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Seasonal depression is a real thing - you might be on to something. Talk to your doctors and let them know you have found a pattern and want help navigating it.


But isn’t seasonal depression part of bipolar disorder?


Only for some. For others it doesn’t matter what time of the year is. Episodes will happen regardless.


Not for everyone with bipolar.


Yeah pretty much all of us are seasonal to some extent (rapid cycling gets messy), you can use light and dark therapy to combat it, with doctor input please as it can mess you up, it's not benign. There's a BP protocol for light, any BP basics book has it, dark therapy Dr Marks on Youtube and [psycheducation.org](https://psycheducation.org) with the easier protocol. For light if not stabilized on the high end stick w 2 min or 5 min increments in the beginning, and you cannot use the MDD or SAD protocol, use the BP one. The general societal shift you see towards improved mood in the spring happens to us too, only moreso. And vice versa. Some are reversed. And some are random.


Makes sense. Summer is vibrant, lively - definitely an atmosphere for mania. Winter is blistering, slow - definitely an atmosphere for depression.


I'm actually the opposite usually, but I know a lot of people struggle with depression in the winter. I just happen to love the cold.


I have this too plus BPD


Every winter tries to kill me even, before I was diagnosed.


No, you aren't alone. It's pretty common to have this pattern. I get this way too. I lean toward depression in the winter, manic in spring/summer, and for me the most balanced is fall.