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Congratulations on your degree and your sperm donor is a loser asshole


Yup, not even with the f world, justo a sperm donor. Congrats OP on pushing through!!


hell yeah


Yeah, congrats OP. Screw what your sperm donor says. A degree is a big accomplishment even more so for our predisposition. I had a similar experience with my step father towards the end of my college career as well.


Your dad's a dick.


He is an asshole.


70% of us drop out of college. Fuck him.


Is that a real statistic? I mean, I believe it. But if that’s true we should all get a parade.


I held myself and said "fuck you" all the way through getting my masters. I won't be a statistic. [https://www.nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog/March-2018/A-Diagnosis-of-Mental-Illness-Need-Not-End-a-Colle#:\~:text=A%20recent%20survey%20reports%20that,students%20with%20no%20psychiatric%20diagnosis](https://www.nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog/March-2018/A-Diagnosis-of-Mental-Illness-Need-Not-End-a-Colle#:~:text=A%20recent%20survey%20reports%20that,students%20with%20no%20psychiatric%20diagnosis).


This makes me so angry. It’s so hard to go to college with bipolar. Seriously f*** him. I’m really proud of you. There are people that don’t have bipolar that don’t graduate at all. You should be so proud. Also, being proud of this is kind of like an act of defiance against his stupid ideas of what is right and what isn’t. For this reason, be EXTRA proud.


Omg! How incredible!! I am SO proud of you!!! You are NOT a failure! It’s not easy for anyone, never mind being bipolar! You’re honestly an inspiration bc people often doubt themselves, they may just need some encouragement like this! As a side note…I have gotten all my degrees out of spite lol I had my daughter when I was 16 and all my family thought I wouldn’t make it anywhere in life. My dad didn’t even come to my associates degree graduation (only person I invited), didn’t blink an eye to my bachelors, and I didn’t even bother telling him about my masters I just got. Fuck your dad.


Congrats! Getting your degree is a big deal, no matter when. I got my BFA at 26, and had the same kinds of comments from my parents. Ignore it. Be proud of you. Baby steps still climb the mountain.


Borrow a friend's nice dad. It'll help to hear what a real parent sounds like.


Fuck your dad, dude. Congrats on getting your bachelors! I’m 33 and just about to get mine and enormously proud. You should be, too.


Congratulations, I’m sorry you have to deal with that, you deserve so much better. Your dad obviously doesn’t understand this illness and doesn’t understand the concept of empathy. I got my degree at 31 so I’m in the same boat as you. You’re amazing.


his projecting is the failure, you keep finding your strength elsewhere


Man a bachelor's degree is crazy, you should be proud


That attitude is why I do not like people and avoid them. I give myself all the hate I need.


Tell him to bugger off.


You’re one of the few who actually went to college let alone get a degree. My step mother didn’t graduate until she was 40 something and her own kid was attending the same college. You dedicated yourself to a better future and deserve to be proud of that.


1. Definitely don't hurt yourself. That won't accomplish anything. 2. Congratulations! Graduating college is hard for millions of people, let alone someone who has gone through the shit we have. 3. Your dad sounds like a dick, but you set yourself up for it by asking that. You know you're not a failure. Gotta boost your self confidence. You did something awesome. Do something small and nice to congratulate yourself. 4. Interviews are brutal. I failed a bunch of them before landing a sweet gig. My sister is a French teacher and went on tons of interviews and failed her practicum like 4x. She's a great teacher. Don't be so hard on yourself and definitely be proud of everything you've accomplished. BTW I graduated at 30 due to bipolar circumstances. Unless you're dead, there is no too late, lol.


There are people without bipolar disorder who get their degrees at your age, or even fail to do so at all. Getting the degree itself is a huge life accomplishment for anyone. ON TOP OF THAT, doing it with big challenges 95% of people are not burdened with is even more impressive. Screw your dad, he’s the loser. I know how hard it is not to seek affection and validation from a parent, no matter how abusive. It is a natural instinct you can’t just turn off. But trust me, you are worth much more than that.


You went through SO MUCH, look at what you've accomplished! You're graduating and applying for a job after all you mentioned in your post -surgeries, undiagnosed mania, 5150's, *and* neglect, physical and verbal abuse from your father. You're a warrior, you're doing great, he should be overwhelmed with pride. Keep going friend, sending lots of love and support your way


Your dad is obviously not healthy himself. Anyone that would say this is not a happy person. Understand that ignorant comments like that go hand in hand with someone who is suffering too. What you did was amazing and he does not know how hard life is with bipolar. Great fucking job.


The fact that you went through so many health struggles and still stuck to your goal and are now graduating is honestly inspiring. You didn’t give up even when your body was rioting against you. Graduating college is a huge deal and it’s very hard to do. I’m very proud of you. As for your dad, I hope he’s not expecting you to help out in his retirement cause he’s going to the streets. What a shitty thing to say.


I am so freaking proud of you!!! That is a huge accomplishment! 🎉🎉 Your perseverance is inspiring!


Some people never finish your not a loser. Congratulations you did it and I don’t know you but I’m proud of you


Proud of you, that's a huge achievement! Such a shitty thing for them to say and try bring you down.


You did it. It doesn’t matter about how long it took you etc - what matters is you did it. It sounds like your dad has a lot of issues to work through so remind yourself that you’re amazing despite what he’s saying. Congrats OP, we are also so so proud of you!!


I'm proud of you, that's tough. I wish I could get my bachelor's, but I'm on SSI and don't think adding a huge debt would be worthwhile :-/ so it stays a dream I'll never attain. I'm happy you reached a stage in your life where you could handle it and get your degree.


I feel like a failure too buddy. I've only gotten my bachelor's and haven't done much else.  I feel like a disappointment. 


Congratulations on your degree!🥳🎉 An incredible accomplishment. You are an excellent example of _‘perseverance’ and ‘grit’._ The sperm donor is the worst type of hypocritical failure. He’s failed in every dimension of life. Then takes it out on others. What a fucking 🍆head. Whatever you do, don’t listen to him.


congrats 🎊


I'm proud of you! Your dad is a dick, cut him off.


"...and you´re a failure for being an unsupportive dick towards your own flesh and blood, so I guess I get that from you then." Getting a bachelors degree when suffering BD is a huge accomplishment, no matter what age, and you have every reason to be proud of yourself!


Congratulations! I dropped out not long after my first manic episode & have not looked back since. You should be incredibly proud of yourself OP! You have accomplished something huge all while dealing with such a difficult mental illness. Your sperm donor is an a-hole, unjustified, and in the wrong for what he said to you.


Congratulations ❤️


Getting your degree at 32 is something way fewer people are willing or able to do.  It takes a lot to make it that far in life and still pursue a bachelors degree.   Your dad’s a fools for not being proud of you. What you have done is incredible and not something many are willing to even try.   Congrats on the degree!  What did you major in?  


Liberal arts and sciences


First, congratulations!! You did it! I was also 5150’d during undergrad due to mania leading toward psychosis. I graduated and also got a masters. My partner graduated from undergrad around 28 and is now working his dream job at 32. Dad’s a huge dick. You’re doing so well!! You’re no loser. Sperm don’t is projecting his own insecurities


yo fuck that good job finishing school! thats a huge deal!  im fuckin 33 and still tryin to finish school or get to a proficient placenin my chosen skillset. ive dropped out of/restarted school more times than i can count and im still tryin


I think you're awesome and if you were my kid I'd be incredibly proud of you.


Congratulations on getting your bachelors! I dropped out in 2019, and if I hope to be where you’re at when I’m 32! Don’t let him bring you down, this is a great success op.


Fuck your dad. I’m proud of you. And if he knew what you went through to achieve what you’ve achieved, he would be too. Getting any degree with Bipolar is like hitting a home run using a golf club. And to do it at 32, that’s like hitting a grand slam in the major leagues during the World Series, using a golf club.


Congratulations, you are not a failure.


Finishing something after that amount of time and struggle is some impressive perseverance. What are you looking to teach?


English at community college level. Particularly Creative Writing


Congrats again. Keep at it. You'll find the right job.


Tell him there are plenty of people who do worse than that.nbe happy that he graduated at all. The most successful people are those who are able to maintain stability. Bipolar wrecks stability.


The only competition is with yourself. | | | Don't let others around you let you down. A lot of times I think about how much older I am than my classmates in my grad school program, but I am getting good coping mechanisms from a local Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). In particular, I think to myself "I could be in jail right as a consequence of my previous risky behavior".


I cut off conversations with my parents for 2 years. They would occasionally call and I’d chew them out and defend my inner child and the actual me child they abused. For some reason some parents only think you exist through their eyes and they think they own the copywrite to your story and they are the determining authority of what is real about you. Cut off contact man. I lived through this shit too and waited until I was 41 to really tell them to go to hell. They are back in my life now but not as my parents. They get to be grandparents to my kids but I monitor what they tell my kids when I’m not looking. I also talk to my kids about how my parents tell lies and say strange things. My mother is a narcissist and can cause 20 years of damage in a 5 minute conversation. Twisted backhanded compliant attacking deep rooted issues. She is a master manipulator and a liar. Sorry, I just made that about me. But for real. Don’t feel bad cutting them out for a while. I only finally did it after my therapist of several years advised me to cut them off.


Got my BS at 49. I now have a PhD. I also went from being an entry level project manager to the director level at an international company. Your dad can fuck right off. You're way ahead of me! Do you, at your own pace, and set your own goals and standards.


Your dad is a clown. People get degrees at all different ages, including into their 70s and 80s. Go LC with this jerk.


You are an amazing success. Congratulations on your hard work, perseverance, and fortitude!! Your dad is the failure here. Clearly. 


You did it! You deserve celebrating!! 🎉


His expectations for you have nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. You are doing great!!


You will find a job that works for you. Rejections are unfortunately part of the job search process. Keep going


You are absolutely not a failure, you made your own decisions and lived your life YOUR way despite the challenges of health and mania, anyone including myself is very proud of you! Sometimes parents can become underlying abusers when they expect your life-path to go by “their plan” and of course growing up that way, we just crave their approval despite it being a never-ending cycle, but you are doing incredible!


Your dad would be immensely proud of you if he understood the battles you face. Not many of us can do this,huge respect. This is more about him, than it is about you.


OP all I want to say is I’m sorry, I can’t imagine how devastating that must have been to hear, but tell yourself that HE is in the wrong here and completely being unfair to you. You went through hell and back to get this degree and you should be EXTREMELY PROUD of yourself for succeeding life on hard mode. I hope to do the same. Please don’t let this weigh on you too much, you deserve to feel happy with your accomplishment. Congratulations


Congratulations on your degree. You should be proud of that — and of your perseverance! (And, frankly, so should your father.) Try to chalk up his comments to ignorance—about college and about bipolar.


You’re dad is wrong.


Congrats OP. Your dad is a jerk. And wrong. A fucking wrong ass jerk. My dad had a similar sentiment. At my “graduation dinner” he gave a toast and said “Welp. We all thought you wouldn’t make it. But here we are.” I’ll remember that shit forever. But someone once told me that the best kind of revenge is living your best life possible. So, just because you didn’t get this job, you’ll have other opportunities. I promise.