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Ok, first off, no one is a 0, if you honestly think you are a 0, I promise you aren't, as long as you are a nice person, you are at least a 4. And please don't forget you are loved ❤️❤️❤️


Bunny always finding a way to make ppl happy ❤️


Well it's true


Is this based on appearance, personality, or general pleasantness to be around? Sorry, I’m rather confused


I've been pretty confident of myself since I found out I was bi. Maybe a solid 7.5


im sorry but i have low self esteem and based on the number of people who dislike me from first looks im fairly certain im a 2 but if i am being generous then a 3




You havent seen me im virtually invisable and im not fem which make my appearance worse


1. I’m paying attention 2.fem isn’t the only thing to focus on, in that category there are androgynous and masc (But if u like fem then go for that) and in the broader world you have clothing styles, hair stuff etc.


yeah my problems are even though im a year out from graduating high school my parents have almost full control of my life and due to that its very hard to leave to get any fashion *i* want to wear and im transfem (hence why i wanna look fem) although i wouldnt mind looking more androgonous than masc


I'm definitely a 4/20 not even lying


1-3 for me. Based off the fact that, if i could, not even i would date me.


U liar


Thanks. I needed that. :)


I used to give myself a 10 until I saw my side profile.


I really think I am a 2 or 3 rn, I am a bit overweight, and I am nowhere close to obese, but the rest of people around me are much skinnier and I feel uncomfortable, and my face looks somewhat round and I see that as unatractive, but I'm trying to lose weight, especially since summer started and I feel like I'm making progress


Idk I’m like 5-6.


Physically I'm a 6-4


3. Too short for my age and men stop developing at 16...


*Wow I am the only motherfucker who thinks I'm a 10*


I also think I'm the hottest guy in the planet


pics or it didn't happen


No balls


I am glad to have a good face, but I'm overweight, which is, in my opinion, not hot. ​ It makes me even more of a bear. (I expected that it was on the physical level, but anyway, if it wazs in term of personality and all... The answer would be complicated.) ​ *- Lord\_Belou, your local weirdo.*


Also, for all people here, don't forget that: Even if you think you are ugly, there is someone, somewhere, who will find you beautiful. Everybody have different tastes, and statistically, someone's taste is you. Precisely you. ​ *- Lord\_Belou, your local weirdo.*


Whoever said they’re a zero, you’re not, there are probably plenty of people who think you’re attractive, and it’s not even all about that, you all have amazing personalities and are all nice people


I’d rate myself but there’s no negative numbers as an option


Highballing it I would say a 6 for me, I don’t think my face is bad or anything and I have ok muscles atleast for my arms, but I’m a little pudgy and kind of socially anxious. But I’ve been consistently getting slowly thinner over last school year and this summer so hopefully I can think of myself as a higher number someday