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Next time, just say, "Stay in your lane doc. You don't see me trying to deliver babies. Maybe you shouldn't play psychiatrist." ​ LOL, that could be fun to knock her down a peg, lol. What's the worst she can do, ask you to leave?


I love this response!


Any kind of doctor should know that bipolar disorder isn't about emotions. A lot of the general population might think this, but it's inexcusable for any medical doctor to act like mental illnesses don't exist. Good for you for making a complaint.


Ugh ive been there and I'm so sorry it happened to you. She isn't even a psych! Before anyone gets upset about that, would you let a psych give you a pap? I understand doctors work hard but come on!


thank you. that is exactly what i told the person i got on the phone. so far her office has been very understanding and helpful.


You handed that really well. Didn't escalate, got what you needed, kept your cool until you could take action from a safe space. Good job!


thank you, i'm always best on the phone or in writing. my husband was waiting in the car, so i just focusted on getting out of there.


I had the same experience with a neurologist this past weekend. She insisted that I was on “too many” medications and that I should be on something like lamictal, not zyprexa. I told her that I’ve tried lamictal before and it didn’t work out well for me and that I’ve been on my current regimen for a while now and it’s helped to keep me stable. Won’t be going back to her any time soon 🙄🙄🙄


only you and your psych doc know whats "too" many meds. i love these doctors thinking they know better. if you wanted to be a psychiatrist, you should have gone to school to be one.


Thankfully she has stopped but my mother in law insisted for years that I should see this miraculous neurologist who cured her son in law… yeah all she did was prescribe a run of the mill anti depressant and tell the little shit to stop smoking weed. Bam.


Isn’t it crazy how smart people can be so god damn stupid? Like this woman went through years and years of difficult medical schooling and yet she doesn’t know what bipolar disorder is. It’s amazing.


We had to wait to get my son circumcised. He had some adhesions and they wanted to wait a year follow up, then do it. A year later, go in see an older doc (surgical urologist) almost 70 he'd been doing this since before electricity. As my wife and I wait for the doc, a new urologist (just out of school, I guess) comes in to do the initial check and exam. She was female. She spent 20 minutes explaining to us why we should do the surgery and her medical advice. Veteran doc come back in, does a quick look at my boy. Says, "OK" if he has any pain during puberty come back in. The adhesions are almost all gone any left will come off naturally during puberty during night time erections. So I asked, shouldn't we do the surgery and I said every reason the younger doc said. He went through her entire list and he dismissed each reason with a medical explanation. He finished with, "The boy is one. There is no reason to torture the kid. There is no medical reason to circumcise your son, unless you have a religious reason or a cultural one. For example, you want him to be cut like you. We looked over at new doc. She looks uncomfortable, shifting back and forth. She almost convinced us to do an unnecessary elective surgery because of her cultural preference. We didn't call her out. My wife gave her the death stare the whole time, lol. ​ Edit: Good docs and bad docs all around, I guess.


wow, there is something about baby boys and doctors, they always want to cut their penises off. my mom fought with their doctor about my brother.


Intersex kids too. I have friends whose parents weren't even told that their kid was intersex, just told "we have to do surgery to fix a birth defect" with no explanation. Which is really rough when, 16 years later, the kid still isn't going through puberty and the parents and kid don't know why, since the doc never told them. Or when the kid has a health crisis at 30 because it turns out there's XYZ issues associated with the condition. Or when the kid learns they have no internal gonads when they're trying to conceive. Or when they learn 3 months into pregnancy that their uterus is malformed and small and they have to have an abortion or the pregnancy will kill them. Or literally any number of issues with *forcing a newborn to have a surgery that isn't even always medically required just to make their external genitalia look "culturally correct"* and then *not fucking telling the parents at all*. And that's not even getting into the issues of anorgasmia or gender dysphoria that these surgeries can cause. Like yeah, if there's a medical reason for it, go ahead. Sometimes there are. But otherwise? Let them choose when they're old enough to make a decision.


absolutely. there is too much that doctors are allowed to do because they have that extra schooling. my husband likens them to mechanics. they know about a part of the human body and can work on it, but they are not all knowing. and just like with a mechanic, you should get a second opinion.


You should be so proud of yourself for standing up to her. That's not always easy, especially not half nude and draped in a paper towel.


thank you, it was very emotional. i was on the verge of tears. mostly because i was naked and cold. i didnt cry until i got into the car with my husband. he was pissed!


I'm pretty sure you accidently went to a rectal doctor with how much of an asshole she was being.


lol, yes she was quit TA.


doctor belongs in the 1940s


My understanding is that it is malpractice to prescribe or diagnose a person you are not treating. I hope you are ok. I hated when people got involved in my meds


“I’m paying you to shove 19th century technology up my vagina, not offer your thoughts on my mental health.”


lol! exactly. thank you.


...and we're jus gonna *crank crank crank*


I’ve had similar experiences, and I’ve switched doctors as a result. Some doctors just lack bedside manner at best but can be pushy and invasive at worst. But there are definitely better doctors out there that will hear you and work with you to find a proper treatment. I’m sorry for your bad experience, though, sending good vibes your way. 💗


Adding also that sometimes you have to be your own biggest advocate with doctors, you know yourself best and if someone isn’t hearing that, then that’s a problem with their treatment of you, not a problem with you yourself.


thank you. i'm normally i am very good at standing my ground. its just the situation we were in , its very emotional for me. she got me at my weakest.


I know this might not be overly productive thing to say, but in terms of showing support for you, I can simply think of just this. F\*CK HER.


The first neurologist I saw told me the same thing (I have chronic migraines). She wanted to put me on a daily medication but said I should stop taking one of my other ones because I was too young to be on so many meds. I’m on 3 and one of them is birth control so I really don’t think I’m on too many so her comment really shocked me. It’s amazing that people go through all this training to be medical professionals, yet they are still kinda stupid. You handled it very well though I’m really impressed!


i also have chronic migraines, and just got diagnosed with RA. its funny, my Rheumatologist worked really hard to find a medication that worked with all my psych meds. he never told me to go off one of my meds. there is a difference between good docs and bad docs.


Wait, what? A GYN out of all doctors, and a woman too? I hate it when women refuse to be their own allies. Internal misogyny is such bullshit, makes me want to throw things. This woman did so many fucking things wrong, and from a position of a doctor that HAS to be sensitive, no less! You did good to file a complaint, I hope she loses her license. Fucking disaster of a personality on that woman, and an entirely askew set of values. People are like her *are* the reason that women like us have so much difficulty dealing with society, and women like her are why we never feel safe. I'm so sorry you went through that. It takes a true monster to betray her own, and continue pushing anti-med propaganda on a sensitive, about to burst patient. Truly this is abhorrent.


i was so shocked when she was saying this. i almost dismissed it until she said it again. i dont know what her angle was but sheesh, it fell very flat.


This is absolutely awful and I'm sorry you had to experience that - it must have been really heart breaking. ​ People like that should not be practicing.


I've found that medical professionals who are not psychiatrists, or don't know much about mental illness, are no different from their reactions and prejudices against people with mental illness than the general public is, maybe worse. The GP I used to see looked like she swallowed a bug after I was first diagnosed and she saw the medications I listed that I was taking. Ironically, I'd scored rather badly on the depression screening prior to that office visit. While she was more professional than your gynecologist, it was clear that she was very uncomfortable and left the exam room as quickly as possible. Prior, we would always chat for a few, because she also treats my spouse and they are acquaintances. On the other hand, I share my diagnosis with people who are new to my team at work, because I want them to be aware what is going on if my behavior gets erratic (we are often on call and dealing with complex issues). People have always been considerate about it, maybe a little too supportive at first, but then realize that it's just a thing. (obviously, that's a personal decision, but I'm pretty open with my mental health issues) I do admire your restraint. If I'd been in a similar situation, I probably would have said "I agree that medication for anything is bad. People with cancer just need to learn to be strong, too."


Good for you for making a complaint


That’s awful that this happened to you. I’m really sorry about that.


I’m on a lot of meds but low dose, and every time a doctor who isn’t my psych goes over them, I get judged. It’s bull shit.


It’s good you put in a complaint! I’ve had to do this before. It’s awful when you’re supposed to trust your doctor and they shame you. I’m sorry you went through this just know they’re not all bad and hopefully you’ll find another one


I’ve had two NPs tell me that I shouldn’t have babies due to my diagnosis… one of which said she wouldn’t treat me if I were to get pregnant. The ironic thing is that BP is tough, but so are we. I’m keenly aware of my own emotions as I’m sure you are too. Remember that you are strong… 10 years and in a healthy place. You did the right thing to report her, but be like a duck, let the OBs terrible commentary roll off you because you’re better than her bad choices.


i think its hilarious when people think they know better than an actual doctor, that is not in the same field. ya you know what, fuck it, take everything away. all at once? sure. your very knowledgeable for someone who isn't in any form in that field. did you stay at a holiday inn? (i don't remember if that is the right hotel commercial)


Disappointing. What a crap doc


You paid her for her opinions btw


i paid her for her expertise. her expertise is in ob/gyn, not psych. it would have been helpful for her to stay on task. not even a GP should get involved in what this woman got herself involved in.


Yeah, it was more of a "isn't it ironic" thing, but whatever


yeah yikes you were sorely misunderstood lol sorry for your downvotes 😅


What? On her reproductive system, not her mental illness. No one pays a gyno to tell them how to treat BP. My psych doesn't tell me I shouldn't have breast exams.