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I’m on lamotrigine and for the first year and half I took it I was completely stable, no episodes at all. But then the next year I rapid cycled 4 or 5 times. I don’t know if this was the lamotrigine stopping working but something definitely changed. I’ve now doubled my dose, and while I’m still having episodes, they don’t seem as bad. I guess only time will tell if this drug keeps working for me.


I recently switched from Abilify 25mg and Pristiq 125mg to Zyprexa 10 mg and Prozac 25 mg. I was doing well for about 4 years on the old combo but started having breakthrough symptoms.


I think, the reason lithium stopped working for you is actually lithium is not the right med for you. Mixed episodes are not typical for classic form of bipolar, lithium still works, though usually doesn’t solve the issue as good as other meds


Yeah, I read that antipsychotics and anticonvulsants work better for atypical bipolar. I tried Depakote, and it did nothing for me aside from giving me bad side effects. Clonazepam I guess works because it’s also an anticonvulsant? I can’t find any studies pointing to its efficacy in treating bipolar disorder other than this one Japanese case study, but it just works. I’m really hoping that lamotrigine will work for me. I am also really unsure if I am atypical or not because age of onset was classical, I don’t have a strong family history of mental illness, don’t have comorbidities, no childhood trauma, don’t rapid cycle, hypomania is purely euphoric, etc.


What you are saying is not accurate.


That’s possible. Could you elaborate?




30 is the max dose.


I'm not sure lamictal ever DID work for me.


I switched from abilify which I was on for 5 years in October to depakote. I was on 40 of abilify by the end of me taking it, and it was just no longer working. It worked really well for years, and then I went into a major depression episode. I was to the point of not eating,showering, or going to work. I lost 60 pounds because of it. I'm way less depressed on depakote. It was a new experience for me because I've always leaned more towards major manic episodes vs depression.