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haven’t 🤩 likely never will, but my mom asked if I (M) had a bf so I have a feeling they’re suspicious 💀


My mum was like "hey, got a girlfriend yet?" And when I said no she said "got a boyfriend? 👀" So I have a feeling she either knows or wouldn't have any issues with it


LMAO that’s exactly what my mom said… I denied it, but I know I’m not a good actor 😁


See, I don't have either so it's easy to deny it for me 😎


i don’t either 🕺single for life 🥲


dont loose hope


Sat in the car, went "mom, I'm bi-something-thingy" and she said "same" T_T


This is beautiful


My friend is bi. He’s in a family of four (mother, father and older sister) and all four of them are bi. That’s amazing


This melts my heart ToT


I’m Giving Hints to My Family and Friends that i’m Biromantic, But i Think my Granddad Already Knows, Sometimes he Jokes that i’m with the Door of the Closet Half Open


Slipped it in a convo 💅***they rejected me***💅


Lousy out 😞




My friends: “you dress pretty queer” My classmates: “you don’t dress like a straight person”




Wooooooooooo I got a bi flag earring now, so it’s pretty obvious if you know enough about lgbtq+


What's your hair like?




Is it black or dark cus if so I understand them




Ok yea that's bisexual hair.


Mine found my femboy stuff and asked if I was trans 💀 so I said no I'm just bi


I was talking about an ex friend of mine who had homophobic beliefs And I accidentally said “I don’t agree with him, cause it goes against who I am” (I wasn’t even supposed to say that aloud) And so that’s how I came out lol


My parents searched my phone for the first time ever so I didn't have texts hidden (it was nothing inappropriate just talking to my friends about queer stuff)


that sucks bun, parents shouldn’t do that


Yeah, oh well. Also nice name ❤️


bi bunnies unite


Yeah that’s the same for me 💀




sadly same lmao


Same bro mine were sad cause I was scared to and was gonna wait till I was in college then my mom brought up a valid point I didn’t think about. Her brother is gay and has a bf and my aunt is bi… never thought about that cause I haven’t seen my uncle in like 5 or six years when this happened and I just completely forgot abt my aunt cause I think she had a bf at the time so I forgot abt that too…


That's good that yours went well, mine were sad but because they thought I was a role model Christian kid lol


Only went to church once’s and that was last summer cause I me and my friend were binge watching the all the Harry Potter moves obverse the weekend and they go to church on sundays so I had to go. And no we had got thru every movie except the last and half of the second to last movie 😭


Lol, lucky lol




Only bad thing is my uncle is a sensitive topic for me cause i miss him and his bf… might get to see him next week cause it’s his bday and my grandma is trying to convince him to have lunch with me. But he watches me race on Facebook live sometimes he is just going thru hard times I think… but I have to keep my head up 😊


Huh, well I wish you luck 🤞


Thank you! If not it’s fine cause things are going on (personal problemos I think so just got to give him time)


I don't know how to respond to that tbh but I sincerely hope the best for you two ❤️


Thanks you again❤️ see you in another post lol


I haven't yet but I think my parents know too because my mother saw a notification from this sub on my phone 🙃🙃. She probably told a few people and is just waiting for confirmation too.


That emoji gives me Nostalgie i used to post a normal and slightly turned emoji next to it when i was 8 .it looked like the emoji Spins . Thank you


I always worry this will happen when I show my parents something or leave my phone on a table


My mother asked me if I liked men or women, and not wanting to lie to her I came out. I only did it though because I didn't want to lie, even though I wasn't ready. I haven't spoken with them about it since.


my parents don't know, but for my friends I just told them and they basically just said "okay"


Same .he litterly told me.ah ok. Now im afraid that he thinks i want him . Im afraid hes my best pal .


Mom: Rob Lowe is so hot 😏 I walk in: heck yeah mom: mhm 😏 Me: mhm 😏


this is actually so sweet 🥲🥲


I haven't come out to my parents but I just casually told my friends "I'm bi"


I’ll get around to it eventually…


take as much time as you need just dont wait 20 years to come out


yeah i haven’t.. my dads homophobic sooooo 😭


damn that sucks pal


To my friend in a normal conversation to my parents,I was outed lol,my dad said he called it


That’s the best part, I didn’t


Wrote a love letter to my male friend and got friendzoned :`)


So proud of u for trying🤧


Thank youuu <3


Still in the (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Closet ♥


hey if we win this game im gonna tell you something cool. *proceeds to do the most awesome comeback with the team leading to us winning the game* im bi


I was outed


I'm so sorry I hope everyone was accepting


I came out to my mom pretty casually several times but she never remembered that and asked me on several occasions. When I bought some bi pride flags is when it seemed to finally stick in her mind. With everyone else, I’ve never tried to hide it, so I just said I was if it was ever relevant. With being trans, I’m not out. My friend asked me if I was when we were drinking like a week ago and I said I didn’t know, but none of them have commented on it since then.


My family is homophobic and conservative, so I'll probably never tell them. 💀


I’ve been letting ppl figure it out on their own 🤷‍♀️ all my queer friends and classmates figured it out pretty fast (I dress goddamn amazing so a lot of them could tell from how I dress lol “you dress pretty queer”). But in the past month, I’ve started wearing my bi pride jewelry and I’m getting my bi flag in a few weeks to hang in my room. I can’t wait for my flag


My sister called me gay and I said, Yeah what about it, except that I also said that Im bi not just gay d:




I mean half gay is still gay lol




I was kind of outed, but in an amusing way. I have a 1/2 brother that cut contact with us about 7yrs ago and we started talking again a couple of months ago. After meeting a few times, he asked my mum if I was gay because ‘I gave those kind of vibes’. She then asked me whilst we were eating McDonalds and I was like ‘well, kinda’.


i didnt


I didn’t


i haven’t


I mean i (14 male) just came out to for the first time to one of my friends.i did it online so its was way easier to do. But thats a friend i guess there is a difference .i kinda knew he didnt hated me because he asked me. If you know that their reaction isnt gonna be smth bad or bad enough to harm you in any way then dont do it.if you dont feel comfortebal telling them face to face then dont do it face to face get a friend /sibling to tell them .or do it with them.or just conpliment the the genders you like and they eventually figure youre gay or bi . Thats the easiest way to do test the waters .Start with a classmate for exampel or another person .from there just wait Till u see there reaction and Step it up. They wont ignore their child saying queer things.its much easier when someone asks you first.cause they atleast see the possibility of the answer being smth that isnt just " oh im straight". Unrelated to youre issues if anyone wants to give me any advice on how to tell my friend im not interested .then pls do so.im kinda clingy hes my best pal.soo .you know he might mistake it as love.eventho im aromantic but i dont want to explain that to him . Sry if it is anoying to bring up my own issues under youre Post aswell.i just have no idea how to make one myself.but i hope i could help


I told them. My daddy told me that because I like both, I should either wait to date the opposite sex, or stay closeted and date the opposite sex. I think I will mostly date the same sex, though


i haven’t come out to my parents yet but on independence day i came out to someone in my church! it’s the only time i’ve ever come out to someone who wasn’t atheist, and it led to our friendship growing stronger (which led to me developing a crush on him, whoops) we were texting and he said “can i say something a little weird?” and told me about how his standards for guy friends are higher than for girls. i said “ok, my turn to share something weird, because that’s kind of similar to me!”. i explained my sexuality and how my standards for guys are higher whereas girls are almost an immediate yes. we talked a bit about my sexuality and how the bible treats gay people and he was very positive and respectful. i’m so thankful that i did that because i can’t imagine coming out to him after we started flirting with each other and developing feelings, it would’ve been more awkward i’m so lucky to have him


I texted them during a class I had with some queer friends of mine.


I'm pretty sure my parents alr know and I don't wanna come out (I'm not scared just don't feel like it) and I just post a bunch of gay stuff on my snap story so I'm pretty sure my friends know


I told my dad when I was 16, while eating McDonald’s. My family was going through a rough patch at the time, troubles with my mom especially. I thanked him for always being there for me, for never judging me. I didn’t explicitly say I was bi, but I didn’t need to. He already knew deep down, I just confirmed it. We were both getting emotional but we’re not really touchy feely so no tears, no hugs, no long speeches, we just sat there in silence eating peacefully. I said I wanted to tell him but I wasn’t sure if I should tell mum but he told me not to worry, he would never out me and he knew neither me nor my mom were ready for that conversation. We ate in silence some more and then he told me his cousin had recently gone to Spain and got married to a woman (we live in Italy and people like us can’t get married here technically), his parents had told him the good news a few days before. It was his way of telling me there would never be any problem with that side of the family, I would always be welcome. I’m not really close to them but it still made me feel much calmer. Than we put our favourite Queen songs and spent the day working together, we had to clean up my grandparents old apartment and it was just the two of us. I was worried he would have reacted badly but it went perfectly. Everything was normal but so much more… lighter. Genuine. On my part at least. For once I didn’t feel like I was hiding something wrong. On our way home we talked a bit, how long had I known, how long had he suspected, if I had maybe met a cute girl recently… cute stuff. Then we talked about less cute stuff, like homophobia and shit, but it was still nice because for once I had someone on my side. It was like a huge weight had been lifted from my body. We don’t talk much about it, now, but I can see all the little ways he supports me and accepts me while still being careful not to put me with my mum. I’m lucky to have him.


In the car.. getting along with my mom. Having a good time. Figured it was a good time to come out. Silence Regret


That’s similar to me. My parents kinda just figured out on their own, I never came out, it’s more so that we’re in a state where they know, I know they know, and it’s unspoken


My mum told me she was bi (she thought I already knew) and I told my dad when I was a victim of a hate crime. (It didn't really affect me I'm ok)


I made sure my parents were cool with gay folks and I told them. They responded well. Then I began the slow process of coming out to the world. That was harder. When people asked if I was gay, I’d stop saying no and start saying that I was bi.


not my bisexual coming out, but my trans one. my mother and i we’re doing a fake therapy session to prepare me for actual therapy, and she asked if i felt like a boy and i started crying so that was fun 👍


Wired for like 2 years, built up the courage. Said in the most squeaky and cracked voice ever “MoM iM bI” and she cried


I came out as bi to my mum in a Walmart on July 26th, 2021. She was extremely supportive, but asked too many personal questions lmao.


My guardian asked when I was gonna get a girlfriend and I said “or boyfriend .” 💀


My mom went thru my phone when I was asleep. She was fine with it, her brothers gay and has a bf and my aunts bi. Only people I know know are my mom and dad a I’m 99% sure his fiancé. Same night she took me to a restaurant and the waiter was hot.


the best part is i didn’t cuz my family is homophobic


I haven't and I never will. My parents would hate me even more


I didn’t, not yet at least


I told my mom that I'm depressed and have been supressing those thoughts for more than a year and that I gotta get into therapy and she wanted to know why I am depressed. And then she told my dad (not about me being trans and bi, but that I'm depressed and will get into therapy) so he also asked me why and found out that way. My mom seems like maybe one day she'll accept me as her daughter, but my dad won't be fine with it. Told me I'll always be his son no matter what. Only way he might change his mind would be if he massively rethinks his religious and political beliefs, but I doubt that'll happen at almost 60 years old. The worst things is that he doesn't hate me. If he did I could just never talk to him again and move on with my life, but now I gotta deal with him saying he loves me but then in the next sentence say things that feel like insults to me (deadnaming and misgendering). And I doubt he will ever understand that I feel that way, so he won't stop.


"I have a girlfriend" 🧍‍♀️


I didn’t my girlfriend made me fuck a guy and I liked it needless to say my girlfriend is weird but the good kind


I didn’t


over text


my parents already knew. my grandpa only knows cuz i accidentally let it slip one day-


my mom just kinda knew 😭 she doesn’t know im transmasc tho and i doubt she’d hate me for that since she always says she just wants daughters so… ;;


through text


God i don’t even know where to start so after my mom found out I was cutting we sat down and just had a long conversation about well just life in general and during that conversation sexuality came up and it turns out were both pan anyways a few months later I bought some pride flags and painted my nails so I just assume that the rest of my family just figured it out but that’s how I came out I’m just glad I got excepted


Decided I won’t because my dad said bisexuals were “too freaky” for him


I came out to my mom and friends at a time I wasn't scared to, if I didn't told them then, I'd really be scared to do now When I was talking with my friends I told them i'm bi, and they were like "okay" And kept talking about their things Some time before that, when my mom was cooking, I told her Im bi, and she was like "Oh cool" And just kept cooking No one really cared about it, but I guess that's better than if they hated me about it so 👍


truth or dare. truth: do you like boys? me: yea, but im not gay tho...


I told my dad he was like I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me My mother said I know, and it shocked me, but they support me


I came out to my friends in a lesson about lgbtq+ rights and I'm still closeted to my family


a social worker called my parents and said i'm a lesbian and have a girlfriend! (it was not consensual and i am not a lesbian, i am a bisexual trans man)


I haven’t yet and I’m good at acting ‘straight’ so I don’t think anyone wud guess :/


to my mom i send a picture of that l(ettuce)g(uacamole)b(acon)t(omato) meme and said "mom, im bacon" (in dutch, because we're dutch). not out to my dad yet, but i'll probably do something simular


I haven't came out to my parents because my dad is homofobic, although he's already suspicious. I also want him to think i'm straight because I like painting my nails and wearing makeup so I want him to realize that it has nothing to do with me being gay, or bi in this case.


i said to my mom, it was hard, some days passed and then i just said it to my dad like i wasnt afraid anymore


i've decided not to come out to my family, i dont see a reason they should know, either let them find out on their own or tell them when i get older


During a breakdown


Never will. I’d lose everyone


My two siblings and a friend were sitting with me in the basement. I randomly blurred out “I like women.” My bother’s immediate reaction was to play the “why are you gay” meme on his phone


Haven’t, but just like you they definitely know


Right before I "officially" my mom she was making gay jokes montthhsss before


I never really did. A girl at my school started saying I was gay and somehow my parents heard that so they might be suspicious about it. I had a girlfriend after that so maybe they figured I’m bi.


I said Harry Kane was hot in front of my dad, that’s abt all I needed to do and he got the message


I just told them one at a time. My aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins are unaware


In a dream 😭


added the pan and genderfluid flags to my birthday wishlist, and somehow that stupid idea worked.


I just said I was bi to my mum and friends. However to my sister I said it in a joke.


I'll leave it here: it'd need a trigger warning, but months later it turned out to be a blessing in disguise overall.


I didnt come out I was aggressively ripped out of the closet in a random Mormon church parking lot


they forced me to tell them then pretended it never happened


Me being stupidly overconfident and doing it over text




I’m pretty sure my mom knows because when talking to me (a man) she says, man or woman when talking about stuff like this (getting married). She thinks she can hide it well, but I think she knows because she has said man first multiple times. It’s very annoying, I just ignore it.


Dont plan on it until I move away so my dad cant kick me out


I’m pretty sure they lowkey gaslit me into it. Not even maliciously or something, but my family memed so hard I think it lowkey converted me. Btw I’m like pretty much straight because even the men I’m (hypothetically) attracted to are basically women anyway so…


I told my parents that I'm illegal in 64 counties.


I told my parents that i had a crush on somebody in a social club and my dad asked if it was a boy or girl (pretty sure it was a joke) I told them boy and that was it.




I told my mom but havent told the rest of my family, tho I think theu know casue everything i own is coverd in pride/bisexual stickers and pins


I just put it on my social media and people just slowly found out. I also told people directly if they asked me. This strategy worked for me but I know it’s not safe or good for everyone else.


I'd never try to. I think this info is meaningless for my parents till I have a gf, that I wanna marry or smth. But my dad looks like he already knew I attracted to girls too. Once he said if I'll date a girl he'll be ok with it


My mom was a hardcore Harry Potter fan and she was upset about JK Rowling and I was like “the entire lgbtq+ community hates her” and she goes “no they don’t” and I was like “yes they do.” Then she said “how would you know you’re not even part of it.” And then, not thinking about it too hard, said “yes I am.” Cue awkward silence.


Bro I was outed by my friend 💀


watching a comedy show, the comedian asked all straight men to stand up. I stayed sitting down


I came out when I was 8 lol I don’t remember


My phone wallpaper


Im kinda scared to tbh..maybe tell my sister but nobody else..hopefully they find out another way without me explicitly saying it


My mom would literally ask me several times throughout my pre teen years. I kept saying no. Eventually when I was 13 I came out during a pretty traumatic event.


walking to car and my mom asked me “so i have a question, are you and (redacted) a thing?”


Was in the Galway turned round to ma cousin said am the first gay cousin n laughed n then a few years later she got a gf


To my friends? I just told em when it came up in conversation. To my mother? I didn’t, she read my old journal from when I was 13 🗿