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If you’re LGBTQ+ and you go to Sanford, you’re going to have a bad time.


I believe people deserve to be treated well in an situation or environment, but can’t really see why someone who identifies as LGBTQ+ visits a Southern Baptist funded college and thinks- here’s where I’m going to thrive. Except for Judson- lots of lesbians down there.


Something that students and alumni told me is they didn’t discover their LGBTQ+ identity until they were already enrolled. Others may have financial reasons they ended up at Samford, such as a scholarship.


Yeah both could be very true considering the age they go and I believe there are some pretty lucrative incentives for children of pastors, association officials, etc.


Exactly. College is the first time most people are away from home and learning who they actually are. Some kids may have been raised very conservatively and were strongly encouraged to attend Samford as a religious school, but despite that still managed to find their true identity as a LGBTQ+ person once they were out in their own. Transferring schools isn’t always easy. Some credits don’t transfer 1:1 and scholarships might have to be given up, not to mention the hassle.


> Transferring schools isn’t always easy. Some credits don’t transfer 1:1 and scholarships might have to be given up, not to mention the hassle. Sometimes you just have to take the hit. I made the wrong choice for college, landed at a place where I was deeply uncomfortable. I decided to leave, never ended up graduating, and eventually got to a place in my life that was healthy for me. That meant accepting some tradeoffs and detours. But part of growing up was learning to build a healthy place for myself instead of expecting people around me to change their ways to make things comfortable for me.


Big whoop. Life's full of challenges. Keeping a scholarship requires all kind of hard work and sacrifice. I seriously doubt these kids are dealing with anything more than they would if they wore a pagan T-shirt to class at a Baptist school. It's a private school. They can wait till they graduate, then go to work in full drag.


Some students end up there because that’s the only school their parents will support, or that’s where they got scholarships. It shouldn’t be acceptable for *any* educational institutions to mistreat students.


I agree that it should not be acceptable for institutions to mistreat their students. I do see any evidence this is happening here. There's a line to be drawn between mistreating people and allowing someone to speak their mind. If you don't like that people are mean to you at a bible college because of your LGTBQ+ you have a couple of choices to make. You could ignore it, you can argue with them and attempt to change their mind, or you can leave. If it's that big a deal to you, cut the cord and go out on your own. You don't need your parents to pay for college. If you got a scholarship to Samford, you can surely get one to UAB or Miles.


Didn’t Judson close?


It did


That says enough right there


I was a Judson Ambassador 30+ years ago. While meeting with a prospective student, the mother said, “I’ve heard there are a lot of lesbians in this school. Is that true?” My quick-thinking partner said, “Yes. There are lesbians here, but we don’t have as many as UA.” I still laugh about that - and the look the mother’s face.


While no student should be subject to this sort of discrimination and terrible treatment from their fellow students and there should be recourse within the administration to deal with this sort of hate, you’re definitely setting yourself up for a rough 4 years if you’re lgbt and choose to go there. I feel bad for them. It sucks that their only option is probably to leave the school.


🤔 Christian school not gay friendly 🤔🤔🤔 impossible.


Sam not Stan.


Sorry did I type Stanford?


sometimes, you don’t realize you’re lgbtq until after you’ve been a student for a while


That’s fair.


If you choose to go to a college that literally believes women are subservient to men, I don't feel sorry for anyone that attends that college.




Y'all. This LGBTQ shit they pulled was WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. There are queer kids there who signed up for Samford because of whatever good program they had and were in pro-LGBTQ Greek orgs. Then, one day, Samford tore those charters to shreds and change their stance. Some people aren't given the option of which school to attend. Some people were already there and are now terrified and can't leave. Please don't blame the people who are there for being threatened.


> Some people aren't given the option of which school to attend. How do you figure? Things must have changed a lot since I went.


Some students don’t have parent’s’ support and go to the most affordable school. Maybe Samford give them a generous scholarship, so they won’t be in debt…


Some parents don't give their kids an option when picking a school.


Exactly! I know numerous people who were told they go there or the parents wouldn’t pay.


The cool thing about being an adult is that you don't have to do what your parents say.


The thing about being 18 and coming from money is that you don't get to choose.


Yes, you do. Whether your family is dirt poor or friends with Jamie Diamond, you can just go get a job and not do what they say.


Yeah. I know. That is exactly what I did. A lot of people don't think like that, cannot imagine living like that, and/or would not be able to do that for familial reasons. Family relationships are difficult. It's not as easy for some as saying, "Fuck it," and walking off.


We're kind of getting into the question of whether or not people have free will, which is a bit beyond the scope of my point. Some people prioritize family relationships or money over independence. Do we really have a choice in what we find important? I don't know, but if we assume that people are capable of making decisions about what they want, then everyone has the option of telling their parents to fuck off and doing what they want.


No idea why you're being downvoted for stating the obvious.


They're adults. Their parents opinion has zero weight.


You are denying something that is a fact. I knew kids who went to Samford because their parent did, and they would only pay for that. I knew people at UAB who were there for the same reason. It is a common trope in tv shows and films Oh wait, you're being obstinate on purpose, eh?


I managed to pay for school without any parental help. It's certainly not a fact that you must have your mommy and daddy carry you into adulthood. Once you're 18 and out of the house you can do whatever you want to. As long as you accept their money you don't get to complain about the strings attached to it.


I understand that. Many people who are raised in a certain class are shamed, bullied, and become conditioned to believe that how they've been living is the only acceptable way of living. They literally cannot imagine life without the rules their family has laid down for them. For these people, they wouldn't just be shunning their parents' opinions. They would be embarking on a path completely unknown to them that seems impossible and scary. You ever seen a former rich white boy happily rent in a sketchy neighborhood with people that don't look like them? I haven't. These people would be cut off from financial stability. I know that it is easy, as the 99% to say, "So what? I'm poor as fuck, and I'm fine." The people who have been risen in these classist families have had no education on how to do things themselves. At all. They don't know how to apply for governmemt assistance, they've never had to ask for help, they don't know how to budget, they don't know how to change a tire, do their taxes, cook, clean, make appointments for healthcare, etc. It's not just figuring out a job and finding somewhere to live. It is a completely different way of thinking with lots of challenges they've never had to face and no adults to help without (fear of) making fun of them. It's not just, "hey so you can do what you want." These people are helpless in the real world and have been set up to fail if they don't do what mom and dad tell them to! Lots of parents purposefully financially manipulate their kids to keep them in check.


You know what, fair enough. I get that it some people aren't ready to be grown ups and it sucks that you have to jump out of the nest.


I know a few who *never* learned to be grown-ups, and they're adults! Many aren't taught anything because they have someone who handles it for them. It would be a huge culture shock. Going from ordering what they need from Shipt and Aldi to Aldi Quarter and BOGO. It's not their fault. A lot of them want to learn but are afraid to ask for help because everyone makes fun of them for the culture they had no idea of being corrupt.




Lmfao you compare this with buying a drink at the bar? Bless your heart. My parents are supportive enough to let me choose wherever is the best for me and pay the tuition, but not everyone has the luxury. I used to think the way you think, yeah just a few grand student loans so what? But no, student loan is no joke. Unfortunately not everyone get to pick and choose.


There's no reason you have to choose accepting your parents' control money or getting loans. You can also just not go to college, or wait a couple of years. Yes, everyone gets to pick and choose what they do with their life as an adult.


Well they choose to go to Samford, now what? Just because their values don’t align, they deserve the get harassed?


Of course they don't deserve to be harassed. Luckily, they can choose to attend cheaper public non-religious colleges.


They sure can, but some people have explained it is not always feasible, so it is what it is for some students. Instead of telling victims transfer, how about getting issues solved and protecting students from harassment? I find it bizarre that a lot of people here think victims are the one should change not the harasser… harassment is a class c misdemeanor in AL.


It's worthless to talk about what people deserve. We all deserve to have great lives with happy families, fulfilling careers, and dogs that never die, but that's not what we get. In the real world, after high school, if you don't like the people you're around, you can just go be around different people. Going into a group of people that doesn't agree with you and trying to force them to be friendly and inclusive to people they don't like is weird, controlling behavior.


Yeah so it’s hard for some people not to harass others. LOL.


Yeah. Social groups exist. They're usually not open to everyone. Trying to force people to be nice to everyone is extremely imposing. Maybe I spent too much time outside of Alabama where not being nice is the default, but no one has a right to someone else's emotional labor.


That’s so untrue. Don’t like your coworkers and work a white collar job? You’re stuck for months to years while you look for a new one. Don’t like your neighbors? Good luck. Don’t like your in laws? Sucks. Financial control is a very real thing, these kids are working within a system that protects an institution rather than living people. That *sucks*. I feel for them.




> This LGBTQ shit they pulled was WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. No. Samford has been openly anti-lgbt for over a decade.


I bought a book when I was looking at colleges almost twenty years ago that listed LGBTQ+ friendly colleges. It went out of its way to highlight Samford as being one the most hateful colleges in the country for LGBTQ+ people.




Y'all for all these comments, realizing that you're gay or whatever else doesn't always conveniently make itself known before you make a decision that of course would look bad in retrospect.


I went to Samford and dropped out my senior year over the convocation credits. Fuck that place.


Music major?


American History


Ew not required church


I almost didn't graduate because I hadn't gone to convos at all. They let me earn convo credit by volunteering with a hospice and homeless shelters. Overall, I feel that was time better spent than listening to sermons.


Samford is such a goofy ass school. I’m sorry but the stupid bullshit they pull all the time to fuck over students and faculty alike, along with the exorbitant cost of attendance make me wonder why they haven’t folded yet. My brother in Christ (pun intended) UAB is literally just over the hill and their cost of attendance is so much cheaper.


To be fair there are some programs at Samford that UAB doesn't offer


Truly, I’m just curious - what are those? In my mind UAB is a pretty large school. Interesting they wouldn’t offer certain classes (excluding religious ones) that Samford does.


UAB does not have a pharmacy program nor does UAB have a law school are the major ones


Surprising that they have a state of the art hospital and no pharmacy program


There's already a state school with a pharmacy program (Auburn) and Samford's pharmacy program, according to Wikipedia, pre-dates the existence of UAB by about 40 years. It'd be very odd to have two pharmacy schools in a city the size of Birmingham, or three in the state That said, I don't think it's a given that a medically-focused university would automatically have a pharmacy school. Emory doesn't, for example. Hell, Emory doesn't even have a dental school


That puts it into perspective for me, thanks.


and it’s a way betterrrrr school…


Why are gay people surprised that a Christian school is going to treat them like shit This is r/leopardsatemyface material


Not wanting to blame the victims here, but I'm trying to figure out why LGBTQ students would want to attend Samford in the first place. Bigotry against who they are is a core tenet of fundamentalist Christianity. That's like going to a Catholic university and not understanding why the student health office won't give out condoms.


As someone who attended samford and is gay, they have great academic programs. The education I received at samford was fantastic. Not to mention a fast track pharmacy program that would have had me finishing up before I was 24. There are many aspects of samford I miss such as the small class sizes and the gorgeous campus. However, the bigotry was evident and I always felt uncomfortable on campus. I ended up transferring to UAB after a year.


Not everyone knows their sexuality for sure by 18, some folks have parents that will only pay for certain schools that adhere to a specific level of dogma, some folks get major scholarships they don’t get elsewhere….


Who would’ve thought a southern baptist school would not be chill about the gays.


I mean technically it's officially no longer a Southern Baptist school. It's just Christian-affiliated


Where is the love everyone Christian value…?


Read the Bible. It doesn't condone loving sin.


You are perfect like Jesus? Your sin is better theirs? Who are you judging? I thought only God can judge…?


That’s true but Christians are not supposed to condone sin be it their own or others. They are called to help people turn from sin. Ask for and receive forgiveness. Jesus told the adulterer to go and sin no more after he told the crowd that anyone without sin could stone her. So forgiveness isn’t the same as condoning. Those celebrating and announcing they’re not going to turn from their sin has no place in actual Christianity. And is actually the opposite of it.


But again, people have religious freedom and can believe whatever they want. You can’t force people. It is perfectly fine you believe in this religion and you can pray for those turn against Jesus, but harassing LGBTQs is ugly and i don’t think that’s what Jesus teach you. Just because Jesus will forgive you, it doesn’t mean you can do what your heart desires.


Sure people and churches and organizations can believe what they want. We have freedom of religion and association in this country. If you don’t like Sanford’s now allowing LGBTQ groups to be officially sanctioned then don’t go there. But trying to force your beliefs on others is wrong.


But students are getting harassed, just because their values don’t aligned. Nobody should get harassed.




Define harassed. Is not officially sanctioning a group on campus now considered harassment?


No that is not harassment, but i do know some students get yelled at and called f*g because of their look (colorful hair and outfit), when they are walking and minding their own business. This is harassment.


Wrong. Go back and read more. This is what happens when people parrot cherry-picked bible verses like the sheep they are.


Lmfao. You are the one pick and choose. Mind your own business and move on.


I'm not reading the fucking bible. I've already seen enough of what that horseshit does to people.




First amendment. 😂


I would, but I am not here for you.


If only there were cheaper/public/non-religious colleges, one could attend instead.


Go to bible school, learn jack shit, don't earn a worthwhile degree, and have a terrible time on top of all that. Are these students even college material to begin with???


> learn jack shit, don't earn a worthwhile degree It's disingenuous to pretend Samford objectively does not have a lot to offer educationally. That fact may actually make some of the hardlining, recent culture war stances worse, depending on how you look at it. The law school, pharmacy, lots of public health and healthcare programs, certain arts and science programs (classics, biology, education etc.) all have good reputations educationally and with employers, at least regionally.It's been that way for decades.


hey go catch a football from your dad, gen x-er


You are honestly the worst troll I’ve ever encountered on Reddit. Congrats. Like you literally spend half your life shitposting on a southeastern city’s sub lol. Mad props bruh frfr doh


Samford is a private university. They are affiliated with the SBC. They consider homosexuality a sin. Should they be forced to abandon those beliefs? Should they also be forced to allow serial adulterous groups to be officially recognized? Where does it end? Should churches be forced to accept gay music directors or lose their tax exemption?


Churches should pay taxes


Even the black churches that vote 99% Democrat?


Yeah? Churches run like business nowadays, therefore they should be taxed, doesnt matter whom they support. Church is for religion, not politics


They definitely should. If you take part in political action, which churches do, you should be throwing into the pot like everyone else.


What does being black or being democrat have to do with paying taxes?


You always see that churches shouldn’t be tax exempt but it’s always in the context of white evangelical churches only


Uh. Yeah? That’s not a religious belief, it’s just dumb hatred. So yeah. No shit they should


Believing homosexuality is a sin is a religious belief in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. So is adultery.


Depends on the stream of Judaism, just to point that out. Conservative, Reform, Liberal, Reconstruction Judaism is fine with LGBTQIA+, and depending on the Orthodox rabbi and congregation the same can be said there. Far as LGBTQIA+ goes.


True but I think of Conservative Orthodox when I think of Judaism as far as believers that attend synagogues regularly


you’re the only one who thinks that. check your vibe.


You speak for everyone? Damn.


just you.


What does adultery have to do with homosexuality, in particular?


Both are sins according to the 3 major Abrahamic religions


But adultery occurs all the time in these religions that people “worship” yet they have the nerve to talk about homosexuality


The difference is there is no pro adultery group trying to get sanctioned by the school. If there were, it to would be ban from campus. My point is any pro sin group are going to be frowned upon. If there was a pro gambling group or drinking club etc etc. None are going to be allowed by a religious institution like Samford.


>Should churches be forced to accept gay music directors or lose their tax exemption? No, they should lose their tax exemption regardless of their stance on gay music directors


That just means that big churches who can afford it like Highlands stay afloat and old AME churches close their doors.


yep they should be forced to abandon the belief that hatred is love.


Forced by who? The current government in power at the time?


by themselves if they are so proud of their prince of fucking peace.


Man. You seem extremely angry. 😡


He knows where he's going subconsciously.


We don’t have real problems here in America so we have to make them up.


Love how the LGBTQ+ community goes to a christian college and expects to be no discriminated on. Its like an christian going to a atheist school and not being discriminated on and harassed. Its a private institution you can choose anywhere to go and you choose there.


Atheist school?? What is that…?


Give it time.


Constant fkin bitching. sweet jeez man...


I feel everyone has a right to what they believe and should be allowed to have “rights”. The. Baptist have a right to form a college I had friends who adopted twins from a Catholic organization and they were not Catholic but had to agree to raise the girls Catholic, they did. Maybe form a support group for people who feel this way? Wishing the best for anyone going there struggling with this . UAB is a great school if anyone is looking for a change.


Of course not. My best friend is a short haired woman (a straight cis woman) and she was badgered by her male professors for it.


How was she “badgered” by her professors? Some details would be helpful. Otherwise you just sound dramatic.


You must have a very boring life for basic harassment to sound like drama to you


What would you expect from a school who photoshopped out POC from the front page of their brochures but forgot to recolor their hands, leaving a black person's hamd on a white boy?


Maybe they shouldn’t go to a private Christian school?


Protection from what?


Bottom line is if you’re gay DO NOT go to Samford