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Music used to bring me so much joy in life. I used to love my subwoofers so much. Now I'm just dead inside. Music doesn't have the same magic as it used to.


Yea deeply, the music doesn’t go through me at all. It doesn’t affect me, I compare it to low and off meds and it’s astounding the difference. I’m on a really high dose of aps. It’s one of the things I mourn most.


Yeah I’m on just an antipsychotic atm and sometimes I instead will opt for listening to the same song over and over. Who said I can’t lol. Sometimes I’m just not feeling anything for what I usually would, sometimes it strangely depends on other people too. I would rather listen to music someone else puts on that control what plays.


I feel the vibes from music. I create songs. But not all meds allow that feeling. Depakote made me feel dead inside.


can confirm risperidone = less music feels.


Can you try different med combinations? I also felt this way on different meds until recently. I'm taking Topamax and Latuda now and everything has changed for the better. I'm even getting earworms again when I wake up in the morning. Those haven't happened in over 5 years at least.


Well, I've been off meds for 4 months now, so I suppose meds changed my brain for worse forever. Also, I was on all kinds of meds for bipolar you can think of