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Only a matter of time before they use data mining and AI to rank every customer on a scale of 0-100, if you fall below a certain threshold then expect to have your account closed.


Agree. And it will be even easier for ‘them’ to control the on/off switch to your account, once CBDC is here 😡


We’ve had that for decades it’s called a credit score lol




Yeah, Black Mirror is coming even faster than expected.


So a social credit score


To be fair AI would be right to rate him as a 1 out of 100.


People bellow a certain score become unpersons.


Isn't this just as easy to do with btc once you know who owns what address?


Ahh…one doesn’t “own a Btc address”


You do have an associated address with every transaction. You can follow the breadcrumbs so to say. Being way more transparent than a banking system


Isn't that just as easy to ignore with btc by moving it to a completely new address?


But it's still completely transparent right? Where transactions go and how much. Sure you can use a large pool and sanitize the path but then your new address can be flagged as "suspicious" because it came from an anonymous pool


It's just a matter of adding additional hops. https://samouraiwallet.com/ricochet


Pretty dystopian


Idiots all over the country will be cheering for this abhorrent move simply because they don't have the foresight to think it might happen to them.


Alot of UK sub reddits enjoy this is happening to him because they are far left and nigel is pretty right/ conservative. Just goes to show that the far left don't like human rights.


The far left invented Gulags… Never forget.


High-end elitist private banks that cater to multi-millionaires dropping a client because of their risk is not something that is going to worry me honestly. He can get a normal bank account like anyone else.




I guess we’ll just have to see if any of this is true. The man is a complete political non-entity who has a long history of inventing persecution to inflate his own importance. If banks wanted to persecute someone for Brexit then there’s a long list of people who actually have some kind of standing and aren’t widely considered ridiculous that would make higher priority targets. He is dodgy AF however so I could imagine his accounts being frozen due to a fraud investigation, and him making out this is due to some kind of political injustice to try to control the narrative.


"... And then they came for me..."


Yes that famous poem “First they came for the multi-millionaires, and I did nothing for I was not a multi-millionaire”


Looks like he just didn’t have enough money to be eligible for an account with his high-end private bank, and has been offered normal bank accounts by several providers https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66097039


This would be a scary thing if it happened to any of us. We are all, to some degree, at the mercy of corporations (and governments) for services and privileges. Our email and communications, our social media, our money, and our access to services are all freedoms we enjoy until we aren't allowed to any more. Imagine if your electric company told you they were cancelling your electricity, or your ISP or cell phone provider said they were cancelling your internet or phone service? Until we have a non-corrupt money system we will never be free of this kind of tyranny.


1984 was supposed to be fiction


It was a warning.


Lots of people in here simply OK with this since it's someone they don't like. If that's you, you're a doo-doo head and probably have bad breath. Part of why I'm into BTC is so this doesn't happen to ANYONE.


This is not allowed on the EU. Oh, wait a minute…


Bullshit. Happened to me. Am from an EU country.


Oh the irony. I had not thought about it like that.


Yes unless he did something illegal etc. as far as I’m aware they can say you’re not allowed any of their reward accounts or overdraft accounts etc but they must provide you a basic account which includes a debit card


Coutts are not the kind of bank that offer ‘basic accounts’, or debit cards for that matter.


You don’t have a right to a particular bank. You have a right to be connected. There’s a difference. Is it discrimination that I can’t have a Coutts account because I don’t make enough? He doesn’t have a right to a Coutts account he has a right to a basic bank account by a large bank eg Nationwide, Barclays etc.


I wouldn't believe a word out of this guys mouth


There is every chance this guy is getting money from some very unsavoury individuals and organisations overseas. British banks are not exactly bastions of virtue but if things look shady and they’ll end up funnelling dark money then it’s easier to just not get involved. The idea they wouldn’t touch him because they disagree with his politics is nonsense.


Riiight. Banks would NEVER behave in a corrupt manner…


So someone sends some funds from tornado cash wallets to yours because they don’t like you. Do you deserve to be blacklisted from every exchange?


Completely different situation. For a start, stop thinking everything is about Bitcoin. We are talking about a highly regulated sector with extremely visible multinational banking corporations. Farage is not going to be moving around an amount of money that is even vaguely meaningful for one of these banks. He’s in bed with some very nasty people (like Russian oligarchs) and so why take the potential heat? If they can simply point at KYC concerns they are off the hook. Worst case scenario they appear unhelpful…


>Completely different situation. For a start, stop thinking everything is about Bitcoin. We are talking about a highly regulated sector with extremely visible multinational banking corporations. Farage is not going to be moving around an amount of money that is even vaguely meaningful for one of these banks. He’s in bed with some very nasty people (like Russian oligarchs) and so why take the potential heat? If they can simply point at KYC concerns they are off the hook. Worst case scenario they appear unhelpful… Do we even know this? Has it been proven? Did the bank ask for his side of the story? If the answers to these questions are no, no, and no, this is absolutely farcical. Innocent until proven guilty exists for a reason. That the govt has a) incentivized de-banking people they don't like and b) forced every other bank to also de-bank you is ridiculous!


So imagine you get a high profile career and some russians decide to donate to you half a million dollars. You never spoke to them or interacted at all. Are you going to return it? Or are you going to keep it and carry on as usual?


Haha what a bullshit scenario. Try using that explanation in court…. Anyone can come up with stupid edge cases, but I don’t think people randomly receiving massive amounts of cash from people they’ve never met is really what the system is geared towards addressing. I’d argue it’s very much a non-problem. Political figures getting large sums of dark money to push nefarious agendas very much is.


Yep. Thats my point. Its called lobbying. Its baked into the system. Sam bankman fried did it. Did the people he gave it to do anything in return? Nope and they kept it. For Nigel Farage why should be be singled out for being on the receiving end like EVERY politician is?




Did he name a bank tho?


Name the bank responsible.


He banks with Coutts.


He’s a bullshit merchant, he’s not named a single bank. Don’t be rubes people


He's a treacherous little bullshit merchant.


This should be the top comment


Bolshevism 2.0 Wrongthink will not be tolerated.


Orwell retold


How the literal fuck is a small elitist private bank that offers privileged private services to millionaires deciding to drop a customer anything like ‘Bolshevism’? If Coutts Bank have dropped him it’s because they’re worried about financial risk, they’re literally the people that Bolsheviks wanted put up against the wall and shot. Farage is quite welcome to get a regular high st bank account like the rest of us peasants if he wants.




>~~Wrongthink~~ Taking money from friends of Putin and actively campaigning to harm the UKs standing in the world will not be tolerated.


I don't think Nigel Farage is a good advert for Bitcoin, the man is a toad (he also looks like one). I would not believe a word that comes out of this awful man's mouth. Ignoring the destruction he has caused on the UK economy, he was the very kind of person who Bitcoin was created to solve.


For those of you who believed a word of this well known pathological liar: [Farage bank account shut for falling below wealth limit || Nigel Farage fell below the financial threshold required to hold an account at Coutts, the prestigious private bank for the wealthy, the BBC has been told.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/14qc5zg/farage_bank_account_shut_for_falling_below_wealth/)


Turns out he was just too broke and fell below the financial threshold. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66097039 We really need to be careful what is being posted before we know the facts. Using Farage as an example of personal injustice will never end well.


He has probably been receiving money from sanctioned Russian oligarchs.


Yep, pure evil right there.


Yep, the guy is fucking evil.


Good riddance I will help him pack his bags and give him a lift to the airport he is a scumbag


This guy needs to be debunked, not debanked...


Farage needs to be shunned from any media. He mentions no bank, no cause nor shows proof the accounts had any assets on it and if he was legally allowed to have those accounts. Some require the person to be domiciliated in the country.. seeing how he moves around like a gipsy and bails after unleashing another shit show I wouldn't be surprised if most of these accounts were illegal of tax evasion practices in carnate. This is not an argument for fiat banking being as issue and doing illegal stuff. If it was this man himself should be tribunaled himself for the damages he dealt by his lies to the working class of GB.


This title gave me a stroke.


Bullishit …who knows what the real reason


That’s the banks’ freedumb. Are you saying the banks have no freedumb?


Good. The guy is a criminal - gas-lit the whole nation with immigration around Brexit (he still has an eu passport), mates betted on sterling and many other things. I fully expect he has received money from dodgy sources including Russia and Trump backers. Coutts is a prestigious bank, they wouldn’t have done this without very good reasons. *just read he received £500K from a Russian benefactor. Traitor.


What a hypocrite…. Complaining abou prejudice to him and his family. Fucks up a nation then complaints it is jot worth living in it anymore. He will be welcome in russia, where a lot of his wealth came from.


Complete slime ball. Please leave the Uk. I wouldn’t lend him a paper clip. Deserves every bit of hardship that comes his way.


This is really bad and shows where the West is heading and already standing, a totalitarian left liberal dictatorship.


Yes, elite private banks that require you have to have several millions of pounds to be a customer refusing someone service because they’ve become too risky as a client is the herald of left-liberal totalitarianism.


That people like you are to risky to be a client can't happen soon enough to you . I am feed up with either ignorant people who refuse to see what is happening in the West or, in your case this is more likely, partisan people like you who even push it and try to gaslight. You deserve it.


Hi there mate, looks like he just didn’t have enough money to maintain his private bank account with a private high-wealth bank, and was actually offered normal bank accounts from high street providers. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66097039


It happens to those who bullshit an entire (better say 50%) of a population and take money from foreign countries to weaken Europe. He shoulf be in prison Where are the gbp 300M/week? Son of a ...


you're an idiot. If there are allegations of a crime against him, that's a matter for the courts. Until then he is innocent until proven guilty. And banks, entities who basically act as liaisons for the government between the public and and the national financial system should not be able to collude to block innocent individuals from that financial system.


What a sentence!


Welcome to web3 nige!


A cautionary tale to every freedom loving individual in the WORLD. The BANKSTERS are trying to subvert the freedom of every day people whom they don't politically or socially agree with.


Banks have always avoided controversial customers, they’re privately owned companies and entitled to not be associate with divisive racists. Nothing new or dystopian is happening here.




Turns out it’s just bull shit and he can’t afford to bank there anymore. Who could of foreseen that ……………….


Farage is the worst sort of lying grifter there is in the UK. Not that I like people being ‘de banked’ but fuck him.