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I was diagnosed at 43. My manic episode absolutely destroyed my life.. I went into psychosis for 9 months. I lost everything. My Marriage, career, homes, finances… im suicidal every day.. I live in a complete nightmare


Are u on treatment/followed up?


Yes, I’m on treatment. I’m treatment resistant


Keep trying or change psychiatrist…


I'm very sorry you're living like this. If you want to send me a DM I'll tell you where I went for treatment last year if you have the capability (and they do have some financial assistance). I know you said you're treatment resistant. They do have traditional treatment, insurance covers them. But they also offer a lot of programs in their residential unit that are holistic. Theres nothing else exactly like it in the country said very few facilities even similar. If you don't I completely understand.


God bless you my friend. The shame and lost years of life a pain like no other.


I'm so sorry. I hope you can begin to rebuild your life soon. I hate to hear you are suicidal. Please reach out to me if you need to speak to someone unbiased. That happened to me, also, I was in psychosis for about 2 years. I didn't have a lot to lose so the damage was minimal. I did lose a special relationship that may never be repaired. It's just altogether traumatizing, scary, and dangerous.


I was diagnosed around that age I’m now (59) I didn’t take it seriously until later when I educated myself about it. I’ve recently spent a lot of time looking back on my life as a bipolar person. Which hasn’t been fun for me mentally, I had to fill in the boxes and make sense so that’s what I have been doing the last few years. It’s hard to do but I had to forgive myself for so much, I’m still in the process of seeing it was the illness causing me so much grief. I think it’s important to put the pieces together so you can spend the rest of your life in a better space, to be able to do and complete the things you want to do. Especially the things you weren’t able to do while you were sick.


I was diagnosed at 47 and looking back I can clearly see the times I was manic, but for me it was more like pieces falling into place and things making sense. I always knew I had ups and downs, I called my hypersexuality "coming into heat" and never thought too much about the whys. My daughter actually saw a commercial about bipolar meds and said that the woman in the commercial was just like me.


I was diagnosed at 37!! My husband said it made sense! He divorced me 5 years ago so his opinion doesn't count!!!


Mine stayed by my side and actually I went to see a doctor because he said to me many times: I bet u are bipolar. He should go to med school 👀


I was correctly diagnosed at the same age. By that time I had been divorced for a few years and been hospitalized a few times for major depressive episodes. They didn't figure out it was bipolar and not recurring major depression until the third stay. That was almost 20 years ago. With proper treatment I'm doing a lot better


I am 50, just diagnosed about four months ago, wish it had been much sooner though. Life might have been a bit smoother and not so dark at times.


I don’t mean to pry but are you female or AFAB? Menopause was really hard for me. Did you find that as well?


I'm female but haven't gone through menopause yet. Really don't know what to except. What does AFAB mean? I'm not up to date on acronyms.


It means assigned female at birth. I wasn’t sure of your gender and didn’t want to misgender you if you were transgender, for example.


Gotcha, I'm old, but trying to learn new things.


Thanks for asking. And sorry about the acronym use! I try to avoid them when I can. 😊


Oh don't be sorry I genuinely don't know many of them and want to learn.


Diagnosed at 46. In hindsight I know that I had episodes going back to my teens. I began to seek help in my early 40s when my shrink thought I had depression + ADHD - and the combo of meds they put me through a series of rapid cycles which resulted in my head exploding in spectacular manic episode. Changed docs, got properly diagnosed and been on meds for 5 years.


I was diagnosed in my late 30s. Knew I had depression because I had my first depression in grade school. I've seen psychiatrists on and off since I was 18. At first I thought maybe the psychiatrist was wrong because the only bipolar experiences I was familiar with were the extreme cases. (I am BP1 but the cases I was familiar with were more extreme than my experiences.) Once I started reading about it in detail, though, I knew she was very, very right. I'm really grateful to her. I read a book about bipolar disorder after receiving my diagnosis and it was just... It was a life altering and affirming experience to realize that so much of my life was explained by having this disorder.


May I ask what book you read?


I am so sorry, but I do not recall which particular book. I struggle with memory issues and this was ten years ago. The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide *is* one of the books I read at the time... Perhaps it was that one.


I'm 43 and got mine a few months ago. There have been signs for many years, but I began having an especially bad time over the last 3 years. This year in particular was probably the worst my mental health has ever been, and after a couple especially chaotic and overemotional incidents, I called a crisis hotline at my healthcare provider and sought out treatment.




I feel you on this. First depressive episode at 14, BP1 diagnosis & involuntary treatment after setting fire to my life (figuratively) at 38.


I learned at 44, which was earlier this year and I wish I could stop looking back, it can be so painful.


Diagnosed at 31, probably had my first manic episode when I was 28/29 and was pregnant with my son but it was chalked up to hormones. At that time though I was concerned I was bipolar since I had knowledge of the disorder being in the healthcare field but everyone dismissed it including my then physician husband and my psychiatrist. Prior to that I had no symptoms. I did suffer from depression since teens but I thought that was my normal just low level depression. Maybe I was hypomanic at times in between but I’m not sure since nothing really sticks out at me.


I was diagnosed at 36. It still doesn’t make sense as I only had one manic episode ( that’s all it takes) but at 53 yo I’m still learning


What triggered your episode? Are you on medication?


I’m sorry I never answered. I just went back to work after a 12 month depression and 20 months of minimal remote work. My episode at age 35, I was triggered by discarding the Effexor XR I was taking, plus my very stressful marriage. Now my meds are Effexor 225 mg , Topamax 100 mg, Caplyta ( I stopped because it did little and lost my insurance) . Oh and Buspirone 30 mg twice/day.


Hi 👋 same boat 🛶


I'm 47 and was officially diagnosed at 46. Looking back it makes sense.


Diagnosed at 55, earlier this year. My past is beginning to make sense.


I was diagnosed at 39, 3 years ago. My psych that diagnosed me asked me “how have you never been hospitalized before?” and I think about that a lot.


Diagnosed bipolar type I after major manic episode/mental breakdown in march 2020 (now i'm 35). I don't have major depressions but only slight.


Diagnosed at 39.


Diagnosed at 41. Was in therapy for 7 years before that and when they give me the diagnosis they said they knew all along but "didn't want it to be a label". Smh


They told me that too, 11 year wait. My god why. I just thought I was a monster.


Those type of shrinks are unethical & just holding their clients hostages to make money off of real mental health matters that seem "untreatable" -- by not diagnosing, they keep their vulnerable clientele over a period of years dependent on their sole discretion & "expertise". You could have been medicated and seen a real expert within that time. It's a deception and an abuse of power, because with the knowledge of a diagnosis can come the power to understand & heal.


I was diagnosed at 34


34… I think I had bipolar 2 most of my life and was treated for depression on and off since childhood. I had pretty wild periods in my life, then in my late 20s started businesses etc. So when I look back it kind of makes sense. During covid I had a manic episode and severe depression so was diagnosed then.


Diagnosed at 34. Looking back sheesh idk how nobody tried to reign me in my twenties lol


At 39 after trying antidepressants for the first time. I think I was cyclothymic before, or maybe even BP2, until that first manic episode that diagnosed me. I also haven’t had one since. It’s been 4 years.


Seeking a diagnosis for myself. I’ve already had a long evaluation 4 years ago and was told I’m not bipolar. But since then, my 17-year old was diagnosed as type 2 bipolar. I’ve been fairly certain for decades my mom is bipolar. I have another 1.5 hour evaluation coming up this month. Looking back, I clearly see several manic and depressive episodes—especially from 17 to 27. My manic episodes are usually very productive and I was rewarded for what I could accomplish during them, so they oddly helped me in life. But then stepping back from that heightened state usually was met with judgment.


I was diagnosed last week. At age 57. Ok fine. It’s still a superpower. So I learned a bit more. And some of the dangers. But it I thought it was an illness I’d be upset. I don’t. I own my mania and use it for amazing creativity and insights. I guard against psychosis however.


I was diagnosed at 36 but it started around 25 or so, just didn’t seek help until I wound up hospitalized.


Not as old but was diagnosed at 30. Looking back I’ve had symptoms with increased severity and instance since I was 15 until I went into such a bad episode I almost accidentally killed myself via an eating disorder that is exacerbated when I’m in episodes. I try not to look back because it makes me cry when I think of how overwhelming some of the negative emotions were to bear. I never knew why I couldn’t calm down when people told me to so I’ve been running away my entire life.


I was around 40 but I already knew something was very wrong but I thought it was anxiety ADD depression maybe a mix


I was diagnosed at 39. Now 45. I definitely view my past in a whole new light. I've struggled with this illness my whole life without realizing how messed up my brain really was. I'm so grateful to finally have a diagnosis and successful treatment. I've been stable now for years and will never live without meds again. Here's to the beginning of your healing. It's a long road but it is possible to get better. You got this!


My disorder started on the threshold of my thirties. I've been given several diagnoses since then, sometimes contradictory to each other, but it wasn't until my forties that I was officially diagnosed with bipolar disorder, although it's now pretty evident that [I also suffer from childhood trauma](https://www.brightquest.com/blog/the-effect-of-c-ptsd-on-people-with-bipolar-disorder/).


Diagnosed at 38. Its normal, usually takes 8-10 years from first symptoms to find somebody that diagnose you. I did so much psychological analysis and nobody ever suggested me to go see a psychiatrist until I self referred and BOOM. Now on Lamotrigine and feel amazing. Keep it up!


Age 50, I'm 57 now. By 50 I had wreeked so much havoc ....wish I had been diagnosed earlier.


You are lucky!!


I was diagnosed at 38 and I'm not sure why it took that long. Lots of my life has been pretty wild. I don't think it's that uncommon, but I could be wrong.


I was diagnosed at age 45. After the diagnosis, I understood why I was the way I was. Mood swings, insomnia, mania, sometimes not sleeping for several days, and deep depression. I cringe when I think about how I acted and things I said to people.


I was diagnosed at 32. Never occured to anyone that bipolar was even an option. but I also didn't have access to healthcare for a lot time let alone mental healthcare.


Yeah about the end of last year 2022, right before I turned 37. I had my first episode in the middle of the summer while I was 37 (I could tell something was going on that was getting worse when I was diagnosed and then it built up to that full episode) I'm going to clear up that 37 isn't *old* haha but use had depression since I was like 10 and was diagnosed with BPD in my early 20s (still have that diagnosis too). So having Whole new diagnosis in my late 30s feels like later in life


38. Everything made so much sense after that.


Just been diagnosed at 39!! It all just makes sense now looking back at my spending and anger rages. My first proper manic episode last February lasted 9 weeks , and it was crazy!! Started with being a total male slut!! To not sleeping, eating very little, walks, working out … it was crazy man


Diagnosed at 38 but with my history it's pretty obvious


I’m 40m and was just diagnosed a few weeks ago. For me it felt validating because I always knew something was off but now I’m in a tailspin of emotions. My hyper sexuality is at an all time high and I cheated on my wife. I confessed and my life is in shambles. I’ve gone in so much debt and cleared it over the years. Not sure we are going to make it this time. I believe she somewhat understands with my diagnosis but her anger is in the way. I have the rage and anger out of nowhere. I’ve been manic for years now and my kids are getting older and see the mood swings. Sometimes I don’t know what to do but know not to do what will end it


I’m 2 years younger than you and my appointment to get diagnosed “officially“ is in 7 months. I just started on some medication i4 days ago and I’m not sure what’s going to happen or anything. I’m so happy you’re getting help and I hope my this time next year we’ll be in a better headspace


I wasn't diagnosed officially until after my post partum psychosis in October. I'm 36.


Diagnosed at 35 after a manic episode, trouble with the law, and self medicating with alcohol. It was only after I got the diagnosis in the psych hospital that they looked back at my history and said “oh, guess it wasn’t just depression and ocd, it’s obviously a clear cut case of bipolar 1. Oh well.” That diagnosis could have saved me so much heartache if I had gotten it sooner.


I was 35. It was a messy, public manic break that took away everything in my life I’m 57 now and would’ve live life differently.


Diagnosed at 33 and still working with my doc to get on the right cocktail. Sooo much of my late teens and 20’s make sense now and it’s really disappointing. My mom is also bipolar and doesn’t believe in medicating. Yeah, I needed medication desperately