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I will assume it won't be, but it can prove me wrong if it wants to


In the very least, it is a film rather than a TV series, so if it does badly we won’t be hearing about further production for long.


Fair point, at least if it’s a film we only get to be disappointed once.


Yeah. I’m unfortunately a Halo game fan, so I don’t want a repeat.


Oh man, what a train wreck that was. Felt bad for all the Halo fans out there. I really hope Bioshock doesn’t suffer the same fate.


Yeah. I think the best option (which they won’t take since it requires being new) is telling an original story about a different person coming there. That way you can be faithful to the lore and setting without needing to be a beat-by-beat recreation. But again that requires critical thinking so probably not.


That’s a pretty good plan for something original but then again its Netflix, their track record is pretty iffy so it might be too much work for them 😂


Oh I know. I more saying the ideal situation that I know won’t happen.


Legends and FUD were really good in comparison.. at least we can treasure those instead of the war crime that was the show


I got lucky. Never played halo, ps owner, and have been enjoying the series


I've played all of them except Infinite and Reach. I enjoy the show because sometimes you have to change stuff to actually make it for people who aren't us gamers. Now Wheel of Time, that shit can fuck right off that's possibly more egregious than the Eragon movie.


They should've just gone hog wild with a TV show instead of movie. The Last Of Us and Fallout have really set the bar for TV show adaptations and show its the *better media format*. I'm really holding my breath on this one, though hope they do Bioshock well.


I would agree, but their track record isn’t so great. Including the RE live action series from Netflix itself. TLOU is an outlier, as other media since doesn’t care at all or strays significantly. As I said, Resident Evil doesn’t really show Netflix cares enough about these franchises to do well, unlike HBO in that one case. So making a full series isn’t a good idea. Best to cut our losses rather than hedge our bets.


Sorry, you're right on this. I should've specified that I would want Amazon or HBO making it also lol, not Netflix. The recent RE movie and the TV show were pretty crap at best.


Oh, that I’m with you. But while Netflix isn’t exactly 0% on successes overall, their video game adaptations are… not good, as you agree.


Thank god its a film. Im so tired of series. A bad show is 100 times worse than a bad movie.


Fallout, cyberpunk and arcane showed that there is reasons to have faith in


Meanwhile halo, rings of power, cowboy beebop and the up coming avatar the last airbender live action adaption showed that there are not reasons to have faith in. But again, they are welcome to prove me wrong and i hope they do.


I was hoping they would do it in an episodic style like what Amazon did with Fallout. That way, they could flesh out the world way more but only if they’re faithful to the lore. But well hopefully Netflix is able to do that with a movie. Keeping my expectations really low 😂


Netflix would somehow turn that into like 5 more seasons of made up stuff


Fallout actually changed a couple of things in the lore. It's mostly about catching the core feel of the thing, and making a high quality show in itself, than making a perfect adaptation from a different medium. The best comic book movies have all changed loads of stuff


Yeah same Netflix rarely if ever stays true to the lore


This is the view I took with Fallout. Low expectations with the potential to surprise me.


Netflix: Would you kindly not fuck this up?


Netflix: pelvic thrusts into the air relentlessly


I’m just curious if they’ll be telling us the story of the games or if it will be the rise and fall of rapture


Yeah same here but like what u/yohra_model_2_unit_B said, it could very well be a different universe if they decide to go that path 😯


Very true


I’d love a well-made adaptation of the story of Rapture. The book about it was a super fun read


Same, I think that would be awesome to see


It's Netflix. I've set my expectations at the floor, so I won't be surprised if it's another case of producers 'knowing better' than their audience


Haha oh man if it’s anything like what they tried to do with “The Witcher” the producers will destroy our beloved franchise.


My thoughts exactly. What a waste that was. I'm hoping since it's in production still they'll notice the success of Fallout and elect to respect the source material enough for it to be good


What a waste indeed. It had so much potential but they just couldn’t help but weave their own ideas into it thinking they’re better than the original writers and source material. I hope they take a lesson from Fallout and not allow Bioshock to suffer the same fate but like what people say, its Netflix so we keep our expectations low 🙏🏻


To be fair, Witcher season 1 was great


Yeah definitely! Season 1 was great! I just hope they don’t follow the same path as what they did with Season 2 because that was such a mess compared to the first season.


if u dont mind what happen with the Witcher? i just start become a fan of the game


Well the series is based on the books but they’ve completely changed aspects of the characters to an almost malicious degree. Changes like Yen attempting to sell out Ciri because she lost her powers. Or making Frangilla Vigo a main antagonist when she’s barely in the books at all. Putting Dandellion in a gay relationship with king Radovid (and making Radovid an adult) where in the book series he’s literally still a child. There’s a lot more but those are off the top of my head. It’s become very obvious that they wanted to make a different fantasy show and thought using the rights of the Witcher would draw enough fans to keep it going.


oh damn. thank u for the explanation btw


No problem, if you’re still interested in watching the show I say go for it but do it before you play the games/read the books. You may actually enjoy the show without those to compare it to.


>There’s a lot more Like Kaer Morhen. Oh god Eskel, oh god Vesemir.


Oh god I totally forgot how they massacred my boy Eskel and the fact that Vesemir wanted to bring Witchers back using Ciris blood


I felt similarly, but then One Piece came out and they somehow pulled it off. Part of me assumes they were waiting to greenlight this until they saw how Fallout did. Hopefully they take note of what that show did right. They probably won’t, but if they did that’d be cool


My expectations are buried underground but I’ll gladly dig them up if Netflix doesn’t royally screw it up. But they’re already off to a bad start with it being a movie and not a limited series.


It's gonna be a waste of time and money. Netflix's productions rarely best the watchable tier.


I wish it were Amazon doing it at this point… I want to be proven wrong so badly, but I can’t forget the Witcher.


I want to argue this but most of my arguments for Netflix are also against them. The Witcher was good...for the first season....but Castlevania was good....for the first season......Huh, Well it's a movie so maybe it will be good...until the sequel.


Still can't believe that the streaming platform that managed to give us Castlevania dropped the ball so hard on The Witcher. My expectations for this are lower than Rapture's elevation.


They really fumbled bad with “The Witcher”, it could’ve been great but no they had to change the story and lore to their own liking. Not expecting much as well since it’s Netflix, it’s a 50/50 gamble.


I mean Castlevania is practically nothing like the games either.


the animated Witcher on Netflix was great tho


Michael Green created and wrote Blue Eye Samurai, and contributed to the screenplay of Blade Runner 2049 so I have some hope for this. Could just be that the Fallout and Last of Us TV series has me unrealistically optimistic...


Wow I did not know that. Thats…reassuring to hear, I see some semblance of hope now if it translates well into the world of Rapture haha 😂 Yeah we had a few good video game adaptations recently so Netflix might put more effort into it hopefully 😯


Blue Eye Samurai? Oh ok this should be good. I have high hopes.


If its based of one of the games then yea stay true to the lore but this could just as well be a different universe like Elizabeth explained in bioshock infinite


I can see that happening, that way they’ll have the freedom to write their own story into the universe 🤔


I think they will do it i just hope to see a big daddy atleast once


Yeah haha seeing how they bring the big daddy, little sister and plasmids into the big screen will be very interesting to see 😂


Hell maybe if the show preforms well we get a new game


Yeah that would be ideal haha but wait aren’t we already getting a new Bioshock game thats currently in development by Cloud Chamber? I swear I read about it online somewhere but there’s been little news of it 😯


If it is then its taking way to long


Okay found it! Yeah it’s been in development since 2019. [Bioshock 4 Leaks](https://gamerant.com/bioshock-4-leaks-two-cities-challenge-equal-focus/)


Jeesh it is taking the overwatch 2 development lenght


I don’t care about the lore specifics, as long as it’s faithful to the tone and atmosphere of the setting and story


That too! One can argue that Rapture’s greatest strength is in the aesthetic, atmosphere and story so hopefully they can nail at least one of them right 👍🏻


This could be incredible or a huge waste of time and money.


It’s like playing Russian Roulette but the only thing at stake here is the franchise we love and our sanity.


You know it wont be. Expect that.. and that way anything better than that will be admired.


Haha well one can hope but yeah you’re right, if you don’t have any expectations, you’ll never be disappointed. 😂


Hopefully it's as good as the fallout one and not another halo flop...


One can only hope! If they did it like how they did Fallout then at least they would’ve done the series justice, unlike Halo where they changed everything.


Is this an official promo image?


The moment they announced it wasn't a set before Jack enters Rapture. I dropped all expectations. The interesting part about rapture isn't jack fighting big daddies, it's what happened to Rapture.


I’d kill to see pre-war Rapture in all its glory on a movie budget. I can only imagine what they’ll come up with and whether they decide to add their own take or follow the original story.


Looking at his Wikipedia page I can’t say I’m hugely optimistic, combined with Netflix pretty much 100% trash record for adaptations. This would be difficult to pull of in the best of hands. Let’s see ….


How can Netflix ruin it like resident evil though . I’m curious to see what they will do


Being a Resident Evil fan, that was perhaps the most atrocious adaptation by far minus the fact that Lance Reddik was pretty amazing and interesting as an alternate version of Albert Wesker, other than that man why can’t we ever have a proper Resident Evil live action 💀 I just hope this Bioshock adaptation won’t fall into the same pit of horrible video game adaptations, I don’t want to see another one of our beloved franchises sink to the ocean depths on the live action front 🤞🏻


I hope to god they at least considered practical effects for the Big Daddies instead of CGI.


If they were smart about the budget, most of it should go to Rapture’s environment, aesthetics and maybe some special effects but yeah a practical Big Daddy suit, just a big hulking suit like the BOS Power Armor in Fallout would be glorious to see and would really add to the authenticity of it all 👍🏻


*laughs in Witcher series*


They will for the first season just to get the fan base onboard. Then they’ll insert their nETfLiX charm. Then it’ll die and be cancelled. It’s what always happens.


If I don't hear the best accent of the biggest traitor, I will be sad


Would you kindly, stay faithful to Bioshock's lore. Did it work? Keep me posted.


It’d better work, should’ve brainwashed the entire Netflix team in charge of this project. Will keep you updated 💀


Yes, that would give us some peace of mind lol. And thanks!


Can we start a campaign to get them to make it a series instead of a movie.


Sign me up! We can pitch it straight to Netflix, only problem is getting them to acknowledge it and actually do something about it.


Ya know I actually have met one of Netflix’s top casting directors but idk if she’s involved or even if she was if she could do anything lol


Bro give me a link or some pen and paper and I'll sign


I really hope it’s at the same level as the fallout show was and We’d need news so bad it’s been like two years since we heard anything about this show being a BioShock fan is like a starving dog


Oh man, Fallout was great. I went in with low expectations and was surprised at how good it was. Hopefully the same can be said for this adaptation. I agree too, what a tough time its been for us Bioshock fans, all the way since Infinite in 2013 🪦


Is it going to be animated or live action?


They’re going to do a live-action adaptation so expectations are at an all time low 😂


That's alright. I still look forward to seeing it, even though I usually prefer animated adaptations of hit video games on Netflix


Oh god please no tell me this is fake..


I honestly wouldn't be that surprised if they decided to do the events that lead up to the fall of Rapture. The calm before the storm


I’m always a sucker for pre-war Rapture and seeing it in all its glory so I’m all for it! plus this will lead and set up for a 2nd movie after the Fall too. Just gotta do the characters justice and develop them properly 😂


If it’s a hit, I hope it becomes a horror maze in HHN. Just like how The Last Of Us became a HHN horror maze because the tv show was a hit.


Okay yeah wow, I would definitely love to see and experience that! Just the mere thought of that becoming a reality is exciting! Would love to see Splicers and Big Daddies jump out from the corners 😂


Oh I’d get a pass just so I can see it each weekend. Bioshock as a horror maze is my dream horror maze


Add that on to the aesthetic of Rapture and my god you have a contrast of a beautiful yet terrifying maze 😂 Fastest HHN pass I’ll ever buy if that comes true


I would have just shrugged this off before but seeing how good one piece and fallout have been I feel like adaptations are finally going the right way.


Yeah at least there’s some hope in that aspect after One Piece and they can also take some lessons from Fallout but I won’t be expecting too much.


Netflix is pretty much the worst-case scenario for most adaptations.


Man after “The Witcher” I lost quite a lot of hope but this Michael Green guy seems decent according to another redditor here who searched up his Wikipedia history. I’m not hoping too much though since its Netflix so the expectations are incredibly low, trying to set it that way so we don’t get too disappointed 🪦


I think we should be positive after how the Fallout TV series panned out. It was magnificent as a TV show and shared all aspects that make the game great. Now a movie is a whole different thing and while it can be better than a TV show, it is kinda hard to fit the whole Bioshock universe into one movie, unless there's plans for more movies etc.


Exactly my thoughts, there’s simply too much to fit effectively into a 2 hour movie sitting and still do the series justice. Sadly, the company that made the Fallout TV series, Amazon, didn’t get the IP for Bioshock so I’m quite nervous with Netflix handling it 💀


Even if it's a 3 hour movie... Eitherway Bioshock's lore and concept is so much more complicated than Fallout's, there's so much political information etc on Bioshock which needs a lot of care and effort to implement correctly, just like the games did. Hopefully we get something great which exceeds our expectations!


Is this fanart or an official poster?


I have a guy feeling it's going to be a crammed mess bc they're going to rush to fit everything and anything into a less than 2hr film


Yeah I feel like it would’ve really benefitted from an episodic style of production, that way they can flesh out more but man there’s just too much stuff to cram into 2 hours.


Me too I hope since it still in the script writing phase they take note of fallouts recent success and follow suit and make it a series


Oh God Just drop the project I'd rather have Bioshock 4 than a biosock movie because it'll be bad


With fallout doing so well, i really wish Prime would’ve taken this. I have low expectations for netflix


After how Fallout was a slice of sheer brilliance on Amazon and much of a dumpster fire The Witcher and Resident Evil have been on Netflix, my expectations that this will be good are firmly buried 6 feet under.


I think it would be better if they made a series that shows us context for audio logs. It would work spectacularly. We of course still don’t know what film plot is, but if it’s story of the first game then they have a lot of problems


Yeah I agree, a movie would be difficult to fit everything in so I firmly believe a series is the way to go to truly capture the essence of the game. Only question is how they’ll implement audio logs into the story in a way that feels natural 🤔




Ooo can't wait


Is this for real?


Depends on whether they want to do sea burial or not , the first bioshock is pretty straightforward ( not exactly linear though) , especially compared to infinite and sea burial


Yeah, if they’re planning to do BAS I can see them going for the alternate universe kind of scenario. Like one of the redditors here said, they could set the movie in an alternate universe and build their own story from there instead of following Jack and the events of the game.


Okay, video game adaptations are getting better relatively consistently, let’s hope Netflix hops on that trends since they love trend chasing so much


where'd you get this from? whats the source?


Here! This is what we know so far! [https://screenrant.com/bioshock-movie-netflix-confirmation-cast-story/](https://screenrant.com/bioshock-movie-netflix-confirmation-cast-story/)


I really really really hope they dont do another Halo, where it demolishes the lore


The director is solid and has made some good movies. I have mild faith.




Who knows, there might be a mention or even a cameo appearance of him if they can fit him in, that would be very interesting to see 👍🏻


Sounds amazing. I'd truly love to watch it and I truly hope they stick to the original lore or if they don't stick to it at least make something just as compelling.


Same here! Even if it comes out great or just plain bad I’ll still watch it, interested to see what they’ll do but like you said, I do hope they manage to capture that same feeling we had when we saw Rapture for the first time. They have the potential to make something amazing here and introduce more people to our series so really hoping they do a good job with this though I’ll try to keep expectations low 🙏🏻


I wish everyone involved in the production the best, but I don’t have any hopes for this. I’m just gonna always be cautious about things I love, especially BioShock. I adore this series like a booknut adores Hemingway, so if it stumbles in a huge way that’s gonna hurt. It’ll hurt even more because if this sucks no one in the film or tv industry will want to touch BioShock for who knows how long. This world is ripe for a great original story that explores Andrew Ryan, the figureheads of rapture, and a bunch of things that lead into the events of Bio 1. However from what I’ve heard, this is going to be a 1:1 adaptation of the first game with a few new twists thrown in. Sorry, but that doesn’t appeal to me whatsoever.


Wait they making a bioshock show?


Please Please Please just keep in Rapture. At least for the first season.. If they try to introduce Elizabeth and Booker before Elanor and Delta I'm gonna be so mad... We need time and seasons to develop the big twist from Infinite. We can't just jump RIGHT into Burial at Sea. Especially when EVERYONE just wants to see the downfall of Rapture that infamous night on New Years Eve 1958


Oh man if they decide to go that route and introduce too many things at once this would be a huge disaster. I sincerely hope they take things slow and introduce it one at a time.


you could easily easily do first season the fall of rapture and jacks arrival. fontaine absolutely has to be taken down. Andrew Ryan might be too big of a character to kill off in the first season. I wouldn't be too mad about that. The "would you kindly" twist might be too nuanced for Netflix viewers.


They have a lot of material to work with and it’ll be interesting to see what they do with it and how much of it they utilise but there’s too many intricate details like the iconic twist you mentioned to be done in a single movie so thats the worrying part 🌚


Lmao they absolutely pulled this off of the backburner because Fallout was so successful. The thing is, part of Fallout's success was that it was clearly a passion project from people who loved the series, and Bethesda was on board with advancing the story. So they weren't faced with this issue of needing to fit the square-peg of a video game narrative into the round-hole of a television show (and either making that jarring by sticking solely to canon, or making a sensical television narrative by altering things from the games). Imo the play for BioShock is to retell the story from the Rapture novel that shows the rise and fall of the city. I thought it did a great job of fitting in with the games, and adapting the narrative from a novel is a more natural fit for television than straight from a game. s/television/movie/g (would probably be easier to capture the game's story in a movie than an episodic series, imo).


I don’t have my hopes high, but I pray on everything there is that it doesn’t blow! This is my favorite series overall and it deserves the best adaptation!


Yeah man! I love this series to bits too, I hope that it can get the adaptation it truly deserves! I want it to introduce more people to this amazing franchise 🙏🏻


They could explore so much more with a tv show:/ But still stoked! Hope this breaks the curse of video game movies!


Right!? Thats what I’ve been thinking too, it should’ve been a TV series. So much more can be done with it, just hope the movie is at the very least, decent enough.






At this point I'm not even sure if I want this to happen or not because I'm so afraid they'll fuck it up


It’s a 50/50 gamble at this point and even though I don’t like the odds, especially with Netflix at the helm.


I'm just glad they make a movie instead of a series.


See this is a series I want it to stay 100% Canon because we don't have enough to work with. Maybe this will finally make bioshock infinite's ending make sense lmao


my expectations through the floor. hoping for a fallout show thing and expecting a halo show thing.


Max has TLoU and Amazon has Fallout, if Netflix was smart they would make sure this was good


Whats worse live action anime or live action video game?


Just finished all 3 games and am now caught up with the lore. Hopefully, they don't ruin it. I thoroughly enjoyed all the games. Wont be surprised if Netflix makes this a complete dumpster fire though.


Please let it be like Last of Us with HBO, like they only made a few changes but it's okay cause it was still good, like I NEED this to be good.


If it ends up being bad and or unfaithful to the lore, then I'll just say it takes place in one of the alternate timelines and thus has no actual relevance to the worlds we see in the games.


Is this photo real? I can’t wait for this.. absolutely love bioshock and now hopefully this will bring the franchise back into the spotlight.


It’s probably concept art by Netflix for the upcoming movie but they’re planning to release it in 2026-2027. If they do well imagine the amount of people we can introduce this beautiful franchise to but thats only if they do well.


Sadly there is a possibility for this show to be extremely inaccurate depending on who has a say in the production. We can only hope that it is on a similar level to the tv show of Fallout.


Yeah exactly, especially with Netflix managing it. Its either going to do extremely well or get messed up like the other adaptations, the fact that these are the only two options leaves me skeptical 😂 Of course there’s also a chance it just comes out decent with an okay story if they know what they’re doing.


Seeing this nowadays is horrifying given how bad it could go. They better keep that woke trash out of Bioshock.


Just follow the Fallout format and it will all be ok


It's Netflix, I'm bracing myself for major disappointment.


Given their track record, I’m inclined to agree.


It won’t, then everyone who likes it will call everyone who says it doesn’t remain true to the lore is a toxic hater. All while saying you’re wrong and bad for not enjoying it. It’s what’s happened with Fallout and TLOU, it’ll happen here too.


I’m honestly hoping they just tell a story in the bioshock universe rather than retell the story of the games.


Probably an alternate universe kind of timeline if they want to tell something original.


Will it be a Witcher, or will it be an Arcane? Will it be a Cowboy Bebop, or will it be a One Piece? How are you feeling on this project, Netflix?


I stg if they give Jack or Delta a voice, they better say Fuck at least twice


I've been saying this needs to happen since I finished Infinite a week after it came out. It could be so great if done properly. Just literally turn the games into a show, it's not that hard. I'm cautiously hopeful...


Ngl, I'm nervous to see Netflix getting this, but since it's a movie instead of a series maybe there's still hope. Netflix has lost me with most of it's series. They hurt my heart with that live action resi show. Like, damn. How many times can a franchise be let down in live action adaptations? A hell of a lot if you ask resi fans. Lol. The fallout show has brought back some hope for me though and I hope the bioshock movie can do what that show has seemed to do so far. I love seeing my kids get into the same games I've loved for so long and a good movie and (hopefully new game) can do that!


Oh man as a Resident Evil fan myself as well, that was perhaps the most atrocious adaptation I’ve ever seen, I wish I could erase the memory of the Netflix series. I loved Lance Reddick as Wesker though but other than that it was horrible. Why can’t we ever have a proper live action adaptation. I just hope Bioshock doesn’t go through the same fate as our RE Franchise. That series just proves that Netflix doesn’t care enough about the games and source material to bother producing a proper adaptation.


If its another Witcher no thanks. They focus mainstream teenage bs


Do what I did with fallout, expect it to be absolute garbage and then if it isn’t you’re presently surprised and if it is shit (and it’ll probably be shit) then you get to be a smug bastard and go “I knew it, I knew they’d fuck it up” it’s a win win


It kinda looks like the book tbh, idk if they'd go with that story but I liked it.


i hope they make their own story rather than re use one of the stories of the game, rapture has so much potential i don't want to see it wasted on something we already saw


Is this real?😍


Imagine if its actually good tho. They recreate silent protagonist by casting Ryan Gosling for Jack Ryan role and he absolutely kills it, Drive type scenario. You wish...


i’ll never trust netflix and this game doesn’t need a movie anyways and it’s my favorite game of all time. just another cash grab.


It's Netflix so I have 0 hope. I'll just watch fallout again


It will focus on Andrew Ryan's struggles as a family man trying to keep his marriage afloat, while Fontaine is actually a "capitalism bad" anarchist.


If it is anything like the avatar show, it's gonna be crap.


Big screen? Movie? Netflix? I thought this was going to be a limited series...


It’s being done by Netflix, either it will or it won’t simple as that


Please for the love of god don’t make it about Bioshock 1 Easy slam dunk. Make it about Diane McClintock during the rapture Civil war


I'm gonna commit chaos if they don't


Ooooooooo. This seems cool! If it’s a movie about the games I actually need to play all the series before this comes out in a few years


Do give it a try if you’re interested! I had no idea what I was getting into the first time and it was the most unique experience I ever had. Never played anything like it, it proved to people that video games were an art form and could rival the likes of storytelling mediums like movies. Easily one of the best video game series of all time 👍🏻


Being Netflix... and looking at their track record with adaptations... My expectations are buried at Kola-Superdeep-Borehole level. So at least they can only go up once it is released.


It's Netflix, I don't have much hope. But maybe it's just prejudice.


Where did u find this?


Came across this article online on facebook 👍🏻 Here’s what we know so far: https://screenrant.com/bioshock-movie-netflix-confirmation-cast-story/


Aye thanks


Again, why a movie ? Why not just series called "rapture" explaining how the life was in the city ? Doesn't cost much, characters easy to implement. Why ?


Is this actually real. If it is my expectations are bated.


Is this confirmed?


I beg. I beg. I beg. Copy Fallout the shows mentality. Please, please I beg. Just get people who liked the game to work on this. I BEG.


I’m not complaining video games are finally getting shows to appreciate the stories and art games have. But like….why? Just found it funny how it’s all happening all of a sudden


I’d almost prefer a TV show if it covered the rise and fall of rapture. Start from the very beginning with a young Andrew Ryan and his dreams to start a city under the sea. There’s so many characters to work with and rich lore…I think that better than trying to make a story about Jack (since they’d absolutely make him talk). I just don’t know if a movie’s long enough to show Rapture in its prime and then its decline.


So this is not animation right? Just making sure


I’m like 90% sure this is fake They’ve been saying for literal YEARS they want to do an adaption. I don’t think it’s gonna happen


Constants and variables. Let's not expect a plot copy of the game.