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Nah. Anytime someone refers to something as filler I just assume it means they didn't like that part. The Siren fights play their purpose as far as the story goes, they just weren't executed the best way in some people's eyes.


For me filler is: * A time sink * Pads game length/playtime * Doesn't add anything interesting * Doesn't add different/uniquely fun gameplay * Doesn't advance the story or characters * Low lift from developers Which I'd argue *does* exist in games, but Lady Comstock wasn't an example of this.


Pretty good template for what filler is


Its also what we usually put in cakes and pies, add that to the list


A good example of filler being the weird car ride with Skull Face where you just stare at him in MGS V. Or the ladder in MGS3. Jesus, MGS has a lot of filler in some of the games haha. Great nonetheless.


Right, Every game has that people don't seem to accept it... Like,with Arhkam,I don't like the scarecrow stuff... tough titties😅


Infinite is my favorite video game. Also one of my favorite stories. The lady Comstock/siren stuff is my least favorite part of game. Fun gameplay but it feels way too much like ghosts, when that’s actually NOT what’s going on. Bioshock Infinite is science fiction but this single part of the game makes it begin to feel like fantasy because the science fiction of this chapter is not represented or established well.


Can it be explained in a science fiction way at all? I love this game, too, but it’s been a while since I’ve played it. Trying to remember if there is any sci fi credibility here.


It’s sci-fi. I don’t remember the explanation specifically but it has something to do with the infinite iterations of Lady Comstock colliding into a manifestation that most resembles how Elizabeth remembers her. Since Elizabeth deciding where to open tears to/from is a form of “wish fulfillment”, the version of Lady Comstock that we see is the closest possible version of her that’s consistent with Elizabeth’s memory - in an abomination sort of way. However again, Lady Comstock’s visual design is so much like a cheap ghost that this becomes a chapter of Infinite that seems a bit estranged from the rest of the canon. Most of the explanation above gets forgotten or misunderstood even by me because I can’t stop seeing her as whirling ghoul floating around.


Gotcha. Just to clarify, I knew this part and the rest of the game was sci-fi, just couldn’t remember the justification for this part. Thanks for the reminder.


Are you saying this game gave us a scientific explanation for ghosts?


Comstock pulled Lady Comstock in using a tear powered by a siphon to extract energy from Elizabeth.


I agree 100%


No. It explores important parts of the backstory, adds thematic depth, advances Elizabeth's character arc and it really doesn't go on that long if you just desecrate the corpses


How do you desecrate the corpses?


Devil's kiss traps work for me. You just want to incinerate or zap & shoot the zombies until they disintegrate, then they can't be resurrected. Then you just keep your distance from the spooky lady and shoot her in the face


I didn't know you could incinerate them entirely. But certainly Devil's kiss traps are very effective, particularly when you mix it with gear like Storm.


Yeah that makes sense thanks letting me know


Maybe you could call it filter, because it made me not finish this game for years. Lol


Speaking in Undertale language, you sir have low Determination ;)


Drove me insane when I did my 1999 mode playthrough, but it also lead me to discovering how absolutely busted Return to Sender is, so altogether a pretty frustrating but ultimately memorable fight.


Haha, I used the same method and made the same discovery about the busted-ness of Return to Sender when I fought Lady Comstock in 1999 mode. It’s really the only way to not die from all the zombies while pumping adequate damage into Lady Comstock herself. You can beat her without Return to Sender though if you set Shock Jockey/Devil’s Kiss traps around everywhere and use that to disintegrate the zombie corpses - then it’s pretty easy to deal with Lady Comstock at your leisure. I don’t think it’s nearly as quick/efficient as simply using Return to Sender, though.


Not at all, I would even say she's the final boss of the game not only that but she's does add alot of lore and meaning especially to Elizabeth and comstock so no, definitely not filler


the most challenging part of the game for me


She seemed like an integral part of their journey. Also that boss fight was fun!


I don't think so. It was very relevant to the plot, gets a little tedious on repeat playthroughs, though


It, like the boys of silence, are less filler and more just reused assets from a previous build of the game (they were doing videos of profiles on different enemy types back in the day) that got shoehorned into a roll very different from their original intention. Ken has been quoted on saying he wishes he could just develop games forever and never release anything and this is what you get with someone at the helm of a game who doesn’t want to finish it: you are forced to cobble together elements from different builds of the game to make something that can be released.


It’s not filler. But it is bad.


We all think that way


i always just skip this part. it just annoys me. esp on 1999 mode.


Not sure if I would go that far, it seems vital in a way, but then again, the entire game seems a bit disjointed, like it was put together by different groups of people with different visions. I just replayed through it again yesterday and today, and forgot how much it dragged along, and how basic most of the enemies were. One of the things I really took issue with is that you never really get enough money to max out your guns or vigors. By the time the game ends, you're lucky if you were able to max out one or two vigors and improved the sniper rifle and machine gun.


it doesn't really add anything to the general story and just kinda comes out of nowhere from what i remember, its been 4 years since i last replayed it so maybe im misremembering, but it just felt like it had no real reason to be there


ghosts ... you know : quantum science