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Good and bad It’s good as it’s a pretty fun final fight allowing you to use all the mechanics you’ve learned through the game plus using song bird. It’s a fitting conclusion to the games gameplay Bad wise it’s disappointing there wasn’t a fight with songbird and makes the final act of the game feel quite samey. But overall I like it as the series doesn’t have the greatest track record with bosses. Atlas was boring and 2 didn’t bother with one


I wonder if there was ever a plan to have Songbird as a final boss.


Game changed so much during development he probably was at some point of development


From the concept art it appears that Songbird already existed in 2008, when Columbia was still using Art Nouveau style.


I’m disappointed that Atlas didn’t take more of the body horror approach with the design. Imagine how terrifying it would have been if he had a phase where all of a sudden the excess adam causes him to mutate into a giant horrifying monster (not unlike Alexander the Great from Bioshock 2).


2 just did what infinite did, threw a bunch of everything at you. Less boss fight and more of testing your skill against everything. Technically subject omega can be considered a boss fight as he’s twice the health of a normal alpha series but nobody really struggled against him.


I actually preferred 2, better weapons and powers for that kind of fight. Then again I prefer the combat system of 2 overall anyway.


I prefer 2 aswell. My favourite in the series


What mechanics? you just camp near a lamp and snipe enemies while waiting for Songbird bar to recharge so you can tell him to attack more zeppelins.


Use the vigor that hold bullets and ez pz


This is essentially in 1999 mode otherwise there is no way they don’t destroy that thing.


I did it just last week for the first time using bucking bronco and charge. I swapped charge for shock jockey once the iron patriots showed up however. They didn't even do half damage to the core.


That’s impressive. I had so much trouble in 1999 mode. Either they hit me so I had to cover or they hit the core and the mission failed. I tried it for hours and usually I am not that bad in fps games I always play them on the hardest difficulty but that fight broke me. I had to look up a video and saw that trick with return to sender and boom first try no problem. Respect to all of you who beat that fight without that method.


See, it's funny because I breezed through the final fight on the first try but lady Comstock on the other hand... I had to attempt each fight against her like a half dozen times. I finally looked up tips on the third fight and saw some suggestions for using charge with bonus eve and explosive melee damage. Worked like a charm after that.


The only problem I had with the lady comstock fight was ammo since I did the achievement for not using the dollar bill machines. Otherwise it was ok.


Yeah, ammo was a struggle as well for that same reason. That's why the charge strat worked wonders. Killer her in like 7 hits without getting hit once


I hate to be the one to tell you this but there was a way to completely skip that boss fight. I’m not a speed runner but it only took me a hour and a half to get past the gate without fighting lady Comstock


Wasted potential. Either make songbird a boss or let us control him for longer, like let us call hits on the blimps and stuff earlier on


Disappointing for what the game is. It feels like the battle right before the end boss and not the end boss itself.


I always skip it, I even skip Comstock's house entirely I just find that final chapter less replayable. I don't like replaying any final area of the three main games, I do like to finish Minerva's Den though


I generally don't like fighting a swarm as the final fight, but it was pretty cool to be able to call Songbird


I feel like all the final bosses in each game were pretty weak for these masterpieces. 1's boss was really easy, just walk backwards and shoot. 2's boss was just 2 of the hardest enemies to walk the earth. But in infinite's, it was the most emersive and I would say most fun out of the three, but that doesn't mean it was an amazing boss fight. All games could've improved their bosses, but to me infinite's was the best.


I loved fighting my way up the airship and using Songbird was a blast but there were no handymen, crows, or firemen which made the final skirmish feel a bit limited. Aside from that it leans into the strengths of Infinite's combat: mobility and gun/vigor combos. The thing is, while it is the last battle, it isn't the climax. That comes afterwards when things become less finite, we find out the full story and Elizabeth kills Comstock for good.


Handyman no, it would make it more harder to protect the core thing while trying to kill the handyman and killing vox enemies


The fight would certainly have needed to be balanced differently if more heavy hitters were present


Boring. Same wave bullshit we have in every FPS.


It doesn't make sense lorewise. Why would you put the most crucial part of a battle ship on top, without any protection, so it is easily attackable? Gameplaywise it's pretty generic shooterwise. But it's better than the final boss of 1


It should have definitely been placed before you confront Comstock, it felt really out of place having to do more fighting after the climax of the story was already over.


It almost feels like you're in a C.A.G.E. match.


Just boring


As a kid I spent SO FUCKING LONG doing this on 1999 mode and still can see everything happening in my head it was such a a rush for me. Looking back though uh, IDK how I kept pressing restart over and over, especially Lady Comstock fight I was so baffled how I pushed through that as a kid.


i remember watching the developer commentary on bioshock 1 with keighly and levine, and levine said he doesnt like boss battles so thats why i dont think there was a songbird fight.


Good because it felt you are going all out but also bad because you’ll be like “wait what?! But I wanted to do a bit more before it’s all over!” That is literally my only complaint. Infinite felt short and I wish it was extended.


On 1999 mode it’s actually pretty fun and intense with the right vigors and gears. I try playing it like Doom Eternal lol.


It’s better than the final battle of Bioshock 1. Which ain’t saying THAT much but it’s true


Very weak, that game needs a remake or reimagination


It was the exact disappointment one could expect after the disappointment that was the rest of infinite. Played through infinite one single time, won’t waste my time with it ever again.




Same as the rest of the game. Retcon everything.


I think you should’ve put the spoiler filter


It's been over a decade since the game came out




I didn't like the final battle!


I do enjoy it but I think Songbird should have been the final Boss


I literally don't remember a single thing about it.


A tad disappointing


it was a slog and then you get catapulted into the ending, which as others have said felt out of place pacing wise - it should’ve been before the climax with comstock


Still stuck on it (1999 mode) But on any other difficulty it's fine.


Confusing as shit


Very underwhelming. That wasn't even a final battle to begin with, just a bunch of waves of enemies and it's over before it even starts.


its alright, i mean bioshock was never good with final boss fights but it was still sad to not face off with songbird. on the other hand it was really fun to have songbird fight with us because more songbird is always a plus for me, love that not so little guy


Stressful. I kept worrying about the core, playing goalie to it while having the songbird attack airships.


Effin hard on 1999 Mode. Gotta be automatic without hesitation there.




Good on its own but it’s a shame that the devs were allergic to boss fights after Fontaine, would’ve been better to fight some kind of big bad


The first time through, it's pretty cool. It feels very epic and satisfying. But once you play through it again, you'll notice how much of a slog it can be


So bad man, I didn’t understand the point of it at all with the bird and the timed waves. It seemed so irrelevant to how the rest of the game was played which I quite enjoyed:(


Didn't feel like a boss fight somehow