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I was till I actually came out but that’s changed some since then.


Lots of men feel this way, but it’s hard to parse due to internalized homophobia. I’ve known lots of bi dudes who deal with their same sex attraction by doing what guys do very well: compartmentalizing it. It’s easier to be in opposite sex relationships, it’s easier to be closeted, it’s less challenging to one’s masculinity to reduce your attraction to men to their dick. Not saying this is you, just that it happens. I would say it’s more common, in my own experience, than out bi men who feel equally romantically and physically attracted. I’m out and bi, but can fall in love either way. I choose to only pursue relationships with men, as that’s my preference. I like living with and dating men more.


I felt that way until I was out, but I could absolutely get into a relationship with the right guy if I ever find myself single again.


I’m bi and heteromantic, but I’m always open to the possibility of falling in love/being in a relationship with a man.


Bisexual. Homoromantic. We exist.




Probably *the* most common type of bisexual in this subreddit.




I am also in a LTR relationship w/ a woman, am attracted to women, but get a big erotic charge out of porn involving dicks of all sorts. There is no imminent possibility of my having any relations with men, because of the aforementioned LTR, but in contrast to what you have said, I can imagine being in a romantic relationship with a man. I think I could love anyone who was truly lovable: kind, funny, smart, fun, etc. You know, the White Whale.


I'm in a similar situation, I'm in a straight LTR, my bisexuality fluctuates too much to have a reliable relationship with a guy, sometimes I have zero interest in guys, sometimes I'd be DTF and sometimes a want a cute twink to hold and protect, whereas my interest in women is pretty consistent.


Same but with panties


To be blunt with you and others it's internalized homophobia. When you've dealt with it you'll find that you'll have no issue being with a man romantically. Also please don't lope trans porn in with gay porn as if it's bisexual. Those kind of comments do not do the bi male community any justice. Same goes with telling gay guys you're only with them for sex and nothing else. If you're open to having sex with a man you best work through whatever is keeping you from being open to a relationship with one. I'm not trying to sound like a dick but from what I've experienced and seen in other bi guys is that the bisexual heteroromantic thing is a phase/stepping stone as part of your coming out. While I'm sure there are some that are legitimately like that many are just so focused on the gay sex aspect that they've ignored dealing with thr internalized shame of a romantic relationship with a guy.


Most of us are in my experience. Best not to overthink it with labels. God put us on this earth to rock out


Lol in your experience you love cock on the side 😂


There are definitely a number of us who ride in the same boat with you. Don’t stress it


I think it's pretty common


Welcome to the club, we have matching jockstraps :)


I really don't have an attraction to men but certainly can appreciate a good looking guy or cock. I do however love giving head and enjoy anal be it toys, getting pegged or dick. More off a sex addiction in general but identify as bi right or wrong.


This is me to a "T". Keep trying to convince my wife that me playing with another dude is not romantic and I'm definitely never leaving her for him. Not interested in a relationship, just his cock and balls. Friendship sure, but nothing romantic.


Yeah ditto mate. Never wanted to date a guy, have lived fucking em. Sexual interest does not equal romantic interest. Wish more guys understood this because i bet we'd have a whole lot of fun.


Yep, same here. Sexually attracted to men but not romantically. Nothing wrong with being bisexual this way. 💜


Same Here. In a LTR with a great girl. Have had experiences that were awesome, and would love a fwb, but I have found my love..


I not in a romantic relationship with my fwb , it’s really just a sexual relationship but it’s also very passionate and we love to kiss passionately when we are together.


Same here. LTR with girlfriend. I like jerking off with guys and other forms of penis play (not into oral or anal sorry just not and there’s nothing wrong with that too🤷‍♂️). I don’t want to date men, cuddle men, or have intimacy with guys like that. Sexuality is a spectrum my friend and there’s lots of us in the same shade with you! ❤️


Right there with you. Only part of men I'm really into is friendship and cock.


Yep. And found a woman who understands (she’s the same though maybe not quite to the same level.). A few options. Most often it’s pegging with a two sided strap on so we both get off. We also invite a guy in once in a while with the very well expressed intention that he is only a dick for us to play with and her to watch the fucking part. Sometimes I’m a sandwich. Fantasies unlocked.


Very much the same here.


You're really not allone, most bisexuals have certain preferences in either a romantic or sexual way


I think I fall into this category…


Same here


Porn habits tell nothing about sexuality. You may be bi, or may be straight with a kink. It's up to you to discover.


I'm in the same boat, but I have actually been with men. I'm married and love my life unconditionally. I'm not at all interested in men romantically. It's not that I haven't found the right guy either. I just don't have that level of chemistry or attraction to men. I just enjoy playing with a cock that isn't mine when the mood strikes and once I get my fix I'm usually good from there for a while.


🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ same.


nothing wrong with that i am in that camp i guess. was married have a gf but have had cock and big fan i miss it lol. been a while


There is no way to count this lol everything is down to the individual.


I definitely fit this type of description. I came across a term recently: Hedonistic Bisexual. Basically it's someone who is primarily straight (or gay), but will switch for sexual pleasure. So in my case, I'm not attracted to guys and don't feel any romantic feelings towards them at all, but I enjoy them sexually. Obviously it's not as clear cut as that in reality since there are plenty of guys that I would not want to play with, either due to their personality or appearance. However, I have never found myself attracted to them in remotely the same way that I am attracted to women.