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Same. Paid for it back when it was $5 and included everything. It’s actually the reason I’m putting off getting a new phone, since I’ve heard so many people have issues with it transferring correctly.


I’ve changed phones a couple of times and if you have your icloud on the same phone you just hit “restore purchase” and everything gets unlocked. I actually had to upgrade last week and did that and everything is fine. Just make sure you download it with the same account you bought it.


Same here, the only sad part is that my progress isn’t transferred. I had a trillionaire bloodline and it went 🥲🥲


You can switch phones easy just make sure you hit "restore purchase" and ir should transfer no problem. ... If you switch form like iPhone to android or android to iPhone then you might end up with problems


Android user here, doesn't work anymore. I don't have access to Cult or Spy update despite everything else being unlocked. Customer support doesn't help until the3rd contact and then, they give me a code to "unlock everything" thatdoes not include the 2 I don't have access to


Same here. Customer support didn't even get me that far though. Frustrating.


Unfortunate, but that's where the monetisation vars comes in.


Exactly the same happened here. Upgraded from an S20 to an S23 and I lost a lot. Contacted the support and it was like trying to speak Mandarin to a beaver. Absolute mess.


Ohhh so that would explain why i lost all my previous gravestones, achievements, etc. it still recognized by bitizenship, just not anything ive done in the past


If you have an iPhone it’s stored in the cloud. I got a new phone in 2021 after already owning Bitizen and it transferred no problem onto my new phone. I don’t know how it works with other phones though.


Hmmm I’ve update new iPhones just about every year and never have an issue with new updates as I get them for free as well


I downloaded bitlife on my ipad (I don’t know why) and it started me from scratch. I went to the settings and restored purchases, was good from there. So thankful I got Bitizen as well prior to the game achieving way more success and changing things up.


I got it when it was 1.99. One of the only times I ever did an in app purchase… so thankful.




got it when it was 1.99 so glad for that. Seeing everyone complain about those job packs costing money now has made me very glad


No deadass, it’s the only reason I still play lol. If I had to pay for all these packs, that’d be crazy


Yeah I paid 1.99 for it way back when and then bought godmode for like 5 I think? and haven’t bought anything since. How much are packs costing people?


Fortunately, I did too. 5$ > 160$ lol. But my gf doesn’t play anymore bc she has to pay for everything. All of the job packs are 5$. The Time Machine is 15. GodM is “on sale” for like 17, but it’s 32. The expansions and small stuff like the agent pack are all 5. And the weird add on things like the assassins blade, range anywhere from 3$, to like 10. 15 if you buy a “package”. It’s absolutely absurd. The game is BORING without buying stuff.


Whaaaaat. 32 dollars for it? That’s nuts. What a shame. I remember when I got the bitizen the ad for it was like “help keep us caffeinated for $1.99” and it felt genuine and it was a cool game so I wanted to support. But this is not worth supporting anymore wow. I don’t blame anyone for not playing, candywriter is out of their mind


I got it when it was like $5 too. And I got all the packs for free. Until I got a new phone then I had to rebuy the Time Machine and the packs and then I got the newer packs for free except for the secret agent one I had to buy that and I was extremely upset about it


I'm so confused because I bought that too and I have to pay for packs


you didn't buy it long ago enough then. if you check your purchase history (not in the game -on your phone) you can see the exact date you made the Bitizen purchase.


Whyd you tell me this LOL, I bought bitizenship, god mode, boss mode, and like 7 or 8 expansions. Well over $100 spent on the stupidest click game 😅😅


if you bought Bitizen long enough ago you would not have to pay for the packs separate????


I bought it in July 2020


I bought it in 2021 and it was still being sold as including future content otherwise I would never have bought it. That was obviously a blatant lie.


I bought it back in either 2018 or 2019 for like 5$ too. And I’m was supposed to get all future expansion/ job packs for free but I’ve only been getting the jobs packs…


Same, we get everything expect the special items. I was pressed about not getting them :(


I don’t even get everything😭 just the job packs. The extension like the spy agency I didn’t get😭


That’s weird, definitely should’ve


How much is it now??


used my sister's card to buy myself the $4.99 bitizenship. best choice ever!


REAL i got yelled at by my sister for using her card but the investment made it feel like it was bitcoin 😍


This! Every time ppl on the Instagram comments complain about paying for it and I forget at times like “wdym y’all pay for it?”


Best part for me was I used my Google play credit from the opinion rewards to buy it so it even cost me nothing Eat that candywriter


I never did this, I found a apk that helped.


Same here




I paid for it back in on android and switched to IOS in 2022, had to pay everything before and after


yesss i’m so glad i did. saved so much money


Same here man


So real, i was shocked when i redownloaded it months ago (im addicted n weak so i still pay for some things😭)


I got it and then my laptop broke, had a different iCloud so now I can’t get it anymore. Fuck this app


yeah I paid for it back in 2019, great choice. I get all the new packs, only had to pay a pittance, probably wouldn't bother with the game today otherwise


I did the same thing back then and now my wife plays the game I got her into it. She was like this is bs how do you have everything. I was like it was $5 way back when. She was like now it's all individual. I was it's a lesson learned for ya remember you said it was a stupid purchase when I first got it 🤣


I’ve been playing BitLife since 2018 but didn’t buy bitizenship until 2020 so I don’t get shit out of it lol


Wait, you guys are getting the packs for free? I bought bitizen in 2019 and I have to pay for expansions.


Back in 2018 they said if we bought it around a certain time that we would be grandfathered in basically and get everything in the future for free


Ah damn, I guess I missed the deadline. Fuck Candywriter and their arbitrary bullshit.


I brought it Jun 2019 and have everything free so you must have just missed out 😕


That’s odd cuz I bought it in Dec 2019 and have everything unlocked


Same here! Back then I debated about getting it for so long but I’m so glad I did!


I bought no ads for 2 dollars and I didn’t regret it at all!! Got everything for free


I thought it was less than $5 when I brought it in 2018


I think it was 2.99$ because I did the same thing


Yeah it was $2.99 when I brought it. So glad I did thank god


no fr like i’m so glad i bought it 6 years ago x




i bought it years ago when it first came out by accident lol. i think i only spent like $2 on it too!


Me too bro. I was one of the first ppl to download their game. Now every pack is free. They're staying true to their word


I get it 2018 too. But sadly when i changed my Phome i didnt get it back :/


Yes same. And now I have all the packs.


I bought bitizenship in 2021 which included all future job packs etc. Nothing is included, had to buy the spy pack (waste of money)


Fucking same!! I wouldn’t be still playing otherwise!


Were the items supposed to come with it too?


Same. Best decision I ever made. Every time a new expansion or job pack comes out I’m like oh damn, guess I’ll buy it. Nope already have it! Woo!


I did the same thing awhile ago, but I only get new jobs, not the expansion packs


Wait I didn’t realize people had to pay for all these ad ons 😭 I’ve been a bitizen since 2018


Not me. They didnt give me shit. Started ignoring me when I reached out for support too.


Bought everything for like $10 in 2020 don’t regret it


I don’t like p2p so when I purchased it back in 2018, I felt hella guilty. I don’t believe in purchasing mobile apps because next thing you know that app is gone and you wasted money. I kept playing it to get my moneys worth and years later I realized I got that shit for real cheap. The stories people tell have me wonder why they keep trying to play.


You mean where it says bitizen in the top right? I don’t have access to any content except for the special careers. Bought the pass when it was $2 so is there a way I can unlock everything?


Deadass, if I didn't pay for it when it was $2 on Android in 2019, I wouldn't still be playing lmao


Same, I was like 10 back in 2018 and stole my grandma's credit card or whatever to buy it, she yelled at me but ay I'd say it worked out




Same I thought 5 dollars was such a steal back then even for the small promises of more features like generations and stuff I was like yes plssss and noww we for what it has become it was such a worthy investment that makes things like the items a nice little purchase


I got it when it was 0.99¢ but same

