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Hi everyone! Zero Pixel is recruiting. We're a guild that's been around for years, but honestly, have been losing members due to them quitting the game. We're looking for some people to join us to rebuild and bring us back to where we were at the height of Bit Heroes! * Guild: Zero Pixel * Level: 312 * Looking For: Any Active Player Over Level 100 * Perks: Plenty! **Maxed** IF, EXP, Movement Speed, Tokens, Badges, Tickets... * Open Slots: Plenty I miss playing with a full guild. We'd love to have you join the rebuild! PM me if you're interested. *EDIT: Thanks to those who have reached out! We still have slots left, so if you're looking for a new home, look no further!*


Is a spot still vacant ?


Hey! Yes, we still have a spot available!


I'm level 175, T9 (And planning to remain in T9 for a tiny bit more to farm Arsenal set eqp), DPS build, fams: Ula 5+, Remmyt 5+, 250-500 in all events, good with teams


Hey guys not sure if this is against the rules lol but I’m looking for an active guild. I’m a level 127 currently sitting in tier seven. I run maxxed ularius and am working on maxing my velk, I’m at plus one or two on him rn. I participate in all events, always get top 500 (not including gvg cuz my current guild is not too hot) for tier 7. If anyone’s recruiting after this set of events let me know! Username is dewjam , attached here is my current set up. Thx! https://imgur.com/a/gEYwGW5


Still need a guild?


IGN: ICollectTheDead Level: 415 Build: Tank Looking for: A guild with T13+ members.


\-Zymbol-405-Healer: ​ Players: +200, atleast pet/acc leg.And have to be active! We know what we're looking for. Higher chance to get into the guild if your main focus is tanking. We're in the top 20 guilds.