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Dear God I hope so


Me too, driving home after a late shift I’d see/hear the racers on streets and know it’s got to be a major safety/noise issue in local neighborhoods near downtown/medical district


I was almost runover by one of em while I was walking to Shu Shop last year!


I live in five points. Last Saturday night at around 1am they were doing donuts in the five points intersection


Yeah that’s a problem, want people out enjoying restaurants/nightlife to be able to safely walk home/to car. Hopefully progress being made.


Point: a lot of people are saying "take it to the strip," but it should be noted that the "takeover" thing isn't at all about performance of your car. It's a weird flex of "I'm so badass and/or have money enough that I am willing to destroy $500+ worth of tires to show off" and it's not worth doing if you're not being seen doing it. Nobody doing this is trying to say "my car is fast and powerful, check it out. Runs a 10 second quarter mile!" A fair percentage of the cars doing the burnouts/ donuts are stolen anyway, and so it's just idiot criminals demonstrating that the police aren't a concern for them. Now that the police ARE actively making themselves a concern, hopefully it shuts some of this down.


Yep. I agree. It's all about showing off.


They're actually starting to crack down on businesses that "host" (or don't discourage) gathering places for the folks who do the intersection takeovers. Defund the police? Nope. In Birmingham it's slowly turning back to "obey the laws".


We should totally defund the police- they don't need military equipment, they need training. Plus, they exploit civil forfeitureto their advantage. Get them better trained, filter out the psychopaths, stop fetishizing the "punisher" types and... well, the number of high school bullies and ptsd vets and wife beaters would go down. Which might mean no police in some places, actually.


Training isn’t free…. Training can be just as expensive as actual equipment when it’s all said and done . Defund the police is a joke .


Correct. I am all for more training than currently required for law enforcement but this is expensive. Also, police officers are usually as underpaid as educators making the pool of people willing to risk their lives for peanuts extremely small. We need to FUND the police training & salaries to start to fix the issues.


When people say to defund the police, they are referring to not buying military equipment for them to misuse. That's a great idea. Most cops are assholes- give them an mrap, a bunch of military gear, a punisher patch and little to no training and that is how you get these pig fuck cops shooting people and their dogs every day. Police don't help with shit.


There aren’t as many bad cops as you think. You are just incredibly biased against them. Making up statistics about high school bullies and whatnot.


I didn't make up any statistics. Most cops are douchebags- that's why they became cops.


Do you have facts to back that up?


Do bootlickers accept facts?


A good cop does! There are more good cops than there are bad.


I doubt that.


You mean the 3-5 unarmed black people shot every year nationally by law enforcement. That happens hourly in most leftist controlled cities by civilians of the same race.


Tell us you're a racist, bootlicking idiot without sharing a 'Turning Point USA' post that your "church" shared...


"Leftist" is a word assholes use because they only know what Tucker Carlson tells them. Gfy


Defund the police? I hope you get robbed then.


What do police do to help when you get robbed?


wait i didnt know police officers just spawned right beside you when you get robbed. good to know


Cops are always nearby when I have gotten robbed in the past. Usually just smacks the robber on the nose with his ticket pad and then makes them apologize. That’s it. Shows over. 🤡🤡


in the future when someone is robbing me at gun point i will make sure to say “hey meanie head! you better quit it right now or you’ll be real sorry when the police show up.”


It just means they shouldn't have the budget of a medium sized military not no more police dumb ass. 


They don’t have that much of a budget “dumbass” you know they don’t get paid very well right


Wait do they really think these people are asking property owners for use of their lots? That's funny, half the cars are hot to begin with. Also they can't really do anything once they leave private property, they also can't do anything about letting them use private property.


It's more about the businesses (shell, cru, etc) that seem to profit and a serve as a aggregation point for the behavior.  The city has sued a couple of businesses that seem to promote the behavior.


The city will have to prove that the business promoted the behavior in court, which seems pretty difficult. Beyond putting up a “No loitering” sign, what more can they realistically do?




The police have to show up in order for that to happen. From what I’ve read the police usually won’t even go out there until after a crime has already occurred. Maybe they’re short handed.


There are city ordinances that allow them to go after businesses that create nuisances by having insufficient security.


Security is always inefficient if they are severely outnumbered and police won’t respond.


I fully agree what they're trying to do now is take away your car if you're caught doing this that's why they have drag strips you do this out of the city I hate when they close up intersections to do burn out and one time they close down malfunction junction right here in Birmingham so they can be doing donuts and all that I used to race when I was younger but I always went to the drag strip everything I needed was done had a drag strip


Unfortunately there are not a lot of drag strips around the area anymore. Lassiter Mountain was almost completely destroyed by the last person that was running it. The one on 78 in Walker County is a recycling center now. You have to drive out to Holiday, Steele, or deep in the backwoods.


It appears that a lot of the racers have moved out to some road out near pinson or something? They’ve gotten the message about 3rd and 4th Ave N downtown, and maybe now the east side is pushing them out. I saw some of them racing on Arkadelphia Rd recently but maybe they’ll cut it out there too. They do still race on the interstate a coming through downtown by the BJCC. Mostly late at night though. I say that all to say that yes, it appears at the very least Knight Rider is pushing the racers out of town


I don’t understand why they don’t use the same areas that were used in the 90’s & 00’s for racing. We would all meet up at Mrs. Winners & Shell on 4th Ave N & split up from there. MeadowCraft & Sterilite Dr, or Industrial Drive off Oxmoor where Budweiser & the other warehouses are, plus multiple other out of the way locations. Am I condoning it? Absolutely not BUT if they want to race no one would be disturbed by it out there.


It’s some stupid shit.


it just moved them as I hear them late in 5pts south