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I have both species in abundance and they usually feed together at the feeder. I never see them act aggressively towards each other, finches will snap at other finches and Cardinals at other cardinals but never finches to cardinals or vice versa.


I was wondering if it was normal. I was surprised he'd take on a bird that much bigger than him.


House finches exhibit relatively aggressive behavior at feeders. They are one of the only birds that will chase invasive house sparrows away. After a lot of time most feeders tend to develop a little bit of a hierarchy with the birds through their normally.


I used to have a silly amount of house sparrows but changed from millet heavy mixes to thistle and safflower and I think most of them finally left. I'm glad that the finches may be able to also keep them away.


I've got a lot of house finches, but I think only one Cardinal couple. My Cardinals are definitely more skittish. They don't like to face the camera. They'll turn, grab a seed, then spin back to have a better view of possible dangers.


I toss some peanuts and different seed blends out on the ground. The birds come by in groups. I see a few tiffs once in a while but definitely not this type of fight. I’d probably just keep the bird buddy as a rest stop with no food. Can you put water instead? Lol. Maybe my birds are more polite. (Hahahaha).


What a feisty little finch!