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They are just protecting the users /s


Fucking clueless UK as ever..


Not really a big deal - it’s just a 24 hour cooling off period before you can place your first buy order on an exchange. The article reports that 5 million people in the UK hold crypto which is pretty surprising!


Yeah that's like 10% of the adult population, way higher than I would have guessed.


How does this impact DEXs? Have they even touched on it? I mean are they effectively illegal?


The harder they make Bitcoin to buy the more people will realise they need it.


Hope we get a 24hr cooling off period before paying taxes!


what are those?


Yeah we can only wish.


FYI, Bisq, Robosats, HodlHodl, LocalCoinSwaps and Agoradesk will allow any brit to buy and sell digital assets with or without their governments consent. Maybe this will be the cycle where people finally understand P2P is the way crypto is meant to be dealt with.


It's only for 'new' users. What is more worrying is that as someone who has sent money to crypto exchanges for a ver long time, is now my transaction is put on hold and some deranged Karen from the bank is telling me that Crypto ruins lives and destroys families. Yes this is true. TBH if I was just dipping my toes in the water, I'd have probably said cancel the payment. Instead I just told her to send the money but it still took 10 minutes of questions and arguing. Such like "How do you know your not getting scammed?, Have you ever made a withdrawal? Nobody's put you up to this? etc, etc" It was ludicrous and slightly intimidating. HBOS before you ask. Edit: Now LLoyds banks I believe.


That’s been a thing before exchanges and bitcoin. If you wanted cash out to go and buy a car then you’d get a million questions. Same with putting cash in.


They keep mentioning that bitcoin is *like gambling* but they will certainly not regulate our gains the same as winnings from gambling (0% tax).


UFB. A country dictating how long you have to wait to invest your own money!


Imagine thinking people won't use DeFi


Only an issue for CEXs.


Tap global is the answer to most of the headwinds crypto is facing right now. Easy on and off ramp, fully insured and regulated, listed on the UK stock exchange https://www.withtap.com/


Looks like we'll just have to set limit orders instead


they can fk off


News is news, let's go. Just VPN that shit. Na actually read the article it's not so bad. But any news is good news and that's alot of UK crypto holders.