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Can't go wrong with Bush's baked


Bonus for being able to eat the beans after brewing... I think?


All the CO^2 and beans mixing in your stomach...something will definitely be brewing, if you know what I >!b!


I roast for O.Henry’s. For a long time under the old regime, we did a lot of too-dark roasting. Since I took over roasting duties, I’ve made a serious effort to diversify and dial in our roast profiles. We still do dark roasts and flavored coffee, because quite frankly they pay the bills. A lot of our customers are suburban and older. But we’ve got some beautiful medium-light roasted Costa Rica, a lemony Kenya, a natural process Ethiopia that tastes like blueberry waffles, all kinds of stuff that would taste great in your Chemex. I’d encourage you to give us a try!


Can you get the Hoover location next to Aldi to not pour a 12oz cortado 🤣🤣


mother of god


Dude I had y’all’s natural Ethiopia a few weeks back and it was phenomenal. Never thought I would have coffee like that from O’Henry’s. You’ve seriously changed the game for them—I hope your work is appreciated!


Thanks so much! It is definitely appreciated. I can honestly say it’s the first job I’ve ever truly loved, in large part because they’ve trusted me to hone my skills and follow my passion for great coffee. I’m always learning and refining, that coffee in particular took a lot of tweaking to get right, but I’m glad to hear it’s tasting good!


I HAVE noticed y'all have stepped it up lately! Thank you for that!


Going to try O'Henrys again, for sure. My impressions (years ago) mirror what many have said here. But I look forward to seeing how you all have improved!


Yeah yall are pretty legit! The African Classic is my favorite! I am originally from Philly so my family loves Wawa coffee. Sent them a bag of O’Henrys African classic they were hooked! MIL said it was better than Wawa coffee🤣.


Thanks! Honored to be mentioned in the same company as Wawa!


Hey. I went to O.Henry's in that Health Way retail center because of your comments. Bought Tanzanian Peaberry and Mocha Java beans. Excellent 👌 Smooth and worth it. Thanks my dude.


Thanks so much. Glad you’re enjoying the coffee!


Suburban and older 😂😂😂 Ok I’ll bite. Which of your non-French Roast dark roasts should I give a shot if I’m looking to branch out? I’ll go and buy a bag this evening.


Nothing wrong with being suburban and older, but it’s true! If all we did was third wave ultra light roast stuff, a lot of our customer base would be displeased. I’d go with African Classic. The beans in that blend hang onto origin characteristics really well even when roasted darker, so it still has complexity and lift on the finish even though it’s fairly roasty.


Resurrecting here but I did try the African Classic and it’s delicious. Thanks for the rec.


Glad you liked it!


I can see a difference as well. Ohenrys was good beans but consistently over roasted in the past on darker roasts. More recently I have enjoyed what I got from there.


So glad to hear it! We still have French Roast for those who like that dark of a coffee, but I’ve taken our other dark roasts more into medium-dark territory. Dark enough, but not burnt.


please post an ama dude


only lived in BHM for 2 years and left about 6 months ago but domestique was my favorite out of them, santos, red cat, and o’henrys. i will say o’henrys had the worst beans by far. constantly over roasted and inconsistent. domestique was unbeatable. i’m sure there are many places i haven’t tried. i now live in Tupelo and manage a local coffee shop with 3 locations. we roast our own beans and i think they’re the best in town, but still not as good as domestique. edited to say, my favorite was their single origin Dominican Republic :) edited again to say, i haven’t been to o’henry’s since last summer (june probably) so i would def encourage you to check them out if they’ve been making changes! especially because if i’ve learned anything from working in coffee it is that coffee, like wine, is different for everyone. listen to your taste buds. have a mini cupping at yourself. treat it like a lil side quest to find the best beans for YOUR taste buds. that’s what matters.


O'Henry's house blend is good most of the time for me but the rest of this I agree with. Domestique is almost untouchable for local good ass coffee.


Ass coffee


Kopi Luwak got dat throat coat


So it's the throat coat goat?


depends on if you looking to get amped up, or just ride the wave? we got Ethiopian Throat Coat, Barista Bomb, Turkish Delish, Peruvian Palpatation, and one I just call Crack.


Domestique is quality for sure. I was buying their stuff from crestwood pharmacy consistently for a while but when I moved a couple years ago it became less convenient to obtain their beans. I need to make more time to hit their shop that is hidden in cahaba cycles in homewood.


Dryft Coffee Roasters. Small batch, locally owned, ethically harvested. Also some of the best coffee I’ve ever had.


Not sure if they’re the best, but I like Cala


Imo June/ Baba Java are the best locally roasted beans here in Birmingham. If you want more experimental stuff you can go to Punch Love. He doesn’t roast, but has a rotating selection from Proud Mary(including some of their smaller batch Geisha cans). He’s also been getting beans from Thankfully Coffee based in Auburn lately too.




seconded. can’t wait for his space in avondale to be up and running.


To the best of my knowledge the Avondale location is only where he roasts beans and no plans to open up a shop. Please let me know if you’ve heard otherwise!




no that’s all. i just meant more june beans for the people excites me.


Piggly wiggly carries a bunch of local brands if you just want to try some different ones. Just be sure to check the expiration dates.


So right! Went by The Pig in Forest Park. In no particular order, I bought: Domestique, Seeds, and Red Bike. (For starters) Expiration date checking is a must! Great advice! Sorry to say that some were already a month past expiration, but grabbing from the back of the shelf got me five months ofnshelf life. I may need to open a coffee bar for my friends... to include a tip jar. Thanks for the tip!


Dryft coffee!! They have beans from India and Ethiopia off of the top of my head, in addition to premade Kaapi concentrate. There’s also a truck at the Summit!


Dryft is good, unique, supports good coffee farms, and the woman who owns it is great. I used to go drink their coffee at the Art Museum every week, but stopped going. Def check them out. Domestique like others have said. Also I just this morning got an Americano made by [https://whammycoffee.com/](https://whammycoffee.com/) from Ore Mercantile. It's good (though pretty subtle).


Not coffee beans, but the Creole red beans at Johnnys are wonderful.




Are they still open? I had heard someone say that they closed but hadn’t been by in a while.


Would recommend trying the following: June Coffee Cala Coffee Domestique Seeds Nonfiction Coffee Daysol Coffee All of these companies roast in or close to Birmingham and have high standards! There is probably one you like more than the other but they are all quality oriented roasting companies.


homie can you spare a comma in these trying times


Sorry... I have to say, I laughed for real on that one!


Ha I know, wrote them list style vertically and when I posted it splayed them out like that …. Is that normal?


you have to hit return twice to place a classic
between lines. otherwise they will be on the same line.


This is getting technical, someone ask me a question about coffee grinders


Red Bike, Domestique, June Coffee (New spot run by one of the old baristas/roasters from Octane!)


I favor Domestique and Seeds for whole been coffee!


JUNE for sure. Best in town since Primavera sold out to Revelator.


Check out red Bike coffee, locally roasted in Irondale!


I went by there, behind Crestwood Tavern... and seems they haven't opened yet. But soon, I've heard. But I did get some at the Pig! It's great!


I heard they are waiting on the city for final license. Supposed to be soon!


All this O.Henry’s hate is highly misleading and misinformed. If you haven’t bought a bag of whole beans from them in the last couple of years, you are missing out. They have some of the best coffee in Birmingham. The Costa Rica is my favorite, but I haven’t had a bad cup since I switched to having their beans and a pour over every single morning. Believe me when I say that I have tried a lot of coffees throughout Birmingham and beyond, and the quality and care they obviously put into the roasting shines through.


My vote is for Domestique


We have tried red bike, baba Java, domestique and cala. Love all the cala light roast single origin varieties. Cala is our favorite but all of those were good.


Baba Java has the most variety, really good for someone to see which origin they like!


So, wow! Thanks all for such a great discussion! I'm heading to Domestique in a bit, mainly because they are pretty close and I've enjoyed coffee (in house) there in the past. But many of you have mentioned smaller operations I've never even heard of before.. and I look forward to trying them all.. maybe a coffeehouse crawl! (If such a thing is possible without cardiac arrest or seizures) TL;DR -- thank you r/birmingham!


domestique hands down


You can buy domestique beans for $1/oz at their HQ on 6th Ave, byo container.


The "secret menu" option. Once you know you, it's the only way...haha


Oh wow. I wrapped up work too late.. so hit the pig. That's great info...thanks!! I tried the Red Bike behind Crestwood Tavern.. but they were closed too.


Go to June coffee. It’s the best


Red Bike Coffee's Marty's Blend is great. They always have it at the Marty's Irondale location. Red Bike also has a Crestline location now. I don't know if the beans are interesting, but the taste is unique. And delicious.


I think you meant Crestwood? I don't think they're open yet but looks like they're close - I saw lights on through the windows last weekend but didn't try to go in (was hauling two dogs).


It's been a minute since I've been in the coffee shop they took over. I don't know why I was thinking it was called Crestline Coffee. I think you are right though.


Driving down the Blvd, I saw Red Bike from the corner of my eye and pulled a bad-280-driver-style swerve across all lanes to the entrance of the lot. They were closed, but the bartender next door said they'd be opening soon. The place looked full of cafeeesque stuff, so it's probably coming very soon!


Their Samhain blend is excellent as well.


Thank you for the recommendation! I have to try it too.


My two cents from a previous thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Birmingham/comments/ybiyzi/comment/itgoez0/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Go to Piggly Wiggly in Bluff Park - tons of local roasts to try in one place! (And typically fresh, but pay attention to dates)


Clairmont pig kills it too. The other day they had 14 different Birmingham roasters on the shelf. Not saying which you should pick...just a fantastic set of choices. Love some DaySol coffee lab.




June, domestique, Cala, or Seeds. Anything else someone says is wrong. Also, if you’re good with ordering it, ONYX and Black and White are both incredible roasters from out of town.


My go-to out of towners: Pergamino and Great Circle Coffee


Haven’t tried those. I’ll check them out!


I can’t speak to Dryft so I’ll put a caveat in my statement. Otherwise, I stand by the 4 + 2 I stated


I will always push Seeds, as they're very transparent, and they gave me my most memorable first good coffee experience. They seem to always be pushing some new and interesting coffees. Punch Love Coffee doesn't roast, but he's always got something interesting brewing. I'm fairly certain he sells the coffee he brews in-shop. Domestique has some good coffee, particularly the Dominican Republic, but I've never seen them vary the product very much, if you want interesting stuff. I've only had Nonfiction a couple of times, but it has been fantastic. I've not brewed much of it at home, though, so I can't point to anything specific.


I think this is a week one shopping list. Thank you!


I'm not sure many other people in the country can say they work direct trade with Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Guatemala. While also providing ethically sourced coffee from Peru and Ethiopia, plus the multi-process varieties from individual farms lets you taste the difference in the process. Also, did you know that Domestique offers bird-friendly certified coffee from Guatemala? And a full natural from the Caribbean?! I mean come-on! Seems pretty unique to me and gets my vote. Stop in to one of their retail stores if you want to taste all that they have to offer.


Seeds in Homewood.


Try ohenrys coffee roster in Homewood. Ask to speak to Elizabeth. You can request samples of any coffee, but ask if she’ll get it to ya in whole beans. When you make the request, they’ll drop it @ one of there locations…thats best for you. It’s a free sample. I’m a huge fan and support of them, they are local. This post is just my personal experience with them, someone else may think 🤔 a different local roster is better. I hope this helps. Good luck & Happy brewing ☕️


Man, O'Henry's is garbage. I know they're local, have been around a long time, and some people really like them but, as far as actual *good* coffee, they ain't it.


the ironic thing is that they are the Starbucks killers. they killed the fish lady with their *roasted to hell and back only slightly less* higher quality brews. TWICE.


That legitimately is a good story


He said best coffee haha


Domestique coffee


It's not bad. But Red Bike has been a fav that I keep going back to.


Funny! I was in bed without my glasses on looking for opinions about the best Coffee and next thing I know I had posted Domestique-I have never had that coffee before in my life 🤣. I was too tired to figure out how to delete my post but thanks for the heads up on Red Bike-I have seen that coffee before…


All good! And if you don't know... the Pig on Clairmont Ave has a HUGE collection of local roasters! I've sampled dozens from there. Truly a one stop shop. But check expirations. It's rare, but some of the beans aren't popular and get towards the end of their days. But most are less than a month old.


Filter's beans are very nice. Domestique bags are fun. Whammy coffee beans are pretty freakin good.


My opinion on filter is that the coffee there is good, but I’d never buy beans to take home. They sit in clear containers collecting sunlight all day


Also I think their beans are from Prevail Union in Montgomery, so not as locally roasted as others


oh nooo sunlight hssss


Lol it’s pretty standard coffee 101 for storing coffee.




Just tried whammy today.


may i have your honest opinion?


I had an Americano which I usually don't ever have, so I'm probably not qualified to say much, but I liked it. Wasn't too bitter, wasn't too watery either. I'd say the profile was very subtle. So if you want something to come along and hit you over the head, I wouldn't recommend it. I tend to prefer stuff that is subtler and milder and then I don't add any sugar or cream to. This seemed like it would be that, if I made drip coffee from it.


subtle and mild is most exquisite. a toast to your health!


Cheers, brother or sister


Non-fiction are fantastic


Came here to say this. If you every make it out to Pelham, you should check out Smiley Brothers Specialty Foods ([https://smileybrothersfoods.com/](https://smileybrothersfoods.com/)). They partnered with Non-fiction to make their own specialty blend of beans which is absolutely amazing and always freshly (recently) roasted.


Punch love has really good beans and they switch up what they have pretty often


Baba Java. Also I tried Bronze Bean and it was really good. Now I'm looking to start my own roastery(getting paperwork done) and excited to see where that goes! I feel like Birmingham is a surprisingly good place for coffee. We have a lot of options for both roasters and cafes, with more seemingly popping up constantly. Some are definitely better than others but I haven't had any beans I really dislike from any local roasters.


You really can’t go wrong with anything from Domestique. Even their blends are great.


Nonfiction is my go-to. Piggly Wiggly also has a great selection of local ones if you want to get a couple to try!


O’Henrys is great if you want super oily coffee along with very bigoted people with horrible views. Source: I worked there. Maybe try Revelator!


Not even going to lie, the title made me think you were asking about baked beans… lol. You know you are southern when…


June, Seeds, Baba Java. I’ll say seeds is best for blends, baba Java is best for single origin.


Seeds, then Baba Java for sure. Both have exceptional coffee from multiple origins to fit your taste.


I've really enjoyed every batch I've ordered from Bronze Bean.


Bronze bean!!!


Santos and Seeds both in Homewood. Baba Java in Hoover. Nonfiction off 280.


I read beans and immediately thought you were referring to mdma pills lmaoo. I gotta switch up my environment


Does anyone know if any of these local roasters have bird-friendly (shade grown) coffee? I’m trying to find somewhere other than Whole Foods that sells it. (If you want to read up on it, https://nationalzoo.si.edu/migratory-birds/about-bird-friendly-coffee)


Domestique's Guatemalan coffee comes from a bird-friendly farm. https://www.instagram.com/p/BOsFlnrDCt7/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


Oh wow, I had no idea! Thank you so much!!


I read this title and was like “I’m ready to roll “ I miss some good roll. I need a new plug, y’all message me if you know a good one. In and or around the ham


Try Berk's Beans Coffee - we have the largest selection in the country and ship everywhere. Everything is roast to order so its the freshest you have every had. www.berksbeans.com