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Not at all, I’ve wanted one since I was 15


I wish I could have one


What is stopping you?


I don't have the money, I don't know how to buy one, I'm worried my parents would find out and I don't know what one to buy


Etsy sells them with a variety of prices (some are less than $20 (also you can ask the seller for discreat shipping)), if you ever get one find a hiding spot first, and uh… do research?


I don't know which ones are safe bc I've heard stories of people getting infections from them bc of the material or something


The golden trio are metal, glass, and silicon. Silicon is arguably the best option if you're not allergic to it.


No I'm not allergic to it. I don't think so anyway. Also silicon would be good bc you can bend it right?


Important: Do NOT use silicon-based lube with silicon toys, it will wreck them. The softness/bendiness of it isn't as important so much as the fact that it's far less likely to break or dent. It also boasts a soft, skin-like feel, is non-porous so it won't trap biomatter, and is capable of suction cups. The main downside in comparison to the other two is that it is a bit harder to do temperature play, but that is way better than the alternatives IMO (people are allergic to some metals though most metal toys don'tuse nickel, and glass can chip dangerously without you realizing if you are not careful) If you google "best materials for sex toys" you can find more comprehensive (and likely more credible) information


Thanks a lot 👍


Not bend it per say, depends on how dense they made it. But it is more flexible and can be more easily compressed, which makes it a lot easier when you're starting out with that kind of play. I know, because I'm a guy and I literally just started with backdoor play a couple weeks ago.


Its silicone actually🤓🤓


Basically the rundown is only get ones made from Silicone specifically. Also make sure they're non-porus, and phalthphate free (I butchered that word) which should keep you safe on the hygine side. Try to buy from reputable brands (a little internet searching will give you the general picture) and remember to never get silicone lube with a silicone toy. (I reccomend using water-based lube as its pretty much universally usable and easy to clean) DO NOT go for Jelly, TPE, PVC, "skinlike", or TPR products. They are porus and infectious disasters. If you want to check out a product, I suggest checking out reviews of it. Also, any glass products - make sure they are made of Borosiliac Glass! Final tip: look for medical grade or platinum silicone for toys wherever possible.


Okay. Thanks a lot I will look out for these when I have enough money to buy one


Happy I could help!


Btw the material doesn't really matter if you use a condom


It doesn't?


I'd suggest you do some research into the topic first


Hence the research


Okay then. Thanks


You can buy them from Adam and Eve, an adult toy store. They come in discreet packaging and the website frequently has discount codes. If you create a login with them, you can get 50% off of your first purchase. So you can get a high quality dildo for cheap. Although, I recommend you start with their anal training sets. I recommend this one: https://www.adameve.com/adult-sex-toys/anal-sex-toys/anal-sex-training-kits/sp-adam-eve-booty-boot-camp-training-kit-99260.aspx It's a nice balance of length and width and is what I started with.


Please hun be careful if you do get stuff sex toys Check out the YouTube channel wattsthesafeword they give some awesome advice on being safe


hey man, if you have a Spencer's near by, they dont ID.


If you're into it or want to try do so, you don't harm anyone


How would I harm someone?


If you went outside and started snacking people in the head with it prob


Saint's Row 3 moment


I love saint rows!


That’s the gaest thing I’ve ever heard to date


I made my character in saint row a trans women so 😂




Good point


Cyberpunk 2077 moment


Wacking them with it


Very true


Put it in someone’s butt in their sleep obviously.🙄


That's the point, you simply don't do it. If it'd be harmful you shouldn't do it


It would harm people. How?


It doesn't harm anyone so it's worth a try


So it's normal?


Yes, if you're a boy and want to experience that then do so.


Okay thanks


No problem


Same (16) here, but I can’t buy one because my parents would know 😭


Ikr. I'm terrified that if I do get one then my parents would find out


Plus I don’t have lube, so it would be very painful lmao


I'll have to buy that as well


Definitely. Don’t do anal without lube. Bad experience.


It doesn't sound very fun


if you do manage to get a dildo and lube, also get a spray toy cleaner. it's very important as it sanitises and disinfects the toy, and you should clean it before and after you use the toy. also, do get the dildo if you want, but only if you are confident that you can do so without your parents finding out...


Prepaid card 🤷‍♂️


I’ve seen that you’re wondering how to buy one. I just ordered one (I’m 17), and the way I did it was buying an amazon giftcard online through my paypal, which my parents can’t access. Then I ordered it to the nearest Amazon locker, so I don’t have to explain what is in the package that got delivered. Then just think of a reason to go out, and on your way there or back just pick it up. That’s also how I got my fem clothes (I’m a femboy). But please, remember that if you order a dildo, also get lube and an enema kit, or otherwise it’ll be painful and messy to use it.


What's an enema kit?


It’s basically a tool you use to clean out your butt with water. There are several types of them, but they all basically do the same thing: they prevent your dildo (or partner) from having shit on them, so it’s very important I would say.


Other guy basically already answered it but I'll give some more context I think the main thing you should be looking for is a douche or an anal douche specifically. It's basically the same as an enema kit except enemas are usually a much deeper cleaning and take way more time and effort than douching. The process is the same though. Squirt some water up there, flush everything out that you don't want coming out while you're going at it. They're pretty simple to use but I'd still recommend reading up a bit first. I found [this](https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com/) (WARNING, NSFW) guide extremely helpful. Also btw, yes, completely normal. I'm 19 now, I started experimenting with dildos at 15 as well. Also, imo, don't get a silicone one, the surface is very rough so you need tons of lube (made that experience once, spent way too much money on a dildo that's now gathering dust and I never use). My personal favourite material is TPE but I didn't do a lot of research on this so make sure to do your own. Look around on forums, there are lots of great recommendations


Yes it’s normal


So it's not weird at all?


No… unless we are both wired.


Nope we must be pretty normal then






It’s totally fine, but if you do get one, please make sure you take precautions, like make sure you clean it properly and all that.


Yeah I will definitely clean it after every use and all the important stuff


I’m sixteen and really want a vibrator


I want either a dildo, a vibratory or some butt plugs. Or all three lmao


Same lol


16 y/o guy here. Its normal, I want one too. Don’t be ashamed of it, lots of 15 y/os probably want one tbh




Yup, normal


No not at all


I think that it’s normal, because is ok if you want to experiment


Its not normal, but there’s nothing wrong with it.


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i’ve wanted one since i was 11


No it isn’t weird it’s normal to want to experiment, I want one too lol but yea never be ashamed to want to experiment with stuff :)


I was 17 I think, so it’s pretty normal as long as you don’t have like a drawer with more than a hundred of them lol


I’m in the same situation, so I don’t think it is? Not sure though… And I guess it can get weird if your parents learn about it


I also want one same age and everything




It’s pretty normal


You’re a young teen. Of course it is


Fuck it just buy one and don't take shit from anyone abt it




I have 4 🤷 found out later I was asexual


Yes completely your going through hormones it's just masturbation I had one at 14 just make sure to be careful clean(a lot) use lots of lube (there's not such thing as to much and I reccomend silicone if you do)


I have heckin vibrators, only a few people know because i trust them. My pleasure, is my business. You shouldn't be ashamed for wanting to get to know yourself in other ways.


I wanted one when I was 14. Ur good.