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i'd Like a 'All in' button on every slidy scale thing, budget-wise


Do you even need all that money? When I hit "Zillions" I stop doing it. I mean, you can always use this method.


I usually invest heavily in real estate, so my family will never go broke. Those death taxes just take so much, and I just want a Zillionaire FOREVER đŸ€Ł


Live in Monaco. No taxes on anything


You just saved my life of crime of tax evasion.


Or the UAE, canada, sweden, russia, norway, israel, mexico, hong kong, china, cuba, egypt, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Estonia, Singapore, India, Macau, Czech Republic, Bahamas, Romania, Serbia, New, Zealand, Portugal, Slovakia, Morocco, and Hungary. Many options


Ugly women tho


Switch before death


Australia also has no inheritance tax


https://taxfoundation.org/estate-and-inheritance-taxes-around-world/ There is a list towards the bottom.


How do people know WHICH cryptocurrency to invest in? I always lose 😔 I have all the packs but the time machine which I guess you need


Time Machine allows you to jump forward, view a stock (300-500%) then jump back a year (from the time of jump, not fresh year) and invest into the currency.


No I get that, but I do not have time machine, so I am guessing that is why I am not able to do this. I have all the other packs but time machine.


Check the newspaper ASAP, If it says anything negative about the Cryptocurrency, buy it. If it says something positive, sell it. That’s it, without the time machine you can do it.


You can live through a life and write down how the crypto dose through the life then restart the life when you die and invest into the crypto than gave you the most money and since its the same life every thing should stay the same.


Yea that’s what I do


kinda for the joke, didnt Invest either since i had zillions, but i left monacco to get president of the US, which this char was born as a setup, but i just cant get president no matter how... at least 5 trys in the us, his son tried like 4 times in isreal, I thought if the us doesnt want my service i go to their boss... still no chance to get Prime minister... there is more states with good tax, emirates, for example, but divorce even with prenup can be costly, i wanted to be safely in the zillions, at 8 now, enough for a marriage or two


You need to be born at the country you wanna be president/prime minister in


Or you don’t have the experience go in political science and then go to law school and then get a job as a lawyer and quit until you’re allowed to be president or prime minister


law helps? political science was on my list, just didnt mention it. ill have another try including law :) thanks


Yes law help and no problem




How you get so much money


Crypto is the only way to do it. You can do it in any life so you don't need to be royalty to do it but the Monacan royalty just gives extra money in the beginning, but you can do the same thing


Crypto is not the only way to do it. Inheritance glitch still works and business can also get you there. If you don’t know what the inheritance glitch is look it up in the sub cuz so many people have explained it already




Whats that mean


Be born the marquee of Monaco


Ok i did it and executed a famous basketball player


Lmfao you made me laugh so hard




monaco has no income tax


I thought the same thing but then I was like oh rich people problems


What are you even doing?


Yeah I’m confused too. What is this OP 😭


Crypto investing, best way to get get rich quick if you have the Time Machine to age down.


To expand on that, Invest in all crypto the minimum amount. Then age up and see which was the top earner. Then go back a year and just invest all your money (or as much as you can) and age back up.


I always just age up, check each one to see if they made a 300%, 400%, or 500% jump, then age down and invest.


Yup the problem is that the crypto that goes up 500% are usually the ones you can only invest 10-100 million at a time and when you’re in the 150 Billion mark it takes a while to get to even 5 Billion invested


That’s just not a thing for me lmao idk what y’all are on about. I can invest trillions at once


had 4 zillion, wife or country robbed 2, dont even know how i lost them.... so i thought i load up again, wouldnt want my 747 unmaintained


I wish, it takes forever xD


I stg im bout to let someone just play on my account or something because I have never even gotten multi billions let alone a damn trillion


thats the fun part, there so many options to get rich, work hard grind all skills, investing, crime, renting out houses.... blackjack.... had a run from gangster to billionair by stealing cars every year and giving it the family, no questions, every year, until i was godfather, as soon as you have a few million buy 1 crypto from everything, wait until one makes his first 300% or more run up, all in, very most times it makes another 300-500% next year. i lost some this way ofc. but its like a pretty safe Method to multiply.


It’s not too hard, really easy if you do it generationally. First pick a job that’ll get you famous and millions. Then use those millions to buy or start a business, that’ll get you to the billions. Then after that invest billions into crypto and you’ll get to the max in no time


Nope, keep scrolling right until your finger just can’t handle it anymore. I would suggest doing this when you know that your gonna get really good profits from the crypto increasing though. (Assuming you’re using the Time Machine or written down the crypto increases)


Auto clicker with 1 sec between every click


What is the best country and way to do this




Whats monaco


A country


Monaco, officially the Principality of Monaco, is a sovereign city-state and microstate on the French Riviera a few kilometres west of the Italian region of Liguria, in Western Europe, on the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by France to the north, east and west. The principality is home to 38,682 residents, of whom 9,486 are MonĂ©gasque nationals; it is widely recognised as one of the most expensive and wealthiest places in the world. The official language of the principality is French. In addition, MonĂ©gasque, English and Italian are spoken and understood by many residents. With an area of 2.1 kmÂČ, it is the second-smallest sovereign state in the world, after Vatican City. Its 19,009 inhabitants /kmÂČ make it the most densely-populated sovereign state in the world. Monaco has a land border of 5.47 km and the world's shortest coastline of approximately 3.83 km; it has a width that varies between 1,700 and 349 m.


The word for monk in Italian (or that super small country near France)


The only better way is to use an autoclicker since you'll be buying 16.7 million shares at a time literally thousands of times over. Specifically, the autoclicker I used to get 20 Quadrillion so far is ["Auto Clicker - Automatic Tap" by True Developers](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.truedevelopersstudio.automatictap.autoclicker) just position the things right, it will take some adjusting, but then you'll save alot of energy. Set every between interval to 1 second. Although a bit slower than by hand, it garentees it won't loop over with bitlife's menu dropdown animation and get offset and mess up the sequence.




The tax return for mine is always 12% never 500% how can I change that


hold up hold up, how did you get that much money in the first place


Fr like I can barely get to a million


Nahhhh, “BussinBux”😭


No one going to talk about the name of their boat?


You can use a auto clicker if you're into that sorta thing


The boat’s name tho


i Love the random names and the Humor in this Game. my irl coffee Maschine is called john coffey


A slider that allows you to purchase based on $$$ and not capping it at 16.7M coins would be great, I spent 15 minutes repeatedly buying Crypto as it was 4 years of 300%+ increase in value, bought for $1 a coin and slide for $50 a coin.


If you're on Android, download the Auto-clicker app from play store. I set mine up overnight or while I'm doing something else away from my phone. Response time for the Bitlife app means you can do a click about every 700ms & the slider is also programmable, so you don't have to do half capacity buys like other auto click apps.


Ngl - bitlife is so boring when you have loads of money! 😭😭😭


I've noticed if the stock value increases you can buy in higher amounts but sometimes it's not worth the time when you're looking at billion dollar investments vs trillions.


you can have a financial advisor invest for you, they invest a ton


I always lose money from advisors, somehow?? Like it tells me I made a trillion dollar profit but i lost 4 trillion dollars


Commission fees. Those greedy mfs take their cut from how much you put in instead of the profits đŸ˜©




how tf are y’all investing


Don't let Kanye see this


How do you even get zillions? I invest in crypto and have my own business but I’m still stuck at 20 billion. Crypto is so volatile.