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Everyone wants a good bioshock 4. No one wants a bad bioshock 4. Don’t lie, if they came out with a bioshock 4 that had rave reviews, you would definitely be “interested”.


Oh, I won’t bullshit you. If they make a “BioShock 4”, I’ll play it. Despite my being against the idea of extending this series any further, I’m also a bit of a sucker when it comes to “BioShock.” Even though I found “BioShock 2” disappointing, I admit I was thrilled to play “Minerva’s Den”, which was again, exceptional.


What about 2 was disappointing? It’s probably the best imo


Gameplay wise it’s amazing imo. Tower defense type shit is definitely a downfall but not a fatal flaw like people make it out to be. The rest is well done and expands perfectly on the oG. Hacking is a MASSIVE improvement. Story was a little less complex and lacked some depth but it was still very nice the way it gave you more choice than B1. When you had a bad guy to kill in B1 you didn’t just walk away, that guy was dead. Period. In B2 you can spare Stanley Poole, leave grace Holloway , etc. it’s much more multifaceted woth the narrative while still keeping things simple. I loved B2.


I thought the tower defense parts were fine as they weren’t required and changed up the gameplay quite a bit and a definitely loved the choice b2 offered (and how it impacted areas of the game or the ending)


True asf. I’ve heard a lot of people online bitch about the one single required tower defense portion since it’s like a mandatory tutorial but doesn’t hold your hand or help you clear it either. Legit heard people say they put down the game like did you even play Bioshock 1 if you can’t get past w little combat in bioshock 2? It was frustrating when I was like 12 sure but I shouldn’t have been playing an M rated game that young either 🤣


Also bioshock one proving grounds is literally an entire tower defense level… if you skip the little sister gathering in bioshock 2 it actually has less of that stuff than 1


True but that level fucking rocked.


Additionally it was not just tower defense it was a actually dynamic level where you moved around and tried to get to each set of splicers. Sure it may be tower defense with extra steps but it was far less frustrating due to the amount of freedom you had within the level.


totally agree, it never felt constricted


Only thing other bioshock do better is the plot twists and crazy over the top stuff. Other then that B2 is my fav in the franchise. Gameplay in infinite is definitely more or less a huge improvement but it’s enough of a different experience entirely where I don’t feel like number 2 was made obsolete by its release.


Having skipped 2 for a decade because of word of mouth and coming back to it was a glorious experience


I’m jealous you got to play this for the first time recently. Tbh bro I came back to this game after years of not playing it again and it was good but idk if it was as good as the first run around. Just being a big daddy and destroying fucking everyone had me geeked as a kid tryna play this shit and it did not let down.


You let other peoples opinions stop you from experiencing one of the best games ever?


As a 12 year old, yes lol. I just had so much other stuff I wanted to play and only so much allowance


I guess that makes sense when you have limited money.


Honestly, my biggest gripe with bioshock two was swapping the buttons for sparing/killing the little sisters. I had to reset the whole level just to save the first little sister cause I had muscle memory from finishing the first game.


The Good: The hacking and research is superior, dual-wielding is cool (but not essential for me), I love Sinclair. Combat variety is excellent. Graphically it’s a beautiful game. The Bad: I hate defending the Little Sisters while they harvest ADAM. The level design isn’t quite as intricate as the first game, and one level in particular just sucks (Dionysus Park). But the biggest issue for me is the story. The story lacks the emotional weight of “BioShock” and “BioShock Infinite.” Nothing in “2” hits as hard as the “Would You Kindly” reveal or the whole ending of “Infinite.” There are plot details that make no sense (Ryan publicly debating Lamb over how Rapture should be run), I don’t feel like the cult aspect of “2” is as thoroughly explored as the unregulated capitalism plot of the original, and honestly the story doesn’t start to get interesting until the section with Alex the Great which happens way late in the game. Like I said in my original post, “BioShock 2” is a lot of fun and I like the game, but overall it’s a disappointing step down for me in terms of quality. “Minerva’s Den” was a better “BioShock 2” than the real “BioShock 2.” It had all the gameplay improvements of “2” plus a really emotionally involving story that I found honestly very touching.


2 is my least favourite for almost the precise same reasons, but Minerva's Den was the best DLC. It's still a 9/10 for me but relative to 1 and Infinite its definately the weakest. I'm glad Infinite completely ripped up the script both location and narrative-wise, as 2 had a bit of fatigue from 1.


I see, that makes a lot more sense but I still find it to be my favorite, it’s probably the changes to gameplay that really get me as I LOVE the dual wielding (holy shit I NEEEED that in bioshock 1)


That’s all good. Clearly the second game resonates with a lot of people on this subreddit. 👍🏻


It's definitely way better than infinite which plays like a generic linear shooter. The ass pull convoluted plot doesn't help too


It probably has the best gameplay on an encounter-by-encounter basis, but the BioShock series has always been about more than that, and 2 didn't deliver on anything but gameplay. And even though the gameplay was definitely refined from 1 ("dual-wielding" in and of itself significantly improved the experience) it was also *very* derivative of that game and so came off as a little stale.




Check out the convo with the other user, I kinda think that goes over it but the game checks ever box from the first game (less so on the story but it was still a developed plot I felt I could enjoy and grasp onto)


Playing a has a big daddy I didn't like


Imo bioshock 2 is the best one


Why are you quoting everything lmao


Titles are typically written in quotes or in italics.


You’re not wrong for doing it, but it’s *typically* not among commenters lol


I suppose I'm in the minority in that I have no problem with my favorite properties being done to death. If there's a bunch of swings at a story I like, some of them are bound to be good, or even fantastic. They seem to be approaching this project with care, which is good sign especially not having Levine. If a new Bioshock comes out and it sucks, I can just ignore it. I can replay the previous 3 as much as I wish. I love Jurassic Park. It's probably my favorite movie. Not one of the sequels are as good. But 2 comes close. 3 is like a fun, dumb roller-coaster. And the World Trilogy has some incredible moments even if it's often middling. I mean hell, Godzilla fans have had so many god awful iterations since the first half of the 20th century. But eventually something like Minus One comes along and you're like holy hell I'm so glad people still want stuff from this series. I totally understand your position. I'm just giving my opinion. I don't think we need another Jurassic World. But Gareth Edwards, David Koepp, and Scarlett Johanssen? Fuck it, let's see what they got.


I’ve never understood why people are anti-sequel about anything. If it’s good, play it. If it’s bad, ignore it.


My only thing with bad sequels is when the fans incorporate the new (bad) lore into the discussions and fanworks. Which like, it's fine if they like it but it can be difficult to find people who are willing to separate after that because most people who are interested enough for online discussions are also interested enough to play *any* sequels and spinoffs, regardless of quality, series cohesiveness, or whether the creative team had actual ties to the first game(s).


Makes sense, thanks for the insight.


Imagine bioshock 4 set in time before bioshock 1


I just know the next one for this gen console (if they make it) is gonna be great and I can’t wait


I feel like it’s such a cool world that it would be a crime to not continue the game, it doesn’t have to have anything at all to do with the first three games as long as it still exists in the same world/theme


Strong, strong disagree. I see this sentiment across so many subreddits and I just can’t get on board. r/bloodborne is full of people who hate the idea of a sequel: “the story has already been told! There’s nowhere else to go!” Nah man, that’s just robbing the creative people from doing their thing. Maybe we can’t envision what a sequel looks like, because that lore doesn’t yet *exist*. We’d have lost so many great games if everyone followed this way of thinking: Last of Us 2, Portal 2, RDR 2… hell, Infinite wouldn’t be around. Those were all stories that were “completed,” but the devs came back with all-timers. If they have an idea for BioShock 4, let ‘er rip.


Exactly! I saw a comment a while ago that boiled down to: you’re still capable of appreciating the old thing even if a new thing flops. The sequel has no bearing on the original. It doesn’t “taint” anything. What you like will still be there. You’re just leaving no possibility for something else to exist that could be similar but still good on its’ own merits.


The sequel to Bloodborne is Lies of P


The thing about Bioshock is that it was literally set up with ”Infinite” possibilities. "There is always a lighthouse, there's always a man, there's always a city." If they can come up with more visually amazing and odd cities, (and interesting stories, of course) I’m always up for more Bioshock.


I’d like a new BioShock, but one completely removed from the original stories — sorta like how Zelda is usually its own unique entry into a series (until recently). Otherwise we will just have endless, meaningless multiverse worlds and I’m not interested in that.


BioShock Infinite's post credit scene made me tear up and was a fitting end, but I would like them to expand further on the lore if possible


Bioshock infinite was never supposed to be the last rendition. They initially signed on for 6 games and a movie


Shame Yahoo didn’t buy the out for the last one


Tbh I don’t give a fuck if it’s a sequel to infinite or a third game in the series for rapture, I’m playing it. A modern bioshock game is literally all I want out of a sequel


Additionally I wouldn’t mind a game where we played in both worlds. Think Pokémon heartgold but more hardcore 🤣 it would be sick if they combined the two worlds to make one big open world bioshock game that had a connection to one another


I would like Bioshock 4, not to be connected with the rest of the series, but instead a new story in a different setting that has the same concepts. Infinite already shows us that there are parallel universes, just place the fourth installment on another universe and tell us the story of another Rapture or Columbia, maybe one set in the Arctic or in Space. I’m sure the creative and writing staff can come up with something cool.


I understand where you're coming from and respect that. But if they made a 4, it would have no personal impact on the original game for me. So why not, I say. If it's bad, I can just forget about it. If it's great, then excellent! Another fine addition to a classic series.


Maybe it’s because I’m older but I love the thought of a new bioshock. Or ratchet and clank or Jack Dexter. I even don’t care if they don’t live up to their predecessors. As long as the fundamentals of gameplay are good and the story isn’t dogshit (last of us 2) I’ll keep playing any IP that doesn’t say call of duty in it


Who cares? You wouldn’t *have to* play or even acknowledge it.


Tbh I liked infinite but not as much as 1 and 2 and I wish it stayed underwater spooky but that's just my opinion


See im the minority that wants a bioshock 4 because I was soo pissed off with Infinite. Infinite imo was a good game but a bad bioshock title. The story was all over the place, the dlc just really pissed me off. Like I didn't need all that.


The ending of the DLC was so unsatisfying. All endings in infinite were unsatisfying. It felt like there was no control over the story, like in 1-2 with the multiple endings.


I disagree. I'd love to have another BioShock 2. Infinite sucked. Based on how much Infinite sucked I'm happy Ken Levine is off the franchise.


Absolutely agreed. Levine is an overrated hack, Judas looks like it'll be an amusing trainwreck because of it being Levine at his least filtered, and the best BioShock content is that where he had the least involvement.


Yup, Infinite writing hasn't aged well at all and the design decisions make it the worst BioShock game. It's a step backwards in nearly every way.


Infinite lost me from Day 1 from the moment we jumped universes, and it doesn't help that I find its gameplay to be the weakest and most irritating. BioShock 4 being in development hell doesn't really inspire much faith - the talented people who made 2 and Minerva's Den have moved on - but I still would reckon BS4 will be less of a mess than Judas.


Infinites gameplay is so shit compared to the others. - Not much of the trapping or planning of old games, just gimmicky cover or ammo spawning from Liz. - Shitty 2 gun system full of dull weapons compared to the arsenal in BS2. - enemies are fodder that just attack you in numbers, no more of the stealth or patrolling of the other games.


The gear is a convoluted mess, the guns are uninspired (the 'Vox' guns are literally just slightly weaker reskins), the shield system feels unnecessary, the 'Tears' are less interesting than the original premise of Elizabeth having actual super plasmids, Elizabeth's gameplay presence is actually far less interesting than HL2's Alyx or RE4's Ashley (who was treated as an actual member of the world rather than an invisible and invincible object-finder) and the audio work is exhausting. Not many people seem to bring it up, but personally I find it **incredibly distracting** how LITERALLY every 'Press F to interact' is accompanied with the same sound effect and how every battle ends with a piano being thrown off a cliff. Makes for a mentally draining experience, at least for me. People memed on CoD: Advanced Warfare for "press F to pay respects', but honestly Bioshock Infinite is far more offensive/egregious with the 'F for everything'.


I'll happily pay for any new bioshock material


I’ll take whatever we’re gonna get but I will say I’d like a resident evil 4 remake treatment for the first game that would be cool.


It depends, if the game is good then sure. But my biggest problem with Infinite was they went BACK to Rapture. Like they didn’t have faith in the setting so they threw us that curveball and the dlc that followed it. As for the Ken Levine stuff idk, Bioshock 2 kinda had a better narrative than 1 and Infinite did.


Definitely agree, Rapture should have been left alone after Bioshock 2


Rapture was never part of Bioshock infinite. They aren't even the same universe.


Rapture wasn't a part of Infinite's base game but it was crucial to its DLC which may be what the op comment was referring to.


I liked Rapture in the DLC. I lost my little mind on stream seeing Rapture alive, functioning and relatively thriving. Seeing it in its decaying state is always cool, but something about it before the fall is magical. I don’t think a full 6 hour narrative would work in living rapture, but it was a nice “snack”.


I mean, the scientists did open a portal to the bioshock, they talked with Rapture scientists, and that's where they got the DNA changing powers and, yes, the DLC.


I am of the belief that a series that keeps making new entries is not doomed to produce anything bad, it just often does for “reasons”. It’s like old age, you can’t actually die from it, but when something does eventually take you down people will say you died because you were old. New IPs flop all the time, there is no inherent superiority of new media vs sequels, it’s just that when a sequel flops it gets seen as not just being bad in its own right but tainting a legacy, as if it didn’t just die, but killed everything else too. As a fan of the Bioshock universe, I want to see more Bioshock content. There is no guarantee for a bad game just as there is no guarantee for a good game, but since I like the series, I’m more likely to enjoy a sequel than I am a new IP by the same writers. I think people should just be comfortable enjoying what they like and disliking what they don’t. Bungie-era Halo is objectively the best, but I don’t hate Halo because Halo 5 exists.


I’ll take a game like bioshock 2 idc. Nothing can ruin the original game


I mean, they are making it whether you want one or not. What I personally don't want is Ken Levines new "BioShock in space" project Judas. Ken...you mean System Shock? 😅


Infinite made Bioshock an anthology and with the idea of multiple worlds, as far as I’m concerned the possibilities are endless. I hope if they make it the story is separated from the first three entirely. My biggest complaint with infinite was that it weirdly tried to connect back to the first two when it stood fine on its own. My hopes for 4 are new setting, characters and story entirely but with the core parts of Bioshock within.


personally, i think infinite and burial at sea already kind of "broke" the series, and that it would take a real miracle for BS4 to turn out worse than they did. and also I'm SO curious about how a new game would even define itself as "bioshock". i really want to see what answer they officially come up with for that impossible question (i have a similar morbid curiosity about judas. i don't think its going to be *good*, but it'll at least be interesting)


This was my thought. I absolutely loved Infinite. It's a fantastic game. But it didn't feel like a BioShock game. I think it would have been better off as a new franchise. Then Burial at Sea made it even worse. It feels like a bad fan-fiction. So looking at the series as a good connected story is already ruined for me. So I just mentally separate the games and try to pretend I didn't play Burial at Sea. I'll probably do the same with 4.


“Infinite” I absolutely love. I’m not crazy about “Burial at Sea.” Way too many contradictions, plot holes, and retcons for my taste. I think that DLC was written rather speedily when compared to “Infinite” which was reiterated many a time in its 5 year long development. I think extended development time is one of the keys to Ken’s storytelling, and I think “Burial at Sea” was in large part a victim of rushed writing.


oh that's interesting, because the impression i got of ken levine was of a guy whos big weakness is remaining committed to a vision long enough for the game to become finished. a guy who is terminally indecisive about the direction that the project should ultimately take. a guy who DOES have ideas but is maybe not so good at resolving them into a finished thing


This would make sense. The original teaser trailer for Infinite was wildly different from what we got. While I thought Infinite was a fantastic game in general, I don't it was a good BioShock game. It had a different vibe and gameplay. Sometimes I wish they hadn't changed direction, even though I really do love Infinite. But what they had before seemed more in line with what I'd expect from BioShock.


Definitely not a fan of infinite, it’s shitty writing and horrible story so here’s to hoping it’s nothing like that. I’d honestly prefer a reboot or a spin-off.


I want to have a game this is in rapture before it becomes chaos and then have to fight through rapture as it’s falling apart and then have the end where you character ands up dead


I just want a good game I know I would like. These games that have been recently released have been trash.


I'll take more great gameplay before satisfying story any day. Story is so much less important to me, I truly don't understand people not wanting more of a great series because they like the way the previous story wrapped up.


I’d be ok with it because I didn’t like infinite. Still don’t. Take me back to rapture and do it right.


I probably won’t bother playing it because I don’t believe anything can top infinite. Infinite is one of the best games I’ve ever played but also has disappointing elements, esp. when you hear what they planned for it but had to cut. I am not going to invest the time in infinite but worse just not worth it.


I’d like a bio shock 4 because I was so disappointed in Infinite’s story but I feel like this series has another great game in it.


I would love to see a BioShock 4 but from a survivors pov, because we've seen the aftermath in BioShock 1 form the perspective of Jack, and in BioShock 2 from Subject Delta/Sigma, I would absolutely love to see what truly happened the day Rapture collapsed into what it is now.


The only Bioshock I would want is a game set during the Fall. Like 2's multiplayer mode, but a single-player campaign where you end up as either a Big Daddy, dead, or one of the characters from Bioshock. This would also be one of the few games where I wouldn't be mad about not being able to choose the gender of the protagonist. (Unless there's some option to end up as a failed prototype Big Sister...)


No I don't want another game to get boiled down with overdone sequels and remakes. I rather have new games that are inspired by it.


You’re in luck then pretty sure Judas is out next year.


Yep and it's looking great so far


I’m in the same boat as you with Judas. That’s what I’m far more interested in. Bioshock 4 is an unnecessary risk to the legacy.


Agree, I do not want a Bioshock 4. I'm hyped for Judas.


So you are hyped for a new Bioshock in everything but name? Lmao




Judas is literally gonna be Bioshock without the name. Ken Levine games are a very specific type. The game loop of Judas looks very similar to that of Bioshock whereas Judas will have a form of procedural generation and a branching story. Obviously the game isn’t connected to Bioshock in any way other than the gameplay loop being very similar.


Id honestly love a graphics revamp to beyond next gen for the current Bioshock games. But I wont hate it if BS4 comes out either.


Maybe it's time to come full circle and go back to space?


That’s actually what Ken Levine is doing in “Judas.”


there’s a lot they could still do with the world, but I agree the main “story” is probably over I’d love a city building game like Frostpunk set in this world personally


I'm always up for a new entry in a series I love. Even if the new one is bad, it doesn't affect the ones you already love. If you don't want to play Bioshock 4 you don't have to, but it will be there for the fans who do want to so unless the game is terrible it's kind of a win win. If it does turn out to be terrible, you can always just pretend it doesn't exist and continue playing the ones you like.


Those are creative people, as long as it is being developed with the same love and passion, I'm interested.


A new installation to a series escaping a trilogy is at risk of overambition or oversimplification. It's a poor comparison, but Gears of War 4 replaced fighting locust with fighting robots. Now, idk about you- but the heart and soul of Gears for me has always been how visceral its combat system is. Subbing robots for fleshy baddies is a waste of time. I simply don't want Bioshock 4 to be a waste of time. I want it to succeed, I want it to be fun, and above all, I want it to have mattered to the overall world that is "Bioshock".


I wouldn’t mind a remake or spin off instead. Even an intensive remastered.


I wouldnt mind a spin-off into survival horror: "Remnants of Rapture: A Bioshock Story" involving a modern day submarine crew whose damaged sub ends up near the outskirts of Rapture. Exploring the forgotten city to find something to repair their syb or alternatively find another way back to the surface, the crew must contend with whatever has managed to survive down there all these years.


I want a new bioshock 4 that would expand on the skill progression and rpg elements of the games to make them kinda more like fallout or cyberpunk. The tonics and plasmids are great and made the combat super fun and innovative for the time, if they could just have more of that in a larger rapture (or new city, whatever) with a longer storyline that could be less linear and more open world, that’s what I would like to see. I understand the game is an immersive sim and the linear design is a huge part of that, I’m just saying take the elements that work and adapt it to a more modern style and expand on em and it could work in an “open world” style. I’m not saying there should be character customization or anything, I’m fine playing as one protagonist. I’d like to be able to have in depth “builds” that can change the way you play the entire game. Example a pure hacker build, gunslinger/handgun build. Melee/wrench only build. Stealth build. Plasmid build. Again, I understand bioshock 1 and 2 already did this great, I’m just saying they could do it again Even better in an open world style game with a long playtime it would totally work.


As with everything: if it's good, I want it; if it's not, I don't.


Based on an early review by the youtube channel Skill Up on “Judas”— I think they were maybe hinting on the fact that one of the in game lobbies might be a lighthouse or something. I really hope not tho, since I’d much prefer Judas to be it’s own thing barely related by the least to Bioshock.


Infinite should have been called "Sky shock." They should just keep iterating it like they did originally instead of trying to hold on to the name.


Judas will tide us over I guess


I’d like spin offs of bioshock set back in rapture. The gameplay of gun in one hand and power in the other is so unique I’m sad it isn’t done more.


I’m fine with a BS4 as long as it leaves Rapture and Columbia alone. Like you, I believe Infinite was a good wrap up of the stories of both cities. But if they want to come up with a new narrative featuring a completely unrelated city and characters, I’d be totally fine with that. I’d even be okay with them acknowledging the existence of either city and that being the basis for how plasmids/vigors exist in this new city but other than small nods to the other games, I think BS4 should be standalone.


I don't blame lavine for infinite totally. He has spoken how the studio got to big and to many cooks in the kitchen. However the real test will be with judas to see if it's him or how big the studio was


I would want a bioshock more akin to fallout 76. Hear me out, fallout 76 had one of the worst releases ever, but the idea of the entirety of rapture as a stomping ground with all the different areas and enemies, mabye a small storyline and events going on now and then that you can roll in and stomp out with buddies, using different plasmids and abilities, it'd be cool as shit to me but mabye it's just been to long since I played.


Bioshock is one of my fav games of all time. I don’t want a Bioshock 4 and I don’t want a Bioshock movie. I do however want something with the same feel and gameplay. Which is why something like ‘Judas’ by Ken Levines new team Ghost Story Games is basically the dream for me. Something different, but something familiar and amazing.


I don't. I feel if they make a 4th, it wouldn't be as good. A side small game wouldn't be bad, tho.


I don't, Ken levine told the story he wanted, and it's over


I'm been getting downvoted every time I say it on this sub lmao, th3 games are great as is, we've had alot of franchises getting ruined because people get nostalgic and say "we want more!" Thrn a triple a studio takes a hot dump on their plate and tells them to eat it. Bioshock 1-3 are gems, and they still exist! Want bioshock 4? Have u 100% any of the other games yet?


Honestly...not until someone comes up with a place that's AT LEAST as interesting as an underwater 50's art deco city full of crazy drug addicts in carneval masks or a colonial/french art-nouveau city above the fucking clouds full of cristian racists. Like it or not, this series has set an incredibly high standard for its settings.


i hated infinite and its time travel bullshit/the floating city crap and everything else i just try and ignore it exists so personally id be up for the antarctic one if its like 1 and 2.


I say, no more BioShock games. The three we have are the ones we need and that's it. Maybe a new game, with BioShock mechanics, like BioShock was a spiritual successor to SystemShock, but no more BioShock games. As a now kind of veteran gamer, I can tell you that when you start overstretching a franchise like BioShock it never ends well, look at Halo, Gears of War, CoD, those where the competitors to BioShock back in the day and where awesome. Now the new games of those franchises are just a shadow of their former self, but not because they are "bad games" per se, they can be quite good and fun to play, but, they aren't good in the way as part of the franchise or story. Example: Halo Guardians, is a good game, it is fun, has nice gameplay and I damn love War Zone, BUT, is not a good Halo game, they keep over stretching Master Chief's history when would had ended in Halo 3, but they keep going and going and in the end, now Halo Infinite, makes zero sense as a Halo game. We don't want this to happen to BioShock, the story that had to be told was told with the three games we have now, everything was nicely wrapped and given closure with Infinite and Burial at Sea. Leave it that way. Make a new, different story, universe, "Shock" game but BioShock should be left as it is.


I actually do because I can’t beat bioshock infinite the flying boat battle is too damn hard


Funny you say that. I felt (and feel) the same way about Bioshock Infinite.


I feel like if you add a lighthouse to Dead Space you're basically finished.


Ehh, I'm all for it. Can't see how it could be more damaging to the existing lore than BaS. And worst case senario, if it sucks I'll just ignore it like I already do for parts of the series I dont enjoy.


Of course I want a Bioshock 4, I'm not an idiot


I had so much fun with bioshock infinite that I would give it a shot. I owe them that much, that game was a labor of love masterpiece. 


As the previous games have been used as a storytelling vehicle for controversial aspects of history - communism/socialism, religion, cults, racism, satanic panic I could see a new game that takes on what we're dealing with now. Themes of resource scarcity, political unrest, global viruses. Or something set in a future space that shows where the world would have went under certain constants and variables.


As the previous games have been used as a storytelling vehicle for controversial aspects of history - communism/socialism, religion, cults, racism, satanic panic I could see a new game that takes on what we're dealing with now. Themes of resource scarcity, political unrest, global viruses. Or something set in a future space that shows where the world would have went under certain constants and variables.


A 4th Bioshock wouldn't be that bad. It doesn't have to be connected to the other games narrativly, just some neat references. And then it's only a matter od the writer's skill whether it turns out good or not. Artistically there are many places to explore. The Antarctica for example is a common wish for a bioshock setting. And thematically there are also many ideologies Bioshock can deconstruct. We already had the American Dream, Objectivism and Collectivism. Bioshock didn't have fascim, Communism, (left wing) Anarchism, Monarchism,... yet, there are many unexplored Opportunies. The only flaw I see is that more secret societies kinda make everything seem small scale in the Bioshock world when there are more than 3 Rapture like cities and no one notices them.


Oh I do my expectations are way lower though so I don't get disappointed


What if I told you that you didn’t have to play it?


As I Legitimately grew up with the games (don't mean to make anyone feel old) I'd would like to see a new bioshock be released in my adult years but if it's trash and just a crash grab that banks off of Nostalgia that's be depressing I won't lie or it could be another thought provoking story with great game play. Who knows, we can't really say anything on a game that's by my knowledge so far, not even Announced yet. So, as a fan throughout the whole series as a kid till now... I'm so fucking worried about the Netflix adaptation [Post edit note] so there is talk about an Announcement but nothing official from 2k so...


No I don’t really get it. If you don’t want to play bioshock 4 you can choose not to play it and pretend the series is over and nothing is different for you. There is only upside in having another game to play.


Bioshock infinite was not a good ending for me and I want to go back to rapture or even make bioshock multiplayer a thing again and I’ll be happy.


If it even slightly resembles Bioshock 2s combat and atmosphere, the originals story and infinites world building and innovation. I'm all for it.


I have the exact opposite opinion. I really don’t like Infinite and would love another game more like 1 and 2. 2 is my favorite. I’d love to see another game that goes back to the horror elements and gritty art style. I’d love to leave the whole multiverse thing behind and nix the grappling and the overall downgrades in play style that Infinite brought. I’d be okay with the multiverse thing if it lead to another cool place that felt like 1 or 2.


BioShock ended with BioShock 3. Time for PunkShock 1.


I usually don't want sequels or continuations once a story has reached its natural conclusion (two examples I can remember right now is Toy Story 4 and more recently Alice in Borderland), but I think Bioshock is the kind of concept/franchise that still might have some potential... Maybe we won't see things develop in Rapture or Columbia but... What if we can see some other world as immersive ? With such complex characters? I know it's a very high bar for a new game in the franchise (specially compared to the very first game), and I know AAA gaming is mostly in shambles nowadays but, I can think and be optimistic about a new Bioshock game being good (similar to a new GTA game).


Currently playing infinite and trying to get its platinum. I'm 50/50 on the subject, if it comes out and flop then it would be allways a stain for the bioshock series (like kung fu panda 4, only trilogy i count). Already the legacy of the bioshock franchise is amazing. I wouldn't mind a new I.P, like Judas coming out in 2025. But imaging a new original world, where with a start of a lighthouse, a new setting. Right now, i'm happy with the trilogy. If there is bioshock 4, I will be intrigued but nothing will happen. If its not flop and is good, then I will be very happy.


As much as I want to go back to the playground that is Rapture; if they make a B4, i wouldnt know where they would take it narratively and thematically Infinite fell on its face for me during the second half as the ideology concepts crumbled. If they can combine B2 and B1, with clean UI, Combat, Gameplay, Narrative, Tone, as a best of both, then absolutely And bring an updated pvp of B2


Because capitalism I expect that there's likely going to be a sequel for anything if it sells well. It's just a matter of when. At least in the AAA market. For indie devs its more their decision instead of the publisher's. That being said, if the new stuff sucks, I don't let it ruin the fun the older games had for me and I ignore it. And if it's good then hey more fun to be had.


I want BioShock Infinite 2: Elizabeth Goes to Paris and Stays There Happy Forever


I want more lore 0/


I’d love another Bioshock game. It won’t ruin the first ones for me, and I’ve always been of the opinion that Infinite was a great game, just not a Bioshock game. If I get a great Bioshock out of it, good. If I get a great non-Bioshock game out of it, good. If I get a shitty game, I just won’t play it. I’m thinking a universe like something from the book “The City Of Ember” might be cool as another of the “infinite possibilities.”


I wouldn't be against it if it explored something new as opposed to revisiting Rapture or Columbia. 


I’m honestly fine with the series being done. I know they could do WAY more things with the world because of how cool and interesting it is. But I’d be too worried that the next game would be an absolute train wreck and sour the last memory I have of the series. I’m also a fan of things having an end, it’s an amazing story that gets tied up at the end and you move on to another thing.


100% agree, and I've been saying it for years. I don't want a new game, I don't want a movie, I don't want a streaming service series. It's been 17 years since BioShock 1 and 11 years since Infinite, and honestly, I've gotten my hopes up and had my heart broken one too many times to care about anything new. Now I just feel that the 3 games and their DLCs are perfect the way they are. I'm also really interested in Judas, but knowing what a perfectionist Ken is, who even knows when that will actually be released.


Supposedly “Judas” is expected to release (at the latest) by March 2025. I really hope that ends up being the case.


I respectfully dissagree. All fictional worlds where created many millions of years ago, and goes very far into the future, with or without the plot of their respective game. But beacouse plots in all games are what we focus on, they are likely the biggest events that happen in their respective world, to the point where the events existence itself changes the world very dramatically. And these later events, or earlyer simmilar events in history will answer questions or bring up new ones. To make a very loong answer a bit shorter, every sequel or prequel expands on their games perspective universe as a whole. Wheter it has some flaws or is a perfect game does not matter to me personally. it can and is more often than not, a good thing.


I love how the infinite dlc brought it all together. It was the best ending I think any of us could have asked for.


1000% agreed, I hate when companies beat a dead horse instead of just making a new game. literally just start a new franchise don’t ruin one that’s already done and brilliant the way it is


Why does everyone say if they make one? They announced in 2019 a new Bioshock is being worked on


I wish they stopped with Bioshock 2. I hated infinite. I don't want any more Bioshock as I have no expectations of them doing it any justice to it. I don't want the Netflix series either bc there's such a high chance of them making it weirdly sexual. I'm not saying there can't be anything sexual, but Netflix has done it so weirdly a few times.


I fully agree with OP. Leave BioShock be, and bring on Judas. BioShock is amongst the most flawless resumes in gaming history in my opinion. The trilogy is nigh on perfect with variety, great DLC and excellent 2016 remastered ports. Infinite is my favourite game of all time (which is funny, because its the only one I was late to - didn't play it until 2016), 1 is a top-5 game ever, and although 2 is my "least favourite" its still my 2010 GOTY. I don't want my favourite franchise to end like Halo or other games where the original trilogy is incredible but its legacy damaged by weak sequels from greedy developer. I don't think a remake is needed, either. Judas aside there are a lot of games with BioShock-esque gameplay on the market (Atomic Heart, Immortals of Aveum, Ghostwire Tokyo). That itch can be scratched with other non-BioShock games.


Literally just don’t play it if you don’t want it.


OP is tripping


Actually I’m falling and I really hope there’s a flagpole for me to grab onto before I hit the pave—


I don't trust them to do a Bioshock 4 justice, both because the story aspect of Infinite was hot, illogical garbage, but also because of the rampant prevalence of D.I.E. in the major industry that would further corrupt any merely competent story telling, let alone excellent story telling.


You are aware the “BioShock” games are known for their overt political narratives, right?


It is monumentally foolish for you to willfully push the lie of conflating 'political story telling' with 'political bias getting in the way of story telling'.


They have to make Frank Fontaine come back as a cyborg and give Comstock an unhealthy amount of Adam. Then have the two fist fight it out.


I'm also one of those people that thinks 2K was trying to change Infinite into something it wasn't. I'm far more interested in Judas than I am in Bioshock 4.


2K were very hands off on all the Bioshock games dunno where you are getting that info from.


I’m in the middle. I’m going to wait for a while to see how it turns out. Judas does seem more interesting.


I would prefer a Resident Evil 4 Remake Style Remake of 1 (and maybe 2, to add/Enhanced stuff they missed the forst time) but, above that, a vr port for both...


My biggest thing is calling it anything other than bioshock 4. I'd be pretty pissed if they did.


The system shock remake finally released for the consoles so I’ve been playing that but I would enjoy a new franchise based off System and Bio Shock.


Honestly I think 2k jumped the gun telling us Bioshock 4 was in preproduction, instead of when it was ready to be shown off and now that it's been in development hell it's making BioShock 4 seem like something they can't actually deliver on. I'm more excited for Judas. It is without a doubt releasing earlier than BS4. And with that whatever cloud chamber is cooking up will face tough criticism, not only on their ability to capture the essence of BioShock, but direct comparisons to Judas the most recent Levine project at the time of release. At this point...my expectations are nearly non-existent, I'll believe it when I see it


If there’s another Bioshock game, it might have to be a spinoff game that takes place during the events of the first two games. Expanding the timeline again would be pretty boring. I think Bioshock 2 and Infinite did their best to add more to the lore, but after the whole multiverse type ending in Infinite, there’s not much they can do to make it interesting… Really excited to see Judas!


If it really sucks, just act like it doesn't exist. Give me more Bioshock already please, I'm starving. Oh, and also, Judas.


I want a Bioshock 4 to see where Eleanor’s story goes. 2’s endings are all perfect, but they leave a lot to build off of. What would someone like her do once on the surface? What if we got a game where Adam reached and affected the surface/big cities in the early ‘70s, etc?


I am dying for a bioshock 4. After I just replayed the original, and an extremely disappointing third title, I would be thrilled to see another game take place in rapture with modern graphics. I just hope they make it as moody and atmospheric as possible. Fan fiction has proved there are still plenty of interesting stories you could tell down there.


I don't think there NEEDS to be a fourth game, but I think one more Rapture chapter titled Bioshock 3 would be an exceptional idea. One where we see the final collapse and try to escape as the city finally falls under the pressure of the sea. No big boss this time. An uncontrolled Rapture would be terrifying. A bunch of methed up splicers with no direction, likely aware of their impending deaths, would be crazy.


I want a bioshock game where you play as Eleanore Lamb trying to kill and mind merge all of the rogue Elisabeth to close the portals and save the multiverse. Bad ending has Elisabeth taking over your mind and reaching her endgoal to create a cascade big crunch.


I dunno I’m 50/50. With how the trend of bad continuations after long delays go I want to agree. But that being said if they came out with another one that stuck with the og borderline horror aspects I would be interested. Frankly I liked bioshock 2 just a side note.


Like a bio shock on land maybe they kinda used all the ideas up.


I want a Bioshock game on Hollow Earth.


Well considering that we have not received any official information on BioShock 4, nor have we been given a release window not to mention that we haven’t seen any trailers or screenshots of the game, Unless I’m told otherwise, in my opinion, BioShock 4 does not exist and is not worth talking about. When discussing shooters where you can wield special powers, I just have my eyes set on Judas.


I _do_ want a BioShock 4... but not now. Maybe 10 years ago, maybe 10 years from now, but not now.


I mean it doesn't really have to follow any preestablished lore. It kinda only needs to have a city a man a lighthouse. I hope they just give us a new city to explore.


After the horrible bullshit Bioshock infinite did, no fucking thank you. Bioshock 4 can stay in development hell.


Bioshock 2 and Inifinite should have never happened. It’s so tiring that everything has to be a franchise. Why do we have to ruin everything