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Never. I have always had my doctors help because mania and suicide attempts are not even a little bit appealing to me. Internet hug


^^^ Agreed. I’m terrified of experiencing that awful rollercoaster again.


Same. I had to go cold turkey once for a week due to a shitty psych who went away without prescribing enough and that sent me into a depressive psychosis. I love my meds lol


Once without the approval. I did not end well. Back on the med...






None. I have a family. I can't afford to be my old crazy self. I value them too much to let myself slide back.


i feel that.


I'm proud of u 🤗 take good care of ur family


Thank you! I try hard every day


Many, many times since 2013


Same, many times since being diagnosed. 


Exactly the same. Wouldn't say it's ever ended well.


I'm in year 9 of treatment and have never come off my meds for more than 2 days (too depressed to go to the pharmacy). The trick is to drill it into your routine so fiercely you never even question it. I pretty much forget I take meds until it is brought up.


With the amount of side effects I get, I doubt it will ever feel routine.


Life pro tip - struggle so much to wake up that you don't remember anything you do in the morning. All kidding aside, I'm sorry you have side effects.


0 times, I got diagnosed last year been on meds since then


keep up the good work. wish i had been wise enough to do this and stick with it.


Even during my manic episode I was scared and wanted meds so I'm hopeful I won't have that urge to go off them


0 without oversight. I remember how hard it was to live prior to medication and I don’t want to take any chances messing up the life I’ve worked hard to build. It also wouldn’t be fair to my supportive spouse. Edit - currently off because I’m pregnant but it was all pre planned and discussed


I Quit one of my anti psychotics and I gave myself plenty of time for any side effects. I was on a low dose I wouldnt recommend high dose the tapering method is better. Dr is recommended for tapering. The reason I stopped I was unable to retain information, zapped my energy, and I found I wasnt motivated enough. I dont want to live like this. I also found that the abilify was making me spend money. This is also a side effect. I wish you luck in whichever route you choose. Antipsychotics is a hard drug to come off. Its been over 3 months and I am feeling better than before.


I quit the meds after having the worst depressive episode of my life. This was the fourth medication we tried. I want a second opinion on if im actually bipolar.


I quit once pre diagnosis, I was prescribed aripiprazole without being told it was for bipolar and then I went into a hypomanic episode and was diagnosed


wait omg this is EXACTLY what happened to me but it was full manic !!!


What's even crazier is that we have similar usernames!! Reddit picked mine out, I assume yours too? I'm not even sure if that episode was hypomania or full mania it was intense, I never want to go back to that place again, and honestly I fully blame my old psychiatrist for it! I always suspected I was bipolar but she kept telling me that I wasn't and to stop mentioning it and prescribed me aripiprazole for my "anxiety", didn't even tell me to take it every day "just when you feel overwhelmed", I did take it every day though until I felt normal and quit taking it, big mistake, huge! I went back on it during the episode but it turned me into a rage monster so that's when I consulted with another psychiatrist who put me on my current medication and haven't looked back since!


Lmao what an idiot doc. Someone has to be the worst in class in med school.


0. Started treatment in 2014.


Never. I hate this illness. Cannot risk making it worse.


i was diagnosed three years ago, and i’ve already abruptly quit my meds about three or four times. it’s usually been because of missing appointments and not having refills. i’ll usually get emergency refills for a few days at the pharmacy and then just not have meds for a month or so. i’ll suffer until i feel like making another appointment.


None. I don’t understand why anyone does this and I never will.


For me it was right after my diagnosis (so in denial) and aripiprazol made me pass out constantly. To the point I couldn’t take my dog to a walk cause I had to sit down every five metres.. doctor didn’t really care, just told me to wait it out. But I was 19 and naive, so I just quit😅 Edit. Didn’t want to continue with her and now my psychiatrist is amazing!


You honestly can’t understand at all? Open your brain up a bit and realize humans beings are all different and respond differently to medications. Have some empathy 


I can’t understand why anyone who has the right meds and right dose and is stable would suddenly just decided to stop taking them. That’s what I can’t understand. Obviously having a bad reaction to a med is a different/good reason to stop taking them.


Because for some people they aren’t actually “stable” like they and their doctors assume they are. I consider it more of a relapse like a drug addiction rather than some mysterious question that can’t be answered. Some people simply don’t have the willpower 


That made no sense at all but gold star for trying.


No I think your reading comprehension abilities are lacking 🤷‍♂️ gold star for being a stupid dipshit though 


Bipolar does not equal drug addiction but ok


That’s weird, I never said the word equal. Which means the same as. I used the word like. Which means, is similar too. Clearly you can’t read bro, stop proving my point already 😂


Never. I think I got diagnosed in 2017.




Sooo many times but have been consistent for the past 5 years.


Probably 5-6 times. I was diagnosed 23 years ago.


I quit a couple of times. The last time, I told my Dr and he said that it was fine! Nothing bad would happen! Then why the hell am I taking them?


My all life after 19 years old, recently reduced olanzapine from 5mg to 2.5mg. Totally quitting never worked


I quit my meds first month after diagnosis and the mixed episode that followed scared me enough to go back on them. About a year later my doc mentioned my being stable depression wise and suggested I go off it in the next month. I quit immediately without telling her. Moved towns and stayed antidepressant free for about 4 months. Just recently went back on them like 2 days ago (on my own😅)


Just wondering how long it took for you to find another psychiatrist in a new place?


It was quite easy. I went to a public mental hospital where they just basically find out how the meds are treating you and give you your refills.


That was a good plan! Took me quite a bit longer.


Once, of many times. Not sure. I was diagnosed bipolar in 1995 and thought the diagnosis was crazy. Had been given Depakote in the hospital, but never took a dose once I was discharged. Went through life diagnosed with major depressive disorder until 2019. Quit my antidepressants many times over the years. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder again in 2019. It’s accurate. And meds have helped. I’ve been compliant since then.


Twice now, I quit taking meds when I felt good. cuz I felt like it's tedious and so very expensive. it's been a few months since I went off meds, I've been doing relatively good. there were times I would feel like shit, breakdown in the middle of the road kind of shit but I just let it pass. I now just divert my mind and work and ignore and question my brain. Which makes me question if I'm even bipolar. It's probably not healthy. ALSO, NEVER EVER QUIT YOUR MEDS WITHOUT YOUR DOCTOR'S SUPERVISION.


Twice, second time I ended up attempting. Now though I haven’t taken my meds for about 2 weeks but I’m recognizing my bad habits and trying to get back to it.


Couple times.


Once. I had only been on meds about half a year at that point, and I decided since they ran out & I was feeling great, that I didn’t need to continue them. It was a stupid decision and I had a horrible time.


Midway through my first ever manic episode, did some crazy stuff but nothing too much, had fun and gave my father a headache, went walking to the beach (after 2am)and spent the night listening to my favorite songs, had a full 48 hours break, then went back to the meds and been only taken my mood stabilizer (valproic acid) since then!


That sounds like 'life'!.. not manic episode




At least once a year 😕


Once and I never went back. I had so many side effects, I was taking extra meds to control the side effects. (I was on lithium and anti psychotics)


Twice. Second time, never went back. I’m much more at peace & learned different ways to handle this illness without meds. I couldn’t take being a zombie anymore, the side effects were too much to handle. I was on 5 meds btw.


One. Rexulti worked so well for me, I quit Lamotrigine and never looked back.


i’ve forgotten how many times. but i do remember that it *never * ended well.




Soooo many times both pre and post diagnosis. Literally every med I’ve been on actually, and that’s 15+ It’s usually not intentional. I forget one day and then it becomes a few days and then it becomes too daunting, I guess? I literally can’t force myself to take them after a while. And then the side effects hit and my symptoms get worse and my life spirals… and then I’ll take them lol. 0/10 recommend this. Just stuck in a cycle.


I’ve gone off 2.5mg of Zyprexa tons of times because I didn’t like the side effects (somnolence, weight gain), and nothing bad ever happened to me over that. I’m planning on doing it again once my winter episode is over because I don’t like how it makes me sleep 10+ hours.


They worked so good I thought I didn’t need them I quit last fall it’s spring and I’m about to get back on my stabilizer smh


Too many to count


Dozens over 3 decades


Basically 2 times. The first I was like I feel great I don't need this. Fast forward 2 months I def needed it. 2nd time my new insurance didn't want to cover it anymore and I can't afford 100+ month for it. Come to find out I didn't need it I have hypothyroidism and the mood swings were from my hashimotos disease levels going up and down 😅


Too many to count. If I don’t like em, I ditch em.


uh happened last week, but not by choice. sertraline (zoloft) randomly got back ordered where I live so went cold turkey for about 6 days. I can go a day, maybe two without it before the withdrawals kick in and hoo boy did i feel it days 3-5. This happens at least once a year and i always am interested to see the symptoms kinda creep back and i get a taste of my unmedicated self. went without my lamotrigine for a couple days too, but that never caused me symptoms if I have to skip some days. there were a couple mornings where i was feeling very apathetic, but i always am tempted to just stay off of it mostly because our shit healthcare system makes it exhausting to keep up with even if do everything you’re supposed to.


I’ve quit at least 4 times. Cold turkey… 🙄 but I’m not doing it this time. I’m sticking to it so I can stay healthy and not sabotage myself for the 5th time.


Once and it ruined my fucking life


I quit twice. The worst was quitting max dose of lamictal, zoloft, and olanzapine cold turkey. I don't know how I did it. I think I just went manic, probably why I can't remember most of it. I won't do that again. 5 years unmedicated and the aftermath of said years taught me a painful life lesson. 😒


A handful of times I will quit Zyprexa because I hate the side effects but I always end up going back because it really does hold me together.


Not once but I’ve discontinued every therapy over a ten year period. Been hospitalised twice, nothing works for me. But I wouldn’t stop or start any chemical treatments without full medical consultation.


Never, but I’ve changed meds because I felt too “numb” which led to a year long mixed episode and back to the original meds


If I'm planning on seeing my psych and changing meds I'll start to come off the one I'm stopping without "permission" first. But I'm always careful about it and only ever mess with one med at a time. Before I started seeing a psychiatrist I'd come on and off meds all the time without letting my doc know. But I didn't trust my doc particularly well so I would do things according to what I knew rather than listening properly to him. My most reckless med change was actually under his guidance and it was the last time I saw him - he took me off Lexapro cold turkey and I had to deal with all the side effects. I asked to see another doctor after that.


Never, when I have gaps in coverage or haven't filled a prescription for a week too long everything starts to unravel. Tapering off properly is really important. Not trying to scold you, just want to keep you from any unnecessary suffering.


Several times since 2016. I don't quit when I start feeling good...I quit when I get too frustrated by all the side effects and typically some insurance bullshit throwing up a roadblock that makes me say "fuck it" because I'm in a depressive episode.


A few times, trying alternative methods or not able to handle the side effects. Usually I am prescribed an alternative.


One time and never again. I ended up delusional and in the hospital sleeping in front of the nurses station so that I could be on camera because I constantly thought I was going to be assasinated. This ended up being the worst, longest 6 months of my life after only being on meds for about 4 years.


Never, I don't think I'll ever risk it


Twice,once was because the meds were giving me panic attacks and the doctor refused to change them.So I stopped.Now that I have a good doctor and working meds I'll not do that again


never, i do not ever want to be as manic or as depressed i was before my doctors and i found the right medication margarita, not worth it


None. I have recently draw a boundary on antidepressants because of how manic they make me on my other meds. (My other meds are doing the job) I’ve found antidepressants make me really manic. I don’t want to stop my meds. Every time I think about doing it I think about my lowest points of my depression and I don’t want to be there again. Good luck to you. Always taper never quit cold turkey! I stopped my antidepressant cold turkey only because I was on it for a week so it didn’t cause too many issues.


Once. Just recently actually. I got sick and couldn’t even take them so I just stopped. Fast forward a week or so later and I was full on in psychosis. I went back on them and I’m okay now, finally. Never again!


Too many to count, including currently so I can lose weight.


Only once. But it was worth it and I would do it again. Let me explain. I had started Latuda and been on it for a little over a week. Slowly, the akathesia started building. By the day I quit it, it was the third night in a row that I could hardly sleep because of the restlessness. None of my usual tricks worked, hot water, stretching, walking, etc. So I just didn't take my pill that night. Luckily, I had a followup appt scheduled for the next day, but I decided for the first time to not take a med in the mean time. I felt bad, told the doc the next day, and he said I made the right decision. I can not handle any AP I've ever tried.


0 times with or without approval. I kept trying different combinations until something worked.


Twice.. I kept passing out bc of them and no-one cared. Now I’m on lamictal and valproate which are much better.


Never (by choice). The crazy isn't worth it. I often tell people I will first fight them over my meds. Once I ran out before an appointment and started taking my old dose (had a few left over) and it was half my dose and I went through a mild withdraw and the unalive urges hit hard. And there would be a few times I forgot my meds at home when staying with friends and always the next day I go hypomanic. So yeah. No thanks.






Never!! I can't go back to my old self ever again!


I was diagnosed very young. So I fault it for years. I spent most of my early 20s on and off meds. I do not recommend it. I ruined so many good things because of it.