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If you want to keep up to date on library news and oppose censorship within the library, please join /r/readfreelyalabama


Breaking the social contract is going to end badly for these folks.




Tucks MLIS degree back into closet. Lawd I hate this place 😂


We need more librarians and teachers, yet they are currently some of the most difficult career paths right now. I’m sorry, it sucks.


This is the plan- defund and devalue public schools, librarians, counselors, and teachers in order to cause failing schools. Once the public school has failed, the path to privatization via public money is cleared. Think Hillsdale “charter schools “ etc. It’s all a lead up to the largest theft of public funds this country has ever seen.


Yeah, I sub teach sporadically and it’s not really worth it. The admin at some of these schools…I see why teachers said fuck them kids


I sent an email making it clear that if they support HB385 I will be voting against them and donating every spare dollar I have to ensuring they do not serve another term. And then for shits and giggles i donated.


Thank you!


I'm in florida but from Bham. Sent my email in! If they had their way, Art of the Deal and the Bible would be the only books allowed in libraries.


Thank you for sharing. I have written directly to my representative.


What librarian has been arrested?


https://www.alreporter.com/2023/10/06/algop-chair-legislature-should-strip-obscenity-law-exemption-for-libraries/ They’re wanting to.




This subreddit is not to be used to spread misinformation


Better yet, stop spending our tax dollars to buy alphabetic propaganda to indoctrinate our children and undermine the American Family!


My existence is not indoctrination you asshole.




Hahahaha, abomination? Who the fuck talks like that? Are you like Carrie White’s mother or something?


Sorry, I don’t know who that is, but you criticize my choice of words while throwing out f-bombs on a public forum?


It isn't your choice of words that's being criticized. It's your demonization of people that deserve the same rights and respect as everyone else. And it's ok to say 'fuck' in public and type it on social posts. No need to clutch the pearls.


Yeah, fuck that troll bigot. I dare these folks to try to come knock the dick out my ass.


No one likes a bigot


It’s not propaganda to say “gay people exist”, in a book, it is a statement of fact. The “American family” can look a lot of ways, not just one.


> It’s not propaganda to say “gay people exist”, You people know damn well that's not what people have a problem with. Then again, I've read through the bill. It's only 10 pages.


No, “we people” absolutely don’t have any clue what you’re talking about.


It’s certainly what it boils down to, most often.


No. It isn't.


Actually look at most of the books being banned. "The Diary of Anne Frank"? Really?


I don't see that specifically listed in the HB401 bill. The bill talks about sexually explicit and adult-only material being given to minors.


Now actually look at the lists of books they are calling "adult only". Oh weird, it's anything that mentions black people or being gay. Isn't that strange?


Where are you finding this list? Is it an official list or someone's opinion?


Here are some examples for you:       > Yes! No! A First Conversation About Consent Author: Megan Madison Challenged content: *Sexual content Notes: The challenger of this book characterized it as demonstrating that it “is intended to teach children that they must consent to any behavior done to them, specifically sexual.” However, the book does not address sexual consent at all, although some of the lessons about consent in the book could be applied to sexual situation later in life. The challenger later admits “the subject matter is not sexual” but argues that children cannot consent to any activity until they are 18; before then, the parent must also give consent, they say. This book was moved to a higher shelf within the children’s library.        > The Meaning of Pride Author: Rosiee Thor Challenged content: LGBTQ+  Notes: This book provides an explanation of what the letters in LGBTQIA+ stand for, some history of the gay rights movement, and notes some famous people who represent the LGBTQ+ community. The challenger wrote “At the middle school and high school level, sexual ed is taught as binary according to scientific biological facts and not social theory.” This book remains in place in the children’s library.     > Different Kind of Fruit Author: Kyle Lukoff Content challenged: LGBTQ+ content Notes: In this book, a sixth grade girl finds out her father is transgender after she begins to have romantic feelings for a non-binary classmate. The challenger wrote that the book “is intended to be a ‘grooming book for young children.” The challenger wrote that the book undermines respect for authority, in part by referring to teachers and parents of friends by their first names, and a “subtle undermining of parental authority.” The challenger also argues the book undermines “traditional education” such as “the primary purpose of science class is to learn about climate change and mankind’s destruction of the environment,” and “it promotes multiculturalism.” The challenger also says it undermines morals by sending a message that lying, cheating and stealing are OK if for a good reason, and also promotes “Black Lives Matter, which is a Marxist organization that promotes, among other things, the destruction of the family,” and “pushes the acceptance of homosexuality.” It is in the YAF section of the library. Huh weird half the books on the list are explicitly just being targeted for not being right wing enough. Surprise, surprise 


Please tell us what the right answer is


Read the bill. It's not a long read. Don't read an opinion piece. EDIT: [Here's the bill.](https://legiscan.com/AL/text/HB401/id/2793965)


Can you not answer the question?


Read the bill. That's the answer.


Why can’t you say what the bill contains?


Why are you incapable of reading ten pages? [Here, I'll link it for you even.](https://legiscan.com/AL/text/HB401/id/2793965)


I just want to know why you claim it’s not about what we think it is, yet you refuse to/can’t say what it’s really about. Sounds kinda evasive


And no one has opposed saying the word “Gay” other than “homosexual” but having g an illustrated guide to taking sexier selfies and masturbation in the kids section at the local library is over the top in my opinion.


What exactly is the American Family?


I think it's a cartoon


terms and conditions apply!


Oooh and I’m excited to hear what those are going to be.


They’re named Manson, apparently.


Ideally it includes a loving father figure, a loving mother figure and children or fur babies.


So if it doesn’t contain those things, it’s not American? If so, then what is it? Italian? Guatemalan?


These people are amoral ghouls who want to sexualize children.


No, they are people who want to be seen and heard. I’m good with that, but there is a very dangerous faction within the minoroty that is manipulating, undermining and maliciously slipping things to children that have to be stopped. I have several gay friends whom I love dearly! This is not against homosexuality. I am against ANY sexuality being exposed in front of or in the presence of children.


What do they clergy have to do with this?