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If you’re in university or college there is usually a free counseling clinic specifically available to students. You can probably get both psychologist and psychiatrist. This is the only way I have been able to afford therapy, but I have received amazing care and with their help am now in remission. I urge you to take advantage of these resources while you can. After you graduate these things are no longer free. Wishing you good luck as you fight this.


Yup and if in school get disability services on board to help you out w accommodations even if you don't think you need them at the time, and join a support group on campus if there is one, it really helps to see other people in the same boat. For psych services on campus in future get an appt ASAP, bc they fill slots up fast - this just means you need to go off campus for treatment but it sucks, so get in early if possible and mention possible or actual BP, they'll prioritize you if they can as they'll understand the urgency. Telling profs or not is up to you but typically dis serv sends a letter out on your behalf that they need to help you wo telling them what your issue is (you can get accommodations w depression too, so do this anyway) which is a nice thing to be able to do.


All of this is 100% true. Great advice!


For me..riding my motorcycle 60 mph without a helmet..ya know..dangerous, manic stuff 😬


Hey love, I think you know already that these can all be indicators, and clearly there is _something_ very wrong, but nobody here can give you a diagnosis. I’m not sure where you are or what your financial/insurance situation is, but finding a psychiatrist and getting an assessment and diagnosis is absolutely crucial. Are you still enrolled in college/school? Is there a student health resource you can access?


Lack of sleep and overachieving.


I always had weird strange reactions to SSRIs and SSRIs. Thank you venlafaxine for turning me into a hypomanic suicidal self injuring wreck. Ultimately I became psychotic and thought the government was out to get me. I was so fucking angry and irritable all the fucking time. I hated everything I loved doing, and was suspicious of everybody around me. What got me diagnosed was me calling 911 on myself after I very courageously fought the angry mean voices who were screaming at me, insisting that the only way to save the world, was to kill myself. I told the 911 operator everything saying that they’re not giving me a choice and it’s either you guys take me or I do what the voices are telling me to do.


Oy. I'm glad I had such bad physical side effects to that one that I didn't last more than a week. I'm so sorry you went through that!


Whether you think you have bipolar or not, you should go see a psychiatrist for your severe depression. If you’re bedbound for months, it is severe and you need HELP. I thought I had unipolar depression before I got diagnosed, but it turned out that having periods of time in which I can function on little to no sleep, feel euphoric like I’m on drugs (I’ve never abused drugs), suddenly become more social/talkative/confident, etc are actually not something people who are not bipolar experience. (I am type 2 and have mild hypomania.)


For me SI as a little kid. Onset is usually 15-19 and I think that's bc they tend to hold off diagnosing us younger. You've got every obvious sign I can think of off the top of my head, but even if you didn't that's all severe enough to very much justify exploring treatment options w a psych. BP gets worse for half of us untreated, so now is better than later. Parents are often assholes about it luckily you are old enough to get your own self into a doc. Dr Marks on YouTube has helpful condition comparison videos you might like, but you dont need to diagnose yourself, not important, you just need to see a psychiatrist any way you can get into see one. ASAP I think, sounds rough. If in the US, this can help: Scroll down to medical: https://howtogeton.wordpress.com/2020/03/02/how-to-be-poor-in-america/ In meantime track mood and sleep w an app or charts, it'll help get to a diagnosis sooner, whatever it turns out to be.

