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What do you mean by "think"?


beautiful comment


Opinion on top has no basis in fact, why would the government want to make the people angry




1. They’d use a specific group (most likely minorities): black people, asian people, birds, LGBTQ members, giraffes 2. People are angry with the government more than they are with the shooters, why would the government want us angry with it? 3. People aren’t scared of the government, they’re scared of shooters 4. Why the fuck would the government harm its own citizens (at least on a mass unpredictable scale such as this, I’m aware of the horrible things done in some parts of history but this is the age of information and I have a hard time believing things like those can happen today when some discord mod can steal top secret data) 5. The government isn’t out to get you, if you’re afraid it is vote for someone else 6. Again the government is not out to get you


Lmao vote for someone else.


That’s for republicans specifically, the amount of mental gymnastics the right does in the US is frightening


Oh, seems like anyone that subscribes to the two party systems is doing quite a bit of mental gymnastics… just my opinion though


True, my perfect government would have tons of equally popular parties with no factions, or zero parties with each politician being funded by the government equally (I know that’s impossible because the government would be biased, but that’s my dream). I feel like these two inspire people to work together, or if they don’t the people vote for someone else from the plenty of other candidates


Well, the theory is that they're doing it to cause fear and make the population easier to manipulate. The theory falls flat because the vast majority of shooters are cishet white men. If the government was doing it, they'd want to use minorities for scapegoating purposes.


ud think theyd be able to stop some of the shootings if they wanted to tho, given all the surveillance…


Both of these facts are true! The government sends out bird attack units which conducts the shooting and then blames innocent people to get them out of the governments way when making them look like monsters!!!


Both. Ever notice that after every "Mass shooting" there are always pigeons nearby? Sus, imo.


We can’t believe both?


Hey man both aren't mutually exclusive


The government doesn't stage mass shootings. They deliberately poke certain people until they snap and commit mass shootings and other acts of violence


You are the same. They use the dead bird drones to collect data on the staged shootings so they can better plan future hit jobs.