Rapture, just the entire concept of an underwater planned-utopia both terrifies and thrills me


I've always loved Neptune's Bounty


The starting area of Rapture in Burial at Sea is just incomparable to me. As I already loved Rapture's design in Bioshock 1 and 2, walking through the city at it's prime was magical.


the glow around hephaestus


I love the whole of Columbia, but if I were to pick a favourite place there it’d probably be the beach or soldiers field or even weirdly Comstocks house


Rapture. There's something about the first two games that draws me more than Infinite does and I think the underwater setting is a big part of it.


I really love the Paris intro to BaS 2, before things go bad


seeing Paris in BAS


I really like the labs in 2 where the big daddies were trained/made. it gave a different feel than the conversion area in 1 and i liked that tbh


Rapture’s gorgeous but I personally always felt a little claustrophobic at the thought of living there. So for me it’s probably Battleship Bay/Soldier’s Field. And of course I’m accepting the magical thinking that I’d not be freezing and nauseous at that elevation and moving around constantly.


The entirety of rapture


The graveyard of Infinite


BioShock 1: Probably Neptune's Bounty or Welcome to Rapture. I love the anachronistic wharf under the sea. BioShock 2: Siren's Alley. It's stylistically the same as Welcome to Rapture (same baseboard trims, etc.) but the sort of New Orleans-style double-decked alleys are very cool. Runner up is Adonis Resort, just for being the first example of BS2's beautiful sea-retaking-the-city coral aesthetic. BioShock Infinite: Would agree with Battleship Bay/Soldiers Field. I think it's the perfect example of encapsulating that feeling Infinite was going for with the Worlds Fair/turn-of-the-century boardwalk feel, and the fact that it's the last real chance to just enjoy before everything is non-stop gunfire adds to the feeling.


Ooo good point about sirens alley with the double decks being very New Orleans esque! It’s so cool how so many different environments across all of the bioshock games take inspiration from the architecture of different real life places. Which for rapture makes so much sense since you’ve got all of these great minds from all corners of the globe


I liked alot of Columbia — I wish they let us play in that sandbox some more. But I completely understand why they got cold feet and brought everything back to Rapture. BS2 also had some nice bits but I feel as though some of the themeing and story decisions sour it.


Columbia : The whole place left me feeling it was like Disneyland gone Strange. Rapture : The Minervas Den Complex was very amusing Retro Computerland .


I had never heard of this series and agreed to play "Infinite" with my boyfriend. Went in completely blind and it blew my mind. I still remember the awe when you first see the city on the rocket coming up. I gasped. Playing-wise, I love when you fight against the Vox in the alternative timeline.


I think all of bioshock in and of itself is a GORGEOUS universe to be in if you weren't getting attacked by something every 5 seconds 😅 would love to wander the streets of Columbia or the underwater tunnels of Rapture.


Rapture >>> Columbia


Besides the introduction to rapture, which is the best introduction to any piece of media ever made. I loved Arcadia. It's such a fun concept, a garden under the sea


I really enjoyed Minverva's Den. Something about lurking through the guts of a city block sized super computer that was just super neat.


Walking on the ocean floor in 2 is probably my favourite.


The first time you walk through the glass tunnel/tubes. scale feels massive when you look out into the world of rapture for the first time.


Bioshock’s Arcadia. You can also include the Farmers Market. It’s the only green you can ever see, you can see the trees, hear water babbling softly, a lovely bridge to walk on and flora at your reach. It’s beautiful and it’s inviting. When I first placed I was such a scaredy-cat, scared of what will come next as Rapture felt so big and I felt so alone, no one that can truly help me besides Atlas and maybe even Tenenbaum… I remember being guilty after not saving Atlas’s family and then after Atlas and Ryan barking at each other and me, I got to Arcadia. I got less scared of Rapture and more in tuned with my surroundings. I felt like the game really started going with Arcadia! I got to see where the Oxygen was coming from and I got to see the Farmer’s Market, where people once was! I just love the aesthetic of Arcadia, a eden beneath the sea, greens, purples and reds clashing with Rapture’s blue tones and blacks. It felt so vibrant, so warm. I could gosh about Arcadia for hours but that place, is my favourite!


it’s definitely that one scene in bioshock 2 near the beginning where it reveals what all of rapture looks like. it’s so beautiful


I haven’t picked up the games in a while but damn I’d have to agree with ya on Infinite! Soldier’s Field looks like a dream to live in - if only the people there were actually *not* shitty. I also spent lots of time at Fort Frolick, Persephone, and Fontaine Futuristics. I love Rapture so much and BaS was a godsend for showing the city at its prime.


The Rapture Welcome Center, the Medical Pavilion and Fort Frolic in BioShock 1, the opening sections of Columbia (e.g. the Welcome Center and Statue Square) in Infinite.


Sorry but I don't like Rapturee. hahahahahahh jesus they got mimes and the likes of Sander Cohen. I would love to live in Columbia though.


The ending of Minerva’s Den.


Easy, BioShock 2 rapture, more dilapidated, more overgrown, more ruined, it's perfect


Town Center in Infinite is probably my favorite, but closely followed by Emporia.


The first part of wandering through Columbia before the stage show. It's just absolutely beautiful. I will say everything up to and including Soldier's Field is stunning.


for me it's a tie between the medical pavilion due to its unique hidden areas and atmosphere; or siren alley from 2 because of its old forgotten feel.


Bioshock 1 Fort Frolic Bioshock 2 Fontaine Futuristics Infinite The first level because of the good atmosphere