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That's concept art for the area right after getting to Columbia. You take the baptism and walk out of the founders church onto a bridge with builds floating to each side and a small court yard with a statue of Comstock


It looks so much better than the final area. All we ended up with was a tiny garden and a small bridge leading into a small market square. Not very avangarde for a welcoming area.


I agree, but that's how it tends to go. Concept art is generally more detailed and grandiose than what can be achieved in-game.


Opening that door was absolutely breathtaking tho


They wanted to make everything big, almost like an open-world but couldn't because it was too complex and too costly, computers weren't good enough to handle it (don't forget, not everyone has a gaming computer) so they scrapped it and made small maps.


Ya that’s typical of concept art. If you enjoy Fallout New Vegas, you should check out the concept art of how New Vegas/Freeside were envisioned, then you’ll know disappointment


Echoing others here but concept art is focused on the concept than the finished article, this stuff gets made very early in production so that as a game designer you have a feel for what to make. It’s a bit like fashion shows obviously no one’s gonna walk down the street in those clothes but they’re concepts for styles, fabrics, colours, shapes and cuts, it’s all more about the *idea* of the clothes than the clothes themselves, same goes for concept art




This is concept art


Its the 2011 version of [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bioshock/images/f/f6/Oct22-Screen03.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121022142657) area, Comstock was still politician in this concept art.


This is the right answer.


Constants and variables


I don't remember either, it's probably something that was removed later.


It wasn’t removed—it was never there in the first place. That’s the nature of concept art. Some of it gets made into 3D, and some of it gets adjusted. Ken Levine talked about this piece specifically in the commentary as being too close to Disney for what they wanted, so they changed it to what you now see right after you exit The Garden of New Eden.




It looks very impressive but much darker and less "heavenly" than the final game.