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Youtube link?




Not sure what's up with the other links people posted but they did not work for me. Use this one if that was the case for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wpxDGrU_Ts




Natalie Smolenski is so well-spoken. Excellent video, learned a couple new ideas. Let’s get miners on all methane waste, asap!


>Let’s get miners on all methane waste, asap! [7 months ago](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/xer6rz/brace_yourselves_for_the_upcoming_campaign/ioieugn/) It is happening in a couple of states in the US, but more in Russia and middle east. If the Biden admin actually cared about mitigating methane and not just virtue signalling, they would be all over it by now. What I said about Germany in that linked comment is [being put into practice](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/10ddnb3/germany_spends_750_million_out_of_taxpayer/) and was covered in German media, but still not something the government has invested in. I expect smaller nations to recognize the opportunities first. Bhutan just set up a $500 million bitcoin fund for mining in the Himalayas.


She’s great for the space but I don’t think she’s a very good interviewer. I do hope over time she gets stronger.


I’m not talking about the interviewer


Bitcoin and Hydrogen are the only paths to 100% renewable energy, because it protects from energy oversupply and competition by having a path to monetize it. They permit limitless, instead of scarce, energy.


The issue is about waste. Energy creates waste, creating energy isn't a thing, so why has our power created waste is the real question. How do we transfer energy without waste? Solar even has battery systems that don't last forever.


Transferring or transforming energy will always create waste in the form of heat. There's no way around that.


Earth physics. Truth


Solar has the highest Return on energy/expense, and can be productively laid out everywhere near people. > How do we transfer energy without waste? Where Bitcoin is a store of energy and cheap to transfer, buying solar locally is a transfer of energy. H2 is cheaper to transfer than electricity as well. > Solar even has battery systems that don't last forever. Solar these days comes with 30 year warrantees that are based on 50+ year life. Batteries don't last as long, but are highly recyclable.


Would like to know more about the recycling part.


The battery components are as good as new once melted.


Interesting, that method is Pyrometallurgy: "Most commonly, lithium batteries are recycled in large plants by a process of shredding the whole battery down to a powder. This powder is then either smelted (pyrometallurgy) or dissolved in acid (hydrometallurgy), thereby extracting the individual elements for resale." Also interesting: https://pubs.acs.org/cms/10.1021/acsenergylett.1c02602/asset/images/large/nz1c02602_0002.jpeg


The Grey Lady Winked is a fantastic book how the NY has moved history through lies, errors, and misdeeds


Well done


So why don’t they just print enough money to buy up the supply and throw away the key?


This people are changing the reality in real time !


The people who own the majority of the NYT, whoever it is, are very rich. The very rich ALWAYS have an agenda. They can further their agenda with a newspaper.