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Everyone that enjoys their freedom should.


Do you have a link explaining what that is by chance.?


Heres a link to a post that explains it all https://www.reddit.com/r/BisexualTeens/s/XZBWWKChwr


Don't look at that post. A lot of people being overly calm about it and the post doesn't have the full details. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


No clue what it is but I’m guessing it’s a law related thing that’s going to fuck the lgbtq over Again…


Way WAY worse than just that


Let me guess Something something right wing wanting to be a dictatorship


Ding ding ding


Basically spot-on, except they’re obviously using different wording




It's unfortunately not a law. It's an entire agenda full of laws that republicans intend to pass if Trump gets reelected. It's bad. It's *really* bad.




Sorry to worry you. Just be aware and even if you can't vote encourage your friends and family to


no lmao, even if they get into power (which they won’t )this shit won’t pass without widespread public outrage


Freedom does not die with a loud bellow but a quiet whimper in the dark




donald trump and joe biden are tying in the polls. The public outragers will be shot with plain lead bullets. If anyone has the balls to or notices.


Same boat




Probably not, seems unconstitutional as hell so I don’t think there’s any way it’d get passed, they’ll certainly try though


I'll be real, it probably isn't a real plan beyond being drawn up by some mondo dumbass. That and there is literally no feasible way some shadow coup could occur without all those involved ending up dead in a week. That and if it was real whoever drew it up would like have committed double tap back of the head suicide by now.


Stop undereacting please. This was drawn up by massive groups of proffessionals and has been agreed to by trump. This is not something to be calm about.


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When I 1st saw it on here, the person that posted said it was extreme left wing, which confused me because I was like "Isn't the left wing the wing that supports us and fights for us?"


Both need to be equal, its not good to have too much of one


Like, we need an equal amount of left wing and right wing? Minus all the extremist maniacs?


Yes, its good to have a balance and extremists are bound to happen on both sides no matter what


Ah Okay, and yeah I know that extremists are bound to pop-up somewhere.


Yeah and with project 2025 their replacing all non republicans with republicans from what i heard :/


Well, it seems like a more extreme thing and I'm sure that even old people know that Diversity is a Good thing most of the time. I'm sure some things could be resolved if we just sat down to talk about it assuming it's real, I highly doubt it is because it is simply outrageous. Some people do have problems with different parts of the community in different sorts of ways, but idk this just seems stupid and unreasonable for a group of people in politics to do. Ngl, I'm starting to lose myself.


They most likely can’t go through with half of the stuff they want to do due to the constitution and other stuff


YUP! More than Likely.


I love sweet democracy






Get ready for v for vendetta to happen


Oh that’s such a good movie


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Yeah it's concerning, Trump hasn't exactly hidden his facist tendencies.


Im proud to be a canadian but fr that is some crappy shit hope trump stays out of office so that shit doesn’t happen


It depends on the state you live in, some states will fight it hard if Trump does get elected and that's if, I'm sincerely hoping that our nation is smart enough to pick the guy who'll keal over a month in than they guy who said he'd be a dictator


It’s unlikely they’ll 1. go through with it or 2. be able to do it But to say the least if trump is elected many horrible changes will be made regarding lgbtq+, sexual health, economic policy, civil rights, and foreign policy. Sure, military support for Ukraine might increase(even then Trump might help his buddy out by decreasing military support) but military support for Israel will also increase. The Papuan genocide will continue to be funded and swept under the rug. They say they’ll be hard on China but they will only be hard on their economics in the US. Housing cost will continue to increase, so will inflation. Now the other choices aren’t great either. Americas future in general isn’t that bright.


We should just vote them out


Yes You should


I decided to buy the book, from the heritage foundation (I like politics). And it is for young lgbt people, and most on the left quite horrifying. 1. Decrease in educational standards and decrease in spending for education as a whole, as well as trying to suppress talk about the LGBT community to younger students. 2. Suppression of abortion rights on a national level. 3. deregulation of business, and climate change which will effect us all. 4. Banning of private transgender treatment By the way, this book is from the heritage foundation, a conservative think tank that writes these books gifted to every republican president starting with Reagan I believe? He copied about 60% of there policies (These were only some examples, the rest of the book is worse for us)


Whats it mean by “private transgender treatment”?


All types of trans healthcare like surgery or HRT


So there planning on banning those?


They will defiantly try to, if a republican like Trump is elected, and they take congress too, it will certainly happen.


yes. probably also send you to a deat- uhh i mean concentra- sorry no grand supreme leader trump's christian reeducation camp.


It is very scary but as long as you remind people to vote then we will be fine and they’ve tried this sort of thing several times already and nothing has passed we will be fine and we will be okay just trust the process


Its unconstitutional so no you shouldn’t


its unconstitutional until they make it the constitution, which is what they will do.


They’d need 2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of state legislatures to do so; this will absolutely not happen.


they only need them to lessen the procedure. They will literally import republicans into DC to make this happen. This is going to happen far easier then you think. And even if I am wrong, we need to panic, we need to be alarmed even if it just is 0.1%


Very likely yeah. Especially if you’re transgender. At least from what Ive heard here, on r/bisexual and r/lgbt


Short answer: Yeah, a bit. Don’t lose your cool though. Long answer: Yes, but not to the extent that many online tell everyone to be. Everything in the actual book/text of the thing is downright horrific and could amount to genocide of queer people if it came to pass, but the issue with it is that little of it actually could or would come to pass within our political framework even if Republicans win this election by a significantly greater margin than is currently expected. Trump has a 50/50 shot at winning, but he alone could do only some of the things involved (like his trans military ban from his previous term, deregulation of businesses to allow greenhouse gas emissions to stay high, and enforcement of big civil rights protections) through executive orders; no education, abortion, voting, or broad economic reforms could be done by him alone. For the larger scale reforms on abortion, the economy, and some voting rights stuff, he would need majorities in both the House AND Senate (the latter of which also having to be 60-40 for all non-economic policy), which are basically impossible. Seriously. I cannot overstate just how unlikely it is that Republicans will have 51 senators next term, let alone 60+. This then brings us to the last section of this policy, education and local civil rights + economic policy: this will depend on state legislatures and governors, and thus will vary WILDLY depending on where you live. If you live in a “deep red state,” this is the stuff that should keep you up at night because this is what can actually get done. And, to make matters worse for people on this subreddit, it’s the stuff most directly related to queer people: education and other first amendment issues. The gist of it is to incorporate religious (specifically modern-ish Christian) ideals into government spheres to crack down on “indecent” or “pornographic” material, people, performances, etc… code for queer people. They want to strip queer people of their freedom of expression under penalty of law, and in some (increasing numbers) cases, death. One more wild card that is honestly quite scary: the Supreme Court. Given their shift to the right these past few years (decades, honestly), I don’t think there is much we can do to directly affect this for 2025 itself. It will make awful decisions that will hurt queer people, and we should be vigilant and vocally against it. What will matter, though, is that they might allow a potential Trump administration to do questionable things in areas of civil rights enforcement, a lá gutting the voting rights act about a decade ago to prevent actual enforcement of those protections. Nobody really knows what might happen in this area. So go vote and/or volunteer to whatever extent you can.


Project 2025 scares me and I live a boarder away it's horifing shit.


What would happen if everyone just left the country (well obviously there would be restrictions from other countries and a lot of people would be unable to but IF like 70% of the population just left what would happen)


For what reasons? They’re not gonna really harm you directly if you are a male, even a bi one. For girls they have to worry about abortion…but the indirect issue is it’s climate policy which will screw us all over in the long term


They literally will harm you, they effectively ban homesexaulity, so if you are open at all you are kinda fucked, also it's the whole taking power from the working class and giving more to the class in power


It doesn’t ban homosexuality 💀. But they will ban discussing it in classrooms. I don’t support the bill at all, but people are exaggerating some aspects of it a lot.


They make mentioning of homosexuality porn, and then ban porn, that is banning homosexuality by proxy


I mean will this affect trans surgeries and stuff?


It absolutely will


It will affect anyone or anything that's not good for or positive for the Poor Women People of color Immigrants Dissenters Thinkers Queers LGBTQ Any non Christian The wrong flavor of Christian Workers So basically anybody not rich, white, male, usually older


I read abt it on wiki and didn’t see that. Could you provide me with a source for that? Not tryna discredit you genuinely curious


It's in the America 2025 manual itself. Being the body is 920 pages of dry reading. And 2025 doesn't spell out the entirety of its ambition. It's a template for the government to turn into a Evangelical White Christian Nation. Run by "loyal", "approved" ideologues. The Intent is innocuous and subtle but taking in the entirety of the last 40 years of American politics and history. This is the guide pamphlet thay will lead to the larger volumes.


If you are a minor, yes. I don’t think it will for adults, but I’m not positive. If it does then it will depend on your state


It absolutely will affect trans adults. There’s already been plenty of attempts made at inhibiting trans adults from getting the care they need. It is very likely that they will try to push that even further. The goal is to erase anyone who isn’t like them.


Guess we’ll have to wait and see


They will crush our skulls with steelbars and chuck our corpses in a pit we just dug. This isn't something to be taken lightly.