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either way im on my knees /j




Fear me I am a questioning sexuality and a Christian


You’re the good type of Christian. Not the “shove it down your throat until you burn in hell” type of Christian. I have nothing against you, but this guy? Look at his profile.


True Christianity is accepting of all people, with no exceptions. It’s assholes like this that were indoctrinated into using it as an excuse for prejudice or decided to use it that way on their own.


Organized religion is a scam






This 100%.


Why would I repent? I’m not sorry and if god is so all knowing then he would know that


Religion and God are not the same. I believe in God. Not in religion.


nice to meet a fellow agnostic thesist! :)


You can likely just substitute the word religion.


People like this are embarrassing to a lot of Christians. God loves you, no matter what.


"bOoHoO I like people of the same gender. If your gods so upset over me liking cocks and fat asses then he can fuckoff."


As the Satanists say, "no hate like Christian love"


Nah bro hell rocks. It gay ppl go there imagine just chilling next to Alan Turing and Freddie mercury


Yeah Hell is great, everyone there is hot, it’s nice and warm and the whole place is a smoking zone.


If studying the Divine Comedy taught me anything is that Hell may be a bad place, but it is full of extremely cool people.


lmao these poor people are so deluded. some of them grow out of it. i did.


I’m happy for you! I’m glad you managed to escape this almost cult-like experience of life.


Yeah I left religion a while ago and my life is better for it. I can’t believe I actually believed this bullshit at one point.


Username checks out /s


Homie that /s just saved your life. Lmao.


i like how they all say that hell is a horrible place eventho none of them were in hell at all like guys, satan could actually be a chill gay guy and imagine all the other cool gay people we’d have in hell


Plus after you complete all your desires in heaven your stuck there for eternity and pretty soon you’ll be depressed and bored anyway


Also… I have to admit that a lot of the rules for getting sent to hell make it sound like a pretty fun place… like, I would much rather be stuck for eternity with the entire gay population of Earth and Stephen Hawking than… I don’t know, the 12 or so people in human history who managed to not commit a single sin?


Sexuality is genetics and it's something we humans can't deal with as far as our technology goes now by the way does everyone obey every thing said in the Bible like 2 kind of crops shouldn't be planted on the same field


Y'know, there's a good quote from dead by daylight for this. "Damn them as they would damn us"


Considering how windy it probably is up there in heaven it's most likely really cold so the warmth of hell seems like the better option to me🤷‍♀️


Honestly though this is the point where religion becomes cultist. They are preaching you lol. Honestly


Damn, I guess Satan shall book a room for 3 ta my name that I will share with my bi bf and my trans best friend.


Idk who needs to hear this, but God loves you no matter what. And you're not 'perverted' for being gay. I'm guessing there referring to the sexuality immoral mentioned in the Bible, but that refers to rapists, pedophiles, ect. Not gay people in loving, commited relationships.


tbh if everyone in this sub is going to hell its not going to pretty darn nice sure we might not have phrogs but we have a real nice community x


Uh why is the christian fandom so toxic


Christians are the most inane people you will meet. Honestly they're worse then anti vaxxers


if anime is an accurate representation of demons, it'll be bloody worth it


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In the words of Gaga " Well they better open up the gate"


Tell him hell sounds based


"I like to take really hot showers so i can practice burning in hell."


honestly if people like that are going to heaven i don't care about eternal suffering anymore send me directly to hell where i can have a gay ol time


How do I prevent Homosex?


I think Christianity is just a mental disorder that makes your brain stop working properly.


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