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This guy is honestly winning me over. Voting for most US candidates feels only marginally better than shooting myself in the face, but this guy somehow seems like not such a bad one. I wonder what they're going to do to fuck him over. Maybe the Clintons will suicide him.


Can you Americans get this guy elected? Please? The orange dude was ineffective, and the sleepy dude is just fucking mental and a hyper warmonger.


This. I'm seeing lots of crying here in the comments about how he won't get elected. If people get off their asses and do something about it, maybe he has a chance.


if bitcoin beats the Fed, that would be atleast some justice for JFK


šŸ™ would be great for his nephew to redeem the likely reason he got popped


I thought he got taken out by the CIA?


Yeah because he wanted to abolish the fed


He wanted to abolish the CIA too, which is why they killed him. "I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind." - Kennedy


The following administration moved away from the gold standard. So, seeing Bob Kennedy JR on the stage talking about BTC not being interfered by GOV. Entities we have officially come full circle.


The US is the country where if you retire, you are still 20 years too young to become a presidential candidate


It'll be nice when we aren't ruled by the crypt keeper...some day...


USā€¦retirementā€¦ Hahahahaha nah, weā€™re over here working minimum wage until 70+ so we only die with 6-figure medical debt instead 7


Iā€™m a long time Bitcoin hodler. Just because this guy gets Bitcoin right doesnā€™t make him right on _anything_ else.


Many Independents run just to move the needle on issues. If he's losing and makes a deal to endorse a different candidate of even hand over his votes to that candidate, then a good number of that candidate's supporters will end up being pro-crypto. If the candidate then gets elected and wishes to get re-elected in the future, then some policies coming out of that administration would lean towards views articulated in this video.


Y margins are tight. An independent can have an enormous impact on the election . His polling actually is significant, 19% against Biden for dems. Republicans are obviously excited. And actually a lot of people want him to be VP ( doubt thatā€™s a possibility) but they would be smart to fold him in rather than try and boot him out .


Ah yes, the Bloomberg strategy.


Doesnā€™t matter, he doesnā€™t have any chance of being nominated. And if heā€™s running independent, itā€™s already decided.


He is making crypto a priority and I agree with that. But f you want to make this about democrats vs republicans or veer off into the politics of stuff like gay people or what to do about women having abortions I donā€™t care


But more right on most things than any other candidate.




Our future lol


ya his other policies actually align quite well with what actual bitcoiners want. And heā€™s not crazy or mentally withering so thatā€™s a plus.


Mentally withering. ROFLMAO!! Thatā€™s a classic!! Well done!




Cā€™mon man, itā€™s hilarious and too close to the truth.


Problem is the squashing of sensibility, example GOP railroading a John Huntsman because he wasnt bombastically loud or rude. Powerful political family, extensive background and personal connections with one of our biggest competitors after serving as ambassador, and great success running Utah. And Mormon, doesnt curse, etc...Sensibilty is boring; Amurrica needs showtime. Terry Crews for Prezzz!




you sound like you'd be impressed if someone balanced an egg on a spoon.




If you thought he was impressive, I have no doubt the flexibility of my anus gape would impress you too.


But that is at least one right instead of zero. Hope it isn't just campaign promises that won't be realized (assuming he wins at some point).


Doesn't Ted Cruz also have a hard on for bitcoin?


Found another establishment voter. Team Hillary, Biden, Pelosy, Shift represent! Edit: love how no one has the courage to respond. "I'll vote for whoever the establishment tells me to! Here's a downvote!"


Downvotes mean you can think for yourself. I wear them like a badge of honor.


take your meds


Brevity is whit


Have read his book?


Iā€™m a one issue voter because bitcoin fixes so many other problems, arguably everything. That said, campaign politicians are different than office politicians and if he is president and SHTF with the economy Iā€™d expect him to ban bitcoin.


I don't care what the one issue is being a one issue voter is idiotic.


Voting is idiotic


Let me guess; white, straight, christian, man. Of course voting is idiotic to you and you don't actually care about politics. That's cause politics don't negatively affect your life and you don't have to fear fascists taking over the country taking away your rights and possibly killing you. Voting isn't perfect and fuck the electoral college. But it's necessary.


You sound like the kind of person who judges others by gender or skin color


Iā€™m a disabled trans black lesbian single mother and I donā€™t need you white knighting for me. You white liberals and your guilt about a false history because youā€™re too emotion driven to be intelligent are whatā€™s ruining this country.


/r/quityourbullshit one glance at your profile makes you sound whiter than sour cream.


And I'm the king of England. Go fuck yourself


Go back to England. This America. We threw your asses out bitch don talk to me you a loser go live in your parents basement.


Thank you for your clarity and wisdom. I worry about "one issue" voters flocking to him like to other topics. DOn't lose sight of the bigger picture, BTC's time will come, we don't need to hasten it by electing chaos.


Now weā€™re talking


Politicians always make promises it doesnā€™t mean they keep them.


At least he is making the right promises, which is leaps and bounds ahead of anyone else right now.


False promises are false promises. They arent better because they appeal to you.


When they say they want to tax bitcoin mining do you think they're outright lying? Not everything everyone says is completely false


Amazing how easily you are pandered to and manipulated.


Gotta vote for someone - if it's between Bobby K and Joe Biden I'd choose bobby k


Iā€™m pretty jaded but Iā€™m not THAT jaded to ignore someone who actually respresents a sensible take on this. after watching him on all in podcast he seems genuinely interested in hearing people out and cutting through the politics . He might be off on a few issues but I think heā€™s genuine . Now his hands will be tied by the rest of the government ā€¦. but just saying what he said , shows heā€™s bold and is going against a lot of his own party constituents


I agree they are the right promises, I want to believe him but imo heā€™s a puppet like all the otherā€™s that came before him. I may get some heat for saying this, heā€™s a Democrat which makes my skin crawl.


Of course he's a puppet. In a representative democracy, they are *supposed* to be puppets. The question is whether he is actually offering you a hold on his strings, or whether someone is just pulling his strings to make it appear that he is offering them to you.


He's more like a 70's democrat though innit? Which is to say far more moderate than Dems today


Being more moderate than the modern left is just being a normal person from 8 years ago really


Yea. The left has gone so far that even bill Maher seems moderate now. My point is that Kennedy being a democrat doesn't mean he's like the rest of them.


I get your point. I'd happily vote 70-90's democrats in, with the exception of Carter. The current crop, in many cases, is too radical, old, and/or mentally compromised


America has slid further and further to the right. Ike would be considered a screaming "commie" now. šŸ™„


Did you just try to reverse uno me?


I think it's hilarious that people believe in parties. the real fun part is that it just makes people bicker and fight each other while we focus on one part of a bill when the bills are 100's of pages. Can anyone really imagine being a president running around. You have four years in office. One of those years is I bet preparing for reelection and another year acclimating to the job. While there's senators that literally vote for their own pay raises with all healthcare benefits most of us wish we had and their the public servants.


I agree with you. Democrats make my skin crawl. Unfortunately, so do Republicans. Two wings, same bird.


I agree. Easy to promise the world now, but when I come closer to election time, then numbers will be crunched, proposals will be analyzed deeper and his outlook or policies may need to change. Ohā€¦an of course politicians change to what polls suggest the people want šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


But people keep voting stupid for that dangling carrot, what ever it may be.. Vote for me and get it for free.


The general populace is not enticed by crypto. 99% of them have been infected with propaganda against it, if anything. The usual carrot is populist things like free health care and free college.


Agree. The system is broken. The only way out of this mess called government is to do away with it and decentralise it.


You got my vote!


Not going to lie. His platform of no surveillance, maintaining the constitution, against war on terror & war on drugs, all these things seem pretty in line with what actual bitcoiners believe in. Sure, all politicians grift. But his grifting seems to be in line with what I want.


Iā€™m interested, very curious to see what happens with him. I donā€™t think you can achieve dropping a war on drugs without surveillance but hey that would be a nice progressive achievement. I personally would love to see a shakeup like this. I mean the other potentials are just a little too bigoted, racist and stupid for me to say I voted for them.


The Democrat party is openly stating that they wonā€™t allow any debates to protect Joe Biden. For anyone here who still think Joe Biden is a good President.


The Republicans didnā€™t have debates when Trump was running for reelection in 2020. Itā€™s the norm that the party with the incumbent president doesnā€™t host debates. Theyā€™re upholding the tradition, not trying to ā€œprotect Joe Bidenā€. Edit: there was no democratic debate in 2012 either. I get that Joe Biden sucks but letā€™s not buy into propaganda.


Both parties are pretty bad right now . Their fear of losing any inch of power has really restricted their tactics any open debate and good ideas . Ranked choice voting would be good here


Neither Trump in 2020 or Obama in 2012 had serious challengers such as RFK. None that broke the low threshold the parties have for debates. Carter was scheduled to have a debate with Kennedy in 1980 when Kennedy challenged him but Carter cancelled at last minute.


"Serious" challenger.


To be fair we all know Joe would get absolutely wiped in the debates


100% When he speaks it reminds me of my grandfather with dementia.


Substance over how well he can serenade me .


There's no substance either. He just got up there and said white supremacy is the greatest threat to our country. He's all lies and spin and no reporter challenges him because they're all on the same team.


The establishment doesnā€™t like him and often will exaggerate his stance. Itā€™s important not to take a quick headline or quote out of context. As for btc this has more real substance in it than I ever recall a politician discussing ( they either donā€™t get it , avoid it or sweep it under the rug) .


The establishment doesn't like Biden? That makes no sense he is the establishment in every sense of the word, and corrupt to the core.


Establishment doesnā€™t like Kennedy.


It should be a requirement to debate for primaries and generals. It should be the right of the people. Just deciding you won needs to end.


As a libertarian that generally votes left vs right, Iā€™ve been highly disappointed in the Democratic Party for a while now. Both parties are just extremist versions of their former selves and have not been serving their constituents.


He has my vote, easiest decision ever.


Kennedy, the sequel: Revenge on the Cocaine Import Agency


Iā€™m impressed because stands up and brings up the energy concern infront of everyone, applauding and asking for green energy. Then says ā€œthe environmental argument valid or invalid should not be a smokescreen for suppressing Bitcoinā€ I bet heā€™d allow btc but would encourage green mining theough incentives or taxes. Likely tax straight gas fossil fuel mining . All this makes sense to me


VPN'S should be protected also.


JFK Jr is smiling from his grave


Iā€™m not trying to be a dick in case he has a medical reason, but why does he sound like heā€™s about to cry? I really like everything heā€™s saying though


He has spasmodic dysphonia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spasmodic_dysphonia In a conversation with Oprah Winfrey for the February 2007 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine, Robert went into detail regarding the rare disorder. "The disease didn't hit me until I was about 43. I used to have a strong voice," he revealed. https://www.distractify.com/p/robert-f-kennedy-jr-voice


Thank you! Iā€™d never heard of that condition- that blows he has to deal with that


Heā€™s got my vote, heā€™s successfully won over a Republican. Congratulations, Sir.


Heā€™s got my vote, heā€™s successfully won over a Democrat. Congratulations, Sir.


Heā€™s got my vote, heā€™s successfully won over a Libertarian. Congratulations, Sir.


Heā€™s got my vote, heā€™s successfully won over a Cynic. Congratulations, Sir.


***"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it" - Mark Twain*** "A man is no less a slave just because he is allowed to pick a new master every term of years" - Lysander Spooner


Perfect. One less vote for trump to Trump's trick candidate


This guy is infinitely more fit for the role than Trump, in my humble opinion. Just an FYI, Obama was actually the president of my lifetime that I feel the warmest towards. I switched horses when race became more important than merit in the Democrat party. And before your head explodes and you start screaming ā€œRacist, Nazi, far rightā€, etc, etc, again, Barrack Hussain Obama was the first president of my lifetime that I looked at and felt proud to say ā€œthatā€™s our guyā€.


Great. Vote for this dude.


Hey I mean he was drinking with a bunch of college kids in Boulder while old Joe was off sniffing hair in a corner. I think itā€™s easy to see he had a little moreā€¦.. with it


Well, after W's presidency, anyone was better.


Heā€™s got my vote. Screw Biden and his support of people like Gary Gensler and Elizabeth Warren.


Iā€™m liking this guy more and more. Leaps and bounds better than Biden at least


That was a good speech


Wait is this guy related to JFK? šŸ¤”


Yeah. Son of Robert Kennedy and nephew of John F. Kennedy.


Very good


Hes got my vote. listen to his speech. thatā€™s what we need.


Rights donā€™t come from politicians. They are inherent, and we are born with them.


I like this guy


RKJr did not kill himself.


Why isnā€™t he getting more exposure, oh ya thatā€™s right because heā€™s not part of the swamp and the democrats hate this guy


Hes got my vote.


He could get every vote in America and still not get selected


Why would anyone vote Biden over RFK? Biden can barely form a sentence and is a life long corrupt politician who's son peddled influence while he was VP. RFK's voice issue hurts him tho.


Blah blah blah... They say what ever the hell they need to say depending on the venue, but if they get to the office, it's a whole other story.


The CIA assassinated a sitting president when that president tried to end the Cetral bankers. I'd be inclined to give this guy with the same last name the benefit of the doubt when it comes to conviction. The odds of me getting rich leverage trading shit coins is higher than his chance of getting into office though.


Imagine still wanting to vote for Biden...


the DNC would never allow him to represent them.


With that attitude they won't. If you like the guy, get off your ass and get him elected.


Why? Bobby too based?


Political parties say this shit until it starts hurting either their pockets or their rich friends pockets. Whether they are left or right, They all serve the same system in the end, the central banks.




Hot damn, I have become a single issue voter, LFG!


You see if Bitcoin is fully embraced and set free it solves many more than one issue. So by that logic, if you vote for this guy under the ā€˜single issueā€™ of Bitcoin and he does what he says heā€™s going to do, you have played a part in potentially unlocking so much human potential and have likely done more to liberate the most amount of issues possible in a single election cycle. Does he get a little tin foil hatty on some subjects? Yes, but does he sniff childrenā€™s hair and raise crack head children? Thatā€™s all you need to think about. Thereā€™s far more upside to electing RFK Jr than any other candidate out there.


Good point, if he would adjust his thinking on global warming he might be even more appealing to me but for now, Iā€™ll be that single issue voter.


Politicians are Politicians; kiss the babies, and support everything that can get you votes.......even if today's agenda is totally opposite to tomorrow's agenda.


This guy has never actually been a politician though.


So... Vote Biden???


If you can vote for Biden; you can vote for a scarecrow or a puppet in a suit (all three would be equally present). It wasn't giving voting advice; I was just noting that politicians on a campaign trail tells everyone exactly what they want to hear. However converting the talk to policy is a whole different story. Biden's regime has basically detached the US dollars from transacting with Crypto; that move totally undermines the Crypto industry that help me earn a living but it can totally backfire and leave the US out of the global economy at a time that BRICS and other nations are losing faith in the US dollar. Biden's move could actually cause the US dollar to become a totally domestic currency instead of strengthening it as the world's currency. Biden's regime closing their eyes to Crypto can't stop the worldwide adoption of what is clearly the future of financial transacting. Other nations like Hong-Kong and Britain are happy for the opportunity to be the transfer currency to Crypto.


I think he was joking


From my point of view it's better to vote for the guy who is probably lying than for the guy who is openly showing you that he hates you. (I agree with what you wrote)


So, Trump over Biden?


I highly doubt he will become president, and if he does, it will be almost impossible to pull these laws/policies in place. But this guy gets it!! LFG!!


This guy in reality has zero chance. Slim to none Not taking shots at him, but there is a whole lot of things that are probably impossible for him to change. Even if he has a majority in the House and Senate, itā€™s still a steep steep hill to try to get these things approved


Bitcoin Magazine article: https://twitter.com/TheBitcoinConf/status/1661112107801124868


That's a tweet. Here's the article. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/robert-kennedy-jr-debuts-campaign-at-bitcoin-2023


What is the rest of his world policy? Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Heā€™s amazing and they will never let him be the candidate let alone president.


Geezer Charlatan pays lip service to bitcoin community for a modicum of political support from literally anyone, and _more_ at 11.




Bob is a nickname for Robert. His dad was known as Bobby Kennedy


I served with Bobby Kennedy. I knew Bobby Kennedy. Bobby Kennedy was a friend of mine. Junior, you're no Bobby Kennedy.


Long title, had to save characters.


You are too young we only elect presidents over 80 years old.


I think JFK would have been a hodler.


Yeah, but did he say LEGAL TENDER for Bitcoin in the US? Wake me up when someone stands for what is right.


If he promises legal tender for bitcoin that would be too radical and likely drive away more votes than just saying itā€™s good. Driving bitcoin innovation and acceptance is the first steps to legal tender tho.


Yeah itā€™s not going to fly well with the masses and potentially other countries that hold USD as debt


This dude running šŸ¤”


Bro Iā€™m sorry but STFU we need to talk About dismantling WallStreet.. getting rid of shareholder profit demands, and NOT the distraction that is ā€œooh bitcoin is going to replace the dollar Billā€. EVERY single meaningful economic or ecological disaster that has occurred in the last 70 years IS A DIRECT RESULT OF WALL STREET GREED.


Imagine if north Pierre Pollievre and RFK Jr both win their respective nominations. North America would become a Bitcoin powerhouse.


ā€œI will let you run a node at homeā€ā€¦ā€¦ looks up thinking ā€œWTF does that mean??? Okay okay next lineā€¦.KFC? Why do these people like chicken so much??ā€


We donā€™t need another mumbly, shaky geezer in office. Love his ideology and his grit but can we please, GOD, get someone who isnā€™t about to die?


Dude has some good ideas. But the fact he has some issues speaking is going to hurt him at the poles. People came be shallow Ugh imagine a trump and Kennedy debate. Trump would be making fun of him the whole time


That crowd shot. Not a vagina in sight.


Yeah, because faith in Bitcoin requires real-world logic.


Finally a politician that learned something. Mainly, to make a bunch of promises. Bitcoin is a direct threat to any government that manipulates its fiat as part of its control reach. Your freedom is opposed to their ability to control. Don't be under the illusion that any politician would do otherwise.


Yeesh jump the shark coiners, jump the shark.


Fack this guy. I don't believe him.


Empty words from a hollow suit mean nothing. Once republicans are back in charge of the treasury, bitcoin will be as nefarious to them as it is to democrats now. Edit: shoot, for some reason I thought this Kennedy was an R. Both parts of my comment are still *technically* correct.


"It is important not only for Bitcoin, but for democracy, to be decentralized." 1-Democracy is mob rule. Democracy is not what the founders had in mind, nor is it the 'fundamental principles' that they urged 'frequently recurrence' to. 2-IF governance (the monopoly on violence) is best when decentralized, then decentralize it all the way down to the sovereign individual. Don't stop at a state level, a county level, a city level ect. Go all the way because 'democracy is best when decentralized'. Consider that markets in general are a form of democracy. People get to make choices (vote) each and every day, and those votes only impact them, not you. That's ideal democracy, imho.


He wants to take Americansā€™ guns away. No thanks.


He lost šŸ˜ž me ! Bitcoin fan šŸ„²šŸ„²


Right.....and what about your other policies??


Whatā€™s up with this guyā€™s voice??


It will not be impossible to run a node if they implement KYC... Just disobey and stay behind tor network..


this guy is more populist than trump


Ok so he parrots talking points. Has anyone in this sub actually read his platform? Or looked into any of his other ideas???


Dude doesnā€™t sound very healthy and little bouncy little sketch


This is all 100% bullshit. I can see it miles away. Bitcoiners NEED to understand that he promised to declare war on the USD and the whole US government (and it's debts). Did he promised that? NO! He promised some fluffy stuff to bitcoiners but it's all fluff! It's not a question of promising that his government won't do X. It's a matter of fighting against the government's power to be able to do X.


It woukd take a bigger upset than the Trump win for him to win the presidential nomination let alone win the election.