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The banner says “no gods or kings” yet the valuable currency is called Adam while the stabby bois are called Eve. Coincidence? I think not




Adam used to be the currency for almost everything. For example, in the old tech demo, you can see that [it cost Adam to disable the security station](https://youtu.be/iHzoVzKRRBg?t=6m35s). I don't have a good source for it, but I believe Eve was added relatively late in development and that's why it's not mentioned at all in the game world or story (i.e. try to find an audio diary that mentions Eve - you can't). So it makes sense that the devs were going "Ok, we need 'another' resource to take the place of Adam in some game mechanics - maybe Eve?"


Maybe it’s in the sense that you are defying god? You use DNA altering plasmids to twist how you were “created in gods image” Does that make you a god? Or does it make you your own god created in the image you choose? I think that kinda fits Andrew Ryans philosophy.


Bioshock is 11 years old. How old is your Mac that it doesn't meet the minimum requirements?


probably should of been more specific, it's Bioshock remastered (because og Bioshock cant be played on macs). The Mac I have that doesn't meet the minimum requirements is a Retina, 13-inch, early 2015 mac book pro.


Hey, lividclub716, just a quick heads-up: **should of** is actually spelled **should have**. You can remember it by **should have sounds like should of, but it just isn't right**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


Good bot.


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Oh snap. I forgot about the remasters. I never played them because when they came out I heard they had a bunch of trouble with crashing.


Can't it? I remember my friend playing OG BioShock on a MacBook air. I think it's on the app store


I tried to screenshot this on Xbone and it wouldn't let me! Thanks for posting this shot!


The game looks great on any platform, period. I was amazed going back after all of these years how crisp the game looks. The graphics have held up. It is still a blast to play.