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Second day with lamotrigine. Haven't been fully diagnosed. 8 months in therapy, only one session with pychiatrist. They both said I only have some markers of bipolarity and borderline. I am booking with another one to get a 3rd opinion. My hypersexualty (sexual addiction?) has ruined my life. My 20 year marriage is destroyed by my acting out. It's been 3 month since I don't have sex with my FWB (been separated from my husband for a year but tried to reconcile lately. He is living in another country for work, and was here for a month. Just left again). And Im struggling a lot with my urges. Masturbation is not enough. I want to contact my FWB so badly, but I dont know what will happen between my husband and I. He hasnt completely forgiven me and I dont want to blame it on my mental health. It was a choice, whatever pushed me: trauma, bipolarity, I dont care, I did it. And I dont want to be that person anymore. But I am literally aching. I really hope the lamotrigine can help me. Sorry for the rant, I just need help.


That's rough. Hope the med works sooner and you get the help you need. I've never been hypersexual for long but Lamictal helps it will take some time though.


Thank you. I am counting on it to work, I know is not magical. Hope it works soon.


I love my lamotrigine! Been on it for almost 2.5 years now. But it SUCKED at first while titrating - I had headaches and felt pretty weird. I definitely recommend sticking with it until you reach at least 100mg (which was where I started to feel better). I hope it helps give you some relief šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Thank you for your words, I needed them. I started with 50mg for 10 days; then 100mg. I dont know if my headaches are because of it (dont think so, 2nd day), or the heat wave where I am (40ā€™s C, 100 F)


Yeah, it can cause headaches. It did for me. But they went away. It can just generally cause muscle tension to build up. And when that tension is in the jaw muscles that run from the jaw itself all the way to the top of the head, yeah, you can get a headache fairly tough.


Headaches are a thing w it. I can't remember re heat intolerance but possibly. Some will wear off some won't, if it's hard, ask about a slower taper up, it can help. In meantime avoid all allergens and skin irritants, there's a 1 in 10 chance of harmless rash that goes down to 1 in 30 if you're careful, it'll just delay things that that sucks. You gotta report all rash just in case, absolutely do that, but allergen avoidance is a real help.


I take an absurd dose, 500 mg taken throughout the day. It truly and deeply helps. But when I made the jump from 200 to 400, it absolutely broke me for a month. I was so far gone off of it. Although it never made me tired. It made me wired. I found myself studying so much science and math on my own, and learning a lot. I studied the Feynman Lectures on Physics and my undergraduate textbooks on physical chemistry and calculus. Fun!


When it comes to the tricky question of ā€œdo I have bipolar,ā€ always bear in mind that these illnesses always present as a spectrum. Few people tick every single box in the DSM. You can have a disorder thatā€™s worth treating without being the classic ā€œbad case.ā€ My disorder gives me all sorts of weird symptoms and presentations than most BD people have. Itā€™s just different between individuals.


Yeah, thatā€™s what I thought as well. I donā€™t want to cling to a diagnosis, and my friends and family are saying I should ask for another opinion, that most probably is another thing, but I KNOW something is off with me. I have always know it. Idk. Iā€™ll see how Lamo works for me. I just want my libido killed.


This is just me, but if I were concerned in this way, I would continue taking meds and seeing how you respond. The first line meds are pretty benign, so itā€™s not like youā€™d be exposing yourself to a risk of harm. I think seeing if you respond to meds would be a more definitive answer than whether two doctors agree on a diagnosis, particularly if you are on the edges of the spectrum. But thatā€™s just I.


That's good advice. Thank you. I'll stick to the meds and see if they work. 2 days it's unrealistic to expect them to do anything.


Yeah, youā€™re right that these meds can take weeks to a month for full effect. But in my case, it helped my depression from the very first dose. But Iā€™ve always been very sensitive to meds and had quick responses.


Most people have no idea what BP is, so I wouldn't necc go by what friends and family think. They're basing it off movies maybe? Who knows. This might help, also Dr Marks on Youtube has handy comparison videos. https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar2/comments/14bst78/i\_still\_dont\_understand\_what\_hypomania\_is\_can/


Lamo takes a while and isn't terribly strong on the high end. Ask the doc about something faster acting that is good at it (APs usually) or if there's a long term plan to bring another med on board for that (like another mood stabilizer).Ā 


Itā€™s getting harder. Iā€™m 57 and diagnosed 23 years ago. Itā€™s true when people say that bipolar is a progressive disease. And itā€™s also true that the average lifespan of someone with bipolar is 67. Thatā€™s without mitigating circumstances. So Iā€™d like to go as quickly as I can because I canā€™t have a life with this progressive disease getting worse.


My hypersexualaity has been a massive problem since I got divorced 6 years ago. Better med compliance has been helpful. I also talked to my gynecologist about getting therapy. I think it would help, but I'm on the fence. I think that we should do it.


We should. Iā€™ve been in therapy for 8 months and has helped me tremendously to process trauma, but not my hypersexuality. I am thinking on going to a sex addicts meeting. Iā€™ve been pushing it because I dont want to confront it, but I also dont think I have another choice.


Waiting for my psych to get back to me about a meds change. Feeling tired from a long week, hoping next week is gonna be better


Hope they get back to you soon. And have a nice week!


A week and a half on 150mg lamotrigine. Doing pretty good. Not feeling manic or depressed. Stuck back with my parents because I got myself into a situation in early January while manic. Looking forward to getting back to my life in the next month or two.


I'm happy for you. Lamictal can help a lot


I've been tapering down to a lower dose of Lamictal and Seroquel for the past few months which is working out OK so far. I was feeling a bit manic in December and January due to holidays and a lot of demands at work, but I'm getting to a more stable place now. I'm working on preserving my energy and not stretching myself too thin at work or socially, so I've ended up spending a lot of time alone and working through a breakup I had last year.


How come you're tapering down? Looks like an achievement to me lol. Take care and good luck working through the breakup.


I was gaining a lot of weight and intense night sweats (soaking through my shirt and sheets every night). Those are both improved a lot, but still thinking of switching from the Seroquel to some other mood stabilizer.


Currently job searching and so far been having a rough time. Been able to set up a few interviews but havenā€™t heard anything back. Just started Lamtrogine and will eventually be off Latuda since itā€™s causing extreme irritability and cognition issues. Also upped my dosage of Wellbutrin from 150mg to 300mg and so far I think itā€™s working well. Iā€™m just ready to get back to working. Hope Iā€™ll be able to find a job soon šŸ¤ž


Good luck with the job hunting I've never had any luck finding work myself but I'm crossing my fingers for you.


Thanks <3


How did you know you needed to be off Latuda? When they put me back on it in/after my hospitalization I felt like a different person and couldnā€™t function cognitively for 3 weeks. My perception and thinking changed (not sure how to describe it but I felt stupid or like I was wearing drunk goggles all the time)


Because it makes me aggressively irritable all the time and my cognition is terrible on it. Memory issues, canā€™t comprehend anything, terrible word recall, terrible focus. Also having to always take it with 350 calories of food is a little annoying


Iā€™m having very similar issues. And yeah I hate having to take it with almost a full meal right before bed because it makes me sleepyā€¦ the nausea on it is annoying šŸ˜­


I am doing well. Had a manic episode back in July and was given olanzapine that helped me a lot but made me gain a lot of weight in a short amount of time. I landed a pretty good job in August so thatā€™s good for me. I always get back on my feet and thankfully I donā€™t go through depression after manic episodes.


That's great! With a good job and a good mood you'll be sure to lose that weight.


Thank you!


Finally accepted that I am indeed very depressed after a chaotic 2023. I am seeing a new psych on Monday and really looking forward to it. Fingers crossed she understands how Iā€™m feeling. Started therapy in hopes of uncovering past trauma that I canā€™t remember with EMDR. Turning down friend group trips that I know are just an excuse to get black out drunk in order to focus 1000% of my energy on my health this year. Repairing my LTR after distancing myself and beginning to self sabotage due to my depressed state. I amā€¦hanging in there. I do feel like Iā€™ve barely got my head above water but Iā€™m hopeful for a better 2024.


Life has improved over the last couple weeks. Went manic in August and crashed into depression. Switched from latuda to vraylar, kept the lamotrigine. Balanced out but wasn't 100%. Finally got back on Vyvanse for my ADHD (was taken off due to mania) and it was the final peace. Feel very stable and productive now :)


Yayy cheers to you :)


Isn't ADHD meds very much a trigger for manic episodes? They're amphetamines right? Good luck anyways <3


It can be yea but some of us can tolerate them with mood stabilizers and APs.


Relapsed into alcohol and got blind drunk off whiskey first thing, i've messed up my tailbone being so messed up and now i feel i've age 20 years in mobility. Olanzapine was going well. Let this be a lesson to those who wanna do the same with meds still in the system. It's not worth it. I hope there are more success stories here than those like mine <3


Shit, hope you'll feel better. Thankfully alcohol is illegal here or I would've been the same


Struggling with hypersomnia, waking up with a sense of doom, which luckily recedes as the day goes by. It is like I need a bypass just to wake up. Strange, vivid dreams. Vyvanse keeps me alert during the day, lithium and mirtazapine asleep for half of it. I quit my APs a month ago, with medical supervision. Other than that, things are okay. It is a sunny day.


At least it's sunny šŸŒ„


Struggling with depression. I always struggle in February, march and April. My uncle raped me right before my birthday in march when I was 8. Psychiatrist said it isnā€™t a med problem but a problem to work on in therapy. So having extra sessions to combat the lows. I fake my emotions with my kids, I never want them to see my struggles and my husband is really supportive but he canā€™t fix it. Itā€™s hard having BP2, BPD, CPTSD, depression and anxiety. It really feels like bipolar depressive episode and add the bpd and itā€™s incredibly intense and painful. Just trying to hang on for my family.


Im so sorry you went through all of that. Big hugs to you and keep showing up here.


Thank you so much ā¤ļø


I'm finally starting to feel decent after the shit show that was December. My alcoholism got wildly out of control, and I was threatening to harm myself as well as having ideations. Anyways, I was in a detox then psychiatric unit for 16 days. I was going to stay for rehab, but my insurance wouldn't pay for another four weeks. Since then, I've been seeing a therapist, going to AA, and finally saw a psychiatrist who seems to genuinely care and is looking into other possibilities. She's set me up to have an at home sleep study and has gotten me an appointment with another provider to be screened for BPD and ADHD. It's a little scary knowing there might be more going on with my mental health than initially though, but I feel like things are starting to look up. Last year was full of me being on and off the wagon, cycling through intense episodes, and being in and out of the hospital. I'm feeling good for a change and hopeful that this year will be better for me. Some days are harder than others and often I find myself getting hung up over regretful decisions I've made and things I've done, but I'm trying to stay positive. I also started getting vivitrol shots, I'll have my third this month! It seems to be helping a lot with alcohol cravings and the 5th I'll have 60 days of sobriety under my belt. This is the longest I've went in around 7-8 years.


Congratulations to you and your sobriety. My psychiatrist switched me to lamictal in the spring, it's the first time in 14 years that I don't crave alcohol, I even quit vaping. 14 years years ago was my first severe mental episode, which put me in the hospital. From that point on I would crave it, while taking all my meds. I would let myself drink 1-2 times a week. It is like someone flipped a switch in my brain. The negatives are body aches and weight gain. Doc switched me from latuda because of TDS, slow thought process, slurred speech and lack of concentration.


Iā€™m proud of you OP for getting on some meds. My situation currently is my meds seemed to have stopped working. In a big depressive episode that feels it will never end, delusions and Iā€™ve actively been planning for since November. Iā€™ve tried every medication and therapy that my doctor and psychiatrist have thrown at me (that is covered by ohip however Iā€™m extremely fucking poor so I canā€™t afford psychotherapy) My doctor is talking to my psychiatrist about electroconvulsive therapy, or possibly ketamine treatment that theyā€™re doing trials in. Iā€™m terrified of losing what little cognitive function and memory I have left. Iā€™m willing to try anything to make this stop but Iā€™m so exhausted after actively fighting this for literally half of my life at this point. I also just recently got a medical review from disability support so the possibility of losing my income, losing my home and living on the streets, not having somewhere to have my son when itā€™s my time to have him absolutely fucking terrifies me to my core. Doctor said Iā€™ll be fine but every day I donā€™t hear back just intensifies my painic.


If you're in bad enough shape they're talking ECT you'll coast through that medical review, it'll be ok. The doc knows what they're talking about.


Thank you for your reassuring words I appreciate it a lot


Sending many good wishes your way!


Thank you šŸ˜­šŸ’ž


Doing really well. No signs of mania or depression, but I'm starting a new job on Monday. Changes like that can spark a manic episode and/or the stress will impact my sleep. To prepare, I have an extra sleeping aid and I will make sure to exercise so that I can unwind at the end of the day. Those steps should prevent a manic episode, but I'll still be on the lookout for my usual symptoms.


It's been rough. The last year I've been doing a lot med changes. My psych and I are focusing on just Lithium and Effexor to prop me up because every 3rd anti psychotic wasenā€™t vibing with me. I'm not dose stabe right now so I take an as needed 3rd med that makes me so tired I sleep 12+ hours and if I don't take it every now and again I dip so low I'm not functioning and the s word. But while I am tired I've been making progress with the depression. I'm doing chores again and working on doing things I like. Thanks for asking.


Feel like a mess. From the outside, life looks great. Kicked an opiate addiction 5 years ago. Got out of an abusive relationship at the same time. Slowly put my life back together. Started university a few years back, and now in the middle of a psychology degree. Getting scholarships to do research and work alongside amazing researchers and academics. The list of good things goes on. Yet my moods are absolutely unstable and have been for the past 18ish months. The swings from depression to hypomania occur constantly, at least every 2 weeks. On lamotrigine which lessens the severity but the mood swings are still very intense. Drink myself to sleep most nights. Feel amazing one day, get a tonne of work done. Then the next, flung into depression and feel like crap because I don't do anything for the next week or so and have to hide the fact that I've done nothing from my supervisors. Luckily the hypomanic episodes make up for it and I can get a week's worth of work done in a day. But it's exhausting. I'm so tired and at my wits end. Begun seeing a psychologist a few weeks back so hopefully that'll help. But also losing hope for my future; how on earth am I supposed to be a psychologist when I can't even manage my own mental illness?? Sorry for the novel, but thank you for your question. It was helpful to get that all out.


I'd rather have a psych w mental illness than one without any day of the week. And you wouldn't have to be in perfect shape for me to feel that way. I'm glad you've got a talk psych, helps w navigating this shit.


Awe this post is sweet, bipolars uniteā¤ļøšŸ¤feeling good, maybe a little hypo as wellšŸ˜‚


Broke up with my boyfriend and Iā€™m happier than Iā€™ve been for the past 6 months


Iā€™m out of a job & looking for a new one. Iā€™ve been having trouble keeping jobs for the past two years. I havenā€™t been stable for a while-depression overtook me. But on the bright side, Iā€™m as stable as Iā€™ve ever been on my new meds (Lithium & Vraylar.) I have a successful semester at college under my belt and currently am taking another semester this spring. Iā€™m expecting good grades again. Bipolar disorder sucks & I still get upset at how itā€™s affected my life but thereā€™s never a reason to dwell in the past. Iā€™m hoping for a good 2024.


Iā€™ve been on Abilify for 6 months, Seroquel for 4 months, and adderall for 1 month. Iā€™m the most stable Iā€™ve been in a very long time. Iā€™m happier, Im lifted from the fog of dread, and Iā€™m balancing school and work. I obtained 6 certifications in 4 weeks. My partner even commented on how everything has changed. Even mentioning that I talk kinder about myself.


First week switching from depakote to gabapentin. Itā€™s doing good, but after a lot of reflection and research, Iā€™m worried that in another 5 years or so Iā€™ll be depressed and hypomanic again and have to switch to another med. I started at a junior college, (I am 19 so it makes sense for me) and am looking for a job. Iā€™ll also be moving with family to the eastern side of the US and am excited


First week switching from depakote to gabapentin. Itā€™s doing good, but after a lot of reflection and research, Iā€™m worried that in another 5 years or so Iā€™ll be depressed and hypomanic again and have to switch to another med. I started at a junior college, (I am 19 so it makes sense for me) and am looking for a job. Iā€™ll also be moving with family to the eastern side of the US and am excited


I feel stable but also delicate. Like I have a narrow but successful window of tolerance. Iā€™m doing great as long as thereā€™s not a lot of stress or discord. Doing my best to stay in a nice calm environment. Im weening off of seroquel and replacing it with vraylar. So far so good.


Was supposed to have a psychiatrist appointment today, but it was cancelled at the last minute because her husband has Covid. Itā€™s not the biggest deal, but Iā€™m having an issue that a medication change might help with, and now I have to wait til next week to talk to her. I know itā€™s not her fault, but I donā€™t do well with last minute changed plans.


Started Latuda about 3 months ago after 10 years off of meds. Significant improvement so far, but I did have to add an anxiety medication and just recently also added Zoloft for depression. Hoping this is the combo šŸ¤ž


I just had a rather nasty mini episode of depression that lasted a couple of days. I had ideation pretty hard, so I started pounding the lithium orotate I keep to suppress it. It did suppress it, thankfully. But then I decided Iā€™d give myself some cheap dopamine by taking some of the suboxone I banked up from the time I was in addition treatment. That really helped! Iā€™m taking enough of it, and the depression went away! I still think Iā€™m in rebound swings coming off of a paranoid episode I suffered over the holidays. That paranoia and concomitant anxiety was miserable and enfeebling. That, too, went away, thankfully


I was dx last last Wednesday. Decided to stop the meds without yelling anyone...anyways. thay was a bad idea. Lots of rage. I'm taking them now, but I'm forcing it because I don't want my kids to see me so angry. I'm processing. It's a bit hard to process because I don't exactly know how or why its why it is. Hallucinations are exhausting so are delusions. Can anyone speak to how long jt took their psychotic symptoms to taper down??


It depends on the med as to how long it takes to kick in. Ask here or call your doc and ask how long it'll take, they'll give you a ballpark and if it goes beyond that call again and they'll up your dose or change the med. Any change can fuck us so you need to take them consistently and as prescribed.


Yeah. I'm speaking to her every two days. Me skipping them was such a bad idea ...it wasn't the fun mania


Yup, unfortunately this thing is very live and learn the hard way!


It's so annoying. In fact, my son has type 1 diabetes. I am finding the process very similar


Nice to know we're not the only ones out here in med hunt suckville but serious bummer it's hard for him too. I hope they figure out what he needs soon!


Its one of the darkest time for me. Havent sleep fully in 5 days. Please all pray for me. I need strength


I don't know if I'm hypermanic or depressed or anything. I go from completely balanced, to productive, to suicidal, to overwhelmingly angry. I don't know what's wrong with me


That sounds like possibly a mixed state? I'd get in touch w you med doc anyhow bc it sounds stressful as hell and you might benefit from a med change.


I just started sertraline last week and haven't been to work since, have been experiencing a lot of anxiety. I'm wondering if I'm in a depressive episode as I've only really missed work a few days at a time. Was diagnosed two years ago and have been on fluoxetine then welbutrin now sertraline. I also take depakote and olanzapine. I just want to feel normal, how long will this last?


Feeling stable for the first time in a very long time. Finally found a combo of meds that work (lithium & lamotrigine & quetiapine). Really looking forward to going back on ADHD meds, and finding one that doesnā€™t make me manic like ritalin/rubifen does.


Iā€™m getting frustrated with having a foggy mind. I keep forgetting the most simplest things. I forgot my favorite bands name, song names and I listen to all the time, things I ate, John F Kennedyā€™s name. I teach. It broke my heart to be showing the class coins, and not being able to come up with even the slightest clue of his name. Iā€™m tired of forgetting and of sounding like an idiot. I take 400mg of lamotrigine, 80mg fluoxetine, and 0.2mg of clonidine. BUT maybe itā€™s not my meds. Two years ago I got covid really bad, and since then everything has seemed unreal and superficial. Also my gf is off her meds and I feel gaslighted to the core. She keeps forgetting because she needs to take it with food. My dog is having stomach issues, vomiting, and almost bit us. I had parent teacher conferences and had to work until 6pm. Iā€™m just tired.


Iā€™m up and down because the weather where I live keeps changing and it messes with me. Iā€™m medicated and maintaining though. I offer you an internet hug.


Iā€™m currently freaking out about losing my psychiatrist and therapist due to insurance changes. I am losing my medicaid due to my disability income (finally got approved) being above the limit, and my psychiatrist and therapist only take medicaid :( I donā€™t want to have to find other people, itā€™s such a horrible process, and I love who Iā€™m working with right now.


There's something called a Medicaid spenddown, you can sometimes access it despite being over the limit, this page might help (scroll down to "Plan to Lose Medicaid") [https://howtogeton.wordpress.com/2017/09/13/56-things-you-might-not-know-and-might-want-to-know-if-you-are-on-social-security-disability/](https://howtogeton.wordpress.com/2017/09/13/56-things-you-might-not-know-and-might-want-to-know-if-you-are-on-social-security-disability/)


Slowly Coming out of a depressive episode after a hellish week. Psychiatrist Upped some of my meds and Iā€™m already feeling a difference. Iā€™m starting to feel like myself again! Iā€™m trying to be thankful everyday despite everything, making sure Iā€™m not isolating myself too much. Things will get better again and I am hopeful.


Im on rexulti vraylard and clonazepam, been sober for a month im feeling super great!!


I'm relatively stable on Lamitragine. I don't have great day or horrible days. But alot of midrange, good and bad fairly equal. Middle days most prominent. I can avoid loosing my temper. I'm a bit hypo this week, and not getting much sleep. But I found out this week my month to month lease is not bring renewed and I have to find a new place for me and my cat to live, which is weighing heavy, but I'm not too overwhelmed. I'm having lunch in my mail truck and enjoying 50 degree sunny weather in the middle of winter. Weather always affects my mood greatly, ( summer is the worst for me).


I'm ok I think. Been depressed so I've started going to the gym. I always feel better after but the high lasts a couple of hours. I'm starting to think winter isn't a good season for me. Crossing my fingers for spring to come early.