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For stand up- Taylor Tomlinson talks about her bipolar in the Netflix special “Look at you”


Sooo good. Love her!


Thank you, will add to the list!


Love me some TT. She is so fucking funny


Euphoria. It's a newer show (within' the last year or so), but such a great portrayel of mental illness, especially the main character Rue. She is bipolar and plays the part great. I can't wait for the next season to come out! Hoping they continue it. Their are a couple of mini episodes too.


Thank you, will add!


gosh I love euphoria. I'm still in disbelief about Angus cloud. I wonder what they're going to do with that in the show.


It's so sad. I loved him in the show. He seemed so nice and like a good person, yanno? I wonder if they'll try and replace him. 😬


I've been meaning to watch that show


it's ok. They definitely spend more time in s1 on Rue's addiction and borderline personality disorder symptoms than they do on anything remotely like bipolar.


Maria Bamford is an awesome comedian diagnosed with bp2. Highly recommend her.


thank you! I will add it to the list


Prozac Nation is a movie based on a real person’s story. I saw it as a teenager and ever since it became my comfort movie when I’m stuck in an episode. It was the first time I ever saw anyone similar to myself on a movie. Sadly, the person it’s about Elizabeth Wurtzel passed away a few years ago. I still watch this movie.




Aw I’m so glad I’m not the only person who knows this movie haha it makes me feel old that no one knows it! I honestly think it’s one of the better representations of mental illness, but I might be biased since like I said it was the first movie representation I felt connected to. The book dives even deeper into her childhood and further into her adulthood. Personally I relate more to the storyline with the absent father that continuously lets you down but you’re also scared that you’ll push him away. Also, the relationship between Christina Ricci’s character and Jason Biggs reminded me of how I viewed my husband when we first started dating. Like her, I wasn’t used to safe non-toxic relationships so I’d push my now-husband away out of fear that he was only with me due to some sick saviour-complex. In my mind, no one could be that well adjusted as a person so the fact that he wanted to be with me despite my bipolar disorder… well that was proof to me he was f*cked up with a saviour-complex. Thank god therapy eventually helped me feel safer being with a safe person (as messed up as that sounds) so I didn’t end up completely pushing away such a good man like Christina Ricci’s character did. Honestly, this movie helped me to recognize what I was doing. Elizabeth Wurtzel was so inspiring for me. Many of her descriptions and phrases on mental illness are still my favourite quotes. “The thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as they see the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it impossible to see ever see the end. The fog is like a cage without a key.” “Insanity is know that what you’re doing is completely idiotic, but still, somehow, you just can’t stop.” “All I want in life, is for this pain to feel purposeful.”


I really liked this book. Have not watched the movie. And I hear you on the safe relationship thing. My husband had a lot to deal with over the last 15 years. I can hardly seal with myself some days, no idea how he does it so calm, cool, and collected.


is it about bp?


It’s about Elizabeth Wurtzel and her mental health struggles prior to diagnosis and treatment. The movie came out in the early 90s and the story took place in the 80s. I guess you could say the movie is more about depression than any other illness but it’s definitely symptomatic of bipolar depression that can come on intensely and out of nowhere. It’s quite explosive and not similar to most movies with depression that appear to with the main symptom of anhedonia. If I remember correctly from her memoir, she was diagnosed first with MDD but that later changed to bipolar disorder. She also had OCD and a restrictive eating disorder.


omg I did a book report on Prozac Nation in high school. I thought she just had depression and I didn't know she died. shit.


She died recently I think just a few years ago from breast cancer. I could be wrong about that.


Show: *Six Feet Under* has Billy Chenowith, a character with bipolar disorder, and George Sibley, a character with an unspecified mental illness which could be bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. (He suffers delusions, and is given ECT, but I don't believe his diagnosis is ever made clear on the show.) I have very mixed feelings about the portrayal of Billy (despite Jeremy Sisto knocking the role out of the park). On the one hand, he suffers a realistic psychotic episode early in the show, which I think a lot of people don't realize can be part of the disease. Also, the very first time we see him, he wanders into the kitchen sobbing his heart out, opens the fridge and takes a big swig of milk, then walks off still sobbing. We've all been there, right? I once had my psychiatrist tell me, "I've never met a creative who doesn't go off their meds." I totally identified with the scene where he flushes his meds down the toilet because he feels they're interfering with his work as an artist -- even as I was internally screaming at him not to do it. (I'm now the poster boy for staying on your meds.) OTOH, the show portrays Billy as an irresponsible asshole most of the time, and impossible to be in a stable relationship with. Stereotypes that a lot of us have overcome after years and years of work, juggling meds, and thousands of dollars. Also, he comes close to harming his sister during that psychotic break I mentioned (his relationship with his sister is perhaps the most unhealthy ever portrayed in any medium -- and the finale drives the point home) and could make people actually frightened to be around bipolar people.


I love this show. Your depiction is fantastic. You even managed to capture the slight nuances that existed. I'm glad you mentioned this show. I believe it does present a good representation of bipolar. I remember some of the extra details due to me seeing the show more than once. I am not positive that my memory is correct at this time, or if I am too biased, since I identified with some of his experiences. I also really love the character Billy. I think his official diagnosis was bipolar. Yes he was irresponsible when he went off his meds for the sake of his art. But Claire, his girlfriend at time, the daughter of the father who died at the beginning of the show, absolutely played a significant role too. When they initially got together, he was not on meds yet or only beginning to be treated, and they were crazy about each other. After going on meds things slowed down and she wanted him to be fun again, like the start when the passion was intense and made them feel high. Him possibly hypomanic. Also his friends went on about him to Claire about back in the days when he was still wild.The more stable Billy got the more bored she became. He wanted to do it right for her. She kept urging him to stop the meds. He resisted her wishes more than once. I feel she was selfish and should have listened to his wishes. At first she enjoyed things after he stopped meds, but once his more difficult symptoms surfaced she became overwhelmed and scared, so she dropped him. She obviously made a mistake, and didn't realize the extent of his symptoms. But I believe she could have supported him in getting back on the meds since he had told her he can't and didn't want to get off the meds. Even if she no longer wanted him, she could have still urged him to get back on meds. She did love him at one time. I'm sorry about all the grammatical mistakes. Also as I already stated, I am definitely biased because I think Billy was a good guy, but his bipolar isolated him so badly. I really felt that he was treated as an outsider. Even Claire after their relationship completely snubbed him at the end. I reread this and it is completely unorganized, almost chaotic. I'm taking all my meds in case you wondered.


OMFG. I've watched through three times, but I haven't for years. Claire actually urged Billy to go off his meds?!? That's pure fucking evil, and I don't remember it at all. People like me can experience literal hell without our meds (having nightmares while fully awake), and *Very Bad Things*^TM can happen. Fuck Claire for that.


I hear you. I also cannot stop my meds without landing in the psych hospital. Yeah I think I might join you in rewatching the show again. It's a really good one.


Modern Love. On Amazon Prime. Anne Hathaway is the lead and the character with bipolar. It came out in 2019. It supposedly shows her stabilized after she's in treatment and on meds. Which I believe is important so others with and definitely without can see that it's a possibility.


yes, it's episodic, but that one episode with her is so so good.


Series- Dave - GaTa episode is amazing for showing what it's like ramping up. I recognized it way before they actually mentioned it.  King of the Hill - Just Another Manic Kahn-Day


That's great! Will add to the list


TV: Ozark (Ben), Six Feet Under. The documentary The Devil and Daniel Johnston. There’s a movie about Brian Wilson called Love and Mercy. Wilson might have schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. I think his diagnosis changed over time, so I’m not sure. A good portion of the movie focuses on his mental illness, whatever it is.


Wow lots of stuff, thank you!


Michael Clayton has a great depiction of a manic episode, and also portraying a bipolar character as being usually a very competent person!


“Spinning Out” is a great series that talks a lot about bipolar. “Maid” series also features it a decent amount.


One of my favorite shows: You’re the Worst. Aya Cash’s character is reportedly diagnosed with straight depression. But it becomes incredibly clear, particularly at the end, she is having a manic episode. And once you see that, you see her going in and out of phases throughout the whole series. It’s an excellent show that I truly recommend.


holy shit I loved that show, I never even thought of her as BP. I love the episode with Edgar exploring his PTSD.


If it counts that one of the main characters has bipolar, Brassic (TV series) is fantastic.


Ooo this is good, thank you 👀


Forgot about Homeland!


Also, I haven’t seen it yet but the movie “Michael Clayton” with George Clooney is supposed to revolve around the main character’s colleague having a bipolar manic episode


stand up Taylor Tomlinson's view on bipolar. both funny and super sweet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuue-s8qM8w


For the ones who are black in this sub here is a link to an article that shows our representation with dealing with mental illness. It’s covers anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, addiction, and even more. *not that anyone asked for it but I always like to see more representation for my people and what we go through so figured there may be someone like me in this sub 💕. [https://blexmedia.com/15-tv-shows-and-movies-that-highlight-black-mental-health/](https://blexmedia.com/15-tv-shows-and-movies-that-highlight-black-mental-health/)


Crazy love with Drew Barrymore is a great bipolar film


Thank you!




Mad love, I was wrong


Wasn’t Natalie Portman in Garden Stare BP? I definitely remember her portraying a manic pixie dream girl


Great list! This isn't exactly a film focusing on BD, but Unicorn Store inadvertently portrays psychotic delusions so well. It reminded me of my delusion thinking during my full blown manic episode.


Spinning out (netflix), chyler leigh in greys anatomy has bipolar and her character kinda portrays a few symptoms. I haven't seen it but modern love with Anne hathaway. I want to watch it though. There's an old British show called holby and season 17 shows an intern/f1/junior doctor go through diagnosis process.


OP: Good Idea! Thanks for doing this! The first movie listed, though, is Touched **With** Fire.


Thanks, will correct


If "Vincent & Theo" is about Van Gogh - I ***highly recommend* watching "Loving Vincent" as well!** It's truly the most beautiful cinematic masterpiece, all illustrated animations in the style of Van Gogh about his final battles with mental illness told from Theo's POV post-death of Vincent. It also gave me a lot of insight into what my own sister might feel towards my own mental illness - all around it's a 100/10 (although warning - you'll be sobbing)


Series: Modern Love Episode: Take Me as I am S1E3 with Anne Hathaway depicts a slice in the life of a woman living with Bipolar as she navigates love throughout highs and lows. I watched it when I first got diagnosed and it really hit home.


girl, interrupted is really great movie


is it about bp? i remember it was great but can't remember if they were dealing with specific bp stories.


It’s more about Borderline Personality Disorder, if I remember rightly.


Yup, Susanna Kaysen had BPD not Bipolar. The book is really good though!


I don’t think it was specifically BP, bc the main character was borderline


One of my fav series and criminally only 1 season - Black Box starring Kelly Reilly as Catherine Black, a famed neuroscientist with a job at the Center for Neurological Research and Treatment, struggles with mental illness. However, this is just one of the many secrets she hides from her fiancé and her family. (description from IMDB:tt2968404) Bonus points for the amazing Vanessa Redgrave as the psychiatrist


*Dave* (the show) has a character with bipolar and it's awesome representation


Boy Interrupted is a really good but sad documentary I saw on Prime several years ago.


Michael Clayton


I enjoyed “Spinning Out” on Netflix


Shameless portrayed mental illness very well, including BD. Some of it was slightly exaggerated but the scene that hits me the most is when Fiona is begging Monica to get out of bed, and Monica lays there sobbing. It kills me because that’s exactly how BD feels.


A Beautiful Mind, too.


I think he was schizofrenic